Wednesday, May 30, 2007

i'm reaaaally reaaaally bored, but i cant be bothered to post much either. yet i know that once i start, i wont stop so easily. so ohwell. something to waste time with during the freaking boring and sickening holidays(:

science tuition in the morning x__X i was barely awake can! then had to do practical. seperate this thing from that thing. bleh. then my partner, natalie, damn clumsy:D she drip water here, drip water there. oh well. haha. after that, she dumbdumb go put the wax into the solution by a mistake. hahahaha. then the two of us were like, trying to like, quicklyquickly take the wax out before mryien came aroundXP end up left abit. we told him, he was like, aiya, nevermind la! so okay luh.

afternoon didnt go for bc &han. mum practically dragged me to this talk on o levels chinese. and all the people there are like, sec4s? on oral, on the syllabus. i was falling asleep:/ haha. my head was like, toing here toing there. and i was eating candies too! something to keep me awake during the boring talk okay!

after that walk around. cause it was at suntec. haha. my mum was like "aiya, for once let's go eat swensens" i was like, are you sure. cause normally she want to eat fat free food. so i was like, okay luh:D eat finish went to fox. gss so bought some stuff luh. haha a whole lot cheaper what. and fox's stuff are niceeeee:D yeah man(:

toh. science. had to stay back for maths:/ boring. only me, jewel, smily and yongyi were there for science. the guys didnt turn up. haha so quite peaceful. then toh and his lame jokes again that made no one laugh. cause i had peanuts. jewel was eating it almost nonstop. she was like "aiya i dont want to eat already la". after awhile, take again, eat somemore.

next, it was smily's turn. she also take. then she cannot stop. HAHA. she was like, looking at the amount of fats in the packet. she went on, telling us that the packet was half filled with fats, and therefore, it's like eating fats. yet, she was being superduper ironic. she was eating it like crazy herself:D and now she blames me for showing her the "addictive" peanuts:D

after that, evening, aunt came to pick me to go over to her house. cause the next day had the basketball course at aljunied. bas(: initially wanted to go night swimming, but end up cannot. after that, the two boys started to play maple -.- which i thought they were so over. but HUR, they werent. after that, cause aunt wanted to book tickets as she had to fly for a million dollar project in china (which comes in china money, not singapore -.-). after she booked already, i got to use the com. stupid nick kept on bugging me for it. TOO BAD:D

michelle said that nick talked to her, asking her if she played maple. HUR. stupid guy. so obsessed over maple, when he is like, what age? dumb(: after that like 10plus, watched this dumb and cliched show. something to pass time with actually. and it was pretty retardedXP girl likes guy for money, guy likes girl. guy finds out girl wants money, pretends that he doesnt like her, but end up goes back looking for her, and happy ending -.- can they stop making happy endings? it's just making people think that it's reality.

went to bas with brian. aunt drove us there. we took like, forever to find itXP my back was hurting a little for some reason, but i kept quiet, cause normally it goes away, just like headaches.

reach bas. jersey! it's superdupersuperduper comfy! omg i love it(: started off with warm ups. run here run there:/ suicide all these kinds of things. stupid back got worst and i had no choice but to stop. i felt superduper useless canD: after that i just sat at the side watching them play. the three tall guys were like, superduper pro! every shot also get in :/ omg laaaa. brian play with the pros so noob. but i'll be worst:/

after that, the coach called aunt, cause he say better go home as it was quite painful. aunt came to pick me up and she brought me to the doctor. he say need dont know what support brace. and stay off sports for two weeksD: so that means i couldnt continue with the basketball courseD:

met parents after that. went to eat. omg la. there was this caucasian teenage guy so freaky. cause i was like, walking past him, then he saw me, and he was like, smiling and waving to me. i ignore him cause i thought, maybe is someone else. then my parents were like, two tables away from him. so i went over. after that, he saw where i sat, and he started smiling and waving somemore. omg. what a freak.

went home. found out had high fever. went home. sleep(: and i actually survived without computer for one day:D

wake up. walk around the house. sleep. eat. high fever somemore. doctor. go home. eat. computer. sleep. BORING DAY. didnt go for tll. neither did michelle(:

went back for checkup at the doctor for my back. he says it's 60% better -.- but i have to go back on saturday AGAIN. and the fees are like, freaking expensive. go die. hello, we aint rich people that can afford seventy bucks per freaking visit:/ sighhhh.

came home. here i am. on the com. now bye. i'm just too lazy to blog anymore and i want to sleep. i still have fever okay! now byeXP

a platoon of 12 stars that shines as one.

5:21 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, May 25, 2007

i feel like abandoning this blog, but i'm bored. and i probably wont post for the next few days. saturday, tuition and some freaked talk that my mum wants me to attend at suntec (i bet she doesnt even know how to go there, and we'll end up wasting time). then sunday, stupid toh tuition. and monday to wednesday i'll be at my cousins' house:D ALONE without my sis&family. like yayeyayeyayeyaye! peace. or maybe not. we'll see(:

school. enrichment modules. and nerdy hci guys coming for exchange program. haha most of the modules ended up having hci people, but luckily not ours:D omg so nerd looking can. pants so high. hair so... :/ haha i shall not continue.

got into the labrador module. with aleena, ama&violet. had to go to 1co classroom after the morning stuff. thenthen, had like, quite a few 1co'06 people:D so it's like 1co'06 people in 1co'07 classroom! LOL. we were like, listening to murkeji's talk on geog. she was talkingtalkingtalking. then after that, we went to labradorpark. we had to collect samples and measure wavelengths. the waters are like.. :/ killer. cause we had been grouped up. then the group split into two. so with aleena, ashley&violet. then just nice, the three of them have allergy. so i had to go into the muddy water. it was damn sick can! all those weirdweird floating stuff at your feet. omg so freaky!

after that, quickly come back to shore after taking 5measurements. saw a crab:D haha then eugenie&violet started poking it with the metre ruler. pokepokepoke:D thenthen, we drew on the sand. stuff like "hazel<3" and "violet<3" and "scncc<3":D mrsgill (i dont know how to spell her other name, so yeah:D ) was like, "girls, what you writing?" haha. then violet had to read it out for her. haha. after that, had to take photos of the natural environment. snap here snap there. anyhow take here take there. blahblahblah.

after that on the way back to school, we were like, sleeping on the bus. omg so tired can! *yawn* but then the bus so bumpy. so after awhile, wake up then go back to sleep. then wake up again. LOL. after that, had lunch. we saw this cat in the peranakan garden. so cute omg. we were like, trying to get it out. cause it's like, stuck down there. after that, violet tried going in. haha. the cat ruuuuuuun away! &it's freaking CUTE:D white, reminds me of yuki(: HEHE.

then yenhua they all chased the cat out, but it wasnt exactly on purpose. after that, me and violet went to get some food from the canteen before going back to the classroom. sleepeatsleepeat(: had more talk and work before going home. and lugging the stupid books home.

pon school:D at first is me and violet want to pon together, then she end up her mum dont allow. but anyway later on i was having fcuking cramps. pain shit la. i hate cramps okayD: especially stomach onesD: and then, my maid went to sun the pillows. i cant stand the smell of like, bedstuff when they just come in from the sun. it gives me a horrrrible migraine:/ so end up, i was sort of sick(:

i felt like a pig la. i slept until 11. actually, when i woke up, i was still freaking tired:D stupid mum was screaming at me to get up. she believes in waking up early. whatever man(zxzx). but that's not how i think okay! then violet was damn pissed. cause murkeji caught her pon the module. but then, mrsgill was superduper nice to her(: so good for her luh.

thenthen, tutor came. she said i was superduper quiet that day. i was like, eh okay? haha i guess that day i damn sleeeeepy ba. and superduper scared for profiD: i was like, ohcrapshitfcukhell. i wasnt ready for profi okayD: EH! andand, my mum went to tell her that i failed maths for ca1&one science test. i was like, ohcrap. but she didnt exactly scold me or anything. but she was like, ohshit, when she found out that i forgot what was compound interest:D the ip test luh. stupid man. come up with pri6 stuff that i forgot:/ HEHE.

