Monday, April 30, 2007

i'm FREAKING bored.
and somewhat hyper.
how very ironic:D
yesterday jewel didnt go for tuitionnnn
she ditched meee D:
i walking out my house that time
this petrol guy saw me
and he was like
"going out ah? on date isit? tsktsk"
i was like
"EH! NO! tuition laaa!"
hahahaha LAMESHIT.
please luh. date my foot la.
then on the bus back
this girl, was playing crazy frog on the bus
i was sitting in front of her
then she started singing along with it
i had this freaking urge to ask her to shut up
OR turn off the freaking music
but the girl's dad was there
so i was like FINE i shall ignore
i was like, looking out of the window
rolling my eyes like crap.
then went home
camwhored with my sis in the garden
it's super poky but comfy
then my grandma was like
bugging us to get off.
then today went to schooool
english test D:
it sucked. totally sucked.
might try out for njc ip:D
quite a few people in gr wanna like
just trytry for those ip schools:D
who wants to take o levels anyway
then spa again. I HATE SPA TOOO.
but we crap like, a lot during spa:D
then after that recess,
nat kept pushing me off the bench
after recess had chinese!
had to do this stupid cloze passage test
cause i didn't come on friday D:
stupid violet started laughing at me
not funny ok!
you smart ass D:
then ting xie! i think i'm gonna faillllllll.
and then after that
had geog. oh so boring :D
then lit! misswong didn't come
and OH!
aisha said that we are CONFIRMED
performing it for assembly next week!
not that stupid oh so dumb pose that i have to do D:
crap la
super slack day la!
so clean classroom
laoshi make me empty dustbin
fineeeee. then i empty already. then put there wash hand
come back laoshi ask me why never empty properly
someone went to throw NEW rubbish
sabo me man D:
tell laoshi i never do anything
then sabo me empty rubbish.
some kind of chinese partner XP
after that,
valen tried to get me to go causeway
then violet also wanted me to go
huiying wanted me go serene
duh go serene.
then violet was like, ok luh
she go serene with us :D
at first only the three of us
then end up joanne, abby, sj &qi join us:D
me &joanne &abby
went to island creamery get ICECREAM
to hell with my cough
i don't care mannnnn:D
then after that eat already,
hehe. then took bus home with joanne
at first miss both buses D:
THEN. we saw this SUPER SHORT boy
i think hci one
hahahah damn cute la!
then joanne was like
are you sure he's from hci
i was like ya, the uniform luh:D
damn cute laaaaa!
as in those baby kind of cute la!
after that, on the bus
then went home, got a drink
he was with a GIRL.
i'm getting the wrong idea dude:D
i laugh mannnnn.
i shall go youtube now
superduper bored
but somewhat not so sleepy

And say, ha
What I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
Tell me I'm a bad man,
Kick me like a stray.
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
- House Of Wolves, MCR

5:36 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

stupid wireless is not working again.
so using the com instead,
if not i'll be totally deprived of the internet
which would be so sad D:
last night end up didn't sleep
talked to vi on the phone
i missed out a hell lot yesterday for ncc
my profi test is oh so dead D:
and to people out there
i didn't fucking pon school yesterday.
i was seriously sick
up to you whether you want to believe or not
i don't really care
after all,
i don't have power over your mind
though i did want to pon
cause i knew i would be oh so dead for home ecs.
but there wasn't a need to in the end
i was really sick
go ahead and doubt me
today woke up like 9.
and my science tuition at 9
so i quickly bathe &wash up &change
then mum drove me over.
half an hour late :/
but the teacher didn't really care
super boring anyway the class
and i forgot to bring my ear phones D:
after class,
mum &jas were hanging around bishan market
so met them
then mum made a very "interesting" observation
that my sis was wearing white shirt &slippers
and i was wearing black shirt &slippers
then after that,
unknowingly, she bought a "white drink", soya bean
and i bought a "black drink", grass jelly
it wasn't on purpose
then my mum pointed it out
EH. ok...
after that went home.
then one hour later went for bc.
forgot to bring my ear phones, AGAIN.
making me super bored on the bus trip
cause going to bc, 132 will pass by sc
then the seniors all stare at me -.-
ehh. how come today so many seniors? [Oo]
class had some debate
on french wanting to ban religious items in non-religious school
half of the class against the other half
then our half kana the boys -.-
and they were totally idiotic.
waste of my time, the girls' time
seems that rosanna was really good
that crazy wacky girl:D
this guy was wearing a man u shirt
then she kept going
"i love man u"
haha. then he got so freaked:D
that guy damn retarded ah
cause while discussing
somehow touched on the topic on black shirts
then cause three of us girls was wearing black
except for kaimei.
then he was like
"wear black, that's why you so hot la"
it sounded TOTALLY wrong -.-
then in the end he was like
"that sounded wrong"
eh, DUH!
what a freak.
after class, took bus back
super bored on the bus again
at the bus stop
i saw this super pretty boy.
not handsome, pretty
but seriously, this is not an insult to him
it's a compliment.. i guess?:D
but yea, he's damn pretty luh :X
went straight to han
my ear phones T.T
on the bus, saw this two lesbians :/
gosh la. and one of the girl is like
not that bad looking
why resort to lesbian-ism -.-
ok fine, that sounded awfully weird
and this fat woman
was sitting on the seat
putting her legs on the seat
hello, she may be fat
but she definitely won't take up TWO seats
show off your fats isit?
then han had some stupid test
and dilys told me that sc WON the debate
way to go, sc:D
dilys said it was the first time
they made it into the finals
as well as being champs! :D
good for them!
the test during han was super sucky.
didn't finish
not counted for ca/eoys anyway:D
then after class, went to 7eleven to get a drink
this guy was like,
hanging an umbrella on his shoulder
and was muttering to himself.
poor guy.
i guess some mental disease or what :X
now having super bad flu D:
ludacris ft. mary j blige's runaway love is nice :D
addicted to it
anyone has the mp3 format of it?
i wanttttt:D
ohkayy. my mum wants to use the mw
in this com.

way away away from here i'll be
way away away so you can see
how it feels to be alone and not to believe
(feels alone and not to believe)
feels to be alone and not believe anything
- Way Away, Yellowcard

sometimes, you just wanna forget it all
and really not believe anything

7:54 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, April 27, 2007

today was really super boring :P
spent my morning sleeping &in the doctor's
got home that time,
it was like, 1 plus.
then the internet wouldn't work D:
so i watch wangzibianqingwa on the computer
there was nothing else to watch
and then i went to walk aimlessly around the house
until like, 4.30
i switched computer
to this one
and for this computer
the freaking internet was FINALLY working.
stupid wireless.
you asshole:D
missed home ecs today:D
didn't go to sch ma
anyway i didnt have the ingredients ready
so if i went for home ecs
fern would totally kill me XP
but then wasnt really happy on missing ncc
arm drills prac
i'm going to miss out A LOTTTT
oh well
i feel like sleeping some more
super sleepy:D
i feel like some pig
dont feel like going for tuition tomorrow man
who wants to go D:
oh well

