Sunday, October 28, 2007


my silly little spastic retarded bully! :D haha i lovelovelove you my childhood buddy. i remember when we were young, i always went to your house to play with barbie dolls and polly pocket :D and mess up your entire room til your mum came in and scold us. and we would gang up and bully your bro once in awhile. haha. and then i'll be playing with your hamsters.

you are such a retarded person. haha that's why retards have fun together! which is one reason why i love you so much :D haha i still remember somewhere this year we went to occ together. and we were playing maple and gorging on chips :D haha omg that was damn spastic. and we were telling each other the most spastic things! haha.

and now here you are, calling me BHB alotalotalot of times ): haha LOL. and we both lovelove longans! remember our date, to go shopping. and act like super posh bitches, pretending that we own the whole world:D then the shop people will have to help us cause we're oh so posh xD haha. omg if they actually believe us it will be damn funny.

haha kelly goh! i known you since we were babies kicking around, and we still are good friends! yaye LOVE YOU. one day, we shall go to each other's house, and relive old memories. especially at your house, where i used to stay ): haha. then i'll be making fun of your chewchilla! :D haha.

our perception that it will chew your entire house, and then you will bring it over, and that it'll chew mine! then we'll go set it free in your bro's room :D haha. then chewchewchew. haha zongyang, if you see this, haha don't come after me!

OKAY SEE I SO NICE, I DEDICATED ONE POST JUST FOR YOU♥ you owe me something. haha kidding! (: love you my fellow kezel hally longan spazzy! good luck to you and *AHEM*

LINGLI; DADDY:D ILOVEYOU TOO! we shall still obsess over the childcare kids together yeah? lovelove you!(:
LAUREN; EH WHAT PIG LOR. haha loveyou my food, book and ss buddy!:D
NATALIE; haha loveyou! what silly hamster):
SIEWJIA; haha yeah okay i will!:D
ALLEN; haha yeah okay i know! and i will.
JEDIDAH; haha ILOVEYOU too! my bsb partnerrr:) btw, i got your present with me. haha :D pass it to you on tuesday!
CHLOE; haha i still got the sunflowerr!(: but i think it's wilting): eh what who too. idiot man you chloe. haha.
KELLY; haha yeah man. silly longans are the hooliest:D yaye loveyou!

♥ Fall back into my life

10:03 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, October 27, 2007



thankyou guys so much for everything!♥


my super unglam shot :D

AMELIA; haha dogs can sneeze meh! iloveyou too!♥ we'll still meet up and everything(:

♥ Can't let you go, you're everything to me

1:26 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, October 26, 2007

the busy week's finally over :D and i so need my sleeeeeeeep.

business @school programme held @xinmin sec. the presentations were damn cool lor. it's like so cheem, and they are really very clear. the food was superduper yummy:D xifan was there with me. xinmin was also having open house on that day. didn't see nickho or nelson anywhere. didn't bother to sms them either cause my free sms was running low.

xinmin looks like sc now -.- as in like, all the stuff. the coffee shop tables, the cca banners, cafe tables, swings and stuff. then i saw this ncc guy turning the rifle, make me so envious! i want to turn the rifle too! ): he makes it seem so bloody easy :\ and here we are, dropping rifles. haha.

after business @school, i waited for olivia loo @school lobby for like more than half an hour, til i was the only one left in school -.- we went to my house to run. we took the trail along tree top walk and ran to macritchie. the trail was superduper bumpy and hilly. so tiring :\ the total walk/run there was about 11km. and we took the main road back which was about 2.5km. total time taken, 1hour and 50mins. which is good, i guess. haha

@macritchie, olivia loo got chased by a monkey:D haha she was taking video of a monkey and the other went to chase her. haha so funny! and i didn't know we could kayak at macritchie:\ haha. i wanna go there and kayak! (: and i didn't know monkeys could swim. the last time i saw one in the water, it nearly drowned -.-

great eastern run! sc had its own tentage:D coolios. it was yellow and green, duh:D and everyone had to put on yellow and green ribbons on our hairrrr xD then the fastest for 10km was some kenya runner. 33mins. zomg lahzxzx. so bloody fast okay! it's like i die also won't achieve that speed :\ haha.

then my timing for 5km was 37mins 21secs i think. ran together with shanice and olivia, then we somehow lost olivia. then @the 4km point, jillian joined us. haha :D after the run, went home to bathe and change. met olivia at j8 to go eat lunch:D ate alot @ge there also cause they had tons of free food. and i did a good deed! i gave a little girl my balloon:D see i'm so nice. LOL.

