Wednesday, June 27, 2007


it's back to school &i'm feeling hyper all over again:D but i'm still sleeping in class:/ back to school, the jokes, my friends, ... LOVE! it's been a month yo:D

spent my sunday going for tuition, walking around taka aimlessly with family and mugging for science test. a wonderful start to school:/ i spent 8hours studying! most of the time was just copying notes though. but i'm proud of myself:D i never studied for so long before:D but i needed the com, music, handphone and friends. yaye lauren for being such a good teacher:D so that i understood whatwhat balancing equations:D

monday! in the morning everyone cram. then when ama saw valen, she was like "eeyer, why you so black" HAHA. the usual monday test blues): 1hour &10mins test. the test was FREAKING HARD! i crapped throughout practically the entire paper luh. and fell asleep after that:D but seriously, WHAT THE HELL DOES DUCKS EAT?! plants? tadpoles? UHHHH. we changed lit teacher! cause miss wong left already. cause she came sc while waiting for her results or something la. then is this miss toh person. she's ... erm okay la. but, uh, yeah(: not exactly very fierce, but uh, ... assembly was on some scpb stuff. aiya. make us like, understand that scpb dont just book people. me and jed fell asleep:/ xifan was like "you ah, always sleeping. i see you sleeping i also want to sleep" HEH. after school went coro with ori, violet, kailin & xifan.

tuesday! it rained in the morning:D so we got to go to class first! YAYE. rushed maths homework. after that art. so freaking boring luhh. draw tree trunk -.- she say very easy very easy. easy my ass la. after that i started drawing funny faces. HEH. went to "toilet", actually class. like almost half the class was there luh. after that, when most go already. valen was like, aiya we go back also la. i was like 5 more mins:D but end up i went with her luh. after school went to j8 with xifan. ate mos. corn soup! YAYE(: mos's apple pies are nicer than macs:D then we walk around and ate gelato:D yumyum. and something happened:X after that went to bishan library to rest then byebye:D tll at night. took bus to tll. then at my house busstop, saw sean and his sis. haha. she ah. first thing ask me if i going for date -.- no luhhXP this weirdo freak kept staring at me on the bus, i stare back like damn pissed off he still dont want turn away. fcuk man. i got off the bus he was like, still staring. gorge out your fcuking eyeballs la idiot. class was boring la. xifan&ximian were there. xifan's lollipop was like, so haaard and thick and fat. cannot dissolved one luh!

today! didnt rain in the morningD: thenthen, first half was boring. then we got locked out for english. practically half the class cause we came back late from recess. but me&violet got excuse(: so after that go in, supposed to do some oral thing. then paired up with violet. we were laughing like crap then teo was like "i shouldnt have let the both of you in" eh whateverrrrr. but stay outside also can(: i failed history test): sheesh. always like that. last year also. first half do well, second half start to fail here fail there. what crap la. slept while hee was explaining the paper. also no answer key, dontwant listen la:D damn tired luh. then geog. cannot sleep. after school, i guaiguai come home:D HEH. got tuition luh. have to go like, 5mins.

i want to see namaste! we're like only going there, like, 10july?! EH. miss that kid manzxzx. so uber cute:D HEH. i want to watch transformers! shia shia shia:D YEAH MANNNN. okay i gtg now. BYEBYE:D

AMANDAGOH; okie dokie:D
LAUREN; mmhmm. science sucks la. study dont study also same one la:/

you can hold my hand if you want to, 'cause i want to hold yours too(:

2:36 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

the hottest, and the cutest of all(:

i'm having pre-monday bluuuues. have stupid science block test and ting xie on mondayD: 8 chapters of science, not exactly what i had in a mind as a perfect end to the holidays, and a perfect start to term 3. and i'm still stuck at making notes for TRANSPORT IN LIVING THINGS): this sucks. and this com cant view powerpoint! whywhywhy): cha uploaded stuff on ecology that i diedie also MUST see): stupid laptop. not working well. and stupid tingxie. i'm gonna freaking fail another science test, and my dreamnightmare of getting a 46.6 average for my ca2's gonna come alive. oh great. this sucks.

