Friday, August 31, 2007


wednesday had school. thursday didnt go school. today went school(: today teachers day & aces day! haha guess what time i woke up on thursday! :D 1.40pm:DD first time my mum let me sleep until so late okay. so the time you guys ended school, i just woke up(;

first the day kicked off with aces day. our class won 2nd for aces:D WHEEEEEE. yaye everybody, good job. and we made mrs hee & cheong do with us. mrs hee was so cute;) then after that, us hiphop workshop girls had to do our performance. it was dang screwed lah. our timings all off eh! ): butbut a lot of people came to us and said it was nice:D despite the fact that we only had 10hours of proper rehearsing for this. after that, they were like "their so good, that they are gonna perform for the primary school" then we all turned back and were like "WHAT" loudly. cause we havent exited the performing area yet. so end up we had to go to the primary school division and perform. RAWR. we were sweating like shit. and me, xifan & kat had like two layers of clothes? EEYERR.

after that there was this freaking long break in between the aces and teachers day. those break time were damn wasted. if they went straight to teachers, we would have ended at like, uh, 11? perhaps. we were listening to radio in class & cause katrina she brought her straightening iron. then we were trying to straighten gloria's hair :D HAHA DAMN RETARDED. her hair is like, SUPERDUPER CUUUUUURLY ;D zomg lah.

teachers day was SUPERDUPER funny. we had the teachers belting out songs for us, and we were all laughing like shits. so sad mrs hee & cheong didnt perform. AW :) then after that we had moremoremore performances. BANANAS. damn cute lah wth! i wonder who were in those banana suits. :D then after that had this hiphop performance put together by sc and hci. then after came the super funny part.

principal : i just realised how good looking hwachong guys are
yenhua : WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! (she shouted it)

HAHAHAHA OMG DAMN FUNNY & SO FREAKING TRUE. hwachong guys are like, so ugly :D duh. we were all laughing like crazy people lah. then we dared yenhua to say it one more time. but she didnt. then for one of the songs performed by the teachers was bsb's "I Want It That Way". me and my bsb partner jedidah started to do actions:D & we did actions for mariah carey's "Hero" haha damn retarded :DD


then after that me, valen, kat & violet went to wisma. to pierce earhole:D didnt meet up with primary school friends cause they were gonna catch a movie at 3.15 at bishan. if like that then i had to rush, so end up nvm. then i pierced my left ear second earhole:D valen pierced her right side. kat pierced for her left 4th one. haha. violet had more than enough already luh:D OHYA, violet had braces on. and she was talking funny :D HAHA. we were like making fun of her on the taxi to wisma. and the taxi driver was so damn idiot lah wth. he pretended he didnt know where's wisma! i was like WTHHH. and kat's silent laugh is dang funny :D HAHA.

i want to pierce againnnn. set already, after exams, gonna get another two:D YAYE. but must keep from my mum if not she KILL me as in come after me with chopper or something. then valen was like "ah pain pain pain" when i felt superduper slight only. HEH. cause she had sensitive ear.

after that ate yoshi. MY CRAVING FOR CHICKEN TERIYAKI THE SAUCE :D i love love love the sauce! :D we ate already then valen went back. then we tried to search for a prettaye hoodie but dont haaaaaaaaaave ): I WANT A HOODIE ): i want like a lot of things, and hehe, my birthday's coming soooooooooooon.


my favourite sentence of the day still (credits yenhua)

dance floor drug

8:30 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


hazel's very lazy to blog, but i shall blog! okay lol. whateverrrrr. i'm rather high now. i realised when i get high, it's normally on tuesday. rawr. HAHA RECURRING PATTERN:D okay lol fine whatever! :))

today was a dumb day in school! we started off the day with retarded talk! jedidah was saying what kind of husbands would be fit for us. amanda would be the rich kind of guy, who would buy her branded stuff. mine would be someone who could sing backstreet boys songs together with me and someone to laugh along with my lameness. then valen's one had to be super enthu! and sing valen's favourite song like "LET'S GO TO THE CANDYSHOP!", "I BOUGHT YOU A LOLLIPOP". haha when she said that, we were laughing like crazy. then we said jed's one would be someone who would eat with her her nuggets and must be able to cook:D

then amelia was so materialistic. AIYO:D haha. she said she would marry anyone with money. we gave her that look. -___- and she said, must of course have some feelings. she feels that feelings can be developed along the way during the relationship. aiyo amelia! how can you treat your husband like that :D HEHH. then we gave her like instances, where she had a super rich enemy. then she was like no way, must have at least some feelings. haha aiyo.

after that the lessons were okaaaay. then during lit, mrs(?) neo was like saying "hazel has finished her work so fast" haha AW. then after that jedidah commented "eh hazel! first time the teacher say something else instead of 'hazel, wake up' " BLEHHH. where got teachers say that alot can:)) then end up cause i finish fast, she make me & estherlin give out the worksheets. haha so much for slacking.

didnt go for honours day cause i had eye appointment:D LALALALA.

then met gladys at 630 at united square for dinner. but we both wasnt really hungry so we went to subway to get cookies, and ntuc for our drink. haha i saw the se's s500i. that time i saw online one was the ugly colour. then i saw the green & black one so prettttaye. but not THAT fantastic. but at least, it's black & green:D whooshywheeee. then we went popular to buy my science pad:) yes i finally bought. people around me dont have to be afraid that i'll used up yoooours. then after that cause my teacher and her teacher didnt come yet, she made me walk back and forth from my class to her class. EEYERR. she was gonna make me look like some idiot. HAHA MICHELLLLE, I SAW THE FAT TWIN:D

stupid michelle didnt come! we did 9/11. and sophie has thousand and one twins:D HAHA. and my smiley face is nicer than yours:) wheeeeeeeee. joanna kept calling me during class. and i had to waste my sms to tell her i was in tuition ): my sms BUUUUURST already ): AW. dad's so gonna kill me for my this month's bill again, most prolly.