then in the evening, started to do my uni. PROFI:/ so not ready la! then after that study ifc also. talked to violet on the phone for awhile. then talked to TANhuiying also. talk too much until my collar burnt:/ shit hell. howhowhowhow!


haha that's like, my favourite phrase now. it's like, something to say when i feel random, bored, shitty, happy and yeah(: and in fact, you can SING to it:D so, it's got an artistic feel. okay fine whatever.

the labrador module again. but today it was history. the history of labradorpark what ww2. the first talk was like superduper boring can! then, i was like falling asleep. violet also. and in fact, i did sleep:D tired what! the previous night i did no3&no4 until like, 1plusplus. then i woke up at 5plus this morning. i'm a growing child okay! i need my sleep(: then the instructor (some outside guy) was like, asking us to sit up. fineee. then i started doodling on my paper:D

after that, went to a few places. labradorpark. mountfaber. and one more place. i forgot where. had longlonglong historical talks. and superduper longwalks. and funfun videoing(: and fcuking mosquito bites. violet lim, i'm not lousy okay. it's just that my blood too sweet already. that's why the mosquitoes love it:D superduper itchy la. and had that highhigh walk. had the urge to push someone over. if i push you over, you'll die. YAYE. kidding la! since when i so mean one luh:D thenthen, on the way there, it was superduper retarded. cause the tour person was so drama! and his actions are like, big. me and violet was laughing like crap. but she said she was laughing at me imitating him. LOL! then murkeji turn around and said that we were distracting him. finefinefine. but it was funny okay!

labradorpark one was superduper freaky. cause we had to enter the war tunnels. i was superduper freaked okay! and all those sound effects, and darkdarkdark tunnels:/ i screamed quite a few times. i hatehatehate this kind of places. scare me only:/

also had lunch in labradorpark. then me and violet, we were like, eating our macs and studying ifc at the same time:/ omg la. we were superduper scared can! and my braincells were lagging. ohcrapshitfcukhell. i couldnt get a lot of things in:/ but i do not, i repeat, not have a hamster brain. milosaur, shutup(: we went to the toilet, then cause we were like walking back, and didnt hear the stupid guy ask us to hurry up. kana by him la. whatever man(zxzx).

after that, on the bus, we were studying somemore. we were totally freaked out&nervous&scared. craaaaaam! i wish my brain was larger, and can absorb more:/ crap my brain la! grow BIGGER. but yeah, not too big please:D i dont want my head to EXPLODE. but that's like, rare?

thenthen, rush down the bus to go change into no4. violet couldnt find her no4 boots so she had to go ask the others. after that, she had to rush up to 2se to get her boots. me, her and valerie were like rushing and cramming also:/ we were late okay! cause of those fcuking modules. but they were okayokay la(:

cause the rest took most of profi already. so we were like, doing profi, just the three of us. EH! peooople. you guys made oplp so hard can. so hard to describe:/ and i only remembered after the whole thing, that i forgot to say that you guys bunned your hair. ohcrapshitfcukhell:/ was damn nervous la. i forgot one field signal! EH EH EH!

after that platoon interaction. thenthen rodD: to think that one year went past so fast, and now rod is back around again. the previous rod was like, just yesterday. to think one year from now, it will yet be another rod, and we'll be taking over the company:/ our cadet life will then be over. another year forth, will be our own rod. and with o levels round the corner:/ stress will then set in. i guess i kinda dont want the time to pass by so fast. i know i'll miss scncc, all the times we spent together. i know it's like, kind of early to be thinking about this, but then, sometimes, you cant help thinking ahead right? some things just make me think(:

the ncos gave us this really lovely present. a lamp each for all of us. personalised beautifully. i must say, i was rather surprised. and i'm sure the rest were too. we were like omg when we saw it. HEH. after that, videos and manymany tears. i didnt cry, but i know i'll miss them, even if i didnt show it. afterall, parting was never easy(:

parade soon ended, and the next one to come, we'll have the cpls as our new ncos. we did the company song. but before that, me &violet were deedumlalu-ing:D haha blog about that later. thenthen, we asked for the ncos to go back to the room, cause we had a gift for every single one of them.

the video, the cake, the presents. but the freaking projecter wasnt working. so it was like a superduper small screeeen. shit that projecter. hope you ncos enjoyed it(: haha and they gave us each chocmuffins:D reallyreally nice. HEHE. took some photos as a platoon with the ncos as well. the last time we can have a photo with them(: a proper one, with all of us in no3.

after that, i tell you, our area was superduper messed up. like seriously. HEH. it was like the messier thing EVER. boots all over, bags all over, blahblahblah. guess cause we were all rushing and scared and nervous for profi(: but at least it's over and done with. thenthen, my fcuking plastic bag nearly broke! then i was walking like some idiot like that can! EH! but i'm glad my mum came and pick me, though she was nagging like crap in the car. i was like, wtfwtfwtfwtf in the car like shit. idiot man(zxzx)

reach home, set up the lamp. it's got this really romantic feel, IF you turn off the main lights, and on some nicenice music. thankyou so much ncos, for the wonderful present and memories that you all left with every single one of us. the scoldings, the praises, the funny times and the embarrassing ones. they're all in everyone of our hearts(: and i dont think it'll be easily erased.
a platoon consists of 12 stars that make it shine as one

okayokay, so about the dumdeelalu thingy, it's a pandion thingy. it's our symphony. LOL.
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ says:
violet. Sayit-withme(: says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ says:
our little symphony
violet. it all came to an end [I miss the NCOs (x ] says:
is the pandion song(:
HEHE. i guess you get it now?(:

for the fun times we shared, the memories etched. years and years go by, still stuck down there. it may be blur, but somehow still clear. it's not something that would fade away so easily, neither is it something that can be taken away. one day, we'll all sit around, talking and laughing about the moments we had, relieving the old days, and hopefully, we'll still be friends(:

9:47 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


i'm bored. i dont care what time it is already. i'm bored and i dont wanna sleep so early. i want to talk on the phone, but no one to talk to. huiying cant talk anymore, cause she realised she got no free incoming. seriously pooorthing! i cant survive like that okay! seriously. so i got nobody to call tonight... i'm bored:/

last night talked on the phone with violet. haha we were talking about exs. then we realised that our exs, there wasnt exactly any, you know. so they cant be counted. so now we're just super pure girls who are super angelic and innocent. LOL. and dont count on us having one for quite some time. i think(:

today was okay la. had double chinese period. it was superduper retarded. haha hcl is quite okay la. then we were doing on the stupid changwensuoduan. hehe then laoshi got so fed up cause we copy so slowly:D laoshi made jed stand for awhile, cause she felt that jed talked too much. haha LOL. no huangmeifen(: and aircon for two periods. but damn cold:/ laoshi was saying she went www before. haha imagine laoshi in bikini:D KIDDINGKIDDING. i'm sure she will wear onepiece la. dont so exposed:D

science. in class. boring. i fell asleeeep again:D seriously, science is damn boring. sorry mrscha! but yeah. i think i'm gonna fail the next test okay! it's like a freaking seven chapters. oh crap. i die. i slept nearly the whole lesson of science. then after class, ashley came in and said she saw me sleep until very sweet. HAHA. paiseh luh. who ask the lesson so boring. but then, let me catch up on my sleeeeep:D

recess. had to collect that stupid pedometers thingy. dumbdumbdumb. i think it's a waste of money now. after aleena showed me that even by shaking it, to it, you're walking. what a dumb device. i thought now is hightech stuff already. more sensitive can!

history. mrshee was talking about us not handing in our project work. whoooops. my group hasnt handed in ours yet. superduper overdue-d. eh heh, LOL. extension of deadline to friday. but we will have 2-3marks deduction, cause we late hand in. whatever la. and i was like, eating in front of her. and she didnt see it. mrshee! i think you need specs:/ your brown eyes are nice:D haha always irritate her with that. but it IS seriously nice. no kidding. and it's natural somemore.