anger management course! i managed to persuade huiying to come school! so that i won't be alone for anger:D cause i know kat and aleena both confirm pon school, and i didn't want to be loner(: in exchange for her coming to school, i owed her a pack of ruffles. :D

in the end, valmok, alyssa, khoonting, ashley and thisbe were in anger too! haha. me and huiying grouped with alyssa and michelle! haha we were damn spastic and laughing alot :D
"Bananas In Pyjamas!"
"Strawberry! Apple!"
"MRTs are bad influence! They say so many bad words" :O
"YEAH, they go 'Doors Closing, toot toot toot' "

well, if you don't find some of them funny, you actually have to be there to laugh along. alyssa is Emo Fringe 1, i'm Emo Fringe 2, michelle is Happy Fringe 1 and huiying's Happy Fringe 2 :D we have the cool fringes(: yaye us!

then we watched Anger Management as well. and the instructor stopped it halfway to make us walk around the school track with our bags -.- LOL. everything finished at 5plus, which was superduper late.

you guys are officially fourteeeeennnnnn! (eh ximian, i got wish you too on my blog!)

total defence lecture! omg so scary lorzxzx:\ i was like, so nervous, and my speech was damn screwed. i kept pronouncing words wrongly. haha LOLLLL. but it was kind of fun. HAHA I DON'T KNOW :D

orienteering prac was doing mapwork. haha first time i got so high okay! 1 wrong only okay! haha hazel has improved! :D

orienteering! :\ we left school early and reached hq like at 12plus. lauren was reserve so she went to the theatre with 5 apples and 5 kaya sandwiches :D from all of us. haha and i heard she was trying to juggle 'em. LOL.

we finished 5 checkpoints in 46mins and 5secs :D and we got fourthhhh ): missed by abit! so sad manzxzx. last year top 5 got medal, this year only top 3. wahpiang, if not we got medal already lor! ): sad man. then it's like my tuition friends from ncc one all got medal! so annoying. we were all split into 6 teams. every team got 1st, 2nd, 3rd. and we were fourthh for ours. but it's good lah i guess. rg got 1st and 2nd ): cause they had three teams, so it kinds of increase their chance of winning. if they had one team we would have gotten the oh so lovely medal. haha.

went to j8 yoshi to eat with lauren, qiying and violet. when we all left, kai just reached -.- who ask you so slow! haha. reached home about 8plus. and was still superduper hungry. LOL.

imt! haha omg my imt was shit lor. i got 1/20 for the stupid snapshot and the other one. out of the two canadian bull rounds, i passed one round:\ chloe and valmok passed the upon 20 one. pro man. me, joanna and kim got 1. haha hi5 joanna! :D kim newbie, so it's okay! (: my assistant was some dumb partA, and he couldn't help. sir ended up lecturing him. haha.

snapshot was so scary:\ and the targets looked like ANTS. i had to squintsquintsquint. and i didn't dare to put down my rifle cause i was scared that i might IA ): so heavy and i got backache after that from proning. guess i'm just lousy ):


LAST DAY IN SC ): i'm gonna miss everyone tons! 2grace'07 is totally the love♥ thank you to valen, xifan, amanda and kat for the food, valen for the card and xifan for the cd(: ILOVEYOUGUYS♥ i'm gonna miss everyone so much

the fun times we had, the spastic times we shared, the sad times we cried together, and the angry times we cursed at. and scncc!♥ omg i'm gonna miss everyone so much. thankyou to valen, xifan, kat, estherlyn, jedidah, zhao and jasmine for putting up that surprise thing for me!(: i was wondering why you guys were rushing me so much lol! haha:D xifan cry and sing very funny:D haha. everyone cried): i promise promise i'll come back. don't worry kai, we love you too!♥ i'll come back with kai next year to visit okay?(:

all the songs we played, When You're Gone, Say Goodbye, Apologize and others. good luck to everyone with your studies next year man:D i'm gonna miss 2gr being together, getting oh so many demerits:D HAHA. we got like 99demerits in total for the first term, which was coolios. hee&cheong didn't check for us our total demerits today!): i bet it's like 200 or 300 over! haha. and my dear partner aleena! haha you early release! oh well, it's been fun being seating partners with you for one entire year. :D to think i was kind of scared to be seating beside you. but after that i found out, you were just some really spastic person :D HAHA. i still remember your popiah incident okay!

and during the deepavali performance, i got sabo-ed on stage! but i pulled kat, valen, xifan and jed along with me :D and stupid valen, xifan and jed hid behind the curtains tsk! how could you! sabo me and then go hide there! tsktsk.


after school, went with kai and kat to cine for awhile. kat went to pierce on top, and we took neos! then after that went home(: kai at first wanted to come over, but she decided to go collect her specs instead. haha LOLLLL.