to hell with stares

6:42 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

i'm super bored.
so this will be a super boring post.
today in school,
science (spa) was sucky
the apparutus-es turned their back on us
and decided to spoil.
music, went to the imac lab.
supposed to look for video
ended up surfing the net XP
history, didn't do much
other than mrs hee FINALLY giving us back our tests
and going through it.
i seriously didn't expect myself to pass :D
but oh well, i shall not gloat about it
spent most of mrs hee's lesson sleeping.
anyway she gave us an answer sheet
after that, during recess
we quickly filmed the poetry slam video
it was really like,
in a rush. &i looked SUPER retarded.
then after making the video,
there were still another twenty minutes into recess
so we went to present to miss wong
couldn't find aleena and nicola,
so we presented as the four of us first.
it was even MORE retarded.
cause we had to do "live" performance.
and i had to lie on the floor with that stupid pose :/
the very first one that we two did.
ok, so we presented to miss wong
and she was like
"i think you guys are going to be performing for assembly"
i'm gonna have to do that stupid pose AGAIN.
but i bet they can't see anyway :D
if we present for assembly,
then it means that we will get high marks.
but STLL, i don't wanna do that stupid pose again :x
with five plus minutes left into recess
we quickly went down to eat.
sore throat :/
so very limited choice on what to eat.
then we rushed back to class
and khongbee was just behind us :/
lucky we reach earlier than her
ce, it seems that the hcl girls will have laoshi for ptd!
i don't wanttt. cause laoshi will probably say about
me "bian huai le", and then my demerits.
and maybe EVEN like say about my lousy standard crap la.
shit man. the normal chinese girls are getting hee.
i know mrs hee won't have much to say about me
other than maybe me always sleeping in class :x
and i handed in my demerit warning letter.
i managed to get my dad to sign it,
after much questioning from him :/
then last lesson english.
group into our groups.
the groups aren't even like, proper
cause our group now only has four of us.
then jasmine and charlotte want to go out of their group,
cause teo only allow their group have 6 people.
so now, jasmine and charlotte don't have a group
it's either that or they come to our group
but i think they more likely want to go to sylvia's
though it's already full.
i don't know la.
this project is 25% of our ca2.
and i really don't want to give away marks (for now)
i also like, don't want is always some people do the work :/
i remembered yesterday teo was showing us these sexist pictures
about girls being super complicated
and guys just having an on-off button
also about girls = money.
seriously, the person who created them
probably had nothing to do.
because of some stereotyped womans,
you assume that the whole lot of female population is like that.
but maybe i can't deny that we are complicated
having mixed feelings about some things now.
and i don't even know what i'm actually thinking XP
valen was singing jojo's how to touch a girl.
HAH. i remember yesterday she said that our skirts are shorter
as compared to those neighbourhood schools one.
got meh? [Oo]
anyway after school,
took a taxi after meeting siti to the airport.
send dad off
he's going to america for a month
reach that time, mum wanted to eat
so we went to eat at polar.
chocolate eclair! heck care my sore throat
i was hungry :D and i don't like strawberry.
after that, mum made us take photos
i hate taking photos with my family.
must stand straightstraight one whatever shit la.
and i wasn't feeling very well
so i hardly smiled.
after that, said bye to dad and went home
fell asleep on the car.
reach home that time,
siti made me check my temperature
38.6! but i didn't tell mum
cause kristal was sick too
so siti just got me medicine and i eat
before going to sleep.
woke up just awhile ago
eating dinner before the computer now
need to hand in lit essay by tomorrow
and i haven't bloody started.
i don't want to go to school tomorrow
but i want to go for ncc
i'm ic tomorrow. and i want to get it over and done with
however at this rate,
i'm losing my voice, and along with flu & fever.
this sucks.
this REALLY sucks
and there's home ecs tomorrow :/
oh well, i'll think about it.
at most if i go school tomorrow,
the fever might just burn my brain
and i won't have to go school anymore.
i think it's already beginning to burn my brain
having a super bad headache D:
ahhh HECK.
i don't care already la.
shall concentrate on eating my dinner :D
flucoughfever ><>


this life,
wasn't meant to be an easy one.

7:01 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

& to hell with my tagboard
which is totally screwed D:

& i guess everything happens for a reason,
there's no stopping fate.
it just happens,
with or without your consent

11:01 PM

Never coming home.

