Tuesday, July 31, 2007


today was pretty much a soso day. started off with home ecs. me, kat, amelia, valen & xifan didnt bring our cloths to make into our design. fern caught us and she brought us out for a "talk". then she spotted kat's long nails and went to 2sy and called the prefects out to book her. i didnt get booked:D cause my nails were perfectly OKAY:D haha what do you expect, ncc eh:) *winks*

we were made to clean the home ec kitchens, you know the ones we use to cook in, yeah. not just one, but BOTH D: we had to mop, sweep the floors and wipe the tables. we were talking about random stuff. haha LOL. fern initially told us to wait for her, but end up she didnt come down and sarah told us that she left already -.- like so UH. valen said, so early in the morning sweep floor, confirm will bad luck today. all the dust in the home ecs room worsened my flu D:

after break was science. had fun playing with the lights and stuff. the colours were dang cool:D cause aleena didnt come to school today so kat sat at her place:) after that, we both fell asleep, cause it's like only playing with lights, and there was nothing much to do already:D

after recess, there was a twist of events. yes i know, i sound so cheem:D yeah. cause somebody wrote something vulgar about estherlyn, and everyone suspected violet. and i got caught in the middle:/ but oh well, though it's not resolved, but i'm okay now:D still as lame as ever (this shall be the only time i'll admit that i'm lame).

finally! after school. ncc precision drill rehearsals. i really screwed up like crap today okay D: is really screwed up. until like dont know what okay. and i still had stupid flu, so i was like sniffing and sneezing. bleh. need to IMPROVE D: and i need to do more pushups. aw man, i cant allow myself to screw now. national day is coming, and rehearsal is on thursday, which is in front of the ENTIRE school, needless to say, including the primary division.

after ncc went for tll with gladys. gladys is like, one of the most spastic people on earth. she made me laugh like crap over dinner. and oh! the sweets we bought, guess what i realised. it was dated "(THE DATE) BC" i was like, UH. it's like, how bloody old! then mrs lin was like "you've got an artefact" haha LOL. the lesson was pretty boring and gladys, xifan & ximian were in the replacement next door. we did compre and listen to musiccc:D jesse mccartney:D after i finished, i went to sleep for awhile, until i had my handphone vibrating few mins later. thanks to TWO people. very smart. mrs lin said i should work harder and she told me she saw five letter word on my face. i was like "HUHHHH? what five letter word?" then i was like thinking to myself, was she talking about "LOSER". haha then she was like "WASTE". then i was like, uh okay luh. haha whatever.

Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay


Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds

But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity


La Da Da Da Da Da

HUIYING; HAHA OKAY:D you opaa! i think that game against 2co was dang funny:D it's like so easy to score manzxzx. tell me what tell me what? HAHA LOL. i dont okay! i where got comb everyday! okay fine, before coming to school ONLY! seriously luh. haha flood your head la you!
ALGER; haha LOL. the ping pong song is nice!
KAILIN; haha okay. but i lazy relink people already eh:D HEH.
JEDIDAH; cheapskates are cool your ass la! hazel's the coolest!

I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine

10:55 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, July 30, 2007


haha i realised that "hello" is like, my standard form now:) oh well. haha but on msn i go "hey". okay fine, random:D i'm sleeeepy.

today school! history test really sucked D: i didn't manage to finish the paper. rawr. it's like, i was finishing up my last question, then the teacher was like "TIMES UP" D: oh man. but quite a few of us didn't manage to finish the paper either. i saw zhao keep turning back to look at the clock. haha idiot! spend more time on answering manzxzx:)

english we had half the class go to library, the other half stay in class. i stayed in class, cause it was according the register. & like into the first few mins of the lesson, i had to pee... -.- and mr teo was like "no!" then idiot jedidah & katrina, they were like "mr teo! you better let hazel go! later she pee here!" haha wth. we were writing on some stupid essay. on the pros & cons of, uh, .. oh FAME:D at first i randomly suggested the topic to be peeing:D cause at that time, i really wanted to pee:X then dumb funny things happened:) after that, cause we had to start the essay. me & katrina talked about something. then mr teo went to throw paper balls at us. like wthh! haha but i think it'll be damn funny if it went into katrina's mouth. HAHA KIDDING:D & jedidah was so cheapskate again. she suggested that one of the pros was a lot of freebies -.- aw man, yes, jedidah's so cheapskate. until 10cents on the floor also must scramble and pick. TSK! then aleena was feeling unwell, so jedidah had like TONS of medicine in her bag. then mr teo was like "aiyo jedidah! you take drugs ah!" HAHA LOL. then he told aleena after she took the medicine "aleena! are you feeling high? let's play some techno and see what happens". omg LOL. haha then aleena was like "haha, shut up la!" .. HEH. english lesson was dang retarded:D

thenthen! today had interclass captain's ball:) i forgot to bring my school shorts, explaining why i was wearing school skirt while playing today. had fbts underneath:D haha you think what ah! never wear shorts... i'm not that gross like ama okay. i do wear shorts underneath. team 2! consisted of me, aisha, gloria, lingli, violet & esther seah! but the second round we reshuffled, cause we were losing. so we had me, gloria, lien, huiying, aleena & xifan:D (if i'm not wrong) haha aleena play until very funny. she was like *clap*, *points upwards* and catches the ball. HEH. we watched our class team 3 play against 2co's team 3. haha we were all laughing like crap, cause their team 3 were like, the people who were scared of balls (please think STRAIGHT. yes thank you) yeah.