(in alphbetical order starting with badsociety&then 2grace, and ic order for scncc) ;
Aleena, Amanda, Amelia, Charlotte, Estherlyn, Gladys, Jasmine, Jedidah, Katrina, Lingli, Stephanie, Valentina, Xifan,
Abigail, Danielle, Gloria, Huiying, Jacklyn, Lyn, Violet,
Siewjia, Valerie, Kimberley, Carolyn, Adelia, Lauren, Qiying, Chloe, Joanna, Natalie and Xinyuan.
ILOVEYOUALL♥ your smiles are always there to get me through the day, and make everything okay again

THEODORE; well you're un-grounded now right? haha
KAILIN; yesyes! let's go sentosa again! :D haha yes you owe me money!
OLIVIA; haha dumby! here's the tagboard yo:)
VIOLET; haha yeah(: we shall try and get medal next year!(:
NATALIE; yes i will! (: i will definitely come back:D
ALLEN; hello! blee your head lah you!

♥ There's never a good time to say goodbye.

7:25 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, October 19, 2007


today had ncc! it's like my last time being ic :\ and i totally screwed. i forgot like a lot of commands. and i pronounce Part B as Part Blee. wth! haha. i'm gonna miss everybody man! :) but i'm still coming back for ncc stuff :D invite me to ac in sec four, like you guys promised! all the ncos became ssg today. haha coolios, we have 6 ssg:) platoon interaction was partly adelia and her sick jokes again.

i think, that the plot line for Midsummer's Night Dream is totally dumb. what this like here that like there, so confusing! haha. and the characters are real, uh. :D sec ones from the art of speech put up four plays. i didn't get ALL of them but oh well. haha LOL.

busy schedule ahead of me! :\
20 October, Saturday ; Business @School
21 October, Sunday ; Great Eastern 5km Run
22 October, Monday ; School Enrichment (until 4pm. zzz)
23 October, Tuesday ; Total Defence Lecture to Part As, Orienteering Practice
24 October, Wednesday ; Orienteering Competition
25 October, Thursday ; IMT

get to leave class early for Orienteering Comp. and IMT. let's wish scncc the best of luck and that we come in tops :D yaye! okay i'm superduper tired now. i shall attempt to finish up my td lecture slides tomorrow. i'm barely halfway through. :\ that is if, jasmine doesn't hog the laptop tomorrow when i come back home. rawr.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JASS. the twerp who forgot all about my birthday when i remembered his. tsktsk :D

THEODORE; haha sad case man you! go argue it out with her lor, maybe she'll think through? haha go to her, and state 5 reason Why-I-Should-Not-Be-Grounded-Anymore. haha when are you grounded til? [Oo]
ELIZABETHLIEN; haha yeah okay, when i'm unlazy to link people :D

♥ I'll be here when there's no one listening

10:46 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


haha saturday went to watch poc3 with katrina @sicc. that stupid girl thought i haven't watched it yet, when i already did. in the movie, it was damn bloody cold. and we sneaked in two chocolate muffins and a brownie :D then cause there was nobody sitting in front of us. then i had this urge to put my legs on the seat in front. katrina was like "yeah same here. aiyah you put then i put." stupid girl, relies on me to lead her along.

in the end halfway through the movie, i put my legs up. then katrina was laughing it me. -___- she's such a retard :D we were laughing throughout the movie, and surprisingly, katrina didn't sleep :O HAHAHA. i put up my hood and katrina was saying i looked very boy. haha whatever! i don't okay.(: haha then after the entire movie ended, my butt hurt like don't know what shit :\ then we went to see the kids' toilet.

OMG THE KID'S TOILETBOWL IS DAMN BLOODY SMALLLLLLLL :D it's was so freaking cute lah. the proportion was like, HAHA SO SMALL. :D no we're not paedophiles. even kristal's kindergarden the toilet bowls are like, BIGGER. and i still love the stone crabs in poc3 :D so adorable. haha.

tuesday had progressionist. then went with xifan to j8 as per normal and ate @yoshi. haha lauren, we still have a yoshi/pepper lunch trip to go for! then gerald tan and theodore met us there. haha. me and xifan was competing who could finish the food the slowest cause we had super loads of time. i told xifan that towards the end, confirm she would ask me to finish her drink for her. she was like "no no no lor!" yeah right, at the end, i had to finish it for her. zzz.