haha. didn't bother to blog yesterday
cause i reached home at like ten
then after that i just didn't feel like
i don't know la.
yesterday was a soso day la
wait, what happened yesterday?
yesterday there was double chinese
the reading with appreciation
the other teacher, wil come back the next lesson
EEK. she likes to pick on me
wtf la.
i don't like her
and is like, super boring too
at least this teacher makes it like
super fun, COMPARED TO HER!
and then science there was spa again
our stupid data logger was NOT working
how very screwed.
but the teacher was like
aiya nevermind i shall give you the marks anyway
since it is not your fault.
you think we made the date logger spoil isit!
oh yeah, i got the warning letter
don't know how to show my mum.
in english, we had to write on our partners
hahaha then i had to write on aleena
she had to write on me
descriptive essay -.-
in the end, we exchanged papers
and wrote for ourselves
go sabo me
she wanted me to read out aleena's one la
as in what "i" wrote for aleena.
BLEH. you wish man
then teo took aleena's and mine
and read it out
mine was super ego la!
then then then, during maths
khongbee gave us back our papers!
i was so freaking happy that i didn't fail
khongbee asked me
how did i have enough time
since i cancelled out so many things
HEH. sorry luh!
aiya! at least i passed!
i thought i was gonna get like
single digit! HENG AH
then shuxin &meishaan got FULL MARKS
eh! why are the two registers before and after me SO SMART.
make me feel so dumb. BLEH
wtf la. FULL MARKS EH!
then a lot of people got 20 plus
making me feel so dumb
two failures in our class
the two who shouldn't have failed.
aleena got same as me:D
then after school, there was the film studies workshop
but before that, went to shell
with valen, violet, gladys, lyn, gloria.
she said she NEVER came out of school
before a cca or something to get food
i was like "valen! are you SERIOUS?"
she was like, uh yeah.
HAHA. i really cannot believe
then on the way back, saw two teachers :/
aiyo! then reach back school
we sat around in the canteen
then jasmineHONG was telling us
about the debra girl who drowned
(her name reminds me of zebra :x )
that she was from rgps
and she was those pai kia kind
then katrina saw this photo in my cam
and she said that it looked like i was kissing a boob
then they started linking me with ____
then film studies was
twenty bucks
haha then jed was being super cheapskate
she saw this TEN CENTS.
yes TEN CENTS under my chair
then she was like
then she was like, trying to grab it.
haha then i was nice
to take it for her
at first i thought it was hers -.-
HAHA. then we laughed at her like crap
aleena was laughing like crazy
then after that she took out this handphone keychain
i think aleena or what asked her how much was it or what
after that
aleena took jed's pouch
and pointed to the keychain
then she asked her
"is that free gift also?"
then jed was like
we laughed like crap la
then i was scribbling like crap over my paper
JESSE (you will know more about it later:D )
then after that,
we watched some show
and they said the main actress looked like me
ehh! she does not look like me luh!
i had freaking flu during the workshop
i kept sneezing and sniffing
and asking for tissue :x
my whole nose was redddddd :/
after that, me &michelle &xifan went to novena
it's was rather boring though:D
i wanted to buy new wallet/pouch
but don't have
after that we went to united square to makan
then ate for awhile, and we got super full.
michelle went up first cause she wanted to do tll hw.
then me and xifan went to cold storage to get snacks.
and my usual drink
niceeeeeee. HEH
then xifan's card couldn't like "connect" with the thingy
HAHA. then take so long luh
after that, i dragged her into our class
then she say so paiseh, and went out.
BLEH. so end up we two were outside
and then michelle came out after awhile.
then we saw gladys!
she came for rc too!
HAHA. then xifan and her were like hoping
they were in the same class
but they wasn't
hahahaha so funny
i wanted to listen to music in class
so i used aleena's style again:D
it's the best when you have school jacket ma.
i think krystal saw the wire
cause when mrslin went out
i like, adjusted the wire
cause it was like, coming out. BLEH
and according to michelle,
my ear was red -.-
i kept like, telling her about
the songs going so slowly.
i wanted it to go to "T"
and it was still at "B"
then gerald saw the chocs
HAHA. then he started whining
cause he wanted it
it instantly reminded me &michelle of SOMEBODY.
gosh la, we were like laughing
how very matching:D
then after that he wore this jacket
cause he was cold
from tll one
then everybody started taking photos &videos of him
it's was damn funny luh.
the one that lizlien gave to me
cause i gave half to aleena
then i left with half. then cannot blow
i wanted to irritate mrslin:D blow bubbles
then mrslin was telling us
about chocolates makes you more high
than when you are being kissed.
and it is scientifically proven
i've been eating TONS of chocolates
does this mean that i'm super high? :D
then she asked if we preferred kisses or chocolate
unless the kisses is the hershly's (sp?) kisses! :D
after class, didn't see xifan
cause she was talking to her rc teacher i think
so after that went home blahblahblah
today was soso la.
during english,
we had to write ANOTHER descriptive essay
on our ideal life partner
valen write until damn funny la
"our eyes met... there was chemistry"
HAHAHHAHAH. gosh so retarded!
lol! oh yeah!
laoshi came up to me
to ask for the demerit points letter
then i didn't sign it
she was like
"qixuan, ni bian de ken huai le (hazel, you've become naughtier)"
i was like EH.
whatever mannnn
then when i told violet
she was like "you already this naughty la!"
after english, had geog.
murkeji made us group according to our ccas again
for quiz. damn unfair la!
choir got soooo many girls!
and ncc got two -.-
and her lesson was freaking boring
i was falling asleep la. *yawns*
then we had pe
didn't do napfa cause mrslee said it was too hot -.-
and we still had to run
so the choir girls didn't run today either
we went to the hall to play volleyball
it was so RETARDED :D
was same group as aisha, dwi and xifan
all the pros :x
hahahaha. then mrslee, she looked like
she was about to bang her head against the wall
HAHAHA. cause we were all like,
anyhow play one:D
aiyooo! after pe
had class photo taking!
damn retarded! hehehehehehehe.
i bet i looked spastic :x
after that, had maths then lit
lit misswong didn't come!
so we had miss lim!
she take my science pad,
and threaten me to turn around
if not she would read it out to the WHOLE CLASS.
wtf? when i turned around
all the ego stuff and about me and jesse
and about us wanting to watch keith!
gosh laaa! so embarrassing!
there was also a part about emo ori loves duria
huiying wanted to kill me la!
then she say when i finish my work
then she return me :/
so ok fine! i do my work.
at the end of the lesson she was like
"and here's the last segment of what hazel did during film studies yesterday"
EH! wtf
then she read EVERYTHING out.
whatever mannn!
so paiseh
after that, me and valen went to serene
to get mcflurrys! :D
we walked to coro. and we saw huiying they all!
asked them if they wanted to go hci with us
to support jed for drama.
HAHA. but they didn't
then amelia called valen
to say that it already started.
then we rush la! rush to hci.
met amelia outside
then we walked into hci
all the guys were staring
like wtf. never see girls before isit!
damn irritating la!
haha staring at amelia la!
then hci is HUGEEEEE.
even HUGE-ER than acs(i)!
but not as high tech as acs(i)
i remember that time
mr tee so funny.
when he saw the gameroom
he was like opening his eyes bigbig
and staring in like a small kid looking in at the candies
in a candyshop
after that, we were like,
trying to find the audi.
what kind of school is it la!
so BIG yet the directions so UNCLEAR.
then we finally found it
but cannot eat in audi
so we went to throw it awayyyy
went in that time,
amelia wasn't allowed in by some sc teacher.
cause she was wearing home clothes.
EH! so only me and valen.
we only wanted to watch jed do mime
and nicola and estherseah oso
after that, it was like super boring
cause of debate stuff
then FINALLY. mime!
then the secONEs were screaming
and cheering.
the stupid idiot hci guys were like covering their ears
show some respect ok! how very immature
after that mime, then me and valen left
cause to stay for the whole thing,
it's damn long
then we saw jed outside!
she asked us to wait for her
before going off.
then we were like, ok
she went to remove her makeup
then we waited for her at the pond or whatever it is there
wtf. the hci guys damn immature la
they were like "OO, LOOK. SC GIRLS"
whatever! get lost la.
damn immature. damn irritating
seriously, have they NOT seen girls before?
EH! then waited quite some time for jed
then me and valen started to take photos
i looked super spastic!
then jed came. went to toilet
hello, since it's not used,
why is it sooo fucking dirty?
you mean you guys go inside and fool around?
oh WOW.
and it couldn't flush properlyyyyy!
some kind of toilet EH!
then after that, we were like
trying to find the exit
then we asked this guy
he was like pointing in front of us.
we started laughing.
then after that, we saw people running on the field
we dared jed to say "JIAYOU!"
and SHE DID!
we were like walking away, pretending that we didn't know her
HAHAHA. but they didn't hear la
then there was these people in pumping positions
jed was like "ohhh! baby want to come out already! PUSH!"
we laugh like crap la.
then there was these circle stoneys.
we jumpjumpjump. HAHA
spastic! :D
then valen took bus home
me and jed crossed to road to nygh there
and took 156! :D
hahaha. ok that was random.
then she dropped off at sc.
i saw like, these two guys chasing another guy
i think is like, cop and thief?
if not they won't just dash across the road like that
and there was a police car in the distance
i saw this guy reading on the debra drowning case
then i thought about what IF.
IF. one of my friends died
i think i would cry like hell la!
maybe even enemy also. i don't know la
anyway, then had to change bus
i think bus drivers nowadays
about that miserable FIVE CENTS
even more cheapskate than jed!
HAHA. lol ok.
oh well. good thing i reached home on time
then jasmineGOH told me that
she saw him with a girl
but seriously, i don't really care.
i still put the html code for cancellation
cause it's the easiest way that you'll know it's him
HAH. and she thought i would be jealous.
oh no i won't

don't worry
i won't cry for you anymore
cause i love you no more(:

5:58 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, April 23, 2007

i missed A for 2.4 by a freaking 12sec
TWELVE SECONDS. that's all i missed it by
sheesh, i should have seriously sprinted the last round
why didn't i sprint it
why did i just stick to my normal pace):
i hate my timing
the miserable 14.42):
i don't care
i want to retake
i want that bloody A.
i want an A for sit &reach too!
xifan run 13mins la
fast ass.
anyway, today's science test was really sucky
i think i'm going to fail it too
i found my ca1 marks already
english; A1 (72.5)
maths; D7 (49.3)
chinese; C6 (52.1)
science; C5 (58.3)
history; A1 (75)
geography; C5 (59.5)
literature; A2 (72)

BLEH. maths i missed passing by 0.7!
hahaha, at least not like jed for chi
she missed passing by 0.1
that's really pathetic la!
&to jed and estherlyn
i so did NOT flirt wih him
eew gross
who wants to flirt with such an ugly looking freak
what i said bad about before him
still sticks as it is
and to those who are still somewhat unclear
i like him no more. OK?
anyway science had the stupid spa
it's goddamn boring
and we're supposed to have like inter groups stuff
valen's group was being super enthu
but my group (me, aleena, estherlyn, jed)
we all heck care one:D
what's so big deal about the end prize anyway
after that chinese had zi du
i'm gonna fail anyway
lit, we got our deadline extended
to tomorrow after school
but somehow, i think we can't make it
as in our poem is not even proper yet
i don't know la
our history project also
this year, school work is crappier :/
anyway, i'm oh so addicted to ne-yo's "all because of you"
:D i realise that
when i have music
i only get addicted to it like
few weeks later.
just now it was raining real hard.
it's cold
but i guess in a way, relaxing(:
watched finished the devil beside you
you didn't warn me about the boring ending -.-
it's so, typical
the guy goes away, the guy comes back, they're together
i'm sick of those kind of boring endings
it would be fun to have something new
for a change
and i have this recent obsession for stars
just look of the window one day
and you'll see the pretty stars that shine down on you(:

Because Of You

[Verse 1:]
Want to, but I can’t help it
I love the way it feels,
It’s got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I need it when I want it, I want it when I don’t
Tell myself I’ll stop everyday, knowin’ that I won't

I got a problem and I don’t know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don’t know if I would quit but I doubt it
I’m taken by the thought of it, and I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, I’m so strung out on you
I can barely move but I like it

And it’s all because of you [3X]
And it’s all because…
Never get enough,
She’s the sweetest drug

[Verse 2:]
Think of it every second
I can't get nothing done,
Only concern is the next time, I’m gonna get me some
Know I should stay away from, cause it's no good for me
I try and try but my obsession wont let me leave

I got a problem and I don’t know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don’t know if I would quit but I doubt it
I’m taken by the thought of it, and I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, I’m so strung out on you
I can barely move but I like it

And it’s all because of you (all because of you) [3X]
And it’s all because…
Never get enough,
She’s the sweetest drug