YAYE 2GRAAACE! ♥ congrats to everyone who worked hard, whether you won or you lost, you all did your best and we all won something today! out of the 12 games we played today, we won 8! good job 2gr:D we're the loveliest, coolest & hottest bananas in the universe:D even cooler than those bananas in pajamas(sp?) :D haha okay random.

after school had ncc:) we rehearse linking formation 1 with formation 2. haha the lines werent straight but oh well! good job everybody:D and we were invited to the squash courts to makan. no drinks D: haha there were mgs & rgs squash people at the courts. we ate a little, before going down to the field to practise somemore. haha the ncos stuck chopsticks into the ground to mark off, reminding me of platoon chalet last year:D the sparklers. i'm sure most people would remember. that freaked us out for the entire night, and we almost couldn't sleep for half the night:D partly because of yours truly:)

ncc ended. talked for awhile. stupid chloe & her dawn. TSK. and xinyuan, i saw the post on your blog okay.
Then Hazel saved my life and said I was just hungry haha thanks Miss Combs Her Fringe After Every Parade. [/quoted off xinyuan's blog]
for your information, i dont comb my fringe after every parade! just that my hair curls easily, so i have to comb it to make it straight, HOWEVER, i dont comb my fringe after every parade okay! TSK.

ahh i ♥ this song:) haha dont know why, but i ♥ emo songs now. dont know. haha but i'm not exactly emo at the moment. haha & i dont go round cutting wrists yo! aw emo people:) haha i remember on thursday science tuition, i kept mentioning about emo people:D that they drown themselves, jump down building, blah blah blah. HAHA LOL.

I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.

What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.

Yeah, oh

She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah

Her dreams she can't find

8:01 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


history test tomorrow & i havent studied. well, not exactly. but i looked through the textbook:D well not exactly the textbook, cause i couldnt find mine. so i used the other one. HEH.

for some reason, my maid's damn lame today.

me : i dont like green chilli D: *shuffles feet*
siti : you want red chilli?

i obviously dont want red chilli since i dont like green chilli! then she gave me that smile. EVIL. TSK. and, and!

me : this is damn hot D:
siti : you want to turn on aircon?

WTHHHHHH. haha i was obviously saying the food! for some reason, she's just so spastic today:D and now she's asking me about my boyfriend, when i dont even have one. haha idiot. and earlier, she went to make fun of meD:

me : where's the nutella?
siti : oh the hazelnut? there.

and i was like, EH WTH. butbut, nutella (nootella)'s nice okay! i had two breads with loads of nutella spread:D i shall go eat somemore later. nutella is the love yo! :D haha yesterday, xifan was late. zzz. and she took veryveryvery long to eat. so me and ximian were like down there, stoning, waiting for her to finish before we go to tuition. haha we were like, one hour late:D coolness yo. then my pushpop♥ LALALALA. was so sleepy. *yawns* and after tuition, i ate my icepop:D haha oh oh, there's still one more in the fridge:D i shall go take it later. & it's GREEN:D

haha then talked on the phone to katrina. katrina's such a stupid person:D and i dont attract indian mosquitoes okay! (i know this sounds racist, but haha, that's what she said. i'm just quoting, i'm just quoting) like you dont attract that kind of people. haha IDIOT.

then today toh. damn sian. stupid smily anyhow talk shit one. cause we were passing notes (as usual), and i told her that the twins were freaky. cause they did the same action at one time, but just that different side only. and she said i was observing them. like WTH. haha maybe i should scan it in. the note. haha lazy. later:D and she brought fried rice to class. so me her and the china girl were eating the fried rice:D haha sheryl was stoning. aiya, toh will probably never realised, with his blurness and constant saying of how good is he, that only probably the twins and the nerd are listening in class:) haha LOSER.

i progressed yo! i'm on the 19th chapter of hp:D haha. with two days to go. zzz. returning to nick on tuesday. i dont want to go on tuesdayD: dont wanna face ___. so damn bloody freaky okay. wish he'll just transfer class or smth. sheesh la omg.

LAUREN; haha yes i know. thankyou:D
AMANDAGOH; i havent cable over from my handphone:D you ask your sis for my email, when i cable over then i send to you:) okayokay?
KATRINA; oei! you dont anyhow pose as me okay! haha IDIOT. you love me more! YAYE:D
VIOLET; who ask you attract so many guys:D
DARREN; look who's talking, you cheesecake seller. tsk, what a blue vlue vully:) *evil smile*

when you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you

9:11 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


lalalala. going for science tuition sooooooon. xifan ask me meet her at j8 half an hour earlier. she better be on time man. i dont want to be by myself, wandering around j8 like some loner.

oh oh! the prefect elections was announced yesterday. GUESS WHAT:D our class has ZERO prefects. and in the whole school, it's like, only two classes has no prefects. haha damn cool:D and better not having prefects anw. cause we're all gonna die. our class is like, the most demerits. having prefects in our class would cause us to have MORE demerits. and hell i dont want that. i'm already waiting for my detention letter okay): blahblahblah. damn cool la when they said the class prefects, it was like "2pe ... (names). 2pr ... (names)" when they said 2pr, we were like all cheering:D HEH. who wants prefects man! and we were like all hoping that there wont be any. we were like ohpleaseohpleaseohplease,pleasenoprefects :D

and i'm made to go for this floats thingy. so dumb la. with valen, xifan, lingli & aisha. oh man. have to wake up like superduper early manzxzx): haha valen was telling us about her bro's lame joke. but we all laughed like crap.
valen : how to make a chinese sentence with the word, THUNDER?
us : uhhhhh...
valen : zhe zhi bi shi miss tan de(thunder) (this pen belongs to miss tan)
us : *laughs*

i like avril's when you're gone:) this song's making me super emo. i'm gonna miss everything here when i'm gone♥ i hope you feel the same for me too. love you my besties♥

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now


We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah


when you walk away, i count the steps that you take

1:38 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, July 27, 2007


MONDAY; 230707
maths test! it was like, reallyreallyreally horrible:/ i gave up on question 9:) cause it was killing too many brain cells. and i anyhow answered question 7. aiya, my end of year results are gonna totally suck la. ncc after school. more precision