then my mum happened to be @j8 so had to go look for her. stupid guys wanted to sabo me. when i was walking out of the restaurant that my mum was in, they walked in. sheesh. then outside they were like "HAZEL" loud loud. wth go die man. then went to see kristal :D brought her to buy something to eat. then she took two yamyam, and said "one for this jiejie (xifan)". haha LOL. but like real i would buy it for xifan xD then siti had her stupid thinkings again. rawrr.

teo didn't kill me when he found out my results :D :D :D i'm like the lowest scorer for science in my entire tuition class :\ now just to hope ong doesn't ban me from eating (: left early for tll. met gerald @j8 taxi stand. haha sorry for spoiling your "date" man :D i was bloody drenched thanks to the rain, cause i left my umbrella @tuition. rawr so annoying.

yesterday we watched She's The Man during school :D it's like a parallel to twelfth night apparently. haha. the lit book the sec ones are doing next year i think. someone actually cried. like uh come on, it's not THAT touching, like *coughs*. abby's last day in school.


then today got booked for nails. rawr. sixteen demerits. second detention :\ oh well. school's ending anyway! we're going to have our chalet afterall! if we book it that is. HAHA. cause there's space :D YAYE. watched Whale Rider. it was uhm, not as interesting as She's The Man, duh :D not fairrrr, 2se got to go to the ZOO ): i wanna go too! it's been long since i went there. someone go with me to the zoo yaye :D my partner is finally willing to come back to school (:

sushi trip today cancelled ): tomorrow got ncc! i think my stamina is like %&$%#& shit now. didn't get to go running today cause it bloody rained. freak man, i was planning on exploring the bungalow areas. oh well, saturday then! great eastern and orienteering coming soon :\ wish scncc good luck for orienteering :D YAYE US.


JEDIDAH; haha still, it's technically ah, wrong to call her auntie :D haha the teacher was pointing you two out lor! where are you! disappear from school so long. someone wants to give you your birthday present :D
TANHUIYING; HELLO OPPA :D or should i say, opaa :D HAHA LOL. i'm not ego okay, i'm damn modest :D haha nah you love me more than i love you! :D YAYE.
JASMINEGOH; yeah okay whatever (:
VIOLET; cockroach your HEAD lah you. you and your new stuff ):
THEODORE; hello! (:
VIOLET; BIGGER THAN YOURS AT LEAST :D yours the typing that box so small i can't see what i'm typing. mine at least can lor. unless your eyes got problemmm :D

♥ Crashed and burned.

5:18 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, October 12, 2007

here's a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to michelle teo :D who unfortunately, i can't find any photos of spastic her in my com. there's a few in my phone *coughs* but stupid usb cable cant connect :/ and thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday :D

tuesday we got back two results, science and geog. my science totally sucks. after school, went with valen, xifan, zhao, jasmine, estherlyn, amelia and chelsea to kap. everybody quickly grabbed a seat, and valen got the holey seat :D mwahah. then amelia saw her 'best friend' and went with estherlyn to go wave at her :D it was damn funny lah!

after eating we went to the toilet. it's like suddenly got 8 sc girls crowd around in the toilet. then we were blocking peoples' way when we wasn't even in the toilet for a good reason. haha. estherlyn and amelia went to take photos with the "welcome to my party thing", and amelia is in love with ronald mcdonald :O

then we went to cold storage. valen was like leading us on a tour. HAHA. then looked for bubbles! managed to find two packets. the cold storage person was kind of unhelpful. first she said she would help us look, then when she couldn't find it, she tried to ignore us. like wth? just tell us that she can't find lorr. tsktsk.

zhao, jasmine, estherlyn and chelsea went over to amelia's house to watch csi. me, valen and xifan went to choa chu kang park to play with bubbles :D we were jumping around the place, and having so much fun :D it's like reliving childhood days, where we could have no cares. kind of because we wanted to get away from school and stuff. annoying results:/ then we went to buy more bubbles and sparklers as well! we went over to valen's house the playground there. there was this bunch of primary school kids.

we started to play with the bubbles and sparklers. then the primary school kids were like "yah, they secondary school somemore eh" obviously they were thinking that we were very childish. i think they no life lah :D then we played until 6+. valen walked us to the busstop. me and xifan took bus to the interchange. then i had to take mrt to novena. the mrt was damn bloody slow lah :/ i was falling asleep on the mrt. when reached tuition, i was superduper tired.