english. english test results! i got a1:D then i was sitting at aisha's place. then jacklyn&kat came over. then we talktalktalk. dumdeedumdeedum~ HEH. but stupid valen scored full marks for her summary okay! so high D: and they all got like, high 30plus and 40plus. i got 36 lah! it's upon 45. i feel dumb D:

thenthenthen, was maths. i HATE graphs. however, i can draw it. unlike aleena. HAHA she doesnt have a connection with graphs. i see her and xifan drawdrawdraw also cannot. then they got so pissed off. then aleena gave up, xifan insisted trying. and she did it. haha seems that aleena's alone to face graphs XP

misswong came to give us our testpapers. i passssed! but i forgot what i got:/ stupidstupid valen got lucky streak man she. she was TOP for lit. damn you! why so smart! HUH HUH HUH! go die laaaa. then she was claiming that she was just lucky. after this, confirm no more already. haha WE SHALL SEE.

after school, went to caltex with gladys, kailin, kat &violet. went there that time, it was raining. stupid husband dont wanna share umbrella with me. is this how you treat your wife?! HAHA LOL. then she go splash at me, then i splash at her. LOLLOLLOL! haha i know this sounds kinda wrong, but i can assure you, we're straight people(: we were all drenched la. our jackets were wetttttt.

in caltex, so many people keep walking past us to go to the toilet. alamak! gogogogo! comegocomego. GO AWAY LA! then after that, we were crapping again. then i was saying that the jacket. looked like got super big sweat stain:/ but it wasnt. it was the rain:D and then we saw the mag. got wuzun! omg he looked so GAY. he modelling the makeup damn, EEYER. not nice la!

after that, go rtc busstop. then gladys and i were joking around again. she was like "how come you never come home with me. where you stay! your house is supposed to be at dover!" ahahhaah RETARDED. then kailin came my house:D

at home, then she saw lester, with the girl who i think is his gf. then kailin was like, wah, the gf damn chio eh! EH HEH. thenthenthen, i saw tgot. haha i think he kana caught again. his hair shortshort one. damn funny. then kailin thought it was his normal hairstyle. no luh! but i dont like him anyway:D but kailin didnt get to see lester's full view. haha. OHOH. then we went a bit inside the house that my estate thought was haunted. we walked abit into the garden. LOL. but i dont think it's haunted. it's like, so bright? [Oo] i dont know mannnn.

after that at my house, kris was entertaining kailin with her antics again. haha damn funny can! she was like, shake her butt, show this show that. she loves kailin la can! with kailin around, she dont want me already D: i so saddd. then kris saw the "<3!" size="1">gay(: shhshhshh! then the acs and hci were like, competing whose school was better. then robert say hwachong until like huachong(flower worm). then me and michelle really laugh like crap laaa. HEHE.

after that, go home. and here i am, on the com. this is like, super brief of what happened today, but ohwell. i wanna sleep now:D BYEBYE. i wanna pon school tomorrow. omg. stupid labrador park enrichment. EEKS. dont wanna goD:

amandaGOH; huh what thing gong? [Oo] jasmine blog in my links
TANhuiying; hahah THEY DONT TRUST US! my husband so flirt! sereneserene:D
jzyy; thanks(:
lauren; that was freaky okay! haha not her either(:
TANhuiying; haha it's okay! it was at amphi! but i think you wont go anyway. because of ____(: hahah mine was prettypretty green!:D
jzyy; haha okayokay
kailin; HEHE. love you too! but you love me more!
kristal; :D love you toooo! (kailin, you type luh. except the random ones)
kailin; HEH(:

&tanhuiying change subject so fast eh!
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
haha since when you so emocon-ish
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
yes luh(:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
rmb the the the sciene thingy
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
answers go to asknlearn
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
and heymath
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
wait, what science thingy?
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
yeah why?
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
EH! you change topic!
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
tell you tmr
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
where got
-HUIYING- Sometimes, the hardest part of being in love is admitting it... says:
HAZEL ; broken hearts parade♥ & and three one LOVE! says:
hahah okayokay

i dont know, and i dont wanna care

11:21 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, May 21, 2007


for some reason, i'm super high today. initially didn't feel like blogging, in the end, aiya, just blog laaaa. i feel spastic. dumdeeeedumdeeedum:D

woke up superduper early in the morning. IPTEST. i made up my mind not to go for vjc test. partly cause my mum didnt allow. the other thing is that, i would be superduper tired and i would TOTALLY missed out on open house! (will talk about open house later) so end up, i went for njc's one only.

in the morning, my mum fetched me and josie. my mum thought that josie stay shunfu market there even when i told her clearly that it was bishan market there. TSKTSK! then she come and fa pi qi with me. whatever laaa! you yourself go dig your ears la, never listen properly one. still say what i never tell you. i swear i said bishan market like countless of times XP your loss if you didnt hear:D

after that reached njc superduper early. wanted to go to petrol station to get some foood. then my mum so extra go follow us in. i was like ... EH! then we went to the canteen. njc canteen food is goodgoodgoooooood! it's yummylicious:D okay fine, whatever! after that, sha, esther p, aisha, britt and ama came. saw a few others like marissa, venessa, WONGhuiying blah. HELLOHELLO:D then we sat around in the lt. had to register. the fee is EXPENSIVE. i mean like, come on, fifty bucks for a test that you dont know if you will fail or not. IT'S NOT WORTH THE MONEY! that is, unless you get in, then it's a totally different story. stupid esther p was like "i bet you will have a crush on someone by the end of day." EH! no luh. hello, i'm not that siao okay! just because i liked lester last year, doesnt mean anything. plus you have your calvin okay! haha then we started teasing her about calvin. she BLUSHHHHED. funnyfunny:D

after that, me, josie, aisha, britt, ama, lisa and a few other sc girls were same group, A. we had to go to the gym, which was superduper cold. and it was a basketball court! indooooor. unlike sc's "indoor court". the aircon was superduper cold:/ then we had to put our bags waaaaaaaay behind. after that it was maths test first. josie was next to me, but there was this stupid big walkway between the two of us. LOL.

MATHS WAS KILLER. seriously killer. we had 2 hours to do 30 questions. if you think that is enough, you got to be kidding. whatever shit maths stuff. who the hell knows what is sin, cos, tan on the freaking calculator?! wtf... then graphs. i should have paid attention in khongbee's lesson D: and then what compound interest. i totally forgot what it was. well, i just screwed the test. i left like dont know how many blanks can! and i was so sleeeeeeepy...

then recess! we went to makan. some guys there that were taking the test were superduper toot looking. like high pants, and super tucked in shirt -.- LOL! then stupid esther p, josie and ama were saying about my legs being short. SERIOUSLY my legs arent that short, is your legs too long(: njc canteen has bubble tea! but... it's not as good as bishan one:D i like bishan market one. stupid josie. stay so near to bishan market for what! there got cheap and good food luh.

after that ENGLISH. it wasnt as bad, but i was sleepwriting. yeahyeah, people sleeptalk/walk, i sleepwrite. not funny. I WAS SUPERDUPER TIRED OKAY! so i was like, writing, and sleeping. so my words turned out horrible:/ like scribbles. wobbly lines. after that, i woke up, like two mins later, and i had to cancel EVERYTHING. not funny. seriously not funny.

after english, went back to school with esther p. stupid girl going on about me being lame. hahaha. merissa's lamer:D on the bus, violet, TANhuiying and jacklyn didnt pick up my calls D: you suckkkkk man! i called you guys like dont know how many times. then esther p said they didnt like me. shut up man you wormy epi:D

after that, saw the ncc booth! HEYHEYYY! talked to lauren awhile before going off to look for the rest at the canteen. then saw jas &mum. mum was telling me about jasmine not being able to try out for sc primary. YEAH MANNN. i dont wanna come to school with that one heck of a whiner:D after that, we walked around. did my hair GREEN! stupid violet and siewjia they all went to ask the person anyhow spray. then it wasnt so nice D: but after that, it was okayokay la. violet did hers orange and pink. siewjia did hers red.