was watching nickelodean's kids choice awards. saw drake bell with a not-nerd hairstyle(: so uber cuuuuute! HEH. and jesse was there, so was shia labeouf! but not max thieriot): i loove these four manzxzx:D i want to watch transformers. i think it seems rather okay. and hightech stuff, kind of coool. that is IF, stupid work and tests doesnt come in the waaaay. yesterday when i was doing cip, seems that jasmine and friend went to watch nancy drew, and mum, siti and kris went to watch surf's up. oh well. i dont want to watch emma roberts kiss max anyway): i'll probably get heartbroken:D

okay. i better get back to making notes, or else i'll probably be stuck at transport in living things for, let's see, ... FOREVER? XP but come to think of it, i need food to continue. i shall go food-hunting! before i start(: LALALA. let's face it, be optimisticcccc:D LOL. science seriously sucks... (alliteration!)

LINGLI; you so make me want to kill you! he HUGGED you?! ): NAMASTE IS THE LOOOOOOOOVE
AMANDAGOH; what thing too much words? [Oo] haha okay(:

just dont, dont walk away ;

4:46 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, June 22, 2007


today had njc ip. the dumbest questions that surfaced. well, sort of. haha. the personality test. mmhmm. then they called in psychologists [Oo] we were like all, er okay? seriously weird. then during the test, sha's stomach grumbled:D we all started laughing la. so retarded. and i drew on esther p's eraser. the wormy!(: HEH. she was like "uhhhh" in the whiny tone:D haha. then i saw the twins again la. they are in sha's tuition too! everywhere we go, we always tend to somehow see them. not exactly everywhere. jewel, do not say anything(: after the test, went home to change.

6a outing was cancelled. then went to do cip with michelle, lingli and eugenia. rushed home from njc, change and then go take mrt to commonwealth. freaking loooong journey! then got off and change at city hall. stupid me went to take wrong direction): cause i was like, listening to music. so i didnt care like what's around me. then when i look up, i saw KALLANG. i was like, wtfwtfwtf! then i quickly got off the mrt and switch. after that when i reach commonwealth, michelle havent reach yet. SLOW:D

after that took bus to the centre. reached there like 2.30. the kids were still having nap. me and michelle played in the playground while waiting for lingli and eugenia:D after that we went over. the kids there are like sosososososo CUTE:D HEH. especially NAMASTE! he's a total hottie and cutie! lingli, michelle and eugenia are in love with him too he's just so hot(: and adorable! they woke already, then went to eat. haha so cute. then my table was like, keep spilling the drink. haha. after that we talked to namaste. yes that uber hottie and cutie:D he was like "ALAAAA" and his spiderman thing. SO CUTE:D he's freaking hot. i want to marry him:X but he's too young for me unfortunately): i bet next time all the girls will woo him. that freaking hottie(: lingli wants to date him too!

after eating, they went to play. so cute. haha shakira's freaking cute too. but not as cute and hot as namaste:D he stands out(: haha his cute dark deep blue shorts:D after that, play for awhile, walk to the other area to read. read to some boy. i forgot his name! but he's damn cute too(: but not as cute as namaste! XP then he was so cute la. the boy i read to(: he was like, wanting to play. then i had to tell him "okayokay, you read a few more books then you play okay?" then he was like "okay..." (: SO ADORABLE:D then after that there was this girl was lying around, so i just read to her since the boy went off the draw. she so cute too! she was like, guessing every colour as blue(: why not green! haha kidding(:

after that went out to spot birds. yes birds -.- but they are kids! what do you expect! then partnered shakira. then this girl came to me and started to hold my hand. then she kissed me on the hand TWICE. i was like, shocked. haha but she's so cute too! after that we walked off. shakira's so cute! namaste wasnt in the walk): then after that this girl, trisha kept clinging to lingli(: since the start actually. HAHA. then trisha got scolded by the teacher. then eugenia's partner and shakira was like, one after another "dont friend you" omg so cute!:D

after that went back, sang the goodbye song. this boy went to pull my hand, brought me to the end of the classroom, and pulled me back. i was like, er okay... haha but i followed anyway. after that, most of them went back. namaste was holding the water bottles, and saying that they were guns. then he and another guy started comparing who had more guns. haha so cute:D then after that namaste was like, playing. he and his "ALAAAA":D omg i want to hug him la! his hair so nice. i want him as my boyfriend mannnn:X