thenthen wednesday! more results. and they are like shit lor. after school, went to serene with chloe, bala and violet. we were like reliving last year ncc memories and talking about stuff. then after that, this stmargs girl told chloe and bala, when they were at the toilet that this guy behind us was like, taking photos of them. eww stalker despo. haha. then kailin came and we talked about more last year memories :D

when i reached home, went to playground with my sisters. there was this veryveryvery cute scene between these two kids. the boy, ethan, was like "SUMMER!" when summer came into the playground. he started running towards her. then summer was like "ETHAN!" and went running to him. and they stopped just in front of each other. zomg SO CUTE. damn adorable. it's like a classical romance(: everyone at the playground was laughing. i think the small kids are so cute. elliot is damn cute lah omg. he was like "look worm!" :D watching kids play really cheers me up, like alot alot.

then yesterday, thursday, got back lit result. lit was okay, compared to science and history, which totally sucks D: stoned in school, cause there was absolutely nothing to do. got early release cause wasn't feeling too well. didn't go kap with 2gr clique.

went home, used com, sleep abit, and stoned. then until 5 plus started to prepare for gerald tan's party. met xifan and ximian at coro at 5plusplus. then their friend came to walk us in. his house, is very very very very very far in :/ and his house is superduper "small" :) "smaller" than mine and xifan's. haha wth. then ximian was telling about this incident that her friend told her about gerald. we were laughing all the way in. afterwards, she blamed me for making her cheeks hurt ): EVIL.

when we entered the house, the guys started to attack with water bombs. we ran out of the house, til gerald's father scolded him :D mwahah. i ate super little, now come to think of it :X i was like starving at home in the night man. haha. then there was these three other girls, two fairfield, one mgs. his bunny... looks like a dog. seriously. HAHA. but bunnies are cute. reminds me of spazzy bunny xD

after that we went to play truth and dare. one guy got dared to kiss gerald, and he did :D haha everyone was laughing their heads off. didn't manage to catch a shot of it though. HAHA. it's like when he was about to kiss, then everyone took out their cameras. then after that, gerald got a dare. he had to pole dance with the light :D he, looked like a caterpillar -___- ximian got dared to write a love letter to joshua quek. well, kinda they write she sign. and she signed "ihatemushrooms" HAHAHAH.

after that we played ice and melt. after that, ximian and i compete who can jump higher, which obviously she could. rawr. demoralise me. ximian is EVILLLLLL. everyone walked out like 9+. dad was waiting for me @crown cause he didn't know how to get to coro, when they were like, next to each other, with some centre and shell between them. -___-

todaytoday! we did limbo in school. haha so fun. then zhao and valen were the "last ones standing" :D then they tried to limbo and the thing was damn bloody low! after that we played truth and dare. valen got the first dare; to kiss three people in class. we were all laughing our heads off. she kissed xifan, gloria and abby. HAHA. then the next dare was charlotte. she had to pole dance in front of the class for 30secs. but she kept laughing halfway. then it was amanda who got the next dare. she had to kind of, seduce nicole lee :D with 8 sexy poses. HAHAHA. we were all laughing our heads off. then we had to business @school talk. i was super tired so i was like, falling asleep :/

then during recess there was like the book fair. there is this book called Shylock's Daughter. so cool lah! it's like MOV, from Jessica's point of view. then after that during class, jedidah wanted to call laoshi. then she was like "LAOSHI LAOSHI AUNTIE! LAOSHI" haha we laughed like crazy lah. she actually called laoshi auntie. but it was accidental. HAHAH. we had a survey after that. then the teacher went to stand next to valen cause we were like kind of saying out our answers and stuff.

school over, went with xifan to serene. i saw the despo stalker that was supposedly taking photos of bala and chloe again. it's like so whatever man. we went back to school as there was supposed to be training for the greateastern run. and it started to rain, rawr. so xifan went to play netball with her teammates and i went to the library first. then i decided that the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon so i went home while the rain was still not-so-heavy. :D when i got off the bus, it poured like don't know what lor. zzz.

yay katrina coming over tomorrow. first, to do prego. then after that, we're going to sicc to catch poc3. it's my second time but oh well! :D haha i wanna going swimminggg :/

EUNICEGOH; haha okay! hope to see you on 132 again :D
ESTHERLYN; okayokay. :)
SIEWJIA; green, is good for your eyes :D and green's a nice colour okay!
AMANDAGOH; okay no problemmmm.
KAILIN; eeyerr! redraw the design? do you still remember it? i thought you have it in your thumbdrive or something :D haha i want to make the shirtttt :) GREEN IS LOVELY
AMANDAGOH; haha aiyo, why you forever changing blog url one! it's okay man :D

I'm so sorry but I love you

4:37 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, October 05, 2007


today katrina came over at like 11plus. but went to drop kristal off at kindergarden first :D she didnt want to go to school lorr. when we went to bring her to the class, they were playing Grease's Summer Nights :D then i was smsing violet at that time & i told her. she replied "haha see how educational school is" the kids are ADORABLE.