TUESDAY; 240707
lalala, i forgot what happened. but after school went to childcare. cause the k2s had to practice for sports day, so lingli went to play with the k1s, the rest of us did clean up. me and michelle went to the baby place! omg la, the babies are dang cute okay:D we over there, wash window, mop floor, vacuum, clean toys, clean this clean that. lousy michelle didnt know how to mop. she says home ecs is always her partner do the duties. no wonder. so taitai-ish hor:) after that, 5 finish everything. and there were these baby songs playing on repeat like : "mother duck says quack quack quack quack" & "hot cross buns, hot cross buns!" and the "quack quack quack" part was damn monotone that we couldnt stop laughing:D

we went back to help out with dimissal. aishah's so cute! she sat on my lap and we started to play peekaboo with her. i didnt see iqbal! namaste and jaikumar(sp?) was damn cute too! obviously namaste's cute:D then namaste gang with jaikumar and they were like "i dont friend you okay". HAHA SO CUTE♥ andand! after that namaste was like, "aiya i give you sweet la" then he stretch out his hand. and i was like "where!" then he stretch his hand further. and you get the idea. invisible:D i played along and was like "thank you!" haha omg he's so cute♥ then after that i asked him for one more. he was like "i give you already what!" and we were telling him that his name meant good morning in tamil (wait, was it tamil?). haha then he gave the whatever face. he's so bloody cute and hot♥ then after that we build 'guns' together. haha his gun fell apart(:

tll. gladys went just for oral. then me and michelle was drawing on the board:) namaste! :D totally the love man! and i shouldnt have given ___ my number. so damn bloody irritating now. and thanks to nickTAN for lending me hp:D i'm only like, on chap10 still. HEH.

lalalala. i forgot what happen. stml:) but ncc after school. and yeah. i think i need a brain check. oh wait, there was australian maths test and uhh, practical. ammonia sucks. ANTI AMMONIA AND STINKY SHIT SMELL PAPERS:D sc papers have been smelling like shit recently. yucks la.

THURSDAY; 260707
haha yesterday. me went to undo amelia's shoelace and then jedidah went to tie it together. as it one shoe's shoelace with the other shoe's. for some unknown reason, it was bloody tight. so me and jed spent like, 15mins trying to untie it. mrs cha was giving that "you flooded the lab" look. and my science results suck like crap okay): it's 21.5/60. i failed! dang. chinese had zidu

after school went to esso with violet, kat, sylvia and abby. it started to rain like what crap, my whole uni & shoes were wet! and then we stopped by tanglin cc borrow umbrella from the people there. some loser sji guys were down there. cause violet or who scream when sudden thunder. then they follow shrill. we were like, uhh so gay freak loser.

after that go there buy pushpops. katrina smart, left her pushpops there. really very smart:) then i called xifan like dont know how many times before she pick up. cause we supposed to go tuition together. she picked up on the 15th call. nice. then we went j8 makan yoshi. haha. my teriyaki chicken:D after that we walked to tuition. someone said that walking to tuition that time, got hardly any chs guys hor. end up we walk there, like one big bunch down there, so whatever losers la.

then tuition, kept eating my pushpops:D and learnt stuff about science and laughed alot. haha ahma going senile. aiyo. haha mummy jedidah! kame is UGLY can! :D you must listen to ahma, &divorce him!

TODAY; 270707
my dear partner finally came back to school:) and she talks about getting tattoos whole day long la that girl. and today all the chinese papers laoshi give back one i all fail): three papers all failed): sigh. and art was soso. had to design something with circles and dots. then me and jedidah were like "circle circle dot dot" :D HEH. and the teacher pronounce chameleon as shamalon:D and i was imitating her. so what is this? it's a shamalon:)

had oral after school. mine was damn fast and it was like, 4 classes squeezed into one room. and we played truth&dare. haha we dared jedidah to go to 3 2pe girls and say "i really love you. can you be my girlfriend?" HAHA. but they were damn dao la. whatever. haha and sha was so cute:D she was like bouncing up and down saying "shhhh"

after oral, ncc. talked to the ncos for awhile. talking about next year makes me sad): SIGHHH. then after that, we had precision and stuff. taught the partAs until like, 3plus cause the ncos had limboonkeng talk. LOL. then we knocked it down today, cause we didnt count the number of rifles, and the ncos hid 3.

then after ncc, went to boonkeng with kai and violet. ate macs and there were like this bunch of very quiet people (note: extreme sarcasm). then kai said they were talking about asking us for number. then we were like, confirm want to ask violet. haha REALLY:) then we were like, violet, we won the bet, you owe us ten bucks:D then we wanted to give ___'s number, but they went to call and check so not fun already. then violet's dad sent me home. and yeah.

reached home, read two chapters of hp, fell asleep, woke up 40mins later, used com, bathed and yeah here i am:)

okay bye.

LINGLI; we love namaste♥
YUJIE; perhaps i shouldXP
YONGHWEE; rich your head la! bloody hell. tell you dont anyhow say already luh. yes obviously green is nice:D it's my fave colour & i got good taste okay:D
STACIA; hey:)
KAILIN; haha okay, ... archives:D haha today was damn retarded. loveyou!♥

we used to have this figured out

9:53 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

maths test is in less than 24 hours, yet i havent started, other than staring blankly at heymath for the last, few hours? many many breaks in between. includes a 2hours plus nap:D &i'm surprised my clorets hasnt finished, at the rate i've popped it into my mouth today. and i've also stared at youtube tons today.

and i'm still sleepy. and hungry. tomorrow is the major maths test :/ well, one of them. but i've not started studying:/ quoted from lauren; "you every week study so hard then now never". cause maths i dont know what to study! in fact, i rarely study for maths:D

okay i shall go and attempt to study:)

JEDIDAH; ya lor! who knows! GAYLOVE:D

i wanna take you away, let's escape into the music

8:20 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

these few guys created another video for enrique's do you know (ping pong song):D i think it's rather hilarious. then i found this other video with enrique. i watched it several times before, but i didnt know it was him -.- we will rock you sang by britney, pink & beyonce. beautiful mix. pepsi advertisement. he's so cute:D rihanna's dont stop the music is nice too!

