Friday, March 30, 2007

but i cant sleep ):
my mum already complaining i sleep too much
hello. i sleep late. so i wake up late ;D
and she comes along waking me at 9/10 plus?
yesterday i slept during history la. so boring
i die la. next week history test. double period one somemore
then today i slept during science.
cha was explaining how to cut the stalk
to see the xylem blahblahblah. then i just slept
haha THANKYOU DADDY! always helping me &aleena
to take the materials for lab!<3 hahahaha
we are like always so lazy to take. YAYE THANKYOU!

hahaha. our class got like 100over demerits now already luh
stupid man. cause i walk past prefect is like tiptoe one
if not i later cannot see the sc logo, then will kana
then joanne saw. then she ask me walk properly
not joanne2sy. is joanne sec4 (: haha. then she was saying
that me and her cousin had same name same surname -.-
my mum will kill me if i kana letter la.
then she will probably like check my socks before i go out
my dad used to like, ask me why i fold my socks
then make me UNFOLD it. EEKS. not nice can.
so now, i wait until he wear his shoes already
then i go wear. if not he see me fold socks.
sighhhh. i'm like mostly booked for socks laa.
6demerits for socks. one for skirt
i swear it wasnt more than 7cm above. maybe like 5?
ohok. maybe. MAYBE 6cm. but swear not 7.
haha then today estherlyn go play trick on dunno who
go tap the shoulder and say "excuse me" hahah
the typical thing that prefect do ma. then end up estherlyn herself kana.
by the REAL prefect. ahahahahah
we all laugh like dunno what lor.

today ncc was funfunfun
we pay back that time. the ncos were like encouraging us
hahaha SO FUNNY! but it's like really nice
cause we get super encouraged! ;DD
so yeah. THANKYOU (: hehe.
for causing so much stirup regarding my uniform
PAISEHPAISEH! but thankyou guys SO MUCH<3!
i was seriously damn anxious already laaa. RAWR
then learnt drills with rifle. HAHA SO FUN
but so hard at the same time ;/ EH
the rifle gets heavy, after you hold it for quite awhile
master stacey was teaching me; bala &xy
heh. we were like so BLUR ;x HEH
then after that had the affirmation ceremony
cause somehow this year hq budget got problem
then cannot hold affirm in sis. haha TOO BAD SECONES!
we had ours in sis! ;D then after that
the cpls were instructing us on the drills.
i think i screwed la. seriously screw. ;/ SIGH
my drills are like damn sucky can. must prac even moreeeee!
then after ncc. we sat around to bond ;D
went to change. BABYFROGS IN THE TOILET! ;O
i was like eek at first. but they looked so cute after awhile! ;x
hahah. i'm so FICKLE ;P hehehe. BOUNCEBOUNCEBOUNCE
some of them went to the track to run. haha
i was too lazy! ;D LOL. then nat's shirt was so RED
EH! haha then after that like around 6.30,
went with vi, qy &chloe to shell. at first wanted to go the other one
*suddenly forgot what's it's called*
but too far it's like all the way at acs[b] there.
then dunwan man! it's like TWO BUSSTOPS AWAYYY!
so go shell it's nearer! ;D then vi was like begging me buy instant noodles with her &qy
after quite some time, i was being SUPER NICE ;D s
o i gave in. anyway, i was beginning to feel super hungry
HEH LOL. after that we walked back to rtc busstop.
chloe was going to some other busstop. it was like 7.15?
then waitwaitwait for 132. IT'S GODDAMN SLOW ;P
after that when it came, then as usual, put 50cents
the busguy was like "5cents?"
so i tossed in my 10cents. stupid man! waste money only
after that went to the top deck, like i always do
this stupid retarded freak who was sitting behind me
was blasting music on his phone. like SUPER LOUD.
loudest volume in fact i think. i was like wtf?
then i listen to my own one. through HEADPHONES of course
i'm so nice. at least i dont contribute to the NOISE ;D
after that reached back about 7.50? who ask the bus take so long to reach rtc.
IT WAS SO DARK ;/ so scaryyyy! lucky got headlights
and some people walking up down up down. if not i'll be damn scared
i'm scared of the dark. especially if i'm confined in an area
haha YAYE. i not so scared of heights anymoree ;D unless you bring me up
SUPERHIGH. like 20over storeys and ask me to look down
i'll scream i tell you. ;x then after that i saw some woman
in some dress with jeans. i was like ohgod. dont tell me it's my mum
and it was. SHEESH. sorry. but it totally doesnt suit her la!
i was like omg. wear something nicer please. ;/
haha anyway here i am! EYES SHUTTING ANY MOMENT


HAHA LOL. ok that was like SUPER LAME
stupid michelle not coming for tll next week.. SIGH
got pizza la. band instructor treat them.
go eat pizza with them eh! HAHA. dont betray mummy! ;D
next week must do dunno what shitty compo
i think i will fall asleep. DAMN SLEEPY.
COMPOS ARE BORING SHIT! ;/ sleeeepppppppp!
&i DONTLIKE ashleytis's album.
my sis went to buy la. stupid girl. WASTE MONEY ONLY
her voice is so not nice ;D LOVE MY JESSE<3
hahahahah THE BEST EVER!
so good that ama wants to steal him from me ;/
TSK YOU! she was like
"like i want to steal my husband when i already have him"

8:24 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

YOU! flirt &my MUMMY!
hahahaha. LOVEYOU! we didnt forget your bdae
we REMEMBERED ;D hehheeh
zhao was supposed to buy the cake
but she had no time. so no cake):
so instead after school, we went out!
haha. but very little time. like one hour?
cause char&zhao had to rush to choir
i had my eye appointment. BLEH
went to crown. with char;valen;estherlyn;katrina
zhao &danielle &jasmine were supposed to meet us
but then end they didnt. they came like LATE.
so fetched us to school cause we were running late
my mum was to meet me in school
then after that we RUSHHHHHH.
HEH. got LOTS of estherlyn retarded photos man! ;D

anyway, history was crazily boring today
i fell asleep throughout the entire slideshow
*yawns* and i was yawning like crazy
during english. ;/ stupid man. had to do summary
seriously. the summary was damn SUCKY.
the passage was so RETARDED AND BOLIAO
sheesh mann! then during maths
khongbee was scolding us for talking to much
"you bring disgrace to your family. to your society"
EH. society ; BADSOCIETY! hahahah
we're already BAD ;D
then we were like trying to control our laughter ;x
jed was sooooo retarded. she was like
"oh sorrysorry ancestors.." blahblahblah
hahahahaha. we seriously couldnt help giggling
i think she got like super pissed.
LALA~ ohwell.