then after that went home. then we went to j8 with my mum. she drove us there, then we split. in the car, my mum was asking us what name should be changed for kristal's and jasmine's. cause some fortune thing said their names should be more water-based. then i was like, let's call jasmine aqua :D my mum was laughing, cause it was so agua-ish. haha wth! then at j8, i bought more earrings! spent like $14. we went to buy subway cookies and eat haagen daz. i want the minitoons black ring! and this nicenice black earring that matches the ring at x-craft. :D the ring and earring is both 7bucks each. I WANT. zomg i wanna go on a shopping spree! then @x-craft the lady was telling us about belly piercing. they do at fareast! for like 50+. quite cheap considered to the other one we asked.

after that we went to pick kristal together. she was like, practically sticking to kat lor. haha. then we went to thomson plaza cause kristal was pestering us to go there. haha. we went to there to walk around and mum ordered my cakeee. haha. thenthen, after that we went home for awhile before we went to pick jasmine. then on the car, kristal was telling kat "i want you now, i want you" kat was saying that it sounded very wrong. HAHAHAH. i think it was damn funny. then cause jasmine took super long to come out, so my mum drove me and kat to j8 mrt first.

we took mrt to orcharddd. :D then we went to taka, to get our HOODIES!♥ i want this super nice collar black shirt from fox. it's SUPERDUPER nice:D katrina wants it too! the front is plain, but the back is damn nice. then i bought a brown hoodie and kat bought a white one. I LOVE MINE:D but the guilt's coming. that i spent so much money:/ SIGH. but i lovelove it so much. katrina says i look more boyish with it. haha whatever. it's nice lor. then we walked to fareast to buy earrings again. haha. i spent so much today lah! i feel guiltyy ):

then after that kat made me walk with her to shaw there, when the busstop was opposite fareast. today was fun ^^ BUT i spent so much! ): guiltguiltguilt. i'll just enjoy for now. zomg i lovelove my hooooodie! :D YAY.

next week i wanna go arcade! who wanna come with me :D but not thursday. thursday i'm going out with 2gr clique to kap (: YAY. and lauren! we still havent gone for pepperlunch! which we were supposed to go TODAY. but now i'm kinda glad we didnt, if not i couldnt have gotten my lovely brown hoodie! :D


How far we've come

5:57 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


mwahah to all those people who are still mugging, TOUGH LUCK. dontcha wish you were in sc, that's why you can slack now:) hehe. but we endured through the same exams, it's just that we started earlier, like last thursday.

today after english exam, suddenly valen backed out of going to sicc with us ): so ended up with me and kat only! no we're not loners. went to wisma with kat, violet and kailin. we went to eat yoshi first cause there were like, no stalls opened. ate my usual teriyaki chicken. then went over the mos burger to buy corn soup. haha kat said that it was damn shiok. haha it's lovellaaayye. hazel got good taste! then mokkie came over to join us. :D

then we went to look for HOODIES! :D fox has a few super nice hoodies! wanna go there buy! pull&bear didnt have nice ones ): wisma the bits&pieces closed down. we were like "eh where is it?" yet couldnt find. rawr.

so we walked to fareast :D haha. we went to pierce ears! whoosh. violet and me got two more, kat and kailin got one more. so now i got five!♥ mokkie wanted to pierce, but her dad didnt allow. her mum allow though. haha. then mokkie said when they pierce, the sound very scary. HAHA. wth! i spent like 13bucks on earrings, 8bucks on the piercing.

after piercing&buying, me and kat went to sicc! we took bus to crown, then walked to serene to take taxi. if not take from orchard like how expensive. i owe katrina money for cabfare:/ haha. we went to the gym. we both ran for 30mins. i was like sweating like dontknow what already lor. until my earpiece was dropping out of my ear cause it was so wet. it was like at 20mins, "hazel! 10 more mins only, you can do it" cause the thing had timer. it would auto stop at 30. katrina told me she wanted to give up, but she said i made it looked so easy. HAHA WTH? i wanted to stop also lor, but i see her continue so i continued. hah.

after the gym, we went to change to swimsuits and go swim! haha there was like this two guys at the pool. then one of the guys was like white&nerdy haha that song! :D the other guy had nice bod, but ugly face and smokes. dont understand why people smoke, especially teens. it's like so, ew. haha i tried to dunk kat and she tried to dunk me. and we had those stupid kiddish stuff.