thenthen, when mum came to fetch me & nicktan, he was saying that i walk very fast today. where gottt, it's my normal speed! LOL. is you walk slow lah:) HEH. then he couldnt pronounce "accessory shop" properly. then he influenced me into not pronouncing it properly. grah. girls aint totally for the accessories okaaay.

oh oh! i got TONS of new s&k clothings:D at least about 4 tops and 2 cargos:D WHEEEE. they had NO MORE army print pants ): WHYYY. they said out of stock. rawr): went on sunday to j8 to buy:) thenthen! there was this superduper freaky guy, nerd! he tucked his shirt like all the way in and he came bouncing towards me. seriously, bouncing. first he commented that i was very tall (so untrue), then he asked if was alone. then i told him to bugggg off. so ANNOYING.

i likelike Paula DeAnda's "Easy". it was played for practise during the hiphop workshop! and then i couldnt find that song, til i heard it on the radio. butbut, Paula DeAnda's not THAT pretty:) 913 keeps playing MIKA's "Love Today" it gets annoying after awhile. i like Boys Like Girls's "Dance Hall Drug" and and "Five Minutes to Midnight" too! :D WHEEEEEE. Akon's "Sorry, It Was Me" is nice tooooooooooooooo:D

my ear hurts ): cause i squeezed two earsticks into one earhole. grah. last time can fit 3 ): now two it hurts like what already ): AW. most prolly gonna pierce second on fridaaay:D valen was asking me if i'm serious about this, cause my mum is already so opposed to me having earholes. lol. i want belly piercing:D kat and i agreed that before she leaves for australia, we're gonna get one together:D WHEEEEEE. but i'm scared of the pain): & infection! laterlater, my mum killlll me if the infection gets serious. rawr!

LAUREN; those are shoooorts and not pants:)
JEDIDAH; HELLO OMMO! Let me show you the shape of my heaaaart:D HAHAHAHA. we make bsb sound so cool yo! ((:
ANDREW; haha okay lolllll
IRMA; cause when i'm online you're not online! youu ahh. haha okay will link you! (:

Make your heart drop and come alive

10:31 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, August 24, 2007


i fell on my stupid left knee yesterday. now not only does it have two ugly blueblacks, but it hurts like shit when i do hiphopD: BLEH. why did the stupid kitchen floor have to be wetD:

today me, kat, valen, xifan, abby, violet, lyn, gloria & amelia totally missed art:D cause we were talking to mrs hee. she told me about ip not being a totally good choice blah blah blah. i didnt want to go hello, it's my mumD: &my dad. grr. mrs hee's so cute and funny:D haha

thenthen hiphop after school! the last hiphop session. we finished the dance:D &&we're gonna perform it on aces day. my stupid knee hurt): &we're on our own for the next 6 days before performance! rawr. i'm still a lil' blur on the steps. we're gonna meet up during recess and practise:D we totally need it:) i need to buy cargo pants. okay, i didnt outgrow mine. but it's like, brooown, not green. and besides, i want that sammuel&kevin army print pants:D &i need a plain black tee. i'm so not gonna wear that racerback, with that freak hole in the middle. if it didnt have that freakishly idiotic-ly big hole, then i'll prolly wear it:) for hiphop, i kept sliding on the slippery floor. and i was blur also. rawr. so much for a proper practise. and, valen was called Valentino by the teacher:D HAHA. from now on, let's call her Valentino:D HAHA. then the teacher called me, xifan, valen & kat the four sisters -___- and nicole lee was the brother. HAHAHAHA. so now we're like going "hey bro" to nicole. damn funny lah. see her reaction. that stupid girl kept making me laugh during the session. zzz. and i banged my right kneeD: but not so pain luh luckily:D

today in class was another singing session. me, amelia, jedidah, amanda & zhao. mostly was me, amelia & jedidah. we were singing bsb(mostly), jojo, n'sync, the veronicas, marion raven, and others:D i want bsb's album more than ever now! there's another nice song. Happily Never After. it rocks:D andand, Helpless When She Smiles is nice too! whoosh. been listening to n'sync, backstreetboys & boys like girls on youtube the whole day since i started using the com.

i shall go study science now! :D aw, hazel's so guai. HAHA. i shall aim to study hard from now to eoys, since my results are like, shit. zzz. i finally passed a chinese test:D after so long. rawr.

I don't think I want this anymore
As she drops the ring to the floor
She says to herself you've left before
This time you will stay gone that's for sure

And he shattered something else
To drag her suitcase down the path
To the driveway
She had never gone that far
Normally this would be the time that she
Would let him talk her out of leaving
But this time, without crying
As she got into her car

She said no, happily never after
That just ain't for me, because finally
I know, I deserve better after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall

As she drove away she starts to smile
Realized she hadn't for awhile
No destination she drove for miles
Wondering why she stayed in such denial

She was laughing about the way he shattered something else as
He dragged her suitcase down the path
To the driveway
She had never gone that far
Normally this would be the time that she
Would let him talk her out of leaving
But this time, without crying
As she got into her car

She said no, happily never after
That just ain't for me, because finally
I know, I deserve better after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall

I'm done, I'm done, said I'm so done (so done)
I'm free, I'm free, (so free)
Free to feel the way I feel, yeah