after that went back to the ncc boooth. talktalktalk. after that we heard that tang was gonna get dunked. at first the booth not so many people one luh. but then when everyone heard that tang was gonna get dunked, they ran there. HAHA. we were like, trying to see what was going on cause it was freaking crowded. many took video, violet did too. (according to aleena, it's on youtube! go youtube and search "tang dunked". the first two) it was superduper funnnnnnnny. after that, when she was dunked, everybody cheered. after that, we all went back.

after the whoooole open house, dismiss, then went home. sir was telling us that we were not supposed to do anything to our hair while in ncc stuff. oooooops. we were wearing ncc black shirt:/ i want the sc notebook/shirt! so niceeeee D:

me and violet went to sji caltex to get food. something reallyreally freaky happened:/ but i dont wanna talk about it. brings back shivers. just wanna thank my platoonmates for being there for us!:D LOVE YOU GUYS!

after that was talking on msn to xifan. i told her about the sleepwriting. she said that she was not surprised [Oo] cause i always sleep in class. HEH. thenthen chloe said that "dawn" saw me at j8 on tuesday. i was like, WTF? i think j8 might become a dangerous place for me after school. i dont wanna see retards there(: or gays. or idiots. then chloe started to ask me who was the guy i was with -.- stupidstupid "dawn"

duuuumb day. didnt go for toh in the morning. had to study for that stupid history test:/ i hate it mannnn. i think i'm gonna FAIL.

about like 4plus, went out to united square and j8. got new clothes! but one of them is gonna look super weird on me. LOLLL. then aunt and cousins were at our house, then kept bugging us quickly go back. so okayokay luh. quickly go

I TELL YOU! I WANT TO KILL MY COUSINS! stupidstupidstupid nicholson and brian yeo! freak you two! first, they accidentally spilt longan juice ALL OVER my history textbook. then, they didnt wash their hands after eating kfc, and touched my head. GO AWAY LA YOU FREAKS! everyday only know how to pick on me D: stupid nick, grow until so tall. talk to him must looook up. wtf? i feeeel so horribly SHORT. tallies, please shut up. omg, i hate him la. art club people so tall one. like lyn! EH. if this is true, then i want join art club :/ kidding! i cant draw okay. my drawing sucksssssss.

after that they left:D FINALLY. leave me in peace. disturb me whole day long. then after that started to surf the net somemore and try to study(:

school. history test. died. it was HORRIBLE. i think i will fail:/ if i fail, i think i will die la for my ca2 results. so much for improving. aleeeeena! you you you! i was trying to open the sweet, then she take from me, open, eat. STUPID GIRL! i should have known you this time since when so nice help people open one XP that girl ah. no paper, take my hand draw. now my hand still has the korean words she wrote. she told me what it meant,... but i forgot :X

____ was pms-ey as EVER. go die la you bitch. science, cha was like telling us we needed one day to stay back to do on science. cause the first test of term 3 is science. double period. seven chapters. and she hasnt even taught us properly yet. and tomorrow is the last science lesson. fcuk this thing. me and aleena were writing on the litmus paper, cause we were horribly bored:/

pe. we got 2000+! YAYEYAYEYAYE. hopefully, it's an unbeatable record(: WHO SAYS GR COULDNT DO IT! dont look down on us just because we're gr, you dont know us, do you?(: the rest of school was boring. except lit. watched shrek2. but misswong's laptop was screwed. it's her last day with us! MISSWONGMISSWONG! we will missssss you(:

assembly. had talk from hwachong. the guy kept stressing on the sc-hc combination was perrrrfect. eh heh, whatever. then last year head prefect and two others came back to tell us about their experiences. i fell asleep during the talk :/ for few mins. haha OOOOOPS. but hardly anyone saw. i was superduper tired okay! after the talk, joanne came to me and said that she saw me sleeping. haha LOL!

after school, had the stupid geog labrador(sp?) park talk thingy. it lasted for damn looooong. like EH. after that, me, violet and sj went to serene to get some fooood. before coming back to continue doing ____ with the rest of platoonmates. the taxi driver was superduper weird. he was like "ahh. you two dont scare me. dont fight" or something like that. we were like, er okay? [Oo] whatever dude! you weirdo random. then before getting onto the taxi, we three were like burping. stupid violet was so happy that she could burp. LOL! like she never before. then i was being super random and spastic. cause there were these two guys in no4 at island. one of them the nametag was B J TAN, the other was S W TAN. then i was saying that the b and j could be ben&jerrys:D and that if you swapped their names around, one would be S J TAN(siewjia!) and the other would be B W TAN. if you inserted a "M" between the B and W, it would become BMW! yesyes, i know it was lame. i was being spastic laaaaa. then the B J TAN guy could be tan ben4 jie:D and the S W TAN could be tan suay wo(me). LOLLLLLLLLLL. and NO, I AM NOT RETARDED!

after that go back to school, eateateat and doing ___ with the rest. oh please dont think sick. i'm just not allowed to say it(: okayokay? so please think straight. or else, get a freaking life. you and your twisted mind. after that went home! superduper crowded bus. and the busdriver auntie so loudmouth :/

then homehomehomeeee &COMPUTER. okay fine, LOL. got history project! due by tomorrow. since like dont know when. overdue:/ so many projects to do during the holidays! english, geog/history. erm what else? and they are MAJORMAJOR projects. wtfffff!

&my sis bought fob's infinity on high album!!!:D that must be the reason why i'm HIGH. LOL, okay lame. listening to it now(: PETE WENTZ, YOU UBER HOTTTTIE. but i love jesse more!(:

in case you cant see, cause it's too small at the side;

andand, i went a bit overboard with adding the songs:/ cause i wasn't noticing. HEH. listen to song147! it's called hazel by lloyd:D

you're wrong about me, everything

6:04 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, May 18, 2007


couldnt be bothered to blog for the past few days. either that, or i just simply returned home late. addicted to manymanymany songs now(: i love sexy vixy!

school, then had this opera thingy. a mustmust to go for secones&twos. they were singing about stuff, blah. then the announcer cannot pronounce things properly:D damn funny. i was there, laughing at the stupidest things that happened. after that, went out with kailin, valen, violet and xifan to j8. at first wanted to go fep. went there for lunch. apparently, j8 is a veryvery bad place for violet. she didnt want to see chss people there. LOL. then after that, ate at yoshinoya:D someone else sms violet, saying that he saw violet at j8. now she not so willing to go for j8 anymore:/ after that, yoshinoya needs helpers. but then minimum age 14. we tried to ask if 13 going on 14 can anot, but they say cannot. so only valen and violet can D: kailin says she holiday go find other job for us. i need a job okay! seriously in need of MONEY(: anybody willing to donate to the hazel fund? it's for a very worthy cause XP valen ate like, super little. hello, you're not fat okay! seriously. and your dieting methods are wrongwrongwrong.

after that, valen and violet left, cause violet only could stay for awhile because of her mum. then valen left with her. we sat around eating and talking for awhile more before going to walk around j8. we saw natcheong! she was damn excited, cause she was going to have a course on frisbee -.- haha long time no see:D then she asked about murkeji. we were like, she's... okay. then she was like, haha okay. after that, walkwalkwalk. gerald met us there luh. cause at first wanted to plau trick on ___. he go treat us to coffee bean la. kailin didnt want to drink, cause it was like, five bucks per cup. LOL! after that, me and kailin share. cause i couldnt stand the milky taste. then kailin went back, and me, xifan and gerald went to tll. met michelle at cold storage. i gave her a really big stare, she knows what's it for(: she bought her chocolate and i bought mine. after that, xifan tried to return gerald 10bucks for the drink. i mean it's like, freaking expensive. and over at coffee bean, he was talking to his friend on the phone, and he was like bugging his friend for seven bucks. he didnt want to take it, but end up xifan tricked him into taking it:D superduper funny. xifan wasnt same class as me. i ask xifan next week come to my class for replacement. she say she TRY. okay luh. tuition was uber boring. then met xifan and ximian outside class. gerald didnt want to see ximian. for some reason. after that, went down to taxi stand. used the com, talked on the phone, blah(:

oh oh, and somehow, now everybody's starting to do the PEACE sign the way we did it on stage for poetry slam:D haha so fun. xifan says that we started a trend. LOL! and belle, stop doing it to me!