AMANDALAI! jesse is mine okay:D we're like smsing back and forth who does jesse belong to. she's the one in denial that jesse is mine:D haha. and she claims that she's the one who will make him forget all about katie. oh, i'm SURE. then we were talking about yx also. we started getting all sarcastic and all, saying me and her will be bffs. LOL. in her dreams man. there's just no way:)

Here I am, so try to forgive me. I don't believe in fairy tales

9:05 PM

Never coming home.


photos from yesterday!


i'm only in two of those:D

(all these were taken from lingli's blog)

i lovelovelove daughtry's used to ♥ so nice. and i hate studying for mathsD: major maths test on monday! die:/ &i'm really having muscle aches everywhere. even my stomach, and i dont know why -.- I NEED NEW FBTS!

You used to talk to me like
I was the only one around.
You used to lean on me like
The only other choice was falling down.
You used to walk with me like
We had nowhere we needed to go,
Nice and slow, to no place in particular.

We used to have this figured out;
We used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?

I used to reach for you when
I got lost along the way.
I used to listen.
You always had just the right thing to say.
I used to follow you.
Never really cared where we would go,
Fast or slow, to anywhere at all.

We used to have this figured out;
We used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?

I look around me,
And I want you to be there
'Cause I miss the things that we shared.
Look around you.
It's empty, and you're sad
'Cause you miss the love that we had.

You used to talk to me like
I was the only one around,
The only one around.

We used to have this figured out;
We used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?
To how it used to be.
To how it used to be, yeah.
To how it used to be.
To how it used to be.

♥ miss the love we shared

1:04 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, July 20, 2007


i'm more in the mood to blog these few days:D so yeah. today was okay! first started off with english. went to geog room to watch "Signs". some alien show. i dont know, i didnt really watch it. but it got pretty dumb at some parts, and i didnt watch the whole thing cause i knew i'm the kind who get easily scared at this kind of movies, despite that it's a thriller and not horror. but still!

then chinese, another zi du. so irritating la. so many zi dus. then recess, me, violet, huiying and lyn. i ran 9mins on the treadmill! yaye! that was about 1.2km:D then did sit ups, and lift weights and others. then after that, me, huiying and violet signed up for great eastern 5km:D haha it's in like, october. haha.

after school there was assembly. for racial harmony celebration. haha. we were like jokingjoking over there. we say nose as ear, ear as nose, mouth as eye, eye as mouth & butt:D so funnehhh. then after that dont know which teacher was like "can you please lend me your ears" then we laugh like crap la. then i was like "eh, my ears cannot hear anything eh". haha we were all laughing like crap:D then violet took her star sticker and put it on my ear say wah i got new earhole what crap la. haha so random:D

ncc:D before ncc, me and violet went to run two rounds around the track. then reported at 2.45. then did marching and precision drills, practise for national day in school. i tell you, tomorrow i wake up, confirm have arm ache, finger ache, leg ache, foot ache, hand ache, toe ache, back ache, everywhere ache! so pain la do angkat & baring(sp?). but turning the gun and everything was so fun:D fun but tiring.

after ncc, went to sji caltex with violet. eat instant noodles:D and longan almond jelly! after that eat so full already, go home that time, on the way back my mum called me ask me meet them at tp. then i okayokay luh. end up is to eat! wahliao. i eat double so freaking full okayD: omg la. swensens icecream what crap la. and my lovely crayfish pasta♥ i lovelovelove it:D my mum got me addicted to it la she. cause that time she bought and i tried and i fell in love:D HEH. so full! luckily i got exercise today. &i ran 1.6 today! so proud of myself. shall attempt to work out more often:D

my next week's schedule's so bloody packed. monday, wednesday & friday ncc. tuesday childcare♥ thursday got science tuition. i want to see namaste! oh do you know! to greet a person or whatever, you say "NAMASTE"! me and lingli were like wthhh! everybody kept saying "namaste, namaste, namaste". so weird if i talk to him next time. it'll be like "hello namaste(hello)" EHHHH! but i lovelovelove namaste♥ he's so freaking cute and i so look forward to seeing him on tuesday:D YAYE.

it was never just about you, nor about me.

9:49 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


today was pretty much okay:) just that i got another demerit and have either 13 or 14 now. that is, if leong submitted that demerit of mine and kat's. sigh. cause i thought this morning was kinda drizzling, so i lowered my socks thinking we'll go straight to class. end up... sheesh.

chinese zi du! and i cant find my freaking chinese fileD: i dont know why! i left it in the cupboard before excelfest. butbutbut, now it's like, gone): shit man. laoshi was like you have the redo everything or get zero. eeyerr this sucks like crap okay. it's not at home. i checked already. and again and again. and it's not like my results aint bad enough. idiot. recess didnt go gym afterall. we didnt bring pe attire and it was freaking cold. wonderful weather to sleep:)

during english, discussed what movie are we gonna watch tomorrow. they want to watch horror! :/ i hatehatehate horror. i'll scream like shit and i'll get nightmaresD: and aleena, steph and jedidah want to watch Silent Hill. i was like, crap. me, lingli, charlotte & estherlyn's gonna all die. and violet wanted final destination 3. i was like, EH. spare a thought for us that's scared of horrors:/ teo said he's gonna choose 3 horror films. one soso, one average, and one walao eh. sheesh. then cause violet brought cereal. then aleena said the paper container was her beggar box or something -.- and me, her, xifan and huiying were eating from that. as usual, aleena ate the mostXP haha. then she and i were trying throw cereal down xifan's uni. and aleena threw some down mine, and i threw some down hers. and she accused me for the cereal stuck on her socks. HAH. i went to toilet, there was like, a lot of cereal. tsk aleena.