She inhales a breath she never breathed before
Don't want no drama no more

Cause she says no happily never after
That just ain't for me
I know, I deserve better after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall
(I'm done, I'm done)
No happily never after, that just aint for me,
(I'm free, I'm free)
because finally
I know I deserve better after all
I'll never let another tear drop fall
(I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, so done, I'm done, so done,
said I'm done, I'm done, I'm done)

KATRINA; let's go looook for that comet&hope to make a wish that we'll get our belly piercings soon! :) IT LOOKED LIKE A COCKROACH LAH. i didnt see properly okay!
SIEWJIA; i'm not denying anything:)
YUJIE; zzz. what nonweird songs. the songs on my blog are never weird okay! it's just you

I'll never let another tear drop fall

9:27 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


health week has started! hiphiphoppyhoppy yo:D it's tiring & gets my body aching, but it's fun! in it with kat & valen & xifan & nicole lee & aleena & thisbe & ashley. nicole is damn retarded! she tried to shoo away this cockroach and it went something like:
"shoo shoo shoo!"
"wrong way wrong way, go UP!"
"dont come to me eeeeks!"
"stop going the wrong way!"
omg it was dang funny lah wth. i love the song we're gonna perform to. Hip Hop Police by Chamillionaire. but the lyrics and mv is superduper lame:D but the tune is wonderfuuuuuul. tomorrow's the last day we're gonna rehearse with the teacher! and then we're on our own until the performance on aces day! rawr.

i love backstreet boy's new song! INCONSOLABLE:D i so want their album when it comes out on 30th october! &&, nick carter's My Confession:D lovelllayyye. our class, well some of us, have been on a backstreet boys craaaaze. we're like singing so much of their songs & doing stupid actions! like with Drowning&Shape Of My Heart:D haha. kevin either temporarily left or permanently left bsb! noooD: they make beautiful tunes together as the five of them, seriously:D

for music we're doing musicaaals now. the songs we're doing are on Grease & Phantom of the Opera. the song Summer Nights is damn funny! butbut, the original song is like so zzz. our class does the bimboticness of the song better:D me & valen & jedidah were doing weirdo actions on all the songs:D mrs goh was like "i see we got some actions behind" HEHH.

okay i shall go sleep now:D superduper sleeeeeeeeepy. && oh! lauren, be prepared to feel honoured:D oh man, i'm high.
my prata buddy that we just went for prata today with joanna! (: be honoured that i left valen for you to leave her be a loner:D HAHA.

&yaye i did well for lit:D something to be proud of for my ca2. everything on my results are like, zzz. passing just on the dot or something like that. oh well, shall try & stay away from the com & studystudystudy! though that's kinda, well, hard:)

I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Felt like a scene on the cutting room floor
When I let you walk away tonight
Without a word

I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling, ohh
If you were here right now, I swear,
I'd tell you this

Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside it's killing me
Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you
I'm wishing I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

I climb the walls
I can see the edge but I can't take the fall, no.
I've memorized the number
So why can't I make the call?
Maybe 'cause I know you'll always be with me
In the possibility

Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside it's killing me
Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you
I'm wishing I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

I don't want to be like this,
I just want to let you know,
Everything that I'm holding,
Is everything I can't let go, can't let go.

Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside it's killing me
Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you
I'm wishing I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

Don't you know it baby
I don't want to waste another day

I'm wishing I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

NATALIE; i will!
SIEWJIA; shut up. i'm so not fezelety teowy. zzz

I'm wishing I could find the words to say

6:28 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


HAZEL IS BORED & HUNGRY D: haha. my blog template & the url is so contrasting. oh well, lazy to change:) have horrid muscleaches. sucks manzxzx.

FRIDAY; 170807
HEALTH WEEK FOOD SALES:) our class made almond jelly with longans and soba. in the morning, it started to pour after morning assembly. everyone was screaming&running to shelter:D oh so funny. laoshi was in a good mood again:D &we watched Resident Evil during english. well not me, i was trying to sleep. zhao was screaming like some mad woman. i really wonder how she lasted through Silent Hill. haha. she's like the horror movie sort, yet she screams until like dont know what. and she was the loudest -___- seriously.

we were the first class to finish selling everything for the food sales:D YAYE. it was only the secTWOs who were doing it. so yeah. we missed geog cause of the sales. then after that ce. damn slack day. amelia was going high and we were singing backstreet boy songs:D like Drowning, Shape Of My Heart, Larger Than Life, ... yeah. lien was saying that she preferred westlife to backstreet boys. blehh whatever. backstreet sounds waaaay nicer:)

after that ncc. we repaid whatever we owed, and we had drills and went through ifc stuff. 3sg felicia pointed the projecter thing at the door, so like this, we could see whoever was outside. we were all laughing like crazy whenever someone walked past or when 2sg debbie went to the door. and then, she started to move the trophy on the table -___- then adelia hit violet's tooth and it kinda went inside her lips. and she couldnt talk properly. and 3sg felicia asked me to talk for her when half the time, i couldnt understand her either:D

i was tested on "shine" and this is what happened. zzzz.
Hazel: Um... put mud on your beret...
Everyone: ...HUHHHH
Hazel: SORRYSORRY. Um um. Put mud on your badges
Everyone: ?!?!?!?!
2sg Debbie: We dont go to war in no.3
(taken from lauren's blog)

but i swore on the notes they put cap badge! the beret was an accident:X and siewjia said finger ray method:D HAHA. and i screwed as a commander for drills. rawr. then we had pt. we did captain's ball. ncc's captains ball is perfectly the same, just that there's a lot of snatching for the ball:D haha.