school. had gat test after school. at republic poly. went with ama and jed. we went to causeway to makan first, with ama's mum. couldnt finish my pasta:/ then we were talking about people with no eyebrows blah. about the "freedom" they had to draw their eyebrows in any shape they wanted. LOL! after that, we went to popular to get our 2b pencils. and sharpener, just in case the pencil blunt. kiasuness is just typical singaporean la XP after that, went to take neos. very long time didnt take already luh. ama was super spastic. after that, the freaking machine hang, then they wanted us to retake, but not enough time. so we say later we come back.

we took taxi down to republic poly. met josie and sha there. rp is HUGE. and pretty(: a super shallow pond there. the queue there was uber lots of people. saw tons of hci/ri/nygh people. like, wtf are they doing there. trying to steal our slots is it? they already got the top two jcs in singapore for them, back up. what for would they want tjc, njc and vjc? it's like, taking the space of the others who actually really need it, compared to them. stressed of ip? transfer out! what for go to another ip school, which would bring just about the same stress level to you? whatever man. saw esther p, lynnette, jesslyn, w huiying they all there too. and i saw my ex tuition buddy! grace:D at first she didnt see me. until she realised i was sitting two seats in front of her -.- was sitting beside esther p during the test. HEHE. she had to cut her eraser for me, cause i couldnt find mine:D thankyou man! the test was basically on puzzles. 30mins to do 38questions. it's okay la. finished it in 24/25 mins or so(: LALA~ saw the chss twins in toh there too. the same old blurblur serious look. after the whole thing, bought the bigbig cotton candy! jed said that it looked like the guy in front of her the haircut. LOL! so baozha. and so weird. the cotton candy at first was nicenice, after that it had this sickeningly bitter taste:/

walked back to causeway with jed. i miss walking to causeway. i remember taking the same old route last time when i still stayed at woodlands. though it was quite some time ago, but i remember that i walked that route a lot. seriously a lot. felt this urge to go look for kelly and rachel, but i didnt know how to go from the mrt. me and jed went to collect the neos, only to have them to tell us that no more. we had to retake, without ama. so sad! next time must go take with ama, damn fun luh. jed bought some pink pouch and comb. there was this pink store run by a guy -.- what a gay. after that, jed went to take taxi home, i took mrt home. there was this guy, with this uber cute bag in a shape of a longlong talltall black bear. SO CUTE!

reached j8 that time, mum wanted to go buy assesments. she didnt like what she was seeing in my ca1 results. uh, whatever la. bought new notebook, file and lecture pad. needed it anyway. haha j8. violet's danger zone:D

yesterday school again. ___ is so freaking pms. oh no, not the same "___" on the top, another one. it's a teacher. she's damn pms la. and she cant do her hair properly. like, eh! had music. then ama combined with us cause xiuhui keep not coming to school, especially when there is music. we were trying to choose between hippo&dog and south park. after that health check! i didnt have to strip like some people:D and the nurse said that my backbone was superduper straight! yayeyaye:D after that the normal chinese laoshi walked past then corrected lien for something. she was like doing the loser sign while she said it. LOL! before the health checkup, was playing on the swing and frisbee(: i shrunk! by like two cm D: stupid lyn. you tall shit. you're the only one who grew while the rest shrunk. milosaur went to tell meishaan and sarah my "sick" thought. it wasnt sick! i mean like, seriously, imagine that happening. who knows, it might(: went back to class after that. saw this message on the board that said that it was miss wong's last day. then the few of us went to the staffroom to look for her, but she wasn't there. went back to class that time, end up is chelsea write one -.-

after school, went with abby, gladys, huiying, kailin and kat to serene. the bus was freaking crowded luh. at serene, for some reason there was a lot of sji guys. normally, sji guys dont go to serene. saw chelsea, esther s, gloria, lien and nicola there. queuing that time, gladys was so retarded. cause the others all went to the other queue, cause it was shorter, leaving me and her. then she was like telling me not to go there, cause there was all the tall people, and we would feel demoralised. haha LOL! then she was telling me about the guy in front of us who kept shaking his head for no reason. after that, i think lien stepped on gloria's foot or something. then gloria shouted "oei! you are very heavy okay!" or something like that. it was like, HAHA. end up, our queue was faster(: then there was this sji guy standing behind kat. when kat kicked gloria, the sji guy was like "oof". LOL! whatever.

after that, gladys became my husband, and huiying became abby's. then gladys asked me, "did you marry me for my money, ... or for my looks!" haha gladys! you dont look manly(: so how could i have ever married you for your money:D oh no, we're not les-ing around. we are perfectly straight! then gladys went to stick the fries into her icecream. HAHA LOL! it was like, falling all over already. then kat went to blow at it, hoping that it would fall, more. after that, we went over to island creamery. miss wong was there! then we went to buy the alaska thingy for kat. at first she thought that we were buying for ourselves, until we sang the happy birthday song(: we're not greedy okay! kailin go act pro, take the guitar and wanted to play, but she couldnt play a tune(: miss wong had our lit papers in her bag! but she didnt want to tell us much about it. okayokay fine.

after that, cause it was like, raining super heavily. then gladys had to bring chelsea they all out to take the cab. so me, abby, huiying, kailin and kat waited inside island creamery. huiying was like "your husband eh! go get him back!" then abby was like "your good friend eh! you help la!" haha LOL. then huiying went, and gladys came in. super retarded. after that, it wasnt raining that badly. kat dapao cause she had to rush back to school. then i walked to the busstop. different from the others.

the rest were like, staring at me, those with umbrellas. passerbys. hello, stare what stare. never see people without umbrella is it? not like it's pouring or anything. whatever man(: after that go home, started to do my no3 and no4. profi test! then talked to huiying, kailin and kat on the phone while doing.

mrs hee was being her weird funny self again during history. she was like talking about our history test on monday. urgh. history tests:/ ce, had to discuss about the push cart thingy. after school, went to drop something off at the staffroom before heading to the lobby to wait for my mum. didnt go for ncc cause i was having bad stomach cramps and slight headache. fell asleep during half of history and mrs hee didnt even realise it!

after that, mum came to pick me up before going to pick kristal. there's this uber cute guy in her year. baby cute la! his name is joshua tan (haha xifan, not your joshua quek:D ) and he's really freaking cute. if he was older, i think i would have had a crush on him. and his hair is naturally spiky. CUTECUTECUTE! then his mum and my mum was talking about me looking the same as i was younger. having baby look:/ i dont like it okay! then his mum said that i would look more youthful when i grow older -.- like whatever. after that joshua came and give me some of his hello panda. so cute! he was like come up to me, reach out his hand and smile his uber cute smile. gosh! SO CUTE! in the car, i think kristal was like, mood swings or something. one moment hyper, one moment sad, one moment angry [Oo] EH!


plus, tomorrow is sc open house! GO OKAY?(: you wont see me there, until like 3plus. cause i'll be at the ip test. HEHE

VALENTINA; at least i said you were nice!:D
SIEWJIA; you mean pok of a mother!
MELVYN; and why not? XP
KAILIN; haha okay. just one problem, my phone no more memory space!
ANDREASOH; it's okay
XINYUAN; haha okay! thankyou!
VIOLET; i can see!