this weirdo guy was in place of my usual doctor (or whatever it is)
he was so lame. so gay. so retarded. so shitty
he kept telling jokes that i was like over there
ERM OK. and he kept asking questions
about sc. about my studies. BULLSHIT.
i was like, pointing my middle finger. wtf la
so retarded. i was like "erm. yea. ok" the whole way through
SHEESH MAN! chill on the retardedness, seriously

each doing the job. except for the stone-rs behind
beware of us!

melvyn; erm ok...
huiying; YAYE FOR LONGANS <3 haha but i cant use that ;x

7:16 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i'm crazily bored at the moment
RAWR. huiying went offline. chloe went offline
speaking about chloe, reminds me of yesterday
where me &chloe were helping violet against the cathigh guy
that weilun. -.- seriously despo if you ask me
and veryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery SLOW.
i'm serious. he doesnt get hints. he practically dont get ANYTHING
and he such an idiot. calling me and chloe cheap?
HAH. if we're cheap. what is he? LOL.
but then while i was saying all those about relationships
and anti love stuff, i was like thinking about him
i asked myself if it was just pure admiration or smth
and i guess it is? HAH. i'm so ERM
preaching about love stuff? OH GOD.
seriously. i sounded so OLD ;/
EEKS. then after that went for tll
stupid michelle. she put her money in her sci pad. and lost it
twenty bucks byebye just like THAT.
i was like. wtf. she was supposed to buy greatgrandpa bdae prez
EUGENIA! chill on the bdae thing man!
then reported my lost tll card. cause i lost my wallet
like bloodyshit. five bucks la. to replace it. SO NOT OK
after that we went to class. had to do some stupid advert
haha did on COLOURED CONTACTS. yaye
michelle wrote my name on one of the designs
HEH. i was like SUPER EGO during class yesterday
dont ask me why. i was just ego ;DDD
michelle was complaining. TICKLE MICHELLE ;D
then sophie &krystal &hanying advert was on specs
the humans looked like dirt to me ;x HEH
sorry lor. my eye got some problem de ma. you dunno meh?
stupid michelle not going next week! cause of band
sheesh man. i'll be awfully bored with no one
to spread my egoness to ;DD HEH.
then after that did some lit stuff. god
the poem the guy sounded so DESPO ;O
hehehe. seriously. like wtf?
the way he treats women like objects. stupid idiot guys

i have a HUGE OBSESSION over mocha ;D
like since dunno when. but it keeps getting worst
now i drink mocha like EVERYDAY?
the ones in school. not starbucks those kind la
I WISH I WAS THAT RICH MAN! like real laa.
haha. then today was natcheong's last day teaching us
hehe. the BIGBIG "WE LOVE YOU" on the board
haha AND YEAH WE DO ;D we are so NICE PEOPLE ;D
think back into the last three months .. hmm
i've been like always getting "scolded" by her
geog essay; geog test. BLAH ;/ hehe
AIYA. heh. then we took the BADSOCIETY photos!
the first one was just normal standing around saying CHEESE
then the second one was SO RETARDED ;X
haha had to do the actions of our jobs
HAHA. so LOL la. xifannnnnn! YOU PEEPING TOM ;D
then today science tuition was so BORING.
like since when was it not boring actually.
i was like dozing off. then after that finish tuition walking out that time
the acs guy. either i or b. was so ZILIAN!
he was like taking photos of himself. hahaha
it's normal for girls if they are zilian. but guys?
ERM. SO NOT OK. gayshit man! i was like ohmygod la.
then there was this new student. heck whoever he is
now i'm at home. typingtypingtyping. waiting for some photos to load

my messy table ;DDD

OUR messy tables ;DDD

the always messy floor ;DDD


and jessejessejessejessejesse! <3
wanted to upload the 6pltnmates pic but the stupid cable.
RAWR &now my phone HANGED. like wtfh?
SHEESH MAN. ohwell. gtg now. heh
i lost my appetite too! ;/ ;p
&i hear my sis watching drake and josh ;DD
sheesh my mum is like questioning why i always come home
like one two hours after school ends.
is it wrong to go out for lunch with friends?! SHEESH

suddenly she sees MOCHA!

6:52 PM

Never coming home.

hello. here to post before my anger gets the better of me
i just have to vent this out somewhere
before i go for tuition, in like 15mins?
i swear that i could even WALK faster than the bus
RAWR. i was so damn bloody pissed
all the swear words were like coming out of my mouth
good thing aisha was there. if not i'll be bored, as well
SHEESH THE BUS. shut down 3 times too
so i gave up. two stop before my house, i just got off
so damn bloody stupid. when got green light
by the time it reaches there, it's red
like wtf. me &aisha was like "confirmed wont pass the lights one"
and yeah, it didnt. until the next green light
sheesh man. i hate the bloody stupid bus
had to change bus. waste my time &my money
think of all the time i could bathe before tuition
and com time. seriously you stupid bus, MOVE FASTER
there was this two guys. with like piercing everywhere
sitting behind. making stupid noises. fruit blender noises?
like WOW. thank you for breaking the silence.. NOT.
sheesh man. they looked so emo to me. if you ask me
okok. tag replies. then i will quickly zao for tuition

krix; okiedokie. but lazy to do now
jedidah; ERM. hahah but my toe now is WAY BETTER. no paos for me ;DD
chloe; selected few? yeahyeah VERY HONOURED ;D but on tagboards. EVERYONE CAN SEE
violet; DONT WORRY! you wont quit ncc<3 yes i know you LOVE me ;DD
sj; TSK!
anon; if it's so lame, why even bother reading. ¬ having the courage to REVEAL IDENTITY
kailin; haha okie. IF I GOT TIME ;D