& we FINALLY got our SANA badges. YAYE:D

after everything, my dearest platoonmates sang me Graduation Day:) and i recorded a video of them saying "i love hazel". and the oh so sinful muffins were brought out again. couldnt resist the temptations. i ate THREE. haha this should be our platoon's signature muffins or something man. so delicious.

after that on the bus, watched the video & nearly cried. now i feel like slapping the person beside me who gave me that dumb stare. rawr.

SATURDAY; 180807
tuitiontuitiontuition. stupid xifan was late for tuition. make me wait for her for soooooo long. evil. then after tuition, mum asked me not to go home so early. i was like huh? where got parents ask their kid not to go home so early. she asked me to go walk around somewhere. when she call me then i go home -__-

tuition finished at 5. she called me at 730. good thing kor was with me. if not i would have been bored out of my wits. we went to walk around amk hub. stupid idiot keep tricking me, he would go this direction then suddenly go another. idiot eh. then after that on the bus, he took my handphone then got some things i didnt want to let him see. he didnt give me back my phone, i was like wth, go die. until i accidentally dropped his phone. seriously, it was accidental:D then he gave it back. haha idiot.

cause then it was like, super late already&dark, so i ask him walk me back. it's like, hello 7th month, and i freaking scared of the dark:X besides, he stay like one bus stop away, so wont die one. my house is about 5 mins walk in. then we finally reach the stretch of road that my house was in. we were at about house number 6 (mine is 35), he was like "wth. house number 6 only?!?!" -___- when we were like at house 29, i was like "aiya, you go back lah, see you so scared like that". then he say bye, and ran off. seriously, ran off. HAHAHA. i was laughing nonstop. could hear his slippers the sound so freaking loud lah. afterwards he told me, since young he had a phobia of ghosts. so he was scared since it was 7th month. haha but STILL:D

SUNDAY; 190807
wake up. eat. breathe. watch tv. laze on the sofa. use computer. going to sleep soon:)

I shouldn't love you but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you but I can't move
I can't look away

I shouldn't love you but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you but I can't move
I can't look away

And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not
'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop

Just so you know
This feeling's taking control of me
And I can't help it
I won't sit around, I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
I've tried my best to let go of you
But I don't want to
I just gotta say it all
Before I go
Just so you know

It's getting hard to be around you
There's so much I can't say
Do you want me to hide the feelings
And look the other way

And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not
'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop


This emptiness is killing me
And I'm wondering why I've waited so long
Looking back I realize
It was always there just never spoken
I'm waiting here...been waiting here


XINYUAN; love you too!♥
SIEWJIA; aw sweet, dont cry:) love you!♥ haha yes last year the donations@bugis thing. we were like slacking so much lah:D
JOANNA; haha thanks love ya♥
VALENTINA; haha valen so EGO:D you yongster the monster:)
QIYING; haha okay, not everytime, sometimes:) love you♥
CHLOE; hur where got! i'm still gonna see you guys:) love you♥
SIEWJIA; haha okay:D i'll try my very best to come back for everything!

Just so you know

2:04 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, August 17, 2007


we may have gone through alot, and there are still yet many misunderstandings that we havent resolved between us, but i must tell you, you guys will always have a place in my heart. no matter how far apart we are, you'll be there. we went through so much, all the laughter, the tears, the anger, bitter sweet sour salty. partAs'06, partBs'07. but unfortunately, i wont be there, to continue the rest of the journey with you. hopefully, you guys will still regard me as part of everything. maybe we'll lose touch, maybe we won't.

thanks for everything, thanks for the memories. i promise i'll come back, during next year's ROD, your first parade, annual camp's co night, so long as you guys want me there, i'll be there. good luck for your partC year, as well as you guys being NCOs. i'm sure you will do well.