the uber hottie! and cutie(: we should start a fanclub for him, seriously. and i miss him already:X he's so cuuuuute. the next time we're doing cip is like, 17july? unless eugenia can get a slot next week(: stupid lingli. she got to kiss and read to namaste before! EH. she makes me jealous):

took bus back. seems like i can take 167 from one side, and 855 from the other. sheeeesh. and 167, the bus journey is like, 1HOUR10MINS. my butt hurt like HELL. and i was superduper sleepy! seriously): then neighbour on bus. talked to them when got off:D

max thieriot is a HOTTIE:D but obviously not as hot as jesse AND my newfound love, NAMASTE(: katrina, i'm not another retard okay! haha you and your twisted reason with why max probably doesnt have a girlfriend -.- HEH. i watched the greatest fan yesterday on youtube starring chris trousdale from dream street:D makes me wanna fall in love with him. so freaking CUTE:D but jesse's the best in dream street!(: stupid emma roberts get to kiss max thieriot ): lauren says max looks like a vampire cum girl. so not luhh!

and was playing ss with lauren just now. she wants me to blog about her, so here's a little blog on her(: and that meanie said yesterday that i was probably the only retard or whatever that doesnt use itunes. EH! hurt my feelings):

anyway! i gtg(: i wanna see NAMASTE(: i'll probably dream about him. i'm crazy over that hottie cum cutie:D HEH. but i'm not the only one! XP

VIOLET; haha okay. suibian you luh(:
JEDIDAH; okie dokie(: TAGGED :D
SIEWJIA; i have such a mean mother. TSK!
XINYUAN; he wasnt kayaking, he was rowing(:
VIOLET; i want to go kayaking!

& i'll send my love straight from the heart

7:38 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


i'm bored like hellllllll(x and it's the last week of hols))): but it was pretty boring anyway:D i'm feeling HYPERRRR. maybe because i'm BORED xD that what happens when i'm bored. awfully boredddd(:

i'm feeling fatfatfat! i ate swensens for lunch and jap buffet for dinner:D i'm not rich okay! i never ate in restaurant for a veryveryveryveryveryvery long time:D haha my dad was grumbling about the buffet bills. cause it was nearly hitting 100! so expensiveeeeeeeeXP but it was nice:D and i'm feeling awfully full:/ i'm gonna grow fatfatfat:X

watched shrek3 today. not as funny as i thought. pirates was NICER:D anddd. colder :/ what do you expect manzxzx! 3 hours in the movie theatre. we were SHIVERINGGGG. haha. i want to watch some other movieeee. then kailin met me after the movie. haha. then she came to my house for awhile:D

dumdeedeedumdeedeedumdumdum! i'm boredd. tomorrow meeting for english project. we are finally starting man!(: LOL. getting outoutout of the house:D probably gonna pierce my ears:D I HOPEEEE. if my mum dont allow, i'm gonna secretly pierce the top:D but my mum's eyes are uber sharpD:

HAZEL WANTS A RAINBOW LOLLIPOP:D be nice and buy me one yeaaah?(: YAYE:D everybody's been hurting my feelings lately): joanne and katrina and lauren!): you meanie poks:D

okaaaaaaay. my dad wants to use the comcom:D so BYEBYE. dont miss me yeahh:D okay i'm really superduper hyper manzxzx:D

9:54 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


the holidays are notsoboring now:D SORT OF. but still packed with fcuking tuitionsD: AW! *sighs* i wish i could just stop going for tuitions! HEH. so boring anyway:D and i'm not exactly listening so why go?(x but my parents... ARGH.

MONDAY & TUESDAY WERE FUN!(((((: but monday was bloody at the same timeD: HEHHH. monday went to ori's house to do chinese project! and her house is like, at JURONG. so took mrt. so looooooooongD: stupd people playing the staring game. there was this woman in front of me, stare stare stare. STARE BACK. LOL! was talking on the phone with ori and violet. go away man!

met ori at the mrt. wahliaooo. the group of guys outside popular superduper noisyXP talk so loud, laugh so loud. not like their voice very nice like that. BLEHH. after that! go makan. i got my whipped potatoes! and then go do project! i fell on the %$&&$%#@ overhead bridge. BLOODY RIGHT TOE:D :D HEH. after that, reach ori's house realise have to use the chinese book, so ended up slacking(x

met mum at j8. she bought TONS of assessmentsD: i was like, wtf wtf wtf! sheeesh. hell man.