then after that we went to change cause we were super hungry and there was like half an hour til before kat's dad came. then we went over to buy food. i bought a brownie and hotdog thang. kat bought a eclair. haha. then we were at the poolside eating. my bag was damn bloody hot. then so freaky. gerald tan called me saying "are you at the poolside" then i was like huh! i knew he might be going sicc, but i didnt see him there, at least anywhere near the poolside. we were like, looking around and couldnt see anyone. kat was like "omg so freaky, where is he!"

then after when we were waiting for kat's dad, then we saw gerald walking from the squashcourts area. i was like "WTH?" then he stopped like very shocked like that -___- stupid guy. then kat's dad fetched me home :D

now the interest in piercings are like, temporarily gone. but then i think i'll want to pierce more in a few days. haha. wth. oh oh @yoshi, violet told us about this girl going to hospital cause of her belly piercing. haha but somehow, me and kat still wanna get. kat siao lor, she say next year JUNE, when we agreed december. see the 6months diff? haha.

kat's coming over tomorrow and then we go out :D yay! we're gonna check out j8 for hoodies and clothes. but i have no money): mokkie and olivia might join us. whooosh. haha. but kat's coming over like 8plus in the morning:/ wake me up of my beauty sleep!

Cross your heart and hope to die

7:03 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

EXAMS ARE UNOFFICIALLY OVER:D well, it's unofficially mainly because there is still english tomorrow, but who in the world studies for english! it's like an un-studyable subject. yes i know there's no such word, whatever! :D

we can start partying like mad people already sc sectwos!:D the exams are over, the worst is over. today was math! it was kinda screwed, considering that section B was easier as compared to section A, but oh well, it's OVER i'm not gonna think about it anymore, okay maybe until tuesday when we get back our results:/ hope i do well! if not i'm gonna get whacked ): sigh.

party like a rockstar

i thought math would be worst, so maybe it was kinda below what i expected. i expected it to be harder, trickier and tougher, and perhaps even a lot worst than our previous test, which was totally killer, until the fact that 10 people in our class actually got to pass. i know! that's like, KILLER PAPER:O

dont worry valeriemokkie! we love you and that's enough. you dont have to listen to whatever other people say. and those who follow would show that they aren't obviously your true friends. through this, perhaps you might know, who is actually there for you, for who you are, and not just a fallback for company:) dont worry! WE LOVE YOU♥

i'm like dang bloody bored now lor. today when i reached home, i realised my sis was at home, so all the more stuff would be boring. cause if i wanna do something, she'll come and disturb. then mokkie asked me to go out to orchard or something to go to arcade. then i was like, sure no problem. but then, my mum, in the way. rawr. she was like, "if you want to go out, go out tomorrow. exams haven't really ended yet. stay at home and look after your sisters" ah whatever. apparently parents got this idea that you can study for english, when there is absolutely, seriously, nothing to study at all! bullshit.

so i ended up, bored, and as usual, watching jap funny vids:D haha. it's damn retarded okay. watch this two;
haha it's damn hilarious. i know it's kinda retarded, but it's funny. and they are like, destressing pills:D haha. so those in exams, watch it to destress!:D and go hyper. but make sure when you're stoning during the exams, dont think of it(: or else you'll be laughing like a retard.

lovelovelovelovelove this song♥ I Nine's Seven Days Of Lonely. it's really fantastic. thanks to jewel for sending me the song, which took hours for me to download and still couldnt process, and her, five freaking mins. rawr.

I got a call today
At 3 AM
It's what you didn't say that told me I'd get hurt again.
So I hung up the phone
and I screamed out loud
I felt so alone, I should had said the things I'm thinking now

Ohh never thought it would be so hard to let you go

Tell me how I'm gonna make it you're the one I cant forget
It's like I'm running in slow motion in a nightmare that never ends
When I try to face it when I wake up I hate the way reality sets in
God I wish u could hold me, through the seven days of lonely.
(The seven days of lonely, yeah)

Oh it's deafening
The bitter truth
I'm doing everything for the first time again without you
I pretend I'm ok
But it aches inside
There's got to be a way that's better then just getting by

Ohh never thought it be so hard to let you go

Tell me how I'm gonna make it you're the one I can't forget
It's like I'm running in slow motion in a nightmare that never ends
When I try to face it when I wake up I hate the way reality sets in
God I wish you could hold me, through the seven days of lonely.