3:25 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, March 26, 2007

several bus incidents has been pissing me off
all thanks to my stupid ezlink getting lost
i reported it to the sbs. then they say cannot find
RAWR. sheesh man! i want my darlingg wallet!
my darling neoprintsssss! BLEH
anyway. there was this incident that i was on the bus
then i pay 50cents, LIKE I ALWAYS DO
i mean like, the bus drivers wont exactly pursue you for that
then the driver was like "oei. five cents"
i was like WTF. bloody five cents only. chill over it la
the nearest change i had was twenty cents.
so i just dumped it in. so retarded for WHAT man
then yesterday i was like wearing home clothes ma
i take the bus. then the bus driver was like
"your ezlink card leh?" WTF?!
it's like SO OBVIOUS. that if i pay with MONEY
i dont have my ezlink card right? STUPID!
then i told him that i didnt have it
he was like "pay adult fee then"
i was like HUH. wtf? so retarded can he
then some "quarrel" happened which i cant be bothered
to explain. cause it would only piss me off more
then yesterday toh was picking on me and jewel lah
he was like "dont talk dont talk. or else you split"
HELLO! we dont talk. we PASS NOTES ;D
there is like a HUGE difference. passing notes is done
WITHOUT TALKING. stupid guy man! sheesh!
then me and jewel were like super GUAI ;D
hehe. but still, we pass notes. just that he never see only
HEHEHE. we are so PRO ;D
then we had GUMMIES ;D heh severe craving ;D
today went to hq! had to walk frm yck mrt to THERE ;/
then the bloody mocha split in my bag AND my skirt
i was like WTF. send the bag for WASHY! ;D
hahhaha. sorry i am being like SUPER RETARDED
lazy to blog more. BYE PEEPS (:

yj ; suibian lor
amandatan ; okie dokie ;DDD
estherlyn ; WHAT MOO? [Oo] you TWIT ;D
jed ; HAHA YES I WAS ;D now i'm at HOMEEEE. where got disgustin?
): TSK SO MEAN! it's called LOVE ;D &yes YOU LOVE ME
sj ; WHAT FREAK? tsk SO MEAN! it aint freak. is ADORABLE. haha.

gawd, i'm HIGH.

8:56 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, March 23, 2007

heya. i'm like super bored and have nothing to do
so i'm here to post, before i go off to eat more of my dinner
cause my mum thinks that it is not safe to eat my dinner beside the com
like whatever, i've done it dunno how many times la. talk so much
i am too lazy to think back in time, and tell you guys about the past week
so i shall just blog about today (:
today chinese was crap la. nobody learnt ting xie lah.
cause we all totally forgot about it. either that or left tb in school
like who bothers to bring the books home from school man
then after that had maths. i got so bored, that i fell asleep
i realised that the lessons i fall asleep most is during maths ;x
then after that aleena woke me up, and khongbee was staring at me
ahhh. she was saying something which i couldnt hear.
i guess because i just wake up, that's why blurblur one ;D
then aleena was like "sit up, sit up" then i quickly sit up
paiseh man. then after that dwi also fell asleep lah. haha
so i wasnt the only one. then she was like
"next time, the lesson's going to be more fast paced, so that you guys wont fall asleep"
aiyah. more fast paced, means more things i wont understand
anyway, i dont really listen during her lesson.
guess maybe that's why my maths is so sucky nowadays ;p
then after that the rest of the day was crappy
just another "debate" during history about hee's teaching tactics.
cause you see, we were talking about hee always not giving back our papers on time,
then like that, our parents will misunderstand (ESPECIALLY MINE)
that we are like trying to hide the goddamn paper from them,
cause we failed. my mum keeps chasing me for my tests papers
which i always dont show her, cause i do fail. especially chinese &maths
i sucked for this history test la. i got 8.5 out of 15. sucks man
the previous one was wayyyy better (: HEH. but hee haven let us bring home
also, cause it's like hee doesnt specify on what to study for tests
unlike mr ang who tells his class what to study. then hee was like
it's called leaking out the answers. sorry mrshee,
but then, you said that you want us to score well, but the way you dont give us hints
and just give us a vast topic that only few pages would be tested,
how would we be able to memorise every single ittybitty detail
it's not leaking out the answers. it's called giving hints, and helping the class
haha. no offence, but yeah. this is just like what the class said today as well
then after that had ncc. i feel so bad, i so long never go, my standard deproved!
my crunchers suck like dunno what crap, my stamina sucks, my marching sucks,
my drills suck; especially my cablacan (sp?). sheesh myself
i really need to pull up my standard, especially since it is so sucky.
then after that, me, lauren &adelia left like 45minutes early
cause we needed to meet our parents for the talk. then end up we sit behind
cannot find them ma. but we sms them la.
sheesh man, cause of mrsneo's speech, my mum now keep talking weirdly
and keeps saying me about my results whatever shit la. sheesh man
i hate it when she goes into those kind of topics la. is like.. ARGH
then we were like, damn cold and falling asleep. SO SLEEPY
i only had like, 5minutes of sleep during khongbee's lesson la.
so not enough. i shall sleep early tonight (you wish)
as if i can la. i used to sleeping like past midnight. haha. but i'll try
cause i am like super tired today. then i ate dinner so late somemore
now eating. haha. cause i reached home at like 8 plus. cause of the talk
and then yesterday during pe did the 10round race. 2km ;/
can die man. my legs hurting like dunno what crap la. muscle pain siah
then me &xifan were cheering on for charlotte. run together with her
hehe. GO MUMMY ;DD
huiying ran extra round la, cause valen mistaken. poorthing poorthing
waliao, my legs hurt like dunno what shit can.. ahbleh
too long never run liao. no exercise de ;x sheesh myself man
mum scolding me now just because i dont like watching the news
it's damn cheem la. they talk dunno what, i fall asleep
i rather read the newspapers. easier to understand, but so not chinese
she bugging me to go study la. sheesh man. study what
also now no mood to study. when i no mood to study i cannot study one la
ee. lingli never reply me one. i asking her something la.
then she say later she will call/sms me back also de, end up never
you meanie pok daddyy! sheesh man, cannot blog liao
my mum keep coming to check. BYEBYE

8:27 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

just popped by to recommend this SUPER cute game
highly recommended for girls, who want to vent their anger on guys
but simply just cant cause you are too nice (:
HAHA. we should consider actually using this to kill guys ;D
give it a try, and take a shot, and killing some retarded freaks
imagine that, as the guy that you hate.
haha, sorry la. i now very anti-guy. other than him
to me, it's super easy to play the game,
cause there are manymanymany people i want to kill
not just one guy, but manymany others. so haha
take your time to kill the idiots ;D

wth. i have to redo my WHOLE chinese file as in the worksheets inside. just because some bloody bastard took it away. and now, laoshi wants me to redo everything that was inside. including the test. when she already has the bloody score. WHATEVER FOR!