Siewjia; you are the meanest mum a daughter could ever have, and it's best to stay away when you're obsessing. but hey, i love you♥ and will remember the fun times we shared, like talking late on the phone last year while watching princess hours. and yes, i still owe you money:)
Violet; we've been good friends since the start of last year and i hope that won't change despite the fact that we ain't gonna be in the same school next year. though you can get rather insensitive at times, but heck, i'm used to it already, and i know you don't mean it most of the times. don't worry, i'll love you♥ for who you are, but i know you'll love me more:) and once a pandion, always a pandion
Valerie; hello dear friend who's obsessed with birds. yes, the bird today while we were at the amphi was rather cute. you're spastic, you're retarded, you're weird, but i love you♥ for all that. we still have a date to candy empire, and i'll get my jellybeans, you'll get your chocolates. and if i ever see a comet with katrina, i'll definitely tell you! :)
Kimberley; my dear saviour, octopus prime. your sick joke today was really sick. but not surprised. keep on with the funny jokes and stay true to nat! you and your colourful striking purple fbts, sometimes orange. i love you♥ for who you are, and good luck with msfc:)
Carolyn; though you've left us to concentrate on debate, you're still part of us, and we love you. you still come for platoon recesses now and then, and before that you would leave us note before every parade. you're a prefect now and good luck with that. don't worry too much about your new prefect duties, do what you have to do and we won't hate you for that, just don't overdo it yeah? :) love you!♥
Adelia; you stretchy person who never fails to tell us sick jokes all the time. though i didn't really like you much last year, but now i realise, it's just you, everyone's imperfect, and i can't get them to change, it's who they are. now you're just one of them who is always out there for me in ncc, there to make me smile, there to make me laugh. i love you♥ for who you are, and don't change that you spastic woman:) and go for the gold, you can definitely do well for ncc, if you just put in more effort.
Lauren; my prata partner and solitaire showdown opponent. it's been long since we went out for prata together already. you close the game sometimes when i'm winning, cause you want to get higher % then me, but still, it was just that few times, so i'll forgive you, for now. i love you♥ and hopefully next time we can go catch a movie without queuing so long and not getting any tickets and find a nice pair of earrings together:)
Qiying; you're oh so dao at times and you get rather serious. you cry when you screw up, but still we all love you! everybody screws up so don't take it too harshly. my lorenzo with that funny slow march, who left me for a trail of 5 cent coins. haha don't worry, i won't hate you for that, cause i love you!♥ :)
Chloe; you're such an ego freak, and you always tell me stories about dawn and your weird interpretations. you were cute today as an i/c and i'm sure you will do well next year! you and your spastic smiles, but you're always there to listen and cheer us up. love ya!♥
Joanna; you're the mother of us all, cleaning up for us during the chalet, and not being frightened during the night, unlike us all who were screaming away. pity you can't go to the movies and you should really get your mum to allow you some day. then we can finally watch a movie together as a platoon:) love you!♥
Natalie; i still remember last year at the rsaf open house, you were asked by someone for your number and the rest of us couldn't stop laughing. you and your obsessions like benny chan and pierre bouvier. my dear father, shylock, don't you cry now that i'm gonna go, at least i'm leaving with notice this time and not taking any of your ducats:) we used to talk like crazy on the phone last year, and you and your msfc! haha love you♥
Xinyuan; you always make sure that me and violet don't get excluded out for stuff, thanks for that. you and your blur looks really make everyone laugh. yet you're so smart, in 2sy. level 2 in maple still? and your weird smilies on your tagboard, like kangkong -__- still, i love you for being there for me and making sure that everyone doesn't feel excluded out in anything. love you lil' one♥
Seniors; thanks for coaching us, guiding us, scolding us when we're wrong, as well as praising us when we improved. my part ncos for these two years, thank you for everything, the fun platoon interactions we had and everything. the other ncos, though we didn't have a chance to get to know each other better, i must say that everyone of you deserve utmost respect.
Juniors; never really got to know you guys, however, enjoy your time at ncc! it's something that once you have it, you can never do without it. do your seniors proud, and keep up the standard of scncc!

i want to dedicate many songs to my dear platoonmates. the fun times we shared. partA year, partB year, annual camp last year, camp feast this year. thank you all so much for everything once again. all the love songs, they're all for you!♥ and my blog song is out to you guys as well! this feeling's taken control of me, and i can't help it. thanks for the song you sang for me today, and all the deliciously sinful muffins.

Lauren says:
YOU AH. as if you gna die liddat
Lauren says:
you act as if gna die xD

haha. i'm just gonna miss everything here lauren:) the video recorded today of you guys saying that you love me, i watched it on the bus. though i may not have cried before you guys, but i nearly cried on the bus (and got stupid stares from the person beside me). it's something i wont ever delete. thank you so much, and for boosting my ego as well:D haha love ya'all!♥

as we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together

8:19 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


stupid blogger had some damn problems just now. i was trying to sign in, then they said "INVALID USERNAME" i was like, wth go die. my username is perfectly valid&so notfake((: well, after sending a few emails to my account, it was finally processed. zzz. suckass.

MONDAY; 130807
no test:) so we had a free period in the morning. the teacher was like, at the end of the lesson, "in this 40 mins, i have had the biggest headache ever" -___- surely we werent that noisy right? maybe, maybe not. but it's pretty much our average volume. haha.

went out with olivia after school. to j8 watch secret. on the bus, she was really dang high. and when the bus jerked, i knocked my head against the pole. rawr. then, there were these few noisy sji guys behind us. sheesh man. the bus was rather crowded, and many people attempted to squeeze past, despite having much space near the front. so bloody irritating. at least say "excuse me" wont hurt right? then we'll make space for you. but just to squeeze past and stick your stupid butt&bag at me, piss me off. then i was saying to oli, "squeeze squeeze squeeze, think they very skinny isit". and oli went high again. pfft. &there was this super dao face rgs girl. oli was like "rgs so what. think she very pro isit" typical. rather irritated by her face as well.

walked around j8 looking for earrings. saw many nice ones, but no moneyD: one day, when we have money, me&oli are gonna go on a earring shopping spree(: whoosh. secret was okay. jay plays pro piano. saw lejing in the theatre. she was just like, sitting beside oli. haha. so coincidental. didnt notice her at first. some jaychou obsessor beside me. so bloody irritating. haha &i was laughing for most of the movie. i'm so not sadistic. oli said there was one time when she was tearing already, and i looked over. haha wrong timing(:

took bus home after that, movie was longer than the given timing. bleh.

TUESDAY; 140807
a freak accident prone day. i pricked myself thousand&one times with the dang needle. and, nearly tripped over nothing, hit my chest real bad against the stupid table, and some other stuff. rawr. katrina was laughing at me every time i pricked myself with the needle. stupid homeecs.

after school went to watch rushhour3 with valen&xifan. went to the cathay. valen says fat people eat nachos. so not trueD: i eat nachos, but i'm not that fat can. rushhour3 was pretty funny, especially the screwups. valen wanted to pee throughout the movie. okay, maybe the last part. and she bugging me to go with her. but end up we went after the movie. heh. while waiting for xifan, me&valen tried to take a pic, and we bumped our heads. -___- and i couldnt stop laughing:X

after that valen left, me&xifan went to ps to do math homework. yes we're so guai:D haha. then met gladys at united for dinner. we went for tll after that. adelia&me wanted to pon at first, but luckily didnt, cause my mum was walking around united. sheesh. so lucky luh((: the freak didnt come to class but went for replacement. luckylucky. class is so much better without him.