after school went to eat prata with xifan, kat, violet & lien. at first it was me, xifan, kat & violet only. then we hitched a ride from lien who was heading to serene alone. so we asked her to come along with us. my french prata! YAYE:DD it's a long time since i ate prata. and my longan spin! violet thought that longan spin was hers. tsk. haha i lovelove longan spin:D i owe lien $6.15. and some other people money too. i'm brooooooke): &the new school socks the logo is freaking low, meaning our socks will be freaking high:/ does anywhere tailor make sc socks? :D

... avril did girlfriend remix with lil' mama. so now it's like, rap and... so contrasting. er LOL. so weird. still waiting for it to upload so i can watch it. oh god. there's remix of umbrella with lil' mama... i wonder how it sounds like. katrina download rooftops! and she sent it to me:D standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out. LALALA:D i want to listen to "do you know (ping pong song)"! but i'm talking on my handphone now. so haha shall wait:D

my left leg and butt hurts): from drills yesterday. i was limping around the house just now): i hope it's better tomorrow, cause tomorrow there's gonna be tons of drills as well. national day! haha. the muscle aches are horrible): omg i feel so sleepy again:/ i slept for 3 hours just now already, and i'm still sleepy. sigh.

LINGLI; YAR! let's go hide in the toilet for double period tomorrow. or we stay outside and do our own things. i dont want to watch! idiot la. i would rather teo's slapstick comedy shows compared to horror:/

do you know how it feels like loving someone who's in a rush to throw you away.
do you know how it feels like to be the last one to know that the lock on the door has changed.

9:13 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

today was screwed. really screwed.

first school started off pretty much okay. then people started pissing me off. not just one, but a few. pissed off during recess, during chinese, blah. shant talk about it, cause i'm still pissed. and it'll probably make me more pissed. those people i'm pissed at probably know that i'm referring to them, but heck. they can do things their way, and i'll just do otherwise. whatever.

did hockey during pe today. me and dwi against xifan and valen. damn fun:) and we burst out laughing a lot of times, and couldnt stop. we fell on the floor, laughing our heads off. haha. lovelove hockey:D it's fun. but i tripped over xifan's hockey stick once:/ sheesh. but i like hockey! despite the fact that most of the time, we were anyhow-playing:D

huiying asked me at first today recess want to go gym, but aiya, tomorrow then go. so tomorrow we're going to the gym to work out:D i need it anyway. i'm feeling super unfit. especially after today's dinner:/ after ncc i went serene with gladys and violet. huiying actually can go! then she dont want, cause scared her mother scold. eeyerr. after that, my mum called me. i totally forgot i had a dinner to attend, and i was freaking full. so quickly catch a bus home. when i reached home, my mum called cab and i had 5mins to change and clean up. i was freaking sweaty. no thanks to drills:) but drills, were kinda soso today. i need to do pushups. later:)

then it was sixth aunt's 60th birthday. but not everyone turned up, cause it aint the actual date. debbie so idiot la. waste my sms. we took photos, ate cheapskate sharkfin soup, and yeah. damn full. i need to exercise. i got tummy fats:/ stupid deb says she's fat when she's 35kg. bloody hell. and she's my age?! but she's shorter, but STILL. 35kg is like, underweight?! or severely underweight! and she says she's fat. i was like, shut up seriously. then jas went to take photos of uncle. then haha it's damn funny. he was like "now i'm gonna be popular on the web" cause we said we wanted to put it up on blogs:) then i made use of deb's second earhole to ask my mum if i could. she was like, wait until uni. i was like, WTH. that's four bloody long years. i cant wait that long manzxzx.

haha gladys is now my accomplice for singing "do you know (ping pong song)" :D we were singing it on the way to serene. haha yaye! but that means i cant irritate her with it anymoreXP &i think i'm really going to ____. my mum wants me to sign & mail to them by this week. i know some people will be damn happy:) whatever. here's your dream come true. and i'm still damn pissed. at you, at them, at probably, everything.

she's a brick and i'm drowning slowly.
off the coast and i'm headed nowhere.

9:53 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


addicted to "do you know (ping pong song)" but i think the ping pong part is like, damn extra. i was irritating gladys with the song:D cause i only remembered one part. so i kept singing over and over again to her on the way to united square. after that she was like "AIYA. do you know how it feels like without glasses in a rush to go to tuitionnnnnn" HAHA. gladys's so retarded manzxzx.

today ncc:) &then! we had marching. is like selection for national day. tomorrow also. i think i too long never march for so long already. then headache. the sun was like, scorching hot okay! feel that i slacked abit today. cause dont know why my hands just felt damn tired, so they were like, not exactly what i say in place. but oh well, shall do better tomorrow. look forward to a better tomorrow:D WHATEVER.

haha anyway! then me and gladys went to eat at macs. she's so retarded la she. then she tried fries with mcflurry:D still okay la:) then she was like "dont finish my drink okay!" then end up half left, she left it at macs. tsk dumb. haha after that went to repair her glasses. cause something smashed it. but not like, smash smash. just .. aiya like someone sit on it. then it costed $2! for the bloody screw. then during tll! she anyhow go draw on my paper. then i draw on hers too:D

haha enrique is hot okay! ama and kat say he look like drunkard:D LOL. but he's not bad la:) but i prefer jesse! YAYE. lovelove. haha addicted to so many songs again! yaye. haha. oh yeah! then aleena was teaching us korean in maths:D then ori should call me dongsaeng cause she's my kor:) then i should call her oppa:D LOL. then aleena was saying korean so cool use "yo" behind their language one.