Ain’t no doubt, so strung out [2X]
Over you, over you, over you

Because of you,
And it’s all because of you,
Never get enough
She’s the sweetest drug, she’s the sweetest drug
i want to download it into my phone
but yeah
no effing memory space
gotta delete photos again!

yujie; orh ok
violet; it WAS funny. i was laughing like crap. how mushy eh:D
chloe; THAT'S WHY!

i'm addicted to the sweetest drug

5:49 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

i can't get myself to fucking study.
this sucks.
i've been watching devil beside you
for the past, one hour or so
and i haven't studied much
i still have the same facts in my head
when i first started out
nothing new.
i'm trying to study the bloody transport system
oh gosh. bio is SO BORING
maybe i should reconsider about taking bio.
perhaps i should opt for chem and physics
and not chem and bio
at the rate i go,
there's no way i can take triple science
and wtf
there's zi du tomorrow
and i didn't fucking bring my chi tb home
i'm so dead.
at this rate,
there's no way i can take hcl next year either
i feel goddamn emo D:
(but i'm not gonna go around,
slitting my wrists because of this -.-)
and lit project is fucking due tomorrow
and we haven't started on the history project
this is fucking screwed
the history project is WAY OVERDUE.
let's see, by nine days?
oh right, this rocks

stop looking at me as if you know me well,
you know for yourself that you know nothing,
nothing about me

5:45 PM

Never coming home.

i need a freaking new set of earpiece
thanks to myself,
for stepping on the bloody earpiece.
just now,
when leaving the house
i was taking out my earpiece
then cause it was long,
so some part of it fell
and i fucking stepped on it
now, one side of it cracked
i swear i heard this cracking sound
and i wonder what the hell it was
when i looked,
i was damn heartpain la
and my muscle aches are still here
i have 2.4 tomorrow
and i have to run with my muscle aches?
oh gosh
i think i'm gonna do badly for 2.4 ):
stupid jewel got a new phone
sony's w880i.
it's darn pretty and slim
and the keypads are hard to click
but it gets nice after awhile
toh was his usual self
being bloody biased
(notice the alliteration)
and i bloody slipped on the steps at coro again
not the first time
it's MY LOVE.
and violet's, since i introduced it to her(:
it's oh so fantastic!
after tuition
took 156 home as per usual
saw this weirdo idiot guy
with multiple piercings.
cheeks, nose, eyebrow, BLAH
i think guys with multiple piercings are retarded freaks
they want to show off
that they can stand the pain is it?
oh wow, so can i
and guys who pierce BOTH sides of the ears
are gay(:
or at least i think they look gay
just pierce one side will do la!
why pierce both
and make yourself look like a girl
you bi person
after that, on the bus
there was this show
a cross dresser
seriously, i cannot,
i repeat, CANNOT
stand guys that dress up as girls
and try to act all flirty and stuff
it's like,
trying to discriminate us girls
wtf is wrong with guys
they and their twisted minds
and twisted perceptions of girls
hello, maybe some girls are like that
it's not all, it's some
after that,
i saw this woman,
who is probably in lik, her fifties
wearing a super low cut razor(sp?) back
and denim shorts
she's looks fifty plus due to the multiple wrinkles found on what we called, face
she's already goddamn old
and she still wants to show off her assets?
give me a break
what's this world coming too
with woman being as revealing as they can
to the rest who don't do that,
cause you're doing just fine(:
ok, maybe this observation of mine
is a little contrasting to the previous
oh well, HECK.
i need somewhere to voice my opinions
after that, cause i change bus
and initially there was no place to seat
ok maybe there were
those kind of two-seats-but-one-taken-up those kind
i don't like seating together with strangers
no offence
but yeah.
so if you're a stranger
and you're not those needy people who need a seat
don't bother sitting beside me
all you'll get is negative thoughts from me(:
so i was standing
at the stop before tp,
loads of people got off
and there were quite a few empty seats
the remaining people on the bus stared at me
cause i refused to budge
despite the fact that there were empty seats
it's not that i like to stand
i just don't see the need of sitting down
when you are about the get off the bloody bus
sit down for two stops
and stand up again?
waste of muscular strength
so no thanks(:
i think gc's "holiday" is making me oh so crappy
for some reason
i was listening to it just now
and all this crazy anger over mini things started coming up
don't ask me why
i don't know either.
and mum's not allowing me to go for project meeting
cause i have to study for science test
when the freaking project
is fucking due tomorrow.
and we haven't fucking started.
i'm in a f-word mood right now
i need some song to chill me down
or maybe it's because i didn't say the word for days
i don't know
i don't really care though
haha going with michelle
to velocity/novena after the stupid workshop on tuesday
cause it ends at 5.30
and tution starts at 7.30
so we shall go velocity/novena first
BEFORE we go tuition
i want to eat fries in class again :D
and irritate mrslin
i really can't be bothered to do the hw
but she's gonna kill me if i don't
and brian asked me
if i wanted to go for this basketball workshop with him
during the june hols
have i blogged about that already?
oh well.
seems like his mum will only allow him to go,
if go :D
and if possible, his coach will register for me
maybe i should go,
or maybe not
if we both go
he MIGHT stayover
for that three days
oh gosh. if nick comes along
my life would be hell,
for that crazy three days.
i shall be a good girl
and go study my science now
i need to fucking pull up my fucking grades.

xifan; CHIFFON! who says i don't tag you:D
chloe; i felt super full. but i was still hungry... -.-
xinyuan; i can't REACH! but i can sit :D
nemo; thanks(:
lauren; HI5 MAN! :D
cedric; hey
jasmineGOH; hey
lauren; ok fineeee. it was on the news though:D
siewjia; you guys were? never gimme any! TSK! my muscles are aching like shit still la. my legs muscles are not that bad as yesterday though. but it's still hurting. but my arms ones are the worst :/
anonymous; jasmineGOH, go away
michelle; oh really :D
katrina; not napfa la! napfa only those 5 pathetic items, how to get muscle aches from them! LOL! from ncc la! aiyo, you ah.
estherlin; i tagged you LOADS ok! haha fine, i shall be super nice and tag you AGAIN :D

i somehow like this blogskin more and more
but one thing would make it way better
if only something freaky was within those lights
it seems like some horror show :D
it's fun to scare people.
it was downstairs, with the rest of the vcds/dvds
HEH. watching it now
to hell with science tests
and muscle aches D:

who do they think they are,
trying to ruin my life with their antics.

3:23 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

i'm bored
super bored
seriously bored
HAH. i remember yesterday
at rtc busstop
joanna said about nygh
when their period comes,
it would be japan :D
HAHA. so retarded laaaaa.
figure out that yourself(:
just now during tuition
was super boring. nearly fell asleep
but there was a guy who fell asleep
nobody knew,
until he SNORED
oh yes, i really mean snore
and it was super loud
then the guys started to laugh at him
i'm not sure if someone woke him up after that or so
cause that weirdo was sitting right at the back
but i think he would be super embarrassed
if he found out :D
that is, if he does
and this super weird guy added me on msn
michelle, YOUR FRIEND.
some band guy
just now after tuition
mum picked me up
and she made me walk home from mobil
with my horribly painful muscle aches
cause she had to go pick jas
and i was super sleepy
so she asked me to go home first
to make things simpler for her
i was dropped off at mobil
IF i didn't have all that freaking muscle aches
i wouldn't mind.
now the muscle aches on my leg
is freaking aching even more.
to hell with it
i'm trying to refrain from using the f word
just my luck
to run 2.4 with all my muscle aches?
i'm gonna get like a B or a C.
if i get a D or an E, i'm gonna kill myself
i need that freaking gold for napfa
and mum found this stupid article
saying that if you don't sleep by around 10 everyday
for kids
you will not grow taller
thanks so much to the author who wrote that article
she's making me sleep by 10 everyday
now i'm gonna be super bored on my bed for two hours plus
how very interesting
and now,
i really don't want to do push ups
OR crunches
OR jumping jacks
in a seriously long time
my hand is aching like shit
freaking hell
so are my legs
and if you ask me how i type
i'm not moving my arm
i'm only moving my fingers
to hell with muscle aches

the gunshot was loud and clear
she fell to the ground
with a loud thud.
her life, her miseries
they were over

6:29 PM

Never coming home.

decided to change my url
wanted to change long time ago
but just didn't know what to change to
might change again :D
i'm awfully bored
supposed to be studying for science
but heck
i want to watch it
i didn't touch it for one week plus
and bam,
it's gone
don't tell me someone took it
that time my maid took my vcds/dvds
and went to watch it
then she anyhow put it
took me one week to find them.
i'm so hiding my shows from now on
skipped bc today
it's useless anyway
shall quit it once the term ends :D
later got han
so mafan, don't feel like going
i want to find my devil beside youuuuuu!
this sucks
i found this skin
this blogskin
it seems really creepy
but heck
it's nice, to me
and good for freaking people out
i can't find nice skins on blogskins
been searching for the past two hours
none in sight
ok, maybe there are some nice ones
but very few
oh well.
i shall go change my blogskin now

she said pull that trigger,
and she did.