&yesterday's dinner at the buffet restaurant
(have absolutely no idea what the hell it is called)
was super delicious ;D haha. but the ssc not nice one
hardly any meat. but then nicktan's brothers loved it
HAH.. ok. got to go now.

9:40 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

i haven blogged for one week, but heck
here to cure my writer's block
like wtf. i was like ohcrap.
cause just now in school, we had to hand in geog project
yaye! then natcheong was like going down the namelist
then when she reached mine she was like
"hazel.. *shortpause* HAZEL GOH, I WANT TO KILL YOU"
i was like .. what? retarded man
redo my geog essay, for the second time
like wtf? i dont have enough timeeee
i got to do my ac reflections as well.
redo geog essay? hand in tomorrow? no way
haha. but there's jed in there.
when i saved it, i realised that jed was in there
HAHA. well heck.
i forgot what was ama's job,
but i put her in anw. someone update me ;D
she wants to steal jessemccartneyyyyyy!
char mummy was reading this magazine
then they had a pic of jessemccartney!<3
ama &me were near her. then the moment ama saw it,
she bent forward &KISSED him!!!!
i was like WTH! ama! you stole a kiss from him!
tsktsk naughtynaughty! then we were scribbling on the board
not the whiteboard. noticeboard.
i was writing "HAZEL<3jessemccartney"
&she was writing "AMA<3jessemccartney"
we were trying to cancel out each other's work
heh. ama, here something for you.
now that is the true love equation ;D
hehe. PETEWENTZ too! but i rather have jesse
ama, you can have pete if you want ;D
lastsat went to watch movie. cause i was feeling better
haha. went to watch with brian&jas.
STUPID BRIAN YEO! you brainless kiddo!
i felt super bad. cause there i was, watching a movie
when my platoonmates had just came back from ac
sigh. anw the movie was super dumb.
music and lyrics
initially planned to watch stomp the yard
stupid brian thought that it was at 7.15
when we reached gwc, it was at 9.15
you stupid toot. so we watched mal instead
which was boring. brian agreed. but jas said it was nice
HAH. i wanna watch stomp the yard
ama said it was nice ;D hehe
my darling love rival. HAH
then after that nicholson &aunt joined us for dinner
we were giggling like crazy idiots luh
i cant believe nick joined campus superstar
when aunt told me that, i laughed straight in her face ;x
then i asked nick. he denied it totally
he was like "no, no. but the judges are super idiotic"
stupid guy! if he didnt go, how would he know about the judges
hah. if HE can sing, then my singing is super pro la!
after eating dinner, brian went to the toilet
haha. then we quickly left the restaurant without him
then the waiters&waitresses were like staring at us ;/
even aunt followed ;D then after that we were hiding at some place
then brian came out. hehe. he took awhile to find us
SLOW GUY ;D then after that we went to eat macs.
icecream! haha initially aunt said just buy 2.
me &jas share. brian &nick share.
then nick bought 4 instead. HAHA.
she was like "woah, one each ah" ;D
after that she sent us home. it was like already 10plus
ohyaa! before that i tot there was bc la!
i was so dumb. i went there, it was closed ;x
so i went home then i sms-ed dilys that i wasnt going for han
cause i had no transport. there's no busstop there lah
then she say i go her house, then her dad fetch us there later
i was like, ok lor. parents &2sis were at doi.
they didnt book for me, cause i was supposed to go for ac
until i fell sick .. anw, i didnt want to go.
doi? no thanks man.
i mean seriously, totally. HAH.
i liked my robeee(: then after om,
me&josie&tansy went to go eat prataa!
longan spin yayeness.
took 190 there. I LEFT MY WALLET ON THE BUS
like wtf. stupidstupidstupid me
wahliao. ezlink; tll card; neos; money; hairtyes are inside
argh. i need to find hairtyes around the house now
cause the rubber ones that i use, once use is like, super loose
so no point reusing. argh. stupidstupidstupid me
pleaseohpleaseohplease let someone nice find it for me (:
and i will be eternally thankful to the person
omg, i sound so chim! haha. then borrowed $ from tansy
i owe her like .. $6 plus now. $5 for the meal, $1 for busride
cause i had to change bus la. eh. sigh
ok, i shall go &try to do my geog essay AND ac reflections
argh. and i only have onehour. going out for dinner
no idea what time am i coming back though. rawr.
there's a lot more to blog about, but now
NO TIME. so next time! BYEBYE <3
that, was meant for loser guys (:

4:32 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i hate fevers
i hate sprains
i hate flus
i hate practically everything