the day was okay. estherlyn had chicken pox. explaining why she didnt come school yesterday. and she was admitted into hospital. zzz. cause her mum couldnt look after her. haha. chicken pox go hospital, aw man, so dumb. laoshi was in super good mood&showed us pictures of her grandson. dang cute:D the reason why she was prolly so happy - amelia&estherlyn wasnt in school. just passed my practical on the dot. freak.

stayed back in school to do history project&went home after that. slept for 3+hours&used com after that(:

THURSDAY; 160807
todaaaay(: school was okay. valen's so dumb lah, cause during last lesson, laoshi was doing oral&teo didnt come for lesson. so we were like talking.

violet: you go njc that time confirm will got a lot guys ask for your number.
me: like real. if you go, would be you.
violet: no luh, is you
me: as if. you lah you lah.
valen: aiyah stop fighting, it's me.

HAHA VALEN SO EGO(: and i was drawing on kat's hand. it was prettaye(: oh &recess had the sinful muffins but they're so heavenly. i had two big ones&one small one. sigh. really dang sinful. aw man.


my mum's being awfully weird. she's like walking around the house, taking video. no idea what's she is up to, seriously. &i saw this windchime thing made up of cds. so cool! i'm gonna make one, when i feel like. it's so pretty(: &i'm gonna cable over the pictures from my phone, soon(:

I'm over your lies,
and I'm over your games.
I'm over you asking me,
when you know I'm not okay.
You call me at night,
and I pick up the phone.
And though you've been telling me,
I know you're not alone.

That's why
(your eyes)
I'm over it
(your smile)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over..

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

I'm over your hands,
and I'm over your mouth.
Trying to drag me down,
and fill me with self-doubt.

That's why,
(your words)
I'm over it
(so sure)
I'm over it
(I'm not your girl)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over...

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

Don't call,
don't come by,
ain't no use,
don't ask me why,
you'll never change,
there'll be no more crying in the rain.

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

I'm so over it....
I'm over it....

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

KAILIN; of course, green's pretty♥
CHLOE; chloe wong i like hazel:D and she's a funky girl. HEH. haha you can tell me tomorrow before ncc
JIAYU; haha lol! seriously?

There'll be no more crying in the rain

2:55 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


today had stupid toh. seriously cant stand him. zzz. and his lessons are goddamn boring. i have no idea why i'm still there. and monkey was playing enrique's do you know &kana by toh. haha loser. monkey&smilyyyy♥

aw man, school starts tomorrow. dont wanna go back but sleep at home. bullshit. gonna watch movie with olive-ia tomorrow. watching secret. lalalala. i want to watch rushhour3:D xifan! go watch with me on tuesdayyy. i want to pon tuition. dont wanna go:D i think i had one too much sugar intake again today. WHOOSH.

&YAYEYAYE, I GOT NEW SPECS:D &yes i wear specs, dont be surprised. haha it's not green(: i want green specs. but they didnt have any nice shade of greenD: oh well, NEXTTIME. my mum was like, being superstitious again yesterday, saying i should wear more green&blue&brown, cause they're my lucky colours, apparently. haha my three fave colours♥

You Should Be With a Water Sign!

Your best match is a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces

Why? You crave intimacy and connection in your relationship
And while most guys can't open up enough for you, a Water Sign can
Not that you're whole relationship will be soul gazing
A Water Sign matches your goofy sense of humor - and desire to help others.
What Sign Guy Should You Date?

blahblahblah, i dont have a goofy sense of humour okayD: bleh whateverrr.

I get a high whenever you're around
Sweeping from my head to my toes
I, I gotta get my feet back on the ground

'Cause you make me go
Out of my way, crossing the line
Making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited
And I don't wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my sugar rush
Ain't nothing better, baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I'm losing touch
You are my sugar rush

I got a sweet tooth
And a taste for you
And I might be too obvious
But I (I, I) I can't help myself from what I do

'Cause you make me go out of my way (out of my way)
Crossing the line (crossing the line)
Making me say what I have in mind, wo-oh, oh-oh-oh

You make me so excited
And I dont' wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my sugar rush
Aint' nothing better, baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I'm losing touch
You are my sugar rush

Baby you're my sugar rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
Baby you're my sugar rush
I get weak and talk too much

'Cause you make me go out of my way, crossing the line
Making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited
And I don't wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my sugar rush
Aint' nothing better, baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I'm losing touch
You are my sugar rush

Baby you're my sugar rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
(You are my sugar rush, baby)
Baby you're my sugar rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
(You are my sugar rush, yeah-eah, eah-eah)
Baby you're my sugar rush
I get weak and talk too much
You are my sugar rush
-(Dream Street's version)

JIAYU; you should have explained((: haha that's why! jaywalking's perfectly okay. only some people have a problem with it, prolly cause they dont know how to jaywalk properly. HAHA.
AMANDAGOH; eeyerr. but i dont have your email! ask your sis sms me or something:)
XINYUAN; haha yes i know, super long:D but heck. but what's with that kangkong on your tagboard smilies -__- it's like so uh.
VIOLET; heyyo:D
LINGLI; haha sheesh, oh man. &the instructor goes damn fast&her stupid "yoyoyo" stunts. so bullshit:X

You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted

11:54 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


i know i've been away for long, but now since i'm bored, i'm gonna blog. oh haha, bored, blog, rhymes:D okay fine, i told you i'm bored, that's why i'm lame:) okay not high, okay maybe a little, i prolly ate a tad too much sugar just now. three packs of gummies, pushpop, grape sweet, ice pop:) that's probably the cause i guess, HEH. let's hope i dont go high, cause when i do, many stay away, or either that, go high with me:DD okay flashback into the past few days (gonna be a long post, so dont sleeeeeep.)