tuesday! went out with the weirdo meanie pok starfish torturer:D stupid girl! she woke up at 11.30 when we were supposed to meet at 12! so end up delaydelay. met at far east, then walkwalk to cine. bought tickets for pirates. 3HOURS movie! so loooooong. it was at 3. so until 6. bleh. we went to take neos and walk around. bought mrs fields and chips and necklace. cinema food are EXPENSIVE okay! we know how to SAVE:DD cause we are poor peopleD: how sad.

pirates was okay la(((: some funny and dumb parts. the rock crabbies are so adorable!:D HEHE. so cuuuuute. i want one! and it was FREEZING COLD. try sitting in a movie theatre for three hours, just sitting, no stretching. GODDAMN COLD. lala. then my contacts got problem, and i lost my specs. partial blindnessD: but good thing movie screens are BIG. so yaye!

after that, went to eat yoshinoya. so fuuuuuuuuull. HEH. after that we talked for awhile, and leave. then go play with the floor thingy:D after that walk to mrt and go to tll. saw my "husband" (GLADYS!) at fairprice:D haha. then we went up together. gladys came in for awhile and talked to mrs lin. she's gladys's teacher too!

mrs lin doesnt know who is jesse mccartney! )))): haha coincidentally, his song is playing nownownow!:D the best day of my life!xD she thought jesse was a GIRL. cause his name sounded like "jessie" to her D: i was so sad! BLEH! how could she NOT know! then! there was this superduper weird kid guy in for replacement. he talked funny(: but not his fault he's born like that yeaaah. but i wanted to tape his mouth somehow. talk so muchXP i was like, rolling my eyes a lot a lot. sheeeeesh. had some dumb phototaking. grrr. waste time only.

reach home, on com, play with lauren solitaire showdown again. she ah! when she got no cards, then i got blank pile, she end game! then i blurblur go acceptD: TSK! it happened FOUR times! must be more careful!

today! tuition. BORING! after that went with kor to buy present for his LOOOOOVE(: then after that i so blur cannn. sheesh! i must tell myself, I MUST NOT BE BLUR!D: tsk myself manXP

&my dad told me he wanted to call me sandy at first [Oo] i was like, er okay? then he was like, which one do you prefer? i was like, er anything. SO WEIRD. then i asked him why. he said cause he liked the beach -.- LOL!

SIEWJIA; yeah no prob!(:
CEDRIC; haha okay
VALENTINA; HEH! and you thought i didnt dare!

if hope is a song, i guess it's all over

10:00 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

just something i forgot to post in my previous post :]

(5:31 PM) HAZEL ♥: GAHHH i have such a weird friend ^^
(5:32 PM) HAZEL ♥: what special?!
(5:34 PM) HAZEL ♥: since when were you special?!?!?!
(5:34 PM) HAZEL ♥: you WEIRD XP
(5:34 PM) VALENTINA ♥: since the day i was born
(5:34 PM) VALENTINA ♥: haahah
(5:35 PM) HAZEL ♥: LOL!
(5:35 PM) HAZEL ♥: nah
(5:35 PM) VALENTINA ♥: you know ive been trying to deny this fact
(5:35 PM) VALENTINA ♥: but it seems that
(5:35 PM) VALENTINA ♥: it doesnt work. oh weeelll. ):
(5:36 PM) VALENTINA ♥: hahaha
(5:37 PM) HAZEL ♥: you weirdo la you!
(5:38 PM) VALENTINA ♥: you better not blog this man!
(5:38 PM) VALENTINA ♥: hahaha
(5:38 PM) HAZEL ♥: HEHHH
(5:39 PM) HAZEL ♥: MWAHAH :]
(5:39 PM) HAZEL ♥: i just might do that!
(5:40 PM) VALENTINA ♥: you wouldnt
(5:40 PM) HAZEL ♥: you sure? [:
(5:41 PM) HAZEL ♥: hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

haha and she was so sure that i wont blog about this:D oh well valen, here's your little present. dont worry about my "tattoo". you can save on the energy and not give it to me:D HAH.

sheeesh. my mouse is screwed. and vixy is taking FOREVER. i'm bored. awfully bored on a school holiday, like i always have been. i want to go out!:D pleaaaaaase. sheesh tuition tomorrow. hope it's not in the afternoon:X so i can go lauren's house! although it's like... 14 mrt stops away... i'm probably gonna sleep on the damned train.