at home now. didnt go for camp
stupid fever &neck sprain .. again
like wow. stupid man. but not as bad as the previous time
hur .. sigh
within one week, i messaged 366 sms
at this rate, my bill is gonna hit hundred again
ohman .. yesterday was fun
haha since i couldnt go out,
violet &lauren came over.
that time i didnt have my fever, YET
i picked them up from school
and they got me my longan spin
ohyaye. but aint for free. must pay violet back
this time it wasnt so diluted, it was delicious
then we went over to my house.
lauren liked the road names a lot.
cause there was jupiter, ontario, venus, leo ..
haha. she wants to stay in jupiter/leo.
well, i stay in jupiter ;D
after that went to my room to use the computer
were supposed to study lit together,
but couldnt concentrate. rawr.
haha, violet helped me get my notebooks from school
yaye thankyou! now i am only 75% chances of failing lit
haha pete wentz is CUTE ;D
then we went on violet's msn and mine and lauren
at different times. we used violet msn to say that she like this guy
which was totally untrue. haha. it was damn hilarious
and lame. then violet started to "fight" with lauren
then "fight" until they broke my room the fan.. TSK.
haha nvm. after that, violet tried to get back at me
by telling jass, wenwei, and some other cat high guy
that i liked them . which was totally untrue
haha. wenwei was totally blurred out. so ok lor
then jass was like, cause they asked him if he liked me
like .. whatever. then he was like ; "yeah, as a friend"
haha good answer. the cat high guy was weird lah
LOL. then after that we found out stuff about cat high guys &chloe
they are damn mean. like wth. that weilun guy from cat high ..
is pure weird. then after that we said we were having some sleepover
two girls, one guy. then he asked violet to name our names
then she said our names. but there was no guy
so she added in "&lester" .. HUR. then she said that he was my bf
like .. LOL. so not true. haha.. then lauren made us sound les
cause weilun was like what are you girls doing
then lauren was like "what do you think girls do together"
it sounded SO WRONG .. hah
she sounded like super mysterious, before telling him that
we were having some sleepover with movies &popcorn
HUR. after that brought them out to the busstop
at around 4. cause violet's mum called to complain
and her hp battery was flat. and her mum didnt believe
walk out and saw tgot. stupid violet was like shouting
lucky he didnt turn back siah. if not i will die lah. of embarrassment
stupid violet lim. then after that had tll at night
went to paris classroom. the uber high tech ones.
the door is the whiteboard. like wth?
we watched the arena. the one uwc against nygh
the 2nd speaker from nygh was like .. whatever lah she
one of the judges looked like HUR.
it was michelle that said so. when i looked, she did looked like her
heh. managed to drink my sprite ice <3! it's the love
i drink pepsi twist until a bit sian liao lor.
haha but i still like it .. then after that blahblahblah
the usual tuition stuff before going home ;DD
that's when somehow i mysteriously came down with fever
i swear i dont know the damn cause of it ..
that's why i say mysteriously ..
after that mum said not to go for ac today
it means more hw .. pfft. from her lah
not from school .. i think there was hardly any holiday hw?
or was there even any? [Oo] ohwell, heck
haha then jass messaged me .. didnt know he cooks ;x
it's like supersupersupersuper rare that a guy cooks
HUR. it isnt gay. it's just rare ;D
he asked me if i can cook. i gave him a super lame answer;
yeah i can cook, if you want your kitchen to be burnt down
my cooking sucks. home ecs is in PAIRS. so meishaan helps me
but that time the creampuff thingy, haha ..
shu, you have to agree that my chicken rawks ;D
then after that this morning woke up, played with kris
playplayplay until sprained my neck a little. like wtf
but wasnt as bad as last time. the doc said should be ok,
like by end of this week. YAYE. i cant stand sprains
they are so bloody %&$#%& irritating
i sprained my neck before so i know it feels .
then after that went home. haha mocha blended ice
>.< so full after drinking it ..
then after that i stationed myself in front of the computer
cause i am freaking bored .. LOL
i feel goddamn clumsy lah. i keep hitting my ankle or back
against something. sheesh man
sooner or later, my ankle is gonna swell
rawr. then michelle says i sound like some lion
cause i keep going "rawr".. like no lor.
lions go "roar" not "rawr".. then we were talking about
guys that are such losers ;D and that 0.001% of spore guys are not
.. haha yeah man ;D anti-chou nan ren ;p
haha. okie, i better go back to studying lit.
byebyeeeee. hopefully i dont fail! cause i already failed
chinese &maths for ca1, so i am like .. dead

3:57 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

this thing is wacked. haha
saw it on friendster. since i'm bored
i shall do it. [ok.. that sounds SUPER wrong]

A: Likes to drink
B: Likes people
C: Is wild and crazy
D: Has one of the best personalities ever
F: People adore you
G: Never lets people tell you what to do
H: Have a very good personality and looks
I: Very crazy
J: Lives life for fun
K: Really silly
L: Loved by everyone
M: Makes dating fun
N: Dead sexy
O: Best in bed
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: Hypocrite
R: Very crazy
S: Easy to fall in love with
T: Loyal to those you love
U: Really like to chill
V: Not judgemental
W: Very broad-minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: One of best bf/gf one could ever ask for
Z: Always ready

and my name;
H: Have very good personality and looks [truetrue.. HAH. jkjk]
A: Likes to drink [7up ice &sprite ice &pepsi twist &longan spin<3!]
Z: Always ready [to slack and go out ;DD]
E: A good kisser [how would you know unless you tried .. -.- WEIRD]
L: Loved by everyone [DUH! i'm likeable.. haha]

this is retarded. but haha yeah true
but the kissing part is wacked .. hur
cant go out for prata &icecream ):
but lauren and violet say want to come over
since i cant go over. ;D have to ask mum
but now she's out, so have to wait until she comes back
cause she left her hp at home to charge ..
as always .. my stomach craves for prata
as well as longan spinn <3
sigh .. guess have to wait until school reopen
then can go eat ba. sheesh man
supposed to stay at home and study
since got ac for the next four days .. rawr
i'm so gonna die >.< after saturday,
you might see me no more. haha
later got tll. my sprite/7up ice, here i come
haha. everytime before go to class,
always buy one bottle.
i've been drinking a lot of pepsi twist
now it's time for a change of drink.
unless they run out of sprite/7up ice again
then yeah, back to pepsi twist.. haha ohwell

10:43 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, March 12, 2007

came back from sana course awhile ago
it was farfarfar away in sengkang ..
like %$&#%&$ so far a place
in the morning, woke up at 5.30
so groggy &sleepy lor .. >.<
haha .. then went to get ready ..
met adelia &chloe at dhoby gaut
i was losttttt! cause i couldnt find this fashion
haha . then i kept calling adelia
cause anw no use calling chloe,
she was still on her way . but i called her once
haha. her navigations rock ;D
then me and adelia sat down waiting for chloe
eating some weird corn crackers ;x
dont know what it is called. it's sold in sch too
haha . then chloe came. took mrt to sengkang
we were rather early. then we headed to 7.11
buy food &drinks . didnt take breakfast
after that sj &joanna came ;DD
then qy somehow was inside the shoppingmall
so we had to run all over to find her
be happy that you have nice pltnmates, qy!(:
then kim came .. after sooo long
we then walked around the area for awhile
and bought more food . 100plus ;D
after that went for sana course~!
we had to seat in one row .. in a way
that we didnt get to sit next to each other ):
qy was ifo me . adelia was behindd .
then some cathigh guy was beside me .. heck!
the talk was .. blahblahblah
the guy talking at first was so crazily lame
not funny .. some parts were still ok ..
but some was ridiculously lame . no offence
the second speaker was not as lame ..
then after that went for lunch at compass point
had my usual ebi rice burger. it's the LOVE
oso have to study for some test
then we makan finish, then adelia;chloe &me walked ard for awhile
before going back to meet the rest
then we study togetherr . ;DD
after that had to go back into the lt .. or if that was what it was
then had the test. after that had to discuss some roleplay thingy
with the group.. was with 4guys lah ..
two ncc; two boys bridgade
they rest oso .. sheesh man
then had to come with some short skit about drugs
like wtf. then thinkthinkthink .. BLAH
after that perform that time was bloody shitty
boy bridgade guys are so %&$#%&$# gay
no offence .. but yeah .. then after the whole damn thing
me &chloe changed out of our no.4
to black ncc shirt; fbts &slipperrs
went home together with chloe
she got off at newton though . me got off bishann
like duh . if not get off at amk arh? -.-
i feel strangely lame-ed.. sheesh
then took 410 back . so tired on the bus .
nearly fell asleep . after that came back ;D
so tired now .. i shall go and sleep early tonight
LIKE REAL. i've blogged enough crap anw ..