I tried so hard, can't seem to get away from misery,
Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these streets,
It Ain't my fault cause I, try to get away but trouble follows me,
And still I try so hard, hopin one day they'll come and rescue me
- I Tried, Bones Thugs N Harmony feat. Akon

3:32 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, May 14, 2007

YAYE! WE WON POETRY SLAM! and i was so scared and nervous about it. haha. i shall give the details, LATER.

yesterday had toh. same old boring stuff. then toh and his mispronounciation XP LOL. after that, went home blahblahblah. stupid sister went to take my pouch and show to my mum. then my mum took my 50bucks and say she "borrow". i was superduper pissed. hello, MY money. is my cny money luh. now tomorrow i cannot buy pencilcase already D: shit her la. after that, i was like, cannot smile. my mum say i crazy already, over this kind of thing also fa pi qi. EH! it's my freaking money hello? shit her. and i know she wont return. it is NOT like 10bucks or something. it's FIFTY. shit her. then after that, my sis tried to give me chocolate. i refused. cause i was really very angry. my mum was like questioning why, cause normally i would accept. plus it's my fave chocolate, cadbury peppermint. how to eat? i was so fucking pissed. and i still am. i open my pouch, less 50 bucks, aint any good feeling. gosh. now i talk about this, i'm superduper pissed. FREAKASS

todaytoday, school! milosaur cut her hair. so cute luh. now she looks more like a dinosaur:D HEH. okay fine, i'm not that mean. morning, about the debate stuff again. the one for sectwos. goodjob goodjob(: after that, LIT TEST! omg la, the unseen poetry so freaking hard and misswong didnt tell us that we had to study for it luh! she just told us that OMAM was tested only. two period test. can die man. super sleepy. cause on saturday night, was talking on the phone until 4plus. then sunday night, went to bed at like, 2am:D heck la. then i was rushing cause not enough time. damnit. anyway, after that, had cha

science. bunsen burner stuff. cause i was burning the splinter. then she was like "why dont you use your hair instead". i was like, fine, i stop i stop. crap ass la. then after that went to xifan's bench there, they also kana the same thing by cha. after that, cha tap my shoulder and gave the sign ask me go to her. i was like, huh. end up is only explain to me how to do the worksheet. okay....

recess didnt go for platoon recess cause had to work on poetry slam :/ we wasnt prepared okay! we were like, still rushing cause we didnt know what the heck were we gonna do on stage. then we wanted to ask misswong if can swap lesson with mukerji, so that we can like, have more time to plan. but then cannot find her. so aiya. then we just try to do as much as we can luh.

chinese. in some other room cause laoshi say the chinese room aircon spoil. then me and xifan had to stand there and tell the rest luh. during chinese, listen to laoshi talk about chang wen suo duan. so boring. other schools learn it in secONE, we learn it in secTWO. so slow la. sc chinese standard sucks okay!

murkeji lesson. supposed to group into groups. then katrina kana left out. sorry mannnn! then some stupid weird thing on answering questions la. sheeeesh. then after that, POETRY SLAM! we had to go one lesson early. then met misswong on the way. she wished us good luck. we were damn freaked! nicola and xifan and huiying look SO CUTE in no4! haha. then after that, we were like freaking out on stage. aleena was doing light controls, so easy for her. but the five of us were superduper freaked out. then we had a half group hug cause huiying and nicola were at the other side of the stage. so freakedd! first was 2gy that performed. then US. omg we were damn freaked. first out was xifan. the audience started to laugh. seriously laugh. we were like, oh crap. then the rest were like, funny. and retarded. i laughed during the fighting scene. gosh la. then after that was a few other performances from other classes. 2co was goooooood. so professional luh! after that, resultsresultsresults!
never expect okay! we thought that we would just get consolation or something. 2co got first. woooots. they deserved it:D yaye them. i forgot who got second -.- in our joy of getting third, i didnt hear. YAYE 2GRACE! WHO SAID WE COULDNT MAKE IT! then receiving the prize, we ask aleena to stand up. then alllllllll the secones and sectwos turn to look at her. she was like so paiseh like that. she then slowly slowly stand up. HAHA. so funny so cute. after that, group pic. then aleena dunno zao until where. so only the five of us. so saddd man. not the full group D: thenthen, sc debate team got a TWO page spread for their debate against chss. YEAH MAN. sc rocks your socks:D

after school, supposed to go with huiying and aisha to serene. then huiying end up cannot. so i was waiting for aisha at the busstop for so long. seems that the ip test maybe can postpone!:D goodgood. then i can go for sc open house! anyway, peoplepeople, go for... :

(time, i not sure XP )
go okay! and explore our nicenice school! LOL. and buy stuff and go to NCC. yayeyaye. ncc is not as tough and bad as you think okay! it's okay de luhh.

after that at serene, went to macs cause island was superduper full. sat around eating icecream and fries:D talkeattalkeattalkeat. i think i'm gonna grow fattttt. hello people, i'm fat okay! stop saying that i am skinny. cause i am not. my thighs are horrible :/ then aisha was telling me that she was supposed to go to anderson. it seems that most of our choices for sec schools was the same. sc, anderson, stmargs, cedar. and both of us wanted to either get into sc or anderson. haha.

omg i hear my neighbour la. he's so loud okay. he's like "hahahahaha. bangla bangla". TSK. so racist mannn. and then so loud somemore. my other neighbour is indian eh! tsk so mean. later she hear how? tsktsktsk.

OH! i got my report book today. it's so freaking retarded can. the comments is "Hazel gets on well with her classmates. In studies, she tries." IT'S THAT SHORT. i was like, staring at it and going, wtf? so WEIRD. mrs hee writes the shortest comments man. then only three of my subjects above average. my english just above by 0.1. but heck. who cares man:D my % is 62.7 D: another freaking b for my average. last year also! you know our cohort is like superduper smart. sheeeesh. then meishaan got 72something for her average. shit her la. get so high for WHAT D: stupid girl. then pooooor sylvia got grounded even though she did like, quite well. poorthingpoorthing. she got, 68something. seriously poorthing. i havent showed my mum yet. later man:D

i'm still freaking pissed with jasmine. freak ass. 50bucks less okay! D:

&please, stop appearing in my life when i just forgot all about you.

9:37 PM

Never coming home.

YAYE! WE WON POETRY SLAM! and i was so scared and nervous about it. haha. i shall give the details, LATER.

yesterday had toh. same old boring stuff. then toh and his mispronounciation XP LOL. after that, went home blahblahblah. stupid sister went to take my pouch and show to my mum. then my mum took my 50bucks and say she "borrow". i was superduper pissed. hello, MY money. is my cny money luh. now tomorrow i cannot buy pencilcase already D: shit her la. after that, i was like, cannot smile. my mum say i crazy already, over this kind of thing also fa pi qi. EH! it's my freaking money hello? shit her. and i know she wont return. it is NOT like 10bucks or something. it's FIFTY. shit her. then after that, my sis tried to give me chocolate. i refused. cause i was really very angry. my mum was like questioning why, cause normally i would accept. plus it's my fave chocolate, cadbury peppermint. how to eat? i was so fucking pissed. and i still am. i open my pouch, less 50 bucks, aint any good feeling. gosh. now i talk about this, i'm superduper pissed. FREAKASS

todaytoday, school! milosaur cut her hair. so cute luh. now she looks more like a dinosaur:D HEH. okay fine, i'm not that mean. morning, about the debate stuff again. the one for sectwos. goodjob goodjob(: after that, LIT TEST! omg la, the unseen poetry so freaking hard and misswong didnt tell us that we had to study for it luh! she just told us that OMAM was tested only. two period test. can die man. super sleepy. cause on saturday night, was talking on the phone until 4plus. then sunday night, went to bed at like, 2am:D heck la. then i was rushing cause not enough time. damnit. anyway, after that, had cha

science. bunsen burner stuff. cause i was burning the splinter. then she was like "why dont you use your hair instead". i was like, fine, i stop i stop. crap ass la. then after that went to xifan's bench there, they also kana the same thing by cha. after that, cha tap my shoulder and gave the sign ask me go to her. i was like, huh. end up is only explain to me how to do the worksheet. okay....