vixy. is. taking. really. long. just to download one song, it's taking like, an hour?! and shit my mouse. it's hanging on the com screen for like, 5 seconds or so every few minutes. GAH! one more time it hangs, i'm gonna scream. who cares what time it is. i'm just gonna scream.

okay good, it's not hang. NOW BE LIKE THAT [:

LAUREN; one question. what's with the box [Oo] chocolate?:D
VIOLET; cause you tagged me twice at different intervals!
VALENTINA; i just did(:
ZESHAN; hehe. HELLO! good luck for cdivs!

shit. my. freaking. mouse. AND MY COMPUTER! it hangs TOGETHER. thanks a lot manD: they conspire against meD: i'm gonna screaaaam. and cryD: i'm hurt. okay LOL!

i saw him, with a bigbig umbrella -.- but he looked so freaking cute. GAH! and i thought was over himD:

... ANDDDDDDDDD, GIRAFFES & PENGUINS ARE TOTALLY CUTE! i know that was random. but they're cute:D so are piggggs. the stuffed toy ones. not the real ones. the real ones, are big. and er. okay. dots.

&! there was this guy. today. who walked past me. with cologne smelling like perfume. woman's perfume. SERIOUSLY. or maybe he just had ***. okay fine nvm:D

if everyone loved, and nobody lied

9:46 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


THE HOLIDAYS ARE FREAKING BORING! with so many people going overseasD: TSKKKK. wth. and i'm stuuuuuuck in singapore. sheesh!
iwanttogoout!:D omggg. the boring-ness of the holidays are making me hyyyyyper. gah! let's be spastic people:D okay fine, whaaaaatever.

i'm feeling sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. was sleeping just now. mum came to wake me up. PFFT. not my fault i need sleep! i'm still a growing girl, yo! sheesh. gah! someone, who's freeeeeee, go out! i'm stuckstuckstuck at home, movie, shopping, ANYTHING. just get me ouuuuut of here:D

sheesh my mum. so WEIRD. first she started going on that i sleep too much. next she went on that i dont smile a lot. gah! nothing to smile, smile for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. weird. i'm not someone who goes crazy at home okay.

and projectwork! xifan! kat! ama! cooooooome back man! you fatties that get to go overseas. now i'm stuuuuuuck BORED at home. faced with what's only the computer. BORING! XP whoooosh. i'm bored. freaking bored. since when were holidays that fun anywaaaaay.

i dont care already mannnnn. i'm going to the playground. esso. whatever. just going out somewhere so that i wont be booooooooooooooooooored. either that, sleep:D

if everyone cared, and nobody lied [:

3:01 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

HEY :]

lala~ corner with love is so cute! but retarded too. i hate all the weepy scenes :X dumdeedumdeedumdum. spending my holiday watching shows:D hello, the holidays are boring. and i want to watch movie! BLEHH. someone get me out of this house man! who's free for a movie, yeah(: still got the undone projects. helllllllllllllllllllllllll.

lauren's a mean ass XP she called me an idiot so many times! hurt my feelings man(zxzx)! haha, but after that she "gave" me a rainbow, a star and a flower(: maybe i was too easily satisfied there ehhh. uhhhhXP

4 in the morning!<3
dark blue!<3
in loooooooooooooooove with these two songs:DDD

VIOLET; what her you talking about yeaah? haha see when i not lazy to relink luhhhh:D
LAUREN; you hurt my feelings!
VALENTINA; YOUYOU! stop calling me "zer" like xifan! haha yeaaaah. let's just hope mrs hee doesnt kill us XP
IRMA; heyheyyyy (:
LAITING; hahaha okayokay!
LOOLA; err, hi?
JASMINEgoh; ehheh, whatever!
VIOLET; yeaaaah omg la! i'm so freaking bored at hoooome
MICHELLE; eh NO! green is GOOD for the eyes! you dumbbbbb
LOLO; err lol okay?
DAOYING; heh, okay:D tagged already!

& all I know is
You've got to give me everything
Nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me
I give you everything that I am

I'm handin' over everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right
- 4 In The Morning, Gwen Stefani

9:36 PM

Never coming home.