8:17 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

i'm super bored
just now me ;lauren &violet
we were flooding each other with testimonials ..
LOL. hur. it's called boredom
thursday laoshi was so retarded ..
cause i forgot to bring home my file
then there was some forms to be signed
she was like "put the form into your wallet
like that you wont forget"
i looked at her, and said
"my wallet is so small, how to put in"
then i took out my wallet and showed it to her
she was like "i dont care, just do it"
but i didnt .. HAH
still, i remembered to bring my file home
so not so bad ba! i didnt need to put it in my wallet
[Oo] so small lah. how to squeezee inside
today had science tuition at cc.
toh was like picking on jewel
cause of her grades. but i find it perfectly fine
HUR. my grades are worst
then made her sit in front. then i sat there too
if not i'll be damn bored at the back anyway
during the lesson we were doing the usual stuff
writing notes on our paper and liquid-ing it off
until we found a paper that was plain notes
so dont need to hand in. so just write on that
obviously, we were eating through the lesson
haha. dont give me that tsk stare
it's allowed ;D
jewel say maybe she want to come to tll ;D
haha xifan maybe also .. ;D
hope got space man!
got on the bus after class
more staring incidents
stare so much for what. starestarestare
i got look so alien meh? stupid people
is it wrong, to get on a bus, and to
listen to music through my headphones?
is it wrong to wear jeans and shirt and slippers?
is it wrong to carry a bag?
what the problem is with those people?
felt like telling them to get lost
stupid people. gorge their eyes out man
look at me with those kind of "wtf" stares
wtf them lah! stupid idiots
haha charlotte's my mummy ;D
&lingli's my daddy ;D
&eugenia's my greatgrandfather [Oo]
HAH. ohwell ;DD
well is my grandpa/grandma? ;x

Let It Rain

Let it rain
Let it rain

On the first day i met ya
I notice your style
Had that B-Boy swagger not one of the crowd
And you talked like you knew me
Kept coming around and i fell for ya, yeah
Then as time kept going i noticed some things
Said our love kept growing
Love never really last
Memories just had a hold on me

But i had to let go of the pain
That love rained down on me (let it rain)
Cause you helped me open up my eyes
Showed me things i could never see (let it rain)
Cause we fight and we make up
Wanna see you when i wake up
I'm staying with you only (let it rain)
Cause i need you to show me how our love should really be (let it rain)

I used to wonder where were going
And where i wanted to be
Sitting alone all shocked up waiting for my destiny
Hearing songs on the radio wishing that it could happen to me, oh no
Then when you came into the picture then i knew quickly
That we could build something so strong
Expect the best for the future
Forget about what used to be
I need you here all life long

But i had to let go of the pain
That love rained down on me (let it rain)
Cause you helped me open up my eyes
Showed me things i could never see (let it rain)
Cause we fight and we make up
Wanna see you when i wake up
I'm staying with you only (let it rain)
Cause i need you to show me how our love should really be (let it rain)

Cause i see sunlight whenever we touch
All day and all night is never too much (All that were how)
Afraid of my feelings and falling too deep
But everybody's had this happen one time or another
When you need someone to set your heart free

But i had to let go of the pain
That love rained down on me (let it rain)
Cause you helped me open up my eyes
Showed me things i could never see (let it rain)
Cause we fight and we make up
Wanna see you when i wake up
I'm staying with you only (let it rain)
Cause i need you to show me how our love should really be (let it rain)

But i had to let go of the pain
That love rained down on me (let it rain)
Cause you helped me open up my eyes
Showed me things i could never see (let it rain)
Cause we fight and we make up
Wanna see you when i wake up
I'm staying with you only (let it rain)
Cause i need you to show me how our love should really be (let it rain)

Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain

somehow i'm in love with this song now
hur .. i'm such lyrics obsessed right now

Say Goodbye

In the years to come
Will you think about the moments that we shared
In the years to come
Are you gonna think it over
And how we lived each day with no regrets
Nothing lasts forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in everyway
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because true love never dies

In a year from now
Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we'd never said
In a year from now
Maybe we'll see each other, standing at the same street corner although it rains
Each and every end is always written in the stars
If only i could stop the world i'd make this last

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in everyway
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because true love never dies

And when you need my arms to run into
I'll come for you
Nothing will ever change the way i feel

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in everyway
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because true love never dies

i'm going nuts
guess cause i'm just being super bored
and typing down all the emo songs here

This I Promise You

Ohh ohh ...

When visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along ...

And i will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This i promise you
This i promise you

I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And i promise you'll never ...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my word (give you my heart)
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun ...

Just close your eyes (close your eyes)
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no ...)
Till the day my life is through
This i promise you ...
This i promise you ...

Over and over i fall (over and over i fall)
When i hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just won't be living at all ...

And i will (i will take you in my arms)
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)
Till the day my life is through
This i promise you baby

Just close your eyes
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no ...)
Every word i say is true
This i promise you

Every word i say is true
This i promise you
Ooh, i promise you ...

THIS is promise you
that there would only be one more song ;D

(There's Gotta Be) More To Life

I've got it all, but i feel so deprived
I go up, i come down and i'm emptier inside
Tell me what is this thing that i feel like i'm missing
And why can't i let it go

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that i'm ...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but i'm sure ... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more

I've got time and i'm wasting it slowly
Here in this moment i'm halfway out the door
Onto the next thing, i'm searching for something that's missing

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that i'm ...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but i'm sure ... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that i'm ...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but i'm sure ... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more

I'm wanting more
I'm always waiting on some other than this
Why am i feelin' like there's something i missed ...