LINGLI; haha hi5! lovelove namaste ♥
VIOLET; boo back:)
XINYUAN; haha yeah okay. but i think i'm going:/

Seeing your face no more on my pillow, is a scene that's never happened to me.

10:57 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

surely you dont have to put them down so harshly right? i mean like, come on, everyone hates and loves everybody. not everyone is loved by everyone. from the email, it's obvious that the person is overly insecure and has no self confidence. by putting her down like that, it's destroying her even more. everybody's just as sad and angry as you, but we all have to move on. if the person knows what's right and wrong, she'll admit. let go of the matter, just let go.

the njc results came on thursday. i'm in. but i not sure if i really want to go. i'll miss sc tons. almost everything's here. my friends, scncc, my platoonmates, the stupid jokes, the lameness...(: i dont know. ama got in also. my parents are goddamn happy but i cant help feeling empty. everyone's rejoicing, but i'm emoing. i guess i'll just look ahead for now, and let that decision slowly unfold into place.

pretending, that smile underneath is another frown.

3:33 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well

Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well

Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are

i really dont wanna leave. but i cant make them unhappy either. stuck between a junction of crossroads, where the cars speed past me. why cant one just come forward and knock me down.

i cant be who you are

10:21 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


080707; kristal's birthday:D



hello kristal!


This is Haysel (hazel) by brina:D


brina acts cute:D

brina's "in jail" (according to her)





brina & me:D


o9o7o7; xifan's house:D


you know you want them:D

hello valen!

100707; childcare:D





LOVE; lingli, eugenia, michelle & me


random picture:D

eugenia's cute card:D

another cute card:D

me & michelle:)

lingli looks ghostly:D

ggp eugenia:D

michelle's extra leg:)

hello daddy:D

hello ggp:D

TLL, united square


hello spoon:)


HAHA. the one eye, one spoon monster:)

& she prays to the food... (actually, she was playing with tissue)

haha now you know how spastic my "husband" can get:D the other time he (she) was poking fries into the icecream. OH. macs's icecream increased by 10cents:/ another fishball. stupid lauren ):

HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
!!LAUREN says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
!!LAUREN says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
the 50cents vanilla cone in macs INCREASED PRICE
!!LAUREN says:
i dont know what
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
by 10cents
!!LAUREN says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
!!LAUREN says:
i knew liaooo
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
!!LAUREN says:
HAHA outdated old woman
!!LAUREN says:
!!LAUREN says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
*hits lauren&
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
* *
!!LAUREN says:
!!LAUREN says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
not funny
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:

today in school was fun & shit at the same time. me and kat had to see leong for our hair. she was like "wow now your hair so neat" what role model this kind la. HUR. after that something happened. but what i think is that, the person is seriously insecure to actually resort to this kind of means. being outcasted, or felt left out, or just wanting to have some self confidence and place for once. but if that person admits, not everyone will be that willing to forgive her, seriously. they may say "oh i will" but actually, it's hard, after all the insults they had to take. what i'll suggest is a heart to heart talk to the person:)

school was harsh the lessons. three humans, science, chinese & maths:/ killer lessons. valen got pissed off during chinese today. and the prefect nominees are out! aisha & sarah. but no xifan! EH. half the class voted for xifan la! EEYERR. clear classrooms for excelfest tomorrow. no school but i have to go back for poetry slam:/

after school went j8 with xifan. saw shaoting on the bus, reading her book. so guai worzxzx:) then so full luhh! and the bus was freaking crowded. ate macs. i feel so full i dont think i can eat dinner:/

playing with gladys uno:)

GLADSIE(: running makes my tears go away says:
hi 5
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
hi 10
GLADSIE(: running makes my tears go away says:
hi 20
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
hi 40
GLADSIE(: running makes my tears go away says:
you where got 40 fingers?
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:
GLADSIE(: running makes my tears go away says:
HAZEL ♥ &just so you know says:

okay bye:)

LAUREN; fineee. eeyerr you mean!
JEDIDAH; haha what flattered muffins:D

standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out

5:32 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


FRIDAY; 060707
cant remember how school was like, but ncc! haha we did drills and also went through ifc again:) haha there was this particular convo that was superduper funny:D

3sg felicia: what's enemy.
*everyone points thumb down*
3sg felicia: friend?
*everyone stones for awhile, cause we havent learnt that, and slowly turn our thumbs up*
3sg felicia: and ready?
*valerie puts two thumbs up*
*everyone laughs*

DAMN RETARDED LA WTHHH:DD cause we didnt learn friend &ready. apparently according 3sg felicia, she was asked about those two during specs course. LOLLL. and 3sg felicia taught us bad field signals that she didnt want us to learn. oh and:) they asked us if we knew who was our commanding officer.

*more about arthur-s"
3sg kai, 3sg felicia: WHO'S THAT?!
chloe: the name just sounded familiar
3sg kai: arthur beng is the chairman, and chloe, your low chee kiat is a nobody.

HAHAHAHA. she's damn random la wth! haha parade was pretty fun:) and pt was quite okay. musical chairs and yeah. i tell you, i suck at musical chairs:D and adelia's damn good at it la! she always the top. but then this time, it's like, two winners. cause both of them were like, half butt each on the chair -.- LOL.

