Monday, September 24, 2007

how lovely. 3 days before eoys i fall sick with a 397 degrees fever which luckily, is going down. at this rate, i think i'm gonna get a supreme headache for geog test. suckzxzx. and i'm having a very bad hair day to top that. zzz.

LAUREN; haha yup:D and pizza and prata and other food. oh man you always make me hungry.
MELVYN; okay. good luck to you too(:

Go away and give me a chance to miss you

1:55 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, September 21, 2007

hello i'm here to blog! i know i took a really long break and here's one post to explain why:D and the reasooooon;

and i dont want to see those piercings every time i enter here. you somehow just get sick of 'em:)

yesyes. so hazel's not gonna be blogging until like, nextnext thursday:) or maybe wednesday. cause thursday's english so it's like party time already. who studies for english like seriously?! haha. maybe those super kanchiong people who totally suck at english or neeeeerrrrdddds:D eoys are so annoying. hazel has become a geek/nerd for the sake of good results for eoys. :/ but she doesnt study for english:D

HAZEL HAS BEEN CRAVING FOR CRAB AND HOPES SOMEONE CAN TREAT HER TO CHILLI CRAB OR BLACK PEPPER CRAB AFTER EOYS:D can someone prettty please be the kind soul and do so?(: or else my classmates will suffer from me craving for crab everyday.

VALERIE; MOKKIEEEEE:D haha butbut i want like four more piercings:D heh. and i want that belly piercing!:D haha the font's centurygothic yo:)
KAILIN; HAHA STILL SAY ME. i want to pierce my ear and my bellyyyyyyy
CHLOE; of course that song is funnnnkkkkaaayyyyeee:D
VALERIE; causecause that day friendster had problem! ): butbut now okay already:D
MELVYN; haha okay. if it is still on after eoys that is.
ESTHERLIN; haha it's okay lah! learn to accept them and they wont be gross with time to come:D HAHAHA.
CHLOE; YES THAT SONG IS SO NICE. i want their album when it comes out end of octoberrrr:D

Cause all I ever want comes right down to you

10:35 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, September 07, 2007


i'm like looking at pictures with piercings. just suddenly felt like searching for them:D haha.

give me the courage to do that man, it's damn bloody pain:/

either the girl can tahan pain, or her cartillage(sp?) is superduper thin.

anyway! orienteering on wednesday! me and violet same team. then, during the thing, we found out a lot of shortcuts, so maybe that's how we got to 5 check points:) we didnt cheat okaay. and we were running quite abit. and violet hurt her ankle:/ violet, chloe, qiying & me are going for the orienteering competition at end of october. that's when is great eastern also:/ zzz. we're gonna train hard! :D

went sentosa after that. with parents, jas, kris, siti, brian, violet and kailin:) haha. kailin went there after awhile. me and violet were trying to dunk brian in, but cannot. drank tons of super salty sea water:/ after that went to sit chairlift & luge. when we were getting off the chairlift, this weirdo helper sang Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls". we were like, uh okay. we as in, me, kai, violet and jas. so weeeeird. during the luge, brian called me, then i turn behind and crashed into the grass. rawr.

after that kai & violet left. we went to play in this water place. and camwhored:D will upload the pictures later, lazy now. besides, most are still stuck in the digi cam.

yesterday was dang boring. then late afternoon/evening time, me, jas and brian went to our house playground. took some spastic photos. then there was the stupid skateboard guy again. he was like, showing off. then ;
brian : you dare shout to that guy "show off"?
me : why not. i bet you dont dare.
brian : i dare! i shout for you to hear.
me : okay luh
*ten seconds of silence*
brian : aiyah dont so mean lah

-____- obviously he didnt dare. LOUSYY.
brian : i can skateboard better than him luh
me : you say ah
brian : yah
me : then you go borrow skateboard from him show me
brian : okay luh, you go ask
me : (shout) excu...
brian : (cuts in) dont want lah aiyah

brian's such a wimppp. haha lousy cousin. then after that went home, took more photos. we convinced brian to act twit. and it was damn funny. i have the photooo. he might have deleted it in his phone, but i have it. can use for blackmailing him next time he attempts to sabo me.

today was another boring day. i was searching for those kind of artistic photos on google. very littttle): oh well. and valerie mok has weird obsessions. they are; Birds, Tennis Balls and Blisters -___- what a weird girl:D and this funny phrase from lauren.