2:13 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, April 20, 2007

i'm like super duper sleepy
and i guess you must be wondering why i'm actually posting
since i'm so crazily sleepy :/
today school was as boring as usual la :D
mrs cha told us that next week or so,
there would be instructors from the OUTSIDE
coming in to coach us for spa
oh hell no, not the oh so relaxing spa
but the science pratical assesment
what a nice initial name for such a boring thing
during class, many songs were running through my head
fob's "thnks fr th mmrs"
mcr's "this is how i disappear"
trja's "face down"
someone play music very loud hor
then i can hear, she herself cannot hear
woots~! and it was filled with loads of craps
like scandals and sadistic stuff
there was one on celsius
HAH. was damn retarded
and seems that katrina was their number one fan
like real!
if katrina was their number one fan,
we'll be having a harder time coping with estherlin's singing
and in the article, valen wrote that the monsoon season is coming
cause everytime estherlin sings,
somehow it would start to rain.
the sky is crying for help, help to stop estherlin from singing any further :D
then there was this advert for herbal essences body wash
for the model, amanda copied aleena's face over the model's face
but it was rather stretched, so couldn't really see her face
HAHA. then wanted to put estherlin's
she started to like, get angry, so end up never luh
after that, ce was writing about
a time when a friend betrayed/helped you
i wrote on betrayalHELP! :D
it was mostly crap, cause i didn't really know what to write
after that,
had NCC! :D
haven't had ncc in like two weeks
plus today, the cpls have napfa five items
until like three or four plus, then they came
so before that, joanna had to take charge
which is either next week (if there's parade)
or nextnext week.
so i can get it over and done with
today, we were actually supposed to repay our remaining 580
that we owe from last year
but end up, we only did like, 270 or so i think
after that, had drills with the gun again
fake la!
if real, my school got countless people die already
and all the terrorist come my school steal gun
my hand couldn't hold it there
SEE! my standard really went down a lot
i couldn't even hold more than 6mins in pumping position!
we had to change to no.4 in like, ten mins
then we were like, QUICKLY!
so rush. have to bun hair, change into no.4 plus boots
and i just had to freaking forget my black shirt
i knew i forgot something this morning,
but i didn't know what.
adding 30 more into what we owe
i'm really veryveryveryveryveryveryvery sorry):
then while we were doing drills
i heard fob's "this ain't a scene it's an arm's race"
the gym people were playing it
and siewjia said she heard justin timberlake's "sexyback"
[Oo] i didn't hear that
after that, we did other drills then we had
at first we were like, super tired
so they let us lie down and rest for awhile
after that, we were like stoning still
the ncos then suggested that we play truth or dare
first it was siewjia!
she said DARE.
so we dared her to go to one of the part As
and danced like those kind of tribal dance, three times around her
and she really did
but she was super embarrassed after that
after that it was xinyuan!
she chose TRUTH.
about whether she pee-ed in her pants before
HEH. then spin one more time
it was ME! but then not enough time
but i think next parade they will confirm ask me again
after that, we had PT(:
the normal stuff
but then this timeeee, for running
we had this string that joined us together
so that there would be no gaps
when we run
so the slower ones won't get left behind
i tripped once :/
after that, then end parade.
had tons of muscle aches
plus, my weirdo aching knee was hurting more
PFFT. i don't like my knee
after parade was like 6pm
we hanged around to bond, as usual
that's like, freaking soon
one month
one month away
and i haven't freaking memorised the notes
oh hell
then after that we went to caltex
the one near sji
with chloe, lauren, sj, nat, kim, qy, joanna.
i wish they would build a petrol kiosk near sc
so we don't have to always walk to sji or acs(b) there
damn mafan luh.
and this week, i spend tons on food
at caltex, i bought two icecreams,
the jelly lychee and the lime one :D
also the cup noodles, mushroom chicken
and also 7up ice! :D
i felt damn fat la
but the rest ate about the same too
then sj started to call me jelly
first was hamster, and it is still stuck
then it was freak
now it's jelly
haha then we started to do this stupid action
"jellies of the world unite!"
by the time we reached back to school
cause we all left our bags there
it was like, 7.20 something
then after that, me &sj &joanna went to rtc busstop
no.4 uni, no.4 boots &school bag
PFFT. then on the bus, so crowded no space to sit
sheesh man
then i hanged my uni on the railing
and stood there
listening to my music :D
hahahaha, then i saw a teo lookalike
at first i thought eh, how come teo take 132
look closer, chey, is lookalike
GOSH! they really lookalike la!
just that that guy spike hair only
and he looked uber weird
reached home that time
it's been a long time since i saw such a starry night
and the moon was so freaking bright
making the night sky look prettier than ever
then i went to bathe (duh!)
i was super stinky la
so now i am here using the com
and the same time, typing out the history project stuff
SIGH. poetry slam is on monday
and got science test on monday

well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor
just for the attention

sheesh man
can't find a nice skin on that freaking blogskins.
and i'm freaking tired now
i took uber long to write this post
cause there were manymanymanymany breaks in between
and woah
it's already 10.3610.37
i shall go sleep, if i actually can...
and OH!
i found my cny money
haha i realised i just left it there
was counting just now
i can pay back sj now ($15.50)
i can buy my memory card now (approx. $40)
i can buy the cargo pants now ($50)
i can buy a new wallet now (approx. $15)
and i'll still have $179.50 left!
this rocks :D
i'm not as poor as i was
i can go get myself CDs and other stuff i've been wanting
DVDs also! those taiwan shows :D
haha, and get those people presents,
to those who i still owe them

9:48 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

today was a really injury-prone day for me :/
firstly, SOMEONE, by the name of violet lim ziyan
just had to scratch me in the face. sheesh her man
then she hit me several times after that also.
luckily i didn't sit beside her today during part As drills
unlucky kailin sat beside her, and she got hit by violet like crazy
HAHA. poor thing man. kailin still comes to our platoon stuff to see the juniors
then today during the part As drills, we talked to them instead
like asked them about their school life, and how they are doing
also to ask them to introduced themselves. we also asked them for favourite seniors
then some of them wanted to steal violet's, kim's, nat's and siewjia's. HAHA
we were also to introduce ourselves.
don't you all just simply love cute hamsters? ok fine, i'm being super ego again
after that, there wasn't really enough time, so we had to quickly wrap it up
chinese zi du! i think i am going to totally flunk the entire thing!
i didn't study. plus, i slept during the test, cause i had no idea what to write
ok fine, maybe we didn't have to study for the test since the passage was there
but then, i didn't go and like, know the meanings for the words
oh yeah! PE! half of the class did 2.4km. i didn't do
cause my bloody right leg was hurting, for some reason which i have no idea
and it still is.
i hope it doesn't hurt tomorrow, there's ncc tomorrow!
then i timed for shuxin. i wasn't THAT blur afterall
so i didn't make her run extra round:D
running on monday for 2.4
i think my stamina is going to be damn sucky la
didn't train for god knows how long already :/
then after school, had five items.
except the freaking C for sit and reach
i seriously CANNOT do sit and reach
i suck at it la. SIGH
then my sbj improve! i can jump 176cm! WHEE~
aiya, i shall blog about this tomorrow or so
need to rush english project.
ama comes up with the most ridiculous names.

yujie; LOL! your blog pathetic what. you then lameshit la
violet; you see pretty green don't you?(:
jasmineGOH; erm ok....