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that i'm ...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but i'm sure ... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that i'm ...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but i'm sure ... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more

the ending lyrics are a bit different in the mv itself
i dunno lah, you go find out yourself ;p
this is such an old song. but well, it's nice
but stacie looks DARN WEIRD in the vid >.<>

hur .. enough lyrics for the day
watch this >
A*Teens with their "Can't help falling in love"
sana tomorrow. gotta prepare no.4 >.<

3:59 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i am damn bloody bored
wahliao cant stand some people lor
today i got on 132
on my way to tuition
then the moment i got on
the people on board started to stare at me
.. whatever la.
i just stared back at them
stupid people. stare what stare
then when i sat down
this two women behind me started to talk about paikias
i was like .. whatever
then after that i had to rush
cause i was already late
then the damn green man didnt show
when it was supposed to
so i just heck care and crossed the road
and some of the drivers were staring at me
cause i turned back once
when i was at the other end
then i saw a few of them staring
stare what stare. get lost lah .
then i just hecked them and went for tuition
after that went home &had to prepare for han tuition
so sian. class was as boring as usual
i was stoning la. didnt catch some of the answers
then had to keep asking dilys.
after that while waiting for my parents
cause that place damn wulu
my legs got tired so i sat on the floor
then i had people staring at me again
wtf. stare what stare. gorge their eyes out man
i know i very pretty [LOL]
but dun have to keep staring right
urgh. stupid people &their stares
i stared back at every single one of them
stupid people . go stare at someone else
so many stupid staring incidents today
like i some criminal like that
from here i can conclude
the people that i ran into today
probably takes staring as their hobby ..
lol ..
i hate avril's "girlfriend"
it is so bloody unlike her to be like that
dont tell me she's developing into
britney /paris /jessica .. [Oo]
wtf. my dad gets to go to taiwan on monday
i wanna go lor .. then maybe can see fahrenheit
or ethan or danson or .. hur ..


When you come back i won't be here
She said gently and pulled me near
If you want to talk you can call
And no it's not your fault

I just smiled and said let go of me
But there's something i've just gotta know
Did someone else steal my part?
She said it's not my fault

Then my heart did time in Siberia
Was waiting for the lie to come true
'Cause it's all so dark and mysterious
When the one you want doesn't want you too

I was drifted in between
Like i was on the outside looking in, yeah yeah
In my dreams you are still here
Like you've always been

Oh yeah, my heart did time in Siberia
Was waiting for the lie to come true
'Cause it's all so dark and mysterious
When the one you want doesn't want you too

I gave myself away completely
But you just couldn't see me
Though i was sleeping on your bed
'Cause someone else was on your mind
In your head

When i came back she wasn't there
Just a note left on the stairs
You wanna talk give me a call

My heart did time in Siberia
Was waiting for the lie to come true
'Cause it's all so dark and mysterious
When the one you want doesn't want you too
When the one that you want doesn't want you

Siberia, Siberia
When the one you want doesn't want you too

i love this song <3
&i saw him today!
somehow, his hair reminds me of a rooster today ;x
haha but still, he looks so cute.
for today, i'm not depressed, cause i saw HIM ;D
after sooo long. haha cutecutecute

6:44 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

i'm freaking bored
no homework ..
but even if there is,
not like i would do it anyway
today in eng watch movie again
a super lame show.
it's supposed to be humour
ok .. some parts are funny
but a lot are just plain lame
xifan &valen fell asleep.
HAH. shows that teo's sense of humour
is really .. well, bad
lucky not any freaky horror shows.
actually yesterday was supposed to be
korean horror show. instead of the one we watched
and korean horror are really scary
i really hate horror shows .
freaks me out like crap
then today went to eat lunch with
valen ;xifan &kat before my tuition
cause anyway nearby .
then had to rush through but then
the stupid idiotic bus
it opened the door, let some people out
then closed it, .. with us still inside
i was like "stupid idiot bus"
apparently it was rather loud
cause they started laughing .
but yea. really idiotic .
then finish tuition that time
saw kat. haha ..
then we took the same bus
on the bus,
there was these two weirded out hci guys
talk so loud. trying to gain attention lor.
felt like going over and ask them to
shut up. so noisy
thanks kat for sending me the songs ;D
yaye! but i want chao xi huan ni too!
send me tomorrow ok?
haha. jed &esther are obsessed about
twit language
they keep going on and on ..
"watashi wa kawaii nehx"
kawaii my foot lor. it's so not
hur. i used to be a twit.
now i find the language super irritating
oh yes
today we had some replacement for sci
apparently it's 2co's science teacher
some guy la ..
the way he talks, it's really funny
he stresses on some words too much
during class, cause jed &esther felt water dripping
then they were like
"there's water dripping!"
then the teacher was going on about
how it would not kill you or something like that
randomly, i just said
"the ceiling might fall"
and somehow they started laughing
but it's true!
my house the kitchen ceiling
cause some guy washed the roof too much
and it got rather wet
so it fell. damn cool though ;D
there were way more funny incidents
and there was one about amelia not bringing her book
"you. did. not. bring. your. practical. BOOK?"
he totally stressed on the word book
i seriously mean totally.
and then cause he found jed &esther too giggly
or something like that
he picked up esther's book
and said to jed. "so you are esther"
stupid esther went "me?"
then he was like "so you are esther. what's your name?"
he said to jed, who obviously said her name
after that he said something about them being on his list
it was somehow so funny that
esther &jed laughed right in his face ..
HAH. didnt see whether he was pissed or not
but, i dont really care.
all of us were hoping for the lesson to quickly end
partly because we were laughing too much

march holidays is coming
sana course is coming
ac is coming
this is gonna be one busy holiday