SATURDAY; 070707
just a nice number day, that's it. oh, and many people got married:) dontknow anyone that got married though.. *shuffles feet*

SUNDAY; 080707
toh tuition. toh thinks jewel is still in toh la wth. haha DUMB. then smily was late. and three weird new kids. two girls that looked extremely twittish to me:) and one weird guy that couldnt stop giggling to himself. last week the two that joined was a nerd and a extremely fair&skinny guy. eeyerr. so many weird kids in toh. but no wonder, toh's a weird teacher. haha i'm the sane one:D perfectly pure:) and not weird. no peanuts for smilyyyy. bet she was unhappy.

kristal's birthday! eeyerr. at first kailin and kat can come one luh, end up they two cannot. sheesh manzxzx. butbut brenda's sis is damn cute (will upload the pictures later). brina:D she was like, drew a picture. then she wrote the word "digging nose" and she asked me what was my name. and i said "jasmine". then she put above "digging nose", "jasmine". HAHA. and she spelt my name "haysel". she's damn cute la wth:)

and studied geog for 4 hours! wasnt easy okay:/ haha the second time i studied so hard this year:) i hatehatehate block tests la, SHEESH.

MONDAY; 090707
SCHOOOOOL:) i cant remember what happened either... eeyerr. but! haha the assembly talk was somewhat boring:) and i fell asleep. along with many others:) oh! and aleena dared xifan to lick her finger. and she did. haha and we were laughing like crap, cause aleena didnt think xifan would do it. haha and aleena was like "yuuuuuucks!" :D

after that went home, play com, pack bag, went over to school to meet xifan and valen. going to stay over at xifan's house to do muffins for pushcart:D ate dinner there, and watched css2 at the same time. eeyerr that guohao guy sucks shit la. yet he still made it through, like wth. he sings like, a... i dontknow! it's so horrible. and he isnt even goodlooking:)

haha then xifan told her mum that i sleep and eat 24 hours. but then, twist, her mum said it was good. so that i'll get enough energy blahblahblah. so different from my mum! my mum scolds me for sleeping too much. like 10hours a day during the weekends is alot like that. it's damn little can! eeyerr. i'm a growing kid afterall:D me and xifan started on the muffins before valen came. haha and we played abit of mapleXP

when valen came, then we started talking and doing. they take me like rubbish bin like that la! eeyerr. they were like "if anything not nice, let hazel eat" not my fault i'm constantly hungry): i need nutrition okay! and the muffins were excellent:D except for the fact that they, kinda, sink in:D haha and i ate alot la! so freaking full. and it was very oily! eeyerr. but those who ate it, dont worry, we wiped away, er, most of the oil:)

played com for awhile. retarded moments:D after that when everything was done, and i was superduper tired:) i need sleeeeep. went to sleep at like, 1.30am. me and valen were in the same room.

valen: hazel, off the light
me: dontwant:D
valen: hazel you closer!
me: lazy
*valen gets up*
valen: you ah!

haha to tell the truth, i'm scared of the dark. so i hate off-ing the light, unless someone offs it:D then valen started to play songs to make us sleep. and we both were about to fall asleep, ... when i sneezed. woke the two of us:D then another song played.

*song plays*
valen: this song will confirm make us sleep
me: what song is this?
valen: trouble sleeping

so... HUR. then after that she played some other song, and we both fell asleep:D haha and she was warning me not to pull the blanket. and according to her, i did:D and she didnt want to pull cause she thought later i dont have. but actually, before we slept, i had alot of the blanket already. HEH. and i have pictures of xifan in _____:) nothing sick, reallyXD

TUESDAY; 100707
in the morning, xifan's mother made me eat breakfast. when i finished, ...

xf's mum: you want somemore?
me: dont want dont want
xf's mum: aiya nvm, you bring to school la!
me: haha no need la
xf's mum: MUST!
*packs the sandwich into a ziplock bag*

eeyerr. but it was nice la:D HEH. we took taxi to school, along with ximian. we dropped off first. we were superduper early, so we went to sji esso to get hershleys cookies and cream cause we forgot to bring it, and it was one of our toppings:D when going back to school, we saw this taxi crashed into our school the wall. HAHA. i wondered how he got to such a weird place, cause it's like, hard, to hit that particular wall.

pushcart! we went down like, 9.35 to start setting up. super early, when recess starts at 10.30. muffins! and NUTELLA. yumyum. haha. we were all sold out! see it's nice okay:D the nutella rocks manzxzx. then valen they all went to intimidate the partAs. haha LOL. it was damn funny. freaking kat and kailin went to push me to the table. sheesh you la! and i got peiyi to buy something:D and meishaan was practically dragging claudia to buy something. poor thing poor thing. and i got one more demerit. 12 demerits. hello detentionD:

we went up to class like, damn late. and murkeji was pissed off. after that during teo's lesson, me, kat and aleena were enjoying the nutella:D it's NICE. and DELICIOUS. haha then aleena started to colour her teeth with nutella. damn funny la. first one tooth, then her front two, then top front two, and bottom front two:D and she also nutella-ed her lips. everybody was laughing like crap la. then teo offered to put it on her face. she was like "no no no"

childcare after school! took retarded photos of greatgrandpa eugenia:D and ggp's cool cards:D (will upload either tomorrow or friday). reached childcare. playground! kiddishh. then went to see the kids! NAMASTE so cute so cute so cute:D haha. i was doing the n2 class. michelle had namaste's class! sigh):

there was this pretty girl called aisha or aishah or whatever in my class. she's damn cute and pretty la. me and lingli agreed she'll be a good match for namaste:D then they went to eat lunch outside. the smallsmall girl was crying as per normal. and shakira was looking after faris:) but they're not siblings la! haha but damn cute. shalia's smiles are cute, but she's damn naughty. and the teacher said she needed to lose weight, so she gave her the smaller pieces of bread. but she took like, 8? a lot la! faris was damn cute!