My heart is speeding up and slowing down to know I know it's over, it's over
And can you die of heartbreak to die for love lost young I pray to find it again, oh again

Got a call today
At 3 AM
It's what you didn't say that hurts again

Tell me how I'm gonna make it you're the one I cant forget
It's like I'm running in slow motion in a nightmare that never ends
When I try to face it when I wake up I hate the way reality sets in
God I wish u could hold me
Through the seven days of lonely
Through the seven days of lonely
Through the seven days of lonely
Through the seven days of lonely

DARRENLIM; ah shutup about shuaige! :/ hello, like he even knows. and besides, if you need me to remind you, i dont like him already. seriously.
VALERIE; haha fine, maybe i should change it. but i'm too lazy to go change. but it's a nice shade of green what! :D dontcha think so? loveyou!♥

It's like I'm running in slow motion in a nightmare that never ends

4:48 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


zomg i screwed lit lah! i didnt know how to do the stupid unseen poetry. so annoying lar wth! is like, the poem was so, uhm, WEIRD? seriously! i was like EHHHH. you have no idea how annoying it is. and my hand was dang painful D: haha. okay maybe i'm complaining too much but then! :// yesterday history had to rush until my hand can dieee. then today lit write so much. i'm kinda surprised that my hand hasnt broke. okay whatever! xD spazzy.

todaytoday went for math tuition, which is opposite cathigh. cathigh guys are so roadblockers. no offence but yeah. at least have some courtesy to make way to someone passing through right? hehhh. thenthen math was like horrrrible. cause i didnt understand half of the things that ong was saying. and he said that if i didnt get like, A for my math test, he wont allow me to eat in class. WTH? i know that sounds like, so spastic and like, oh dont eat then dont eat larh matter, but you have no ideaaa ): you see everyone eating, like minyee who is forever tempting me, you will get hungry too! :/ bully!

HAHA OMG, WATCH THIS JAP GAME SHOW VIDS. damn spastic yet hilarious. i mean, it's jap! haha. their game shows are forever damn funny lor! :DD
ROPE SWING! haha omg this is like, a must watch! :D andand!

i showed them to lauren and she was like, laughing away damn crazily. haha stomachache stomachache. TOMORROW IS MATHHHHHH): gonna fail lah omg. and!

guess who's birthday's next on the platoon list :D hahah *hints*

LAUREN; i likeeee it okay! haha zomg the funny jap videos! ♥♥♥

The way reality sets in

8:41 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, October 01, 2007


exams aint over, but the worst ones are! like totally yaye!:D history was killerrrrrr. my hand nearly died. my entire palm was like, sweatyy. andand, science totally suckeddd. it was damn hard okay! i crapped throughout the ENTIRE last section. i'm dead! ):

and then i died for geog also! :/ this sucks man. i got a feeling my results aint gonna be pretty, and no i dont have low self confidence! that's like, the last thing i would have okay! :D after all, hazel's a happy girl:D haha.

i think the mcq shade-the-circles thing the name is damn funneh. OMS. haha i was telling katrina that it sounded like Oh My Shit:D okay maybe i'm just being spastic, but really what! haha. dont you realise? if you didnt, you're just SLOWWW. hazel's a hyper fast buunnnehhh. spazzy bunny:D

omg i'm like freaking high. yay OXYGENNNNNNN. my sugarhigh drug! ahah. ohmans, i think i'm like, damn lame now okay. sheeesh.

and this is to the stupid cheesecake seller who apparently saw me at the busstop today, I'M NOT SUPER SOTONG OKAYYY. you're prolly sotong-er just that you dont want to admit it only! anyhow say me. RAWRRRRR.

oh kristal was super cute today. this convo happened between the both of us:D hahaha.
Kristal : where dolphin toy eyes!
Me : there your eyes *points to kristal's eyes*
Kristal : *touches her eyes* ohhh there
HAHAHA OMG LAH. i was laughing like crap. talking about laughing, me and valen was saying someone was so freaking hot and sexy today on the way to the busstop. and then we were like laughing like crazy people lor. then everyone at the busstop was like staring at us as though we were nutcases. haha wth! but it was damn bloody funny. she can even win universal awards i tell you! so sexy manzxzx:D haha if you're smart enough, you'll get the actual meaning behind all these! MWAHAH.

AND AND, I GOT THIS LOVELY BLOGSKIN RIGHT? haha it's GREEEEEEEN! ♥ whooshy! lovelove green okay. haha it's so prettah, okay fine, whatever. katrina! pierce ears on thursday!♥

XINYUAN; oh yessireeee, imma better now! no fever for geog test or headache. YAY:D
YONGHWEE; no lah! where got so early, suicide man if so early. it ends this coming thursday! as in FOURTH OCTOBERRRR okay? haha now you get it! :D

You and I, we never had it easy.

7:11 PM

Never coming home.