(*) FUNKY LAUREN nothing lasts forever; and it hurts that it may be the only way says:
make love not war because condoms are cheaper than guns

HAHA LAUREN, to think you'll come out with such a phrase. i knew you were kind of polluted already, but not this polluted.

DARRENLIM; seriously, what's with you and :/s
ZESHAN; hello! go pierce lah! haha. december holidays are comingg(:
AMANDAGOH; hello see you on sundaaayye.
VALERIE; whatever! you and your weird obsessions:)
VIOLET; haha okayy. good then! thrash 'em:D

I'll be there till the end of time

8:40 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


yesterday another close shaaaaaaave:/ cause we were at vivo! and then, we were at the sea there. then the wind blowblowblow at my hair, and it all flewww away. then my ear was exposed:/ yes i know that sounds kinda wrong, but yeah. luckily they never see:D and our plans to go to sentosa were spoilt cause of the raaaain):

today brian came over. he got this superduper cute ringtone in his handphone! evil donald duck:D damn cute. but my handphone no space): zzz. and cause jasmine's two friends were over. he kept calling them helmet heads. and then after that he was like "how come aitong people all have like, same hairstyles?" zzz. when he only saw three of them. look who's talking.

then after that, we were at my garden. then he tried to stuff grass into my mouth. grah. stupid brian yeo, you die. then i stuffed some into his mouth, nose, shirt. then i took his slipper, and stuffed it down his shirt:D haha. he was supposed to be over for "tutoring". look what happened(: and i took spastic shots of him, which he deleted. grah. wanted to threaten him with those. but now i caaaant):

then science @progressionist. there was this stupid question that was damn draggggy. and we didnt know what it was talking about. something about using more water and the water bill staying the same. xifan answered "ghost, explanation: it's the 7th month now" :D and my answer was "the water company was having a discount on water prices". HEH. we were being awfully lame as you can see (:

then went for tll. stupid speeeech. i was like "uh, uh, uh, whaaaaaaaat" then cause i had absolutely no freaking idea on how to phrase all my points together, so i was stoning. then mrs lin asked everyone to stare at me, pressurize. no effect, cause they all seemed like they were about to burst out laughing anytime soon:D HEH.


you have no idea how much i want to kill him. and he put freaking gatsby on my hair. it's damn bloody oily. stinky. disgusting. sticky. overall, it's the shitzxzx:) it's not the cooool. wonder how guys use it on their hair. ew. imagine, the hair, so sticky, so disgusting. EWWWW. yes, hazel is opposed to gatsby:) and we were acting totally bimbotic like, oh my gawd, he's like, the totally new ugly, totally. and excuse jasmine goh, brian is so not my boyfriend -__- he's like, a cousin? tooooots. he's more of yours:D

oh and i changed my url, cause the other one sounded so emo. i made that url when i was feeeling EMOOOO. but now i'm a happy girl:D of course, hazel's a happy girl. Happy Hazel. okay lol, this is damn bloody lame. :D

VIOLET; hazel wants mooooore:) 4th oct we go get okay! set yeah?
MERISSA; HAHA YOU LAAAME. it's so obvious it's you.

Paper bags and plastic hearts

10:40 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

i got a freaking infection on my 1st earhole ): surprise surprise the 2nd one is okay -___- IT HURTS LIKE SHIT WTH. and when i touch my 2nd the 1st hurts. ):

two close shaves yesterday! my mum wanted to see my ears for some reason. like wth so nice timing for what. my left ear was facing her so i quickly turn and show right ear. thenthen, like 15mins later, she wanted me to try on this earrings. then she nearly wanted me to show her both sides. well, after all, it's a NEARLY :D

it's not easy if i have to keep these earhole secret all the way til i get into uni ): and i'm like getting more at the end of this year. zzz. and yenhua's shouts are ringing in my head. grah. it's like a "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU" playing over and over in my head. and so is the powerpuff girls "Love Makes The World Go Round". reason being, mingyee was playing it during science tuition just now. zzz.

I've got your runaway smile in my piggybank baby

5:57 PM

Never coming home.