after that went in. some went with the teacher, while two came along with me to play the "gym". tire me out man. i have to run after the ball for them, tell them to play properly, and ask them to stand on the blue mats while throwing the balls through the hoops. shakira told faris what ball to take. then this other girl called aishah, she's damn stubborn la. when she gets stubborn, you say anything she also wont listen): lingli daddy and eugenia ggp were painting with the other kids. the pretty aisha(h) and two other small kids were playing dress up

after when all played the gym, the teacher let them tear papers to practice their grip. faris tear so big waste paper! then i think shalia tear until must nicenice one. haha. after that goodbye! there was this boy in lingli's class who kept going to pretty aisha(h) and say her name manymany times. his name was jaikumar i think:)

went over to the other part of the childcare where michelle was with namaste's class. he's so cute! we had to secretly take photos of him. aisha(h) cried cause she wanted her mum. then i wanted to see how to spell jaikumar's name. then he didnt let me see. eeyerr. after that he let me see, letter by letter. HAHA. but in the end, i still forgot how to spell. LOL. we left at 5.30. michelle went to her grandma house to bathe, which was oppo united square, i went united square first.

walked around, then gladys came! haha we went to foodcourt:D and eat already, we went up to class. mrslin didnt come, some replacement teacher. when class started, me and gladys were talking about me sleeping in class. then the teacher overheard.

teacher: take hazel for example. she sleeps in class
me: what is this, critical analysis?!
teacher: yeah
me: i didnt sleeping today during ce, during english, during... *lists one two more*
nicholas: it means she sleeps during every other lesson
*gladys smiles evilly*

EEYERR. gladys anyhow sabo me. then gladys gave "evidence". her statement was more trustworthy cause we were classmates. eeyerr. sucks la! and then the teacher called gerald peepee:D HAHA. everyone was laughing. and that stupid guy went to tell the teacher my nickname.

*teacher write my name on the board*
me: why me!
teacher: cause you're the most obvious character in this class
me: *whispers* wthh
gerald: her name spell wrongly already! it's h-e-y-z-e-r!

bloody hell! then the teacher asked the class if a book was called hazel, would anyone read it. sadly, no): then she asked if it was called heyzer, would anyone read it. then gerald was like "YA. and all her friends also!" wthh. he's damn idiot la. gladys had two scissors. if he was any nearer, i swear i would have cut his hair. then gladys drew all over my paper, and i drew on hers:D

midway through the poem, me &gladys wanted to peeee:/ but we were like "must endure! wait til end of the poem". gerald went toilet, and the teacher went to hide his phone. LOL. after that, she didnt tell him until the end of the lesson, and she put the blame on me. idiot. gerald came back from the toilet, with a drink... claiming that he met his friend in the toilet who gave it to him. WHATEVER.

TODAY; 110707
haha school was fun today!:D the health forms were mostly in:D pe was retarded. me and kat and mrs lee one team against valen, xifan and ama for captains ball. HAH. but dontknow who won. i didnt sleep in class! only 2 mins during chinese. got caught by leong for hair. kat also. so tomorrow both of us have to see her. eeyerr. 2pr sold cotton candy for pushcart! YUM

chinese! reading with appreciation:D it was the nicenice teacher. we played this game, about telling a story. then start from one end to the other. we sabo-ed jedidah like crazy la:D so the ending was damn weird. cause had to follow the storyline of the book. wanted to sabo estherlyn at first, but end up she managed to save herself. jed's one was worst:D and then also valen!

teacher: imagine someone going to you and rollls up the sleeve and shows you his tattoo
valen: WAH SO NICE!

haha she damn lame la wth. then the teacher made her do that scene with her. then valen had to act damn dao. so funny:D

tuition was dang boring. i was falling asleep. and then i sleep wrote... i wrote " (some scribbles) omg i falling asleeeeee" HUR. but yeah, damn tired:D and two new shorties. damn freaking short:D

addicted to jesse's "just so you know" again! and trja's "false pretence" & "face down". and jem's "24" and escape the fate's "not good enough for the truth in cliche" and also lostprophets's "town called hypocrisy" and "rooftops"!:D HEH. will upload pictures another day!

LYNETTE; okay(:
KAILIN; love you too! haha okay:)
XINYUAN; obviously it's nice, DUH:D
JOANNA; hello!

finger on the trigger to my dear juliet ♥

8:27 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

LALALALA:) i hate studying for block tests:/ so i shall take a break:D finally loaded these off my phone:D

this love's defined(:
















WE BLOW KISSES (hell we're not les)


okay:) so that's for nowww. i'm superduper sleeeeeeepy. had to scan the 4 chapters tested for geog for aleena cause she doesnt have a tb -.- now i'm sleeeeepy. too long staring at the com:D but ohwell, shant sleep. i shall try and study for monday's test:D eeyerr. lauren just told me the clean colour pens at popular increased by 5 cents:/ that's a lot okay! with two clean colours bought now, you can buy two clean colours last time and one fishball!
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
HAHA YAH apparently the clean colours at popular raised 5c
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
now it's $2?!
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
EXPENSIVEEEEEE if bought in bulk
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
idiot la the stupid 7% gst
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
yah ! 2%= 5c?!?!
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
sheesh la
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
two clean colours, 10cents, one fishball!
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
imagine how many fishballs we can buy with 60 clean colours!
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
it can feed almost the WHOLE CLASS
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
or like nuggets!
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
can get Five
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
stupid gst):
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
omg u damn funy
HAZEL ♥ break apart her heart says:
really what!
!!LAUREN }when the cracks begin to show says:
WTHHHHHHH): butbut one good thing! lauren says if her sis get her the full clean colour pens set from japan, she'll give me her old ones! :D YAYE! oh and thank you kat for the 3 jesse posters!:D YAYE LOOOVE

XINYUAN; i see i see:D
JOANNA; okie dokie!

just so you know, this feelings' taken control of me & i cant help it

7:14 PM

Never coming home.