recess didnt go for platoon recess cause had to work on poetry slam :/ we wasnt prepared okay! we were like, still rushing cause we didnt know what the heck were we gonna do on stage. then we wanted to ask misswong if can swap lesson with mukerji, so that we can like, have more time to plan. but then cannot find her. so aiya. then we just try to do as much as we can luh.

chinese. in some other room cause laoshi say the chinese room aircon spoil. then me and xifan had to stand there and tell the rest luh. during chinese, listen to laoshi talk about chang wen suo duan. so boring. other schools learn it in secONE, we learn it in secTWO. so slow la. sc chinese standard sucks okay!

murkeji lesson. supposed to group into groups. then katrina kana left out. sorry mannnn! then some stupid weird thing on answering questions la. sheeeesh. then after that, POETRY SLAM! we had to go one lesson early. then met misswong on the way. she wished us good luck. we were damn freaked! nicola and xifan and huiying look SO CUTE in no4! haha. then after that, we were like freaking out on stage. aleena was doing light controls, so easy for her. but the five of us were superduper freaked out. then we had a half group hug cause huiying and nicola were at the other side of the stage. so freakedd! first was 2gy that performed. then US. omg we were damn freaked. first out was xifan. the audience started to laugh. seriously laugh. we were like, oh crap. then the rest were like, funny. and retarded. i laughed during the fighting scene. gosh la. then after that was a few other performances from other classes. 2co was goooooood. so professional luh! after that, resultsresultsresults!
never expect okay! we thought that we would just get consolation or something. 2co got first. woooots. they deserved it:D yaye them. i forgot who got second -.- in our joy of getting third, i didnt hear. YAYE 2GRACE! WHO SAID WE COULDNT MAKE IT! then receiving the prize, we ask aleena to stand up. then alllllllll the secones and sectwos turn to look at her. she was like so paiseh like that. she then slowly slowly stand up. HAHA. so funny so cute. after that, group pic. then aleena dunno zao until where. so only the five of us. so saddd man. not the full group D: thenthen, sc debate team got a TWO page spread for their debate against chss. YEAH MAN. sc rocks your socks:D

after school, supposed to go with huiying and aisha to serene. then huiying end up cannot. so i was waiting for aisha at the busstop for so long. seems that the ip test maybe can postpone!:D goodgood. then i can go for sc open house! anyway, peoplepeople, go for... :

(time, i not sure XP )
go okay! and explore our nicenice school! LOL. and buy stuff and go to NCC. yayeyaye. ncc is not as tough and bad as you think okay! it's okay de luhh.

after that at serene, went to macs cause island was superduper full. sat around eating icecream and fries:D talkeattalkeattalkeat. i think i'm gonna grow fattttt. hello people, i'm fat okay! stop saying that i am skinny. cause i am not. my thighs are horrible :/ then aisha was telling me that she was supposed to go to anderson. it seems that most of our choices for sec schools was the same. sc, anderson, stmargs, cedar. and both of us wanted to either get into sc or anderson. haha.

omg i hear my neighbour la. he's so loud okay. he's like "hahahahaha. bangla bangla". TSK. so racist mannn. and then so loud somemore. my other neighbour is indian eh! tsk so mean. later she hear how? tsktsktsk.

OH! i got my report book today. it's so freaking retarded can. the comments is "Hazel gets on well with her classmates. In studies, she tries." IT'S THAT SHORT. i was like, staring at it and going, wtf? so WEIRD. mrs hee writes the shortest comments man. then only three of my subjects above average. my english just above by 0.1. but heck. who cares man:D my % is 62.7 D: another freaking b for my average. last year also! you know our cohort is like superduper smart. sheeeesh. then meishaan got 72something for her average. shit her la. get so high for WHAT D: stupid girl. then pooooor sylvia got grounded even though she did like, quite well. poorthingpoorthing. she got, 68something. seriously poorthing. i havent showed my mum yet. later man:D

i'm still freaking pissed with jasmine. freak ass. 50bucks less okay! D:

&please, stop appearing in my life when i just forgot all about you.

8:01 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


why tomorrow so lit-ish D:

When It Was Me

Ooh, no
Yeah, yeah

She's got green eyes and she's 5'5"
Long brown hair all down her back
Cadillac truck
So the hell what
What's so special about that
She used to model, she's done some acting
So she weighs a buck 'o 5
And I guess she's alright if perfection is what you like

Ooh, ooh, and I'm not jealous, no I'm not
Ooh, ooh, I just want everything she's got
Ooh, ooh, you look at her so amazed
I remember way back when you used to look at me that way

Tell me what makes her so much better than me (so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

And now you don't feel the same
I remember you would shiver everytime I said your name
You said nothing felt as good as when you gaze into my eyes
Now you don't care I'm alive
How did we let the fire die

Ooh, ooh, and I'm not jealous, no I'm not
Ooh, ooh, I just want everything she's got
Ooh, ooh, you look at her so amazed
I remember way back when you used to look at me that way

What makes her so much better than me (so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

That made you smile (me)
That made you laugh (me)
Me that made you happier than you have ever been, oh me
That was your world (me)
Your perfect girl
Nothing about me has changed
That's why I'm here wondering

What makes her so much better than me (what makes her so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

What makes her so much better than me (what makes her so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

When it was me
When it was me
When it was me

Broken Hearts Parade

Oh oh Oh, oh Oh oh, here we go, Oh oh Oh, oh Oh oh,
Oh oh Oh, oh Oh oh

We got problems, we don't know how to solve them
Everywhere we go, we got some skeleton's that follow
We got baggage, you know we're gonna drag it
everywhere we go, for everyone to see

In the broken hearts parade
and I'm putting my heart out on display there's no,
masquerade, just a funeral march for love today
the band strikes up and they're playing our song
Dressed in black and we're singing along, to the
broken hearts parade, I've never been better than I am today

Oh oh oh, Oh oh oh

You got a question, how do we get it started?
I got an answer: let go of your heart and
love it, live it, leave it and get into it
If you wanna start it, this is how you do it

In the broken hearts parade
and I'm putting my heart out on display there's no,
masquerade, just a funeral march for love today
the band strikes up and they're playing our song
Dressed in black and we're singing along, to the
broken hearts parade and I've never been better than I am today

I used to lie awake at night and wonder when she's coming home
It used to be so hard to wake up everyday

The broken hearts parade
and we're putting our hearts out on display there's no,
masquerade, just a funeral march for love today
the band strikes up and they're playing our song
Dressed in black and we're singing along, to the
broken hearts parade and I've never been better than I am today

March on to the sound
the beating of a broken heart
step with the rhythm you found
to the beating of a broken heart

&sometimes i wish that i was her, and she was me. maybe life would have been better(:

8:17 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

third post for today. but i'm feeling horribly emo and have no where to tell to. if you see this, dont come and tell me, oh it's okay whatever crap. life isn't okay. fate cannot be twisted neither can the future be changed.

i feel super demoralised la. everybody is getting As and Bs, i'm getting Cs and Ds. why does the people around me just have to be such smartshits. i may have gotten three As for my ca1, but still, it's all just nicely that very mark or so. and my Cs and D. yeah nice. i don't know la. sometimes i did work hard for the mark, yet i get super low. there my parents was, telling me how low i got and accusing me of not putting my heart into my studies. sometimes when i really didnt, then i'll just simply brush it off, cause i know that it was me. they are not accusing me of something i didn't do. but when i really did study like crap for it, or at least even trying like crazy to remember the stuff, fitting the information in my teeny brain as much as possible, and the low grades still come.

ncc too. my drills are still sucking and i simply cannot remember all those ifc notes. to others, they can just read it out once or twice, and pooof, it's in their head. not me. i read thousands of times, yet i still dont get a single thing in my freaking brain. i'm sure many others do think that my drills are being awfully sucky and that my ifc is like shit. i won't be surprised if you do think so.

family. no matter what i do, my two sisters are always better than me. every way, every aspect. maybe it's just that i'm jealous. but just because i am the eldest doesn't mean that i have to be the best so that they can follow my example right? i can do like, bad stuff too and they can learn from it also right? though yeah, there's a chance that they might follow, but i'm sure that they know what's good for them and not good. maybe not kristal, but... i don't know

i guess i don't know how to face up to reality that much. i can't reach expectations and goals that people set for me. i'm still living in my own fantasy, only breaking down when reality surfaces. here i am, living day for day, but not thinking about what the future would be, cause i dare not think. it's too real for me.

i can't reach the goals and expectations that you set. i tried, but i fell, not knowing how to face up to reality.