"Damn, it's been a long road
And the industry is cold
- Glamorous, Fergie

"I know, my walls are crumbling
It’s late at night
- Velvet, Fergie

8:50 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i'm feeling rather high on roller coaster(:
not the ride you dummy, the snack!
blahblahblah. school's just as boring as EVER
except for the jokes made during class:D
haha monday, there was the chinese thingy!
GO 2GRACE! &yanbing's group won! yayeyaye!
xifan helped to set most of the entertainment questions
SO MANY ON FAHRENHEIT. they cant sing:D nor can they dance!
haha. then after school, went to serene with xifan, huiying &nicola
nicola soooooo cute! hahahaha. on the bus, xifan was like
"nicola, we don't know them (me &huiying) right?"
then nicola, being her usual blur &cute self, said "yes, i know"
HAHA SO CUTE! then we burst out laughing.
we were being total retards on the bus. and the korean for duck is ORI:D
emo ori!:D she calls me emo hamster. HEH(:
after that, we went to macs. there was like, a bunch of stmargs girls
then this stmargs girl, had two SUPER HIGH ponytails. like so EH
after that, there was this guy, went up to her and hugged her then said bye
gosh, she isnt even pretty! oh well, the guy matched her anyway:x
after that, there was this other stmargs girl, who tied her hair
two LOWER ponytails. one problem. her so called ponytail,
is tying few strands of hair together, that's it.
seriously, she can like, not tie her hair, cause there is nothing to tie at all
TSK! then we started crapping like idiots:D
nicola left like, 3. xifan started to recite the emo poem that huiying wrote
it was soooooooo retarded! hahaha. then i was videoing it down
i couldnt stop laughing man! :x at the end, xifan gave this really retarded look
before pushing my phone away. HAHA. LOL.
then crapcrapcrap. gosh and we were like, super full la
macs &icecream:D gosh, i felt soooooooo full!
we were playing music from my phone, then this stmargs girl
she was like "wah, very noisy you know" then she gave me this stare
whatever woman! keep your ears to yourself. not like we play until damn loud
then after that, we left, after much crapping. then met aisha at tp kfc.
ate kfc. SO FULL. then jas was there, and she gave us FREE FRIES:D
haha. and i felt so full. too much to eat i guess. after having macs also
we saw this two gay guys, or so it seemed to be that way to us
one was carrying this square bag -.- and the other, much worst,
a what-seemed-like-a-girly-sling-bag. me &aisha was like, oh wow.
SO GAY! then there was this big bunch of girls, with one guy
talk about being despo. then there was other big bunch of guys
and one girl. how flirt(: and the girl is damn bloody hell short!:x
after that, left tp at 7. walked home, since anyway only one busstop
aisha also stay one busstop away, but opposite direction. heh
then jasmine ask me buy icecream for her. cornetto. DAMN EX LA
but then three for price of two. so fine, ok i buy. then one for her,
one for ME(: and one for my dad. my mum doesnt like icecreams
she's deprived i tell you. i felt super fat. two icecreams, macs, and kfc in one day :/
and i felt supersupersuper FULL. sheesh!
then yesterday was yet another retarded day:D
mrs hee was so funny! she started doing actions, like really dramatised ones
she was telling us about her seeing this crow in her room. HEH.
talking about crows, i think it was either monday or tuesday
there was these prize giving stuff. i think monday
then after that, every few seconds, these crow will start crowing -.-
haha but it was quite stupid. after which it flew away. HAHA BYEBYE CROW!
ok that was super random. then OH! sc beat ri for debate!
WOOTS! we're up against cat high for the finals. GO SC!
oh ok, back to where i was. mrs hee. crow in her house
then she started to do all the funny actions, sending our class into laughing fits
it was SUPER funny. then she started jumping. haha SO FUNNY.
then after school, went with xifan and huiying to united square
BEN&JERRY'S FREE CONE DAY! when we reached, there was a uber long queue
then we saw smily and nicole lee (2pr). they were like, WAY IN FRONT
we joined the queue at the back (see! we sc girls don't cut queue:D )
then we saw BALLOONS! then we thought of teo asking us to bring balloons to sch
wanted to take it at first, but we didn't. cause we're nice people
and we don't take other people's property(: HAHA
then at the end, we got our icecreammmmm! then i saw wong huiying:D
haha(: after that, we walked to novena mrt and ate our icecream:D
cause we were heading to bishan library. my icecream started to drip :/
haha, but luckily not on ME. lauren went for b&js too
but not at united square but at cathay and somewhere else
she got like, three cones? i was damn full after having one la!
after that, take mrt to bishan! went to 7eleven to get drinks:D
before heading over to the library. wanted to research on total defence stuff
and like the problems that we faced, as a whole country and our ownselves.
cause we had to do this stupid poem for poetry slam. so sucky man
then xifan got this book on cancer. they showed really gruesome pictures :/
she wanted to borrow it la! that keesiao woman.
after that, ximian came. cause she &xifan had tuition at bishan at 5.
so she joined us for awhile. then xifan showed her the really gross pictures
then xifan decided not to borrow it. we were taking photos:D
haha then xifan was trying to take twit. HAHA LOL!
then we were giggling like crazy again. then i used the enlongated straw to poke ximian
at first she didnt feel it. so huiying ask me to put the straw super near her face
but not touching her. then she was like "psst!" then ximian turned around
and hit the straw. HAHA. then we three giggled. then i poked xifan too:D
xifan tried to bite the straww. HAHA LOL. then this woman nearby was like
"giggle giggle giggle, very irritating you know!" haha LOL!
then we giggled even more, trying to imitate her. but softer
i mean like, come on, the library cannot laugh, so giggle la!
she had a deprived childhood man:D tsktsktsk. poorthingpoorthing
after that, we stayed around for awhile more, until like 4.40
then xifan &ximian went for tuition, huiying &i went home:D
but i was the only one that was going to the bus terminal luh :x
haha then when we left the library, the woman was like staring at us :/
EH! then we saw this word "DUCK" at the library there. then we took huiying with it
today was soso la. cause never do project again.
we are like so retarded people luh. then school was funny again
cause mrs hee was doing all the dramatised actions. but not as much
then during english was super slack la. teo asked us to bring balloons
we were going to play the step-on-each-other-balloon game.
haha. cause jed's toe was injured, so she put her balloon in her jacket
making her look like a pregnant woman! HAHA.
teo started to call her pregnant lady. STUPID SHUXIN
go attack me from behind when i trying to step on ama's
she was gloating over it la. pfft you. then cause jed was like
walking around with nobody bursting her balloon. then valen &kat &me
we went to tackle her:D we were like, pushing her to the ground, then kat burst it
HAHA. she had like, three balloons. not all at one time. gosh so retarded! but damn fun
then after school, me &xifan went to look for miss wong to ask if can extend
the deadline for poetry slam. ours was supposed to be due on monday
but then she extend to tomorrow. but still not enough, cause aisha have syf
then we started talking to miss wong. then she was telling us
that she was super naughty during sc days. HAHA. she says to ask mr ang
he will confirm remember her de. haha. then she said
last time they play soccer on the field. then nearly tear up each other's clothes
HAHA. so retarded! then zhao they all were playing graduation day
in helium breath! haha &the super low voice too! we all laugh like siao la.
it was soooo wacked. then we saw the time. we were like, oh shit
xifan had netball. and i had to rush for stupid science tuition
so went back to class. open the door, accidentally knock gladys's arm
SORRY! didn't see you there! haha then after that went out of school
stupid brian la. before that call me so much. make my handphone vibrate
kill you man! then when i sms him what's up, he say nothing.
stupid cousin. just like his brother:D HAHA
then after that took bus to j8, then to bishan market
zealyn was on the same bus:D talked about school and stuff:D
heh, then i was like, super early for tuition. like 10mins early?
class was uber boring. then cause i was wearing school uni. plus my jacket
so i listen to music luh:D through headphones la. me follow aleena
haha. class was like superduper boring la. so listen luh
anyway, i was like, dying to hear fob and mcr:D HEH
i managed to download the red jumpsuits apparatus's "face down"
and fob's "thanks for the memories" into my phone! :D
YAYE. and i am still addicted to mcr's "this is how i disappear"
IT'S NICE:D then blahblahblah. do work luh
then go home. and here i am, sitting before the com
typingtypingtyping. &WOOTS. i got 13/15 for lit test!
stupid violet got 14. then zhao got 13.5. stupid snarties:D
haha snarties is just something between me &huiying &xifan
that time cause dunno who typed smarties as snarties. i think it was me
then we started to use snarties instead of smarties
just now violet go type woman as waoman. HAHA LOL!
HEH. then today in school, there were rumours of our uniform going to change to
DARK GREEN WITH YELLOW BELT. haha but it ain't true la.
GOOD! anyway, BYEBYE:D
&yeah, love my new tagboard colour man! it's GREEN:D