THURSDAY; 020807
third day bad luck, screwed up during ncc. had ndp rehearsal. wasnt good. in fact, pretty lousyD: dont know what else happened, heck

FRIDAY; 030807
fourth day bad luck. have to do detention on tuesday. bleh screwed up for ncc again.

SATURDAY; 040807
floats. at ntu. had to wake up superduper early. valen, xifan & lingli went. saw kim, xinyuan&carolyn. pretty much boring and got a one side tanD: cause was sitting with the left of my body facing the sunD: so yah luh. sucks lah. they had tons of food at the floats thingy. but me and lingli were like, resist the temptations! later we going taka to eat, resist resist! haha then there were these two gay ri guys. well, sort of. i have a picture of 'em. haha damn gay luh. upload next time, when i feel like.

went taka and makan at yoshi:D then ate gelato. after that we bought estherlyn's birthday present, a tigger pillow and we four bought the same cute squeaky poohbear. DAMN ADORABLE. then we walked to cine to take neos:) then after that lingli went home, valen went to kallang to watch squash match. me and xifan walked to ps to meet violet to pass her something. got to pon tuition:D

SUNDAY; 050807
toh. so damn freaking boring. me and smily were passing notes as usual. then the china girl is damn retarded:D haha. good way, not bad way luh. i was teasing smily&monkey. and she was saying me&monkey. so yucks la.

monkey's totally ugly:D

MONDAY; 060807
lit test. didnt manage to finishD: watched a bit of an inconvenient truth during the second test period cause no test. then ya luh. it's like 50mins to finish those few stuff. not enough la wth!

had ncc after school again. screwed up some more. seems like i cant go through one rehearsal without screwing upD:

TUESDAY; 070807
school was okay. spent english blowing bubbles outside class -.- haha. then valen's so laaame. dwi was talking to teo smth about guys. dont know, didnt hear:D haha. but dont be sad dwi. we'll be there for you percy! :)

after school had detention with kat&violet. they stupidstupid go splash the soap water on me. idiot luh. and they still laugh until like dont know what crap. had to clean the chairs. then after that go pick up rocks at the field nearby there -.- just in case the grasscutters come and cut the grass, the rocks fly out. i was like, uh there no place to cut grass, it's like so much sand, until like sahara desert like that can. hello, want to have reason, also give us better reason right?

after ncc talked to miss nat cheong for awhile. got scolded by leong cause we didnt go straight for ncc yet talked to nat cheong. went to ncc, last rehearsal. screwed up also. rawr. and rihanna's "shut up and drive" got stuck in my headD: BLEH. cause gymmers are using it for ndp celebrations performance song.

reported at 6.15 to rehearse through precision twice or thrice. after that hurriedly went to change to no3 for marching. it was quite okay, but the vip japanese guests wore the caps with formal wear quite funny looking. like casual and formal clash. and had a speech in jap, then had a translator. haha i forgot all my jap. yes all:)

after marching, rushed to change to no4 for precision. everything was okay but i made some mistakes here&there. dontknow lah aiyoD: after precision, we jumped and hyper-ed around with the singing of songs, before dismissal&doing company cheer. went home to bathe before meeting valerie "mop" (mok) at dhoby.

walked around first in ps and saw olivia, lyn and kai. after that met val and bought pretzel:D took mrt to harbourfront to meet the rest at vivo. lauren, chloe&adelia were at candy empire buying sweets. after that the rest slowly came and we took the monorail to sentosa. met at 1plusplus. hanged out at fort siloso. started off with platoon interactions. then after that we played games. like scavenger hunt. so damn retarded la. yellow specs. we went to take blue specs and negative it to yellow:D haha. &we hid blue group's paper ball.

after that we had our meal. we were supposed to plan an item to present to the ncos while we had our meal. we planned out to do a spoof of merchants of venice. the jessica going to elope with lorenzo part. but our storyline was in a way that jessica went off with some octopus guy from transformers.

&presenting, THE CAST;
Shylock as Natalie,
Lorenzo as Qiying,
Jessica as Hazel, yours truly,
Octopus Prime as Kimberley,
Little Boy looking for STUFFED toys as Siewjia,
Narrators as Chloe & Lauren,
Choir as Adelia, Chloe, Lauren, Valerie & Xinyuan,
Director as Xinyuan

haha. it was damn funny okay:D everybody was laughing:) haha we are pro, we make skits in such a short time. qi's slow march was very cool&funny, siewjia pulled off my oh so long "hair" by accident, which was slacks. someone's butt was indirectly at my headD: kim pressed her deodorant a little too hard, ending up on her spraying herself with ice lemon tea-.- chloe&lauren were laughing a lot during the narrating, like when introducing siewjia. "the little boy was looking for his te-hahahahaha-tedd-hahaha-dies" and the other stuffed toys:D

after that we went to the shore and play with sand. oh and we pretended to be emo shits, and want to drown. LOL. then adelia was teaching us her lameshit exclamation mark thing and sir was watching us from behind. haha. omg lah. sir jo told us that if we wanted to stay in sentosa, us sectwos§hrees could, but not the secones. we went to toilet to change. i was sandy all over. changed to class tee&fbts:) after so long having to wear school shorts:D i absolutely detest school shorts:)

headed to vivo together and me, lauren&val went to candy empire to get some more sweets. i bought the jellybeans:D nicenice. lauren got me addicted to them. after that took mrt to bishan, met mum&jas at j8, ate before come home:D