8:47 PM

Never coming home.


i was bored so i decided to come post again. my mood is better now. dont wanna bring up that stupid subject anymore(:

after i blogged finished earlier just now in the morning, then after that surfed the net for awhile, replied comments blah. suddenly the doorbell rang. NICOLA! i told her to call me before she came. but she forgot my number -.- hahah okayokay. then sat around for awhile, waiting for aisha to come xD after that, we went out to pick aisha:D she bought icecream! never buy for us D: but she bought drinks for us. then after that, we sat around. crapping and discussing. more towards the crapping though. after that, we tried to work out the poem. then they ate lunch. nicola's mum so nice. bought food for us! THANKYOU NICOLA'S MUM:D after that, xifan came! then we hang around, talking more. after that, nicola had to go. byebye:D then we went to call misswong about the poetry slam. thenthen, we had to upload the video onto youtube D: just because we couldnt attach it into the email. gyaaaaaah. now me and my retardness is on youtube. oh WOW. seriously, dont bother searching for it, cause you will NEVER find it:D mwahahahahha. but if you do, seriously, shut up about it. then we sat around somemore. didnt camwhore this time. kristal came in and started to talk crap. LOLLL. after that, we went to my backyard and sat around talkingtalkingtalking. then my grandma came and asked us not to sit on the floor because it would be hot or something like that. but we continued. LOL. it wasnt hot okay! then xifan saw this house which was superduper messy. never noticed it xD and she was quite scared by my bigbig turtles:D HAHA. we sat around talking about ptd. laoshi didnt know that xifan was china person! haha LOL. then aisha said her mum was quite pissed about her results. poorthingpoorthing. her mum called her to bug her to go home. after that, we went in. aisha saw the small piano and said that it was super cute xDD hahah okayokay. then after that, aisha didnt hear the thunder. and she looked out and said "i saw thunder" -.- haha. then jasmine was like, you dont see thunder, you hear it. aisha was like, whoooooops, i mean i saw lightning:D hahaha. aisha, you're blur:D then after that, walked them out to mobil. esso. whatever. we were walkingwalkingwalking. then i saw algae. gosh la. that's not his real name but heck. aisha said that he was sadistic. cause he was using an umbrella to poke the leaf. and acted like he was killing something alive. whatever man he. damn ass luh. after that, bought chicken pie and chips and cadbury peppermint chocolate:D as well as pink dolphin for jasmine. yumyum. all so deliciousss. hurried home after that cause it was like, going to rain. reached home before it did.

GUESS WHAT?:D i got shortlisted for the njc aat! so did ama! i dont know about aisha, xifan and jedidah. they are all out so they are going to check when they get home:D hope they do too! good luck people! but the test is on the day that there is sc open house D: that means i wont be there for ncc open house! ehhhhh. and the test is from 8.30am to 3pm. so loooooooooong. zomg la. i hope the rest get in too! GOOD LUCK:D

milosaur is super crappy again. and i dont get her. LOLLLL.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
so how was parent teacher?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
my mum didnt go xDDD
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
how was it?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
they said that
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
mrs hee
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
sounded like she like me
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
and said good things
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
and repeats
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she is a good girl...
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
then i was laughing
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
haha LOL
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
then she wrote in the comments
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
no bad things?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she said
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
good for you!
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
mrs hee damn nice luh.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
jacklyn is a quiet
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
what she sayy xD
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
in her quietness
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
we see another aspect
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
of jacklyn
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
ERM. okay...
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
that is her desire to experience new things
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she is GROWING
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
keep up the sirit to learn
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i was like O.O
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
when i finished
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
she READ it out?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i know
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she wrote
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
in report book
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
but i can't believe the teachers can see that
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i thought she wrote and READ it out
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
neither can i .
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she said that in camp
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
that comes from being quiet.
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
then they think that you are super shy and cant do stuff.
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
you la!
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
during lessons so GUAI.
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
no comments
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
seriously no comments
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
oh there's one. YOU ARE NOT QUIET.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
bet your mum was pleased
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
at least she's happy
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
no scoldings.
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
check what eye?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
okayokay xDDDD
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
at least you got hee okay
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i had cheong.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
gosh la;
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
oh wait
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
let me tell u a joke
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
"knock knock"
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
who's there
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
boo who
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
y r u crying it is only a joke
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i read that from a book
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i seeeeeeee
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
another one
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
wat mouse walk on two feet
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
wat duck walk on two feet
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i heard this one before too
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
how do u know
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
u cheat
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
lemme ask you one!
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i'm not sure if kat got ask you before
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
why did the frog fly.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
because it wanted to get to the other side?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
cause it ate a balloon
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
why did the snake fly?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
shitt u
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
because it ate the frog!!!
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hahaha yeah
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
then why did the eagle fly?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
because it ate the snake?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
good one
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
so funnnaye.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i go test ppl today
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
haha okay.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i cut my haire
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
below shoulder
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
but VERY layered
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
it becomes
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
a thin and short pony tail
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
my sis wa laughing
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
how come?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
shortshort ponytails are cute.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i don't know?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
but probably not on you xDD
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
it ok lah
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
okay luh
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i cannoy pull off the cute look
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i shall see on monday
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
u know
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
cute look
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
as in
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
get it?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i said i cannot
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
pull off that look
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
no EGO man
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
you calling yourself cute?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i dont get you mannnnnnnnnn
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
as in i can NEVER be called cute
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
get it?
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i cannot have that look
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
ya lah
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
u say i EGO
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
u got probs man
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
whatever man
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i never say that i was cute oh pretty before
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
thinking about it
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
you not fun one
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i am not EGO man
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i think that i am ugly
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
you EGG-o
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i feel hungry
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
no extra
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
i want egg.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
what no extra?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
no extra name in my name
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
le tme say something weird again
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
erm you didnt say anything?
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
weird enough
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i know
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
oh u need to get use that i do not care about comment like that
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
okay fine
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
last time
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
you damn not fun eh
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i was with another frien
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she was like so angry it me
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
course watever she said was like nothing
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
when u was trying to piss me off
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
cause you not fun to tease.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
which didn't work
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
it is just hard
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i don't know
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
itm hard for ppl to hurt me
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
it must be like really really big
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
to have an effect
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
thats all]
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
okay fine.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
oh and when i do not talk much in school
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
don't talk to me
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
erm cause i am either
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
bad mood
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
i will be really angry at u if u continue to talk
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
go ask sarah
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
she knows ALL
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hahah okayokay.
[&hazel.PartBs07<3] broken hearts parade♥ says:
hahaha POKE YOU.
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:
hi i am jacklyn the MILOSAUR !!! says:

super long eh:D she superduper crappy luh! but fun to talk to. then at first she spelt milosaur as miloSOUR. hahaha. the milo is sour [Oo] HEH.

sheeeesh brian. keep bugging me about the basketball thingy. so end up i was like, okay fine i go, i go. then i ask him help me register. then ask his mum be my guardian:D anyway his mum is my aunt what. so wont die one. dont know if huiying going or not D: hope she does. if not i'll be stuck with HIM. zomg. and nicholson is going for camp at that time. i bet he wont last a day there. he so whiney luh.

and i'm putting my heart out on display♥

6:00 PM

Never coming home.