ethel; haha yeah. DIDNT SEE YOU THERE! acs they got experience from primary school one la. according to my friend, they have it in primary school also. NOT FAIR.
xifan; haha SPASTIC! &yesterday &amp;amp;monday too!
lauren; YAYE FOR MY LIT. but i think i confirm fail maths la
jedidah; HELLO JED! haha i like hester no more:D to where? *blur*
chloe; mrs low wants to change the canteen a bit right. HUR
anon; you acs(i)? what's with the "uu"? [Oo] and please do reveal yourself(:

&OH! the warning letter is TEN DEMERITS!
not eight! oh whew. I'M SAVED :D

6:22 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

yesterday got home rather late.
plus the computer was screwed. so i couldnt be bothered to post
oh yeah, some stuff that i didnt talk about that happened at orchard area:D
this guy came up to us to ask for donations. and we were like, broke
so end up, xifan gave her one dollar to the paul-twohill-hairstyle lookalike
and then finally managed to get rid of him.
just as we were walking towards the staircase, leading out of the mrt
another one came. we were like "we already give money to that one!"
then he was like "aiya. help me also can" EH.
we managed to get rid of him too. then this woman came up to me
and said something about modelling. her namecard was super fake looking
but i couldnt get rid of her. then aisha helped me:D THANKS AISHA!
then went to wisma there. cause got sheltered area to taka
they were playing bsb songs! i heard poster girl first(:
i very long never hear poster girl already luh:D
then yesterday woke up like super early, had to meet aisha
i keep smsing her, then she never reply. so i called her hp, she didnt answer
then i called her house, her mum picked up. apparently she just woke up
AIYO. so i went to her house first, to wait for her
cause i told my dad i must reach acs(i) by 8. and it was already 7.30
we were going there to support gladys they all for om:D
hell not to look at guys. then cause aisha was gonna wear shorts.
her mum was like asking her not to wear the shorts, since we are going to guys' school
but in the end, she did anyway. i was wearing sc so cool tee &fbts:D
i left my shoes at her house, and wore her slippers.
we took 166 to acs(i). i didnt know 166 went to harbour front/vivo!
haha, neither did aisha. so now we know:D
then after that, dropped off at acs(i). IT'S HUGEEEEEEE :O
and the place looks like some high tech museum/office building
me and aisha were like, wow. we didnt know how to get to the multi purpose hall
we were like, walking around aimlessly. then we asked this guy
"may we know how to get to the multi purpose hall?"
that f-ing rude guy was like "no". wtf? then he just smiled and walked off
EH. idiot rude guy. so we went on walking around aimlessly.
then we asked this other guy, who luckily was MUCH MORE POLITE.
he was like "you see that road? ... aiya nevermind, i bring you there la"
so we were like, orh ok. something way better as compared to the first guy
after that, we got to the multi purpose hall, and we saw gladys and group:D
we were like HELLO:D by the time we reached, theirs had already finished
their structure could hold 50plus kg i think. then they were so happy
cause rgs one could hold 10kg. HAH:D
then we were like, watching other teams also.
coral sec's one was soooo retarded. they spent the first 5mins or so,
walking around in fish costumes. then one guy was sitting down there
rubbing his head -.- WASTE OF TIME MAN. you have only like, 8mins to present
and like have a member or two building the structure while you do the presentation
so we were like, asking if they were going to walk around like fishies
for the next 8mins. SO EH. then after that, when they were like presenting
"we have to save the king's sister!" then time was up
HAHAHAHAHAHA:D but they continued anyway
gosh so retarded! then after that acs barker's one was good
&one of the guys seriously screams like a girl. like SERIOUSLY.
he was like, supposed to scream during the show. and twice somemore
then we were like, wtf? after that, then after that, there were some other schools
river valley's one came across as discrimination towards indians and women to us
the bloody stupid guy, who was fat and had absolutely NO FIGURE
went on about praising his figure -.- we were like, wtf?
and there was more. then me and aisha went outside the hall for awhile
to eat:D this show off, went to the pull ups station and started doing pull ups.
EH WHATEVER MAN. what a loser:D
mr tee initially wanted to order macs. but no one knew the number
so he ordered pizza! the two for one pizza. hawaiian &meat lovers
we were playing games. like chop chilli chop, and some others
cause mr tee was the starter for ccc, then for one of the actions, he started jumping
HAHA. then we all had to follow -.-
then we had lunch break:D the pizzas had arrived!
me &aisha waited for the team members to take before taking it ourselves
cause we were like, just the supporters. compared to their hard work for om finals
we like, did nothing. then trisha came!:D
haha. the group took photos. stupid me went to off the camera instead of on-ing it -.-
EH. i felt damn stupid la. paisehpaiseh. afterwards, we went to the canteen
goddamn hell, it's AIRCON-ED. like wtf? so shiok for what
they really pamper their students too much, to grow in such environments
after that, we rushed to problem 5's group. then we were sort of locked out
cause we pushed and pulled the door also cannot go in
then after that, when mrs neo tried, the door opened!
good thing we managed to catch the last part of their performance
saw mrs hee, charlotte and group there:D
after that, chij toa payoh performed. i say they were ok la(:
then me &aisha left earlier, to go to xifan's house for project
we took 166 to dover mrt, then took mrt and lrt to xifan's house
it was the first time me &aisha took lrt :x HAHA.
there was this uber cute girl on the lrt. SO CUTE.
and she looked so frightened. and so adorable!
then after that when we went to sit on the seats near her,
she started knocking the elevated floor and clapping her hands
SO CUTE! haha. then we got off at jelapang. and walked to xifan's house
when we arrived, she was sitting at the door there. HAHA
then we went to her room. then her twin, ximian, was watching snow angel
TORO:D then we started crapping and doing project
then nicola came at around like, 4plus. at least she came(:
then aisha smsed miss wong to ask her if we could like, delay ours
if not, it will be like, super rushed and of bad quality
plus, the project is like, of a super high percentage for ca2
and i really cannot afford to give away anymore stupid marks for ca2
i already have to score like super good As for higher chinese
cause need AT LEAST b3 to continue higher chinese next year
and i really want to continue, then jc dont need to do chinese:D
oh oh oh oh, i got this picture of xifan looking like a DUCK
like seriously. but for some stupid reason, which i dont know of
cant upload it onto the com. maybe because i store in phone instead of memory card
i got totally no memory to take photos anymore la.
savesavesave money! everybody donate to the HAZEL CHARITY:D
&i still owe sj and aisha money. PFFT.
then at like, 6 plus, me &aisha &nicola left xifan's house
it was like, 6.45? then me &aisha took lrt, mrt and bus
we were like rushing. then we both slept on lrt, mrt and bus:D
SUPER SLEEPY. then had to go aisha's house first take my shoes
then i took bus home. two stops. mum said to wait for her at mobil
i was like, ok luh. then she took like, super long
then this guy, who work at mobil one, started to like, move towards me
he was like, calling for me. so i quickly walked off first.
it was like, already 8plus. super late already luh.
then walkwalkwalk. then saw mum, like just started only. EH
at home, i went to use com for awhile. damn lag. so i went to bathe.
then i tried the com again. still super lag
anyway i was damn sleepy, so i went straight and fell asleep
first time in a veryveryvery long time, i slept at 10plus.
at i woke up like 10plus this morning. very long since i slept for twelve hours
i guess being out for 12hours makes you super sleepy. since you travel around
practically the whole of singapore :/
then today had science tuition. boring la. then jewel said that toh said
"you" as "euu". hahaha TWIT!:D HAHAHAHAHAHA.
then he keep praising smily laaa. he is biased towards smily.
TSK! then after that took bus home. was super sleepy.
nearly fell asleep. then blahblahblah. the boring journey
and find jt's "my love" sort of despo-ish. dont ask me why. i just find it so
ok. i shall sign out now. nothing else to say but,
unseen poem eh! :/ DIE. and maths, i practically dont get khongbee.
so, die(:

and, OH!
melvyn; yeah, i guess
xinyuan; you meanie! how very nice of you to say that
violet; HEH:D aiya, you like me dont want to say nevermind la. i know you do(:
abby; aiya! i pe rep doesnt mean i'll get gold whatttttt
violet; YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL. for me giving you testimonials:D
"hazel"; oh no violet, you suck:D HAHA. jkjk
kat; HELLO(: you are a retard too!:D
estherlyn; TSK! so mean. well, at least i'm more lovable than YOU. HEH
xifan; haha FINE!
michelle; yes you did:D haha. duh! if ___&his twin are TWINS:D
violet; haha ok. you owe me loads of testimonials man
yujie; you gentleman my foot la. i think you more com idiot than me. dunno how to even mute:D tagged already
debbie; heh hello!:D

&i just don't love you no more
the feelings that would never come back to me(:

3:50 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, April 13, 2007

yesterday was soooo busy. chiong-ing the last part of my uni
making sure that my collar was nice enough &doing my boots
wtf la. my boots couldnt SHINE): couldnt see my teeth :/
yesterday during school was pretty boring.
forgot if i fell asleep again or not :D sleeping is becoming a routine man.
HEH. then after school, xifan &kat &estherlyn &me stayed back at comp lab
then xifan &kat &i were doing our history project
it was actually overdue quite some time ago, but we drag(:
so the final deadline is on monday. this coming monday
plus, poetry slam is due on monday too. we've got our presentation :/
and napfa is NEXT WEEK :/ &english project is due on friday
so many things to rush for next week. i wish next week would come slower
stayed around until 3.30, then me &xifan went down to buy some food
after that went home, for tuition. pretty boring day la
then after tuition, had to do my uni luh. blahblahblah
today had sports day! :D HEH. then woke up at like,
0515 just to start preparing and i managed to finish preparing just in time :D
i was soooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy man!
wake up so early plus, i slept like past midnight yesterday.
so i was like, yawning away after that had march past.
i think i seriously screwed la. keep going off the line
and i nearly tripped over some stupid bump. i was like, wtf.
HMPRH. then after that the normal sports day stuff. had to do duty.
YAYE 2GRACE! we won 2nd for 4x100m relay&2nd for 200m too.
&2nd for high jump. thanks aisha!and 4x100m,
yaye! thanks to you girls' running skills, we managed to get more class points
then after sports day, take PLATOON PICTURE
didnt join them for platoon outing, cause had to go rush project(:
with aisha and xifan :D lit and history. but we only did like, lit haha.
&we took photos! lots of spastic ones. HEH
shall upload them at the end of this post :D some of them are with xifan &aisha
HEH. after sports day, change first to class tee &school skirt
my hair was super wavy! thanks to the bun that i had to tie
so xifan help me tie plaits. so it wont seem so, erm, weird
after that went to have lunch at ljs, a less than 5mins walk from toa payoh stadium
then lauren go scare me! :/ EH. haha cause they were going there for some reason?
hur. xifan starting to shoot ice. AT ME :/ stupid girl!
first time miss, then the next few times she hit. at face &hand luh. TSK
we saw mrs hee &bena. and we said HI :D haha
after that, we eateateateateat. aisha eat sooooooo slow :D
haha. then she was complaining that she was full.
so we were like, "aisha! you can do it! dont waste food!" gosh. so retarded (:
&we made her finish the whole meal.
haha "6 more fries!", "5 more fries!", "3 more fries!", "1 more fries!"
"half more!", "one quarter more!" EH
hahah we were soooo spastic. then she was soooo full
then she said it was the first time she finished a meal for a long time
i went to spoil her mood and say that she finished it in 40mins :D
HAHA. after that came out from ljs, then saw it was raining like crap
then so me &xifan share one umbrella, aisha take one
i forgot to bring :/ after that, we chiong to the other end
we were superr wet! haha especially xifan's skirt. &aisha's plastic bag
then we were like, finding for a totally sheltered area to the mrt station
and we found it :D through a superduper cold aircon building :/we were like,
shivering like crap luh. gosh! then we walkwalkwalk
then had to find toilet. we walked ONE BIG ROUND. before finding it
we started taking photos with the mirror. HAHA. bigbig mirror
then we went to buy somemore food, before going off
i was still hungry :/ then aisha said that i should have helped her finish her fries
then we took mrt to orchard. cause we wanted to go to orchard library
pass through wisma and into taka :D went to the library luh
then xifan keep saying i talk too loud :x sorry la!
we were doingdoingdoingdoing, then started to talk about twits.
HAHA. then we were doing the "ii lurbbe euu worxx" thing
so retarded! we started to take random photos. haha
xifan's phone kept ringing. HUR. then aisha told us about this guy
when just now we going up escalator, he was like, looking up at us
usin a super pervertic way -.- aiya. looking at aisha &xifan la :D
after that we discuss about project, then at 5, we left the library
cause we had no more heart to do the project. so we went to walk around taka
we took random photos of library books stuff and some facial care centers :D
there were like people staring at us :/ so paiseh! haha. but we were nuts.
then after that there was this mirror that made our legs look nice and pretty(:
aisha's legs were superduper nice in the mirror la! PFFT.
so long &tall. after that we went to wh to try out more clothes.
they were like, getting me to try out dresses :/ end up, i gave in
then we trytrytry, take photos. then we were in the same changing room
this assistant, she just open the curtains bigbig, and said
"no photography is allowed and can you please take one changing room each"
i mean like, wtf? it's like, hello, at least have the courtesy to like warn us
cause we could be like, changing? she is such a digusting freak pervert
then when we walked out of the store, she gave us the dirty look
whatever la woman! after that, we went to walk around somemore
then xifan had to go meet her friend cause she was going to crescent.
me &aisha headed over to the espirit near cine. we tried out clothes again :D
after that, it was like, 6. so we headed to the busstop.
good thing aisha stays at thomson too man :D if not, i'll be awfully bored in the bus
then aisha was telling me about this stupid bus driver that she met yesterday
and she complained to sbs. you go girl! :D
&here are the PICTURES (:
me &xifan(:

xifan, you PIG:D
tongue OUT:D
f is for FEMALE:D


xifan, watcha looking at?:D

half a two faces:/
aisha blocks her face:D
i'm not looking at the cam! :x




in negative mode:D

with a heart:D

xifan! creation of aisha's

another aisha creation:D



LIBRA:D but it's actually library

loads of books:D



NO kisses for him!


closer look:D


kinda hot?

it means them:D &ME



watcha staring at?:D

rocker or life?:D


aisha trying to copy the model:D

i know you LOVE our sexy legs:D


aisha is BEAUTIFUL!

xifan is BEAUTIFUL!
&mine's in aisha cam -.-



it's just a shirt inside actually. HAHA:D


we three babes:D
(didnt want to wear the dress initially..)

dont ask me what's up with my fingers.
i dont know either:D


i know you LOVE our sexy legs even more:D


yesyes, our pretty legs again. HAHA


aisha looks blurrr:D

ok that's all folks
&going to acs(i) to cheer on gladys for om:D
meeting aisha beforehand. then after that going to xifan's house for PROJECT!

9:54 PM

Never coming home.