THURSDAY; 090807

pretty boring national day. was supposed to go out&watch rush hour 3, but end up everyone couldnt go, so stayed at home&stoned. nothing much to do on the com, so spent the day switching channels between star world, nickelodean, channel 8, mtv, disney, and yeah. i was laughing my head off at "my name is earl", cause he got this horrific beesting, making his lips&ear swollen. i'm not evil, it was just funny:)

FRIDAY; 100807
woke up and lazed around the house:D after that left the house at 11.45, to meet sean, yonghwee&amandaTAN at j8 for lunch. end up, we went to taka for food. easier for me anyway, since i was meeting lauren later. sean was dang slow lah. i was the earliest. &i hate waiting for people:D takes me super bored. amanda brought her friend along. xinyi i think, her name:X sean damn smart lah, lose his handphone-.-

we took like 30mins or longer to decide where to eat. amanda called jiayu for suggestions, and she said ajisen, but there was no ajisen at taka. so end up we choose pasta cafe, but it was too ex, so we went yoshi -.- haha when j8 has yoshi. yong was like "waste food waste food" when me & xinyi refused to eat the veggies. assssss. then i told him to eat it since it was wasting food, he was like "dont want, contaminated by you already" HUR WHATEVER. xinyi was like "can we eat icecreaaaaam?" HAHA LOL. we went to eat gelato:D ate duriannnnn:) *nudges ori* the durian there is nice:D that time went there with xifan, valen&lingli after the floats thing, they bought durian and i tried, and it's NICE:D sean was like "later your breath stinks" ... durian is nice okayD:

then cause lauren didnt want to guys over so yong&sean were like, "eh we go over ps kajiao you and your friend." and they were asking why lauren was so shy-.- i was like wthhh! then after that lauren smsed me say her bus got like no petrol like that -.- but after the bus driver fixed the bus, it went superduper fast. haha LOL. walked over to ps with the four of 'em. then me, amanda&xinyi jaywalked, then the guys were like "ORHHOR, YOU ALL JAYWALK" we were like, wth, it's perfectly NORMAL. normal people would jaywalk when the traffic light's taking too long, unlike THOSE TWO ABNORMAL PEOPLE.

after reaching ps, met lauren, and then split. simpsons was fulllllllD: there was like only one miserable seat left. RAWR. so end up we went to carefour to get our fbts:D then we went into almost every clothes store for fun. and looked at clothes and pointed out which we wanted:D &we were searching for pretty earrings, but we didnt find, despite walking from ps to heeren, then taking bus to fareast. that was how bored we are. after that went home, &blahhhh. and my legs were dang tired. was smsing jiayu. apparently she was at some boring party. haha pitypity.

my phonebills are 86bucks, &my mum scared me saying it's 100. sheesh. trying to cut down, but kind of hard, cause, i really sms a lot.

decoded messages; says:
what bee?
decoded messages; says:
a, b, c, d....
decoded messages; says:
ehh = a
decoded messages; says:
bee = b
decoded messages; says:
decoded messages; says:
: D

&amandaTAN's damn lame((: another oh so weird friend i have.

SATURDAY; 110807
today! nothing much but science tuition in the morning. went home, slack and yah.

had another science tuition in the afternoon, then when i was ALREADY at the busstop, my sis called &said mum ask me wait for her. bleh. make me miss TWO buses. how very nice. then kor saw me at the busstop, cause his bus passed by and he was like, sarcastically, "happy waiting". sheesh whatever.

went for tuition, bought my 3 packs of gummies, one pushpop, and grape sweet. ate them in class:D tuition was on graphs.

i. dont. freaking. understand. graphs.

after tuition, bought icepops&nutella:D went over to bishan market to buy dinner and now i'm home. HEYYO. haha &go see yesterday's post. oh man, i'm laughing my ass off:))

You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me you'd be around
Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed
In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Remember when we were such fools
And so convinced and just too cool
Oh no
No no
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything

When someone said count your blessings now
'fore they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Who knew

VIOLET; rubbish your head! :D
ALGER; then go and buy!
KAILIN; GREEN IS THE LOVE:D you then auntie ah!
AMANDAGOH; okay done:))
JIAYU; nope didntD:
AMANDATAN; haha FINE, &done((:

You promised me you'd be around

8:07 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

booooo. this two days have been damn shit la wth. must be because of the sweeping incident. yes i know it sounds like, rather superstitious, but still! i forgot who said, since there were five of us sweeping, so five days of bad luck. and it's already been two. oh man.

had hiphop for pe today. combined with three other classes. the instructor was dang fast okay! it's like, hello, everybody are just beginners! slow down slow down! haha and her moves for the hands are like, so uh:D seriously! it's like those "yo yo yo" kinda thing and hello, be more creative! she's a hiphop instructor. obviously we would expect more than just that.

geog was damn screwed. we had to do workbook & then i didnt bring. murkeji wasnt happy, obviously. but after that she scolded aleena for having flu. no offence, but you can't stop someone from having flu right? that was a little unreasonable. and violet's phone got confiscated during chinese... again. haha LOL.

ncc. screwed up again. really five days of bad luck D: &this better not go on. or else i rather just die man. two days and it sucks like hell already.

Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind

Then your voice pulls me back like a wake up call
I've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn't know

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky

It's alright, I survived, I'm alive again
Cos of you, made it through every storm
What is life, what's the use if you're killing time
I'm so glad I found an angel
Who was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly, looking in your eyes

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live, I live

Because you live there's a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've given me always

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has everything I need to survive

Because you live, I live, I live

I wanna fly, looking in your eyes

9:06 PM

Never coming home.