5:01 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

hello ..
didnt really want to blog today
but i need some inspiration
for my geog essay
i know you guys might be thinking
"geog essay? you haven hand in?
omg! "
yesyes i haven handed it in
cos cheong found the prev one too short
so she asked me to redo
how's that?
i am DEAD for maths ca1
i failed maths pledge
i failed maths test two
i didnt do maths test one
so i'm just dead
it's a FAIL
FAIL i'm telling you
the first time i ever failed my maths
second time i got a fail for overall
first time i got a fail for overall this year
wow ..
very very pleasing indeed
fell asleep during maths yesterday
sigh ..
aleena woke me up
"i didnt know you were sleeping
no wonder khongbee was looking this way"
hur ..
not the first time i fell asleep in kb's class
i think she's gonna have bad impression of me
then today aleena didnt come to school
teo brought us to watch movie
in school la. not outside ..
"house on haunted hil"
super scary >.<
the starting was damn scary
me &lingli &estherlyn cried
cos we really couldnt take it
charlotte smart la
totally didnt watch
close ears &eyes.
the last quarter wasnt that scary
so i could watched it
without trembling or crying hur ..
the ending was weird
really wonder how they will ever get down
the super high tower ..
hur. then after that went for tuition
i was falling asleep la.
then teacher was like
"hazel. go wash your face"
but i just sat there and stoned
i was sooo sleepy
then i went j8 to top up card
&went to popular
get somemore sharptip pens
my sis has been stealing my pens
they are disappearing fast la
stupid woman
hur. our class is topping
the level ; .. the school
for our demerits
we have like ninety over.
few more to full marks . ;x
our class finally topped something
but it isnt really that great though
for the fun of it,
our class was cheering.
&mrshee was giving us the
wth look. HUR
&we got our class cheer done today (:
finally .. after so long
&xifan might be coming to tll
cos her mum wants her to go for eng tuition
her sis oso.
hope she can get into our class
cos the best day for her is tues night too
then one more sc girl in our class
hur ..
i think i am so gonna retain
these scores are like .. ahbleh
2sy got dunno how many fullmarks
for the dumb maths test
smart asses.
i'm gonna be at the very bottom
retain is the word
failure is the other

this is the last of illusions
this is the final trace of innocence
if i'm caught in the middle
i know it will be the end of me

well. it IS already the end of me

seven days and seven nights of thunder
the water's rising and i'm slipping under
i think i fell in love with the 8th world wonder

i cant believe it's been MORE THAN A YEAR
since i liked him ..
&he still hasnt noticed me.

7:38 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, March 05, 2007

i failed chinese
i failed maths
how's that ?
&i feel very emo-ed now
it's not just those things
there's more to it

Savin' Me

Prison gates won't open up for me
On these hands and knees i'm crawlin'
Oh, i reach for you
Well i'm terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can't hold my soul in
All i need is you
Come please i'm callin'
And oh i scream for you
Hurry i'm fallin', i'm fallin'

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
Teach me wrong from right
And i'll show you what i can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And i'll leave this life behind me
Tell me if it's worth saving me

Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wing i'm fallin'
And all i see is you
These city walls ain't got no love for me
I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth storey
And oh i scream for you
Come please i'm callin'
And all i need from you
Hurry i'm fallin', i'm fallin'

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
Teach me wrong from right
And i'll show you what i can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And i'll leave this life behind me
Tell me if it's worth saving me

Hurry i'm fallin', i'm fallin'

All i need is you
Come please i'm callin'
And oh, i scream for you
Hurry i'm fallin', i'm fallin', i'm fallin'

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
Teach me wrong from right
And i'll show you what i can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And i'll leave this life behind me
Tell me if it's worth saving me

Hurry i'm fallin'

sigh ..
dont ask me why i feel so emo
just some personal stuff
that i think i really just cant handle it no more
i miss walking in the rain ..
&wish the rain would just pour down
&never EVER stop

8:34 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


5:44 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

omg i feel so stupid
i didnt know that
kevin left bsb!!
&it was like last yr stuff
i feel so dumb!
sigh now only 4people lor
&i am very slow
i just found out why ds broke up
stupid me
when it was before me
ahhhhh. dun break bsb!
but i think they want to lor

3:11 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, March 02, 2007

hahah i am high now
thks to estlin &jedidah
hahah on tues
whole sectwo went to watch badminton
btw raffles &us
rgs la..
then saw ri there
i like their badminton uni!!
it's GREEN &black
it's so prettaye
haha then raffles were so low voiced
almost same as cf that time
then gladys i think
tot instead of them going
"raffles raffles raffles"
they went
"raccoon raccoon raccoon"
raccoons are cute k <3s
then aftr that go back sch
nvr miss khongbee lesson ):
then aftr sch
me &kat &valen &xifan &kailin
we went to buy adcamp stuff
go ps. ;DD
bought fbts;socks;..
i so stupid go buy sleeping bag
then i forgot at home have liao
kabush myself
then aftr that meet mich early
go buy more stuff
class was as per normal
then i go home
must quickquick pack bag
monday go the adcamp!
hahah lovelove 2gr!
meet so early in the morning
first day rain like dunno what shit
actually is us who supposed to kayak
then dunno why
go swap with 2sy
then must build tent. ;D
i same grp as xifan &kat
valen same as jed they all
hahaha. trainers were HAZ &SONIA
haha yaye
then we did rafting instead
night time so fun
same tent as valen;xifan;kat;ling;char&dwi
the one that valen &xifan made
damn funny lor
then estlin &jed made us so hyperr
end up we all oso cannot sleep
until like past midnight
yesterday second day of camp
we go rockclimbing;zipline;hangout;
&challenge valley
hahah rockclimbing was fun
but aftr certain point cannot get thru de
&then climb until hand pain
musclemuscle cramp siah
then hangout was DAMN SCARY
eeks. i want to kill estlin
she go lowest &easiest
then still scared until like what
i must jump frm one point to another
then the pole so circle
then zipline was soooo fun ;DD
a.k.a flying fox
we all zoop down
then challenge valley
damn fun man
then we were like cheerin on jed
haha she <3s charles
she went double time
something paiseh happened
then aftr that we go clean up
then makanmakan
we were doing the mushroom cheer
cheer my foot la ..
we were going nuts
2grace is bananas,

hahah then we had to prepare for
it was SCREWED i tell youu
we did fergalicious. ;D
jedidah did the actions
& our 2grace banana cheer
as well as the barbie girl one
i'm a gr girl
in a sc world

then aftr that when finish
we form the 2GR TRAIN<3
then go makan our supper
night time go sleep in room
squeezeeeee with 2se ;D
hahaha. then jed
was talking abt red &white blood cells
cos kat the sleeping bag was red
then zip all the way up
only can see her face
look like red blood cell
then the first movie is
"attack of the red blood cells"
then second is
"attack of the white blood cells"
the white blood cells is us
hahah cos we were in white
not the sleeping bags
hahah. the last one
i THINK it's called
"the collapse of the human body"
hahaahhaha lol
mrscha might consider
to use it as bio movie clip ;D
then aftr that joke somemore
hahah then go sleep
third day wake up
then packpackpack
go kallang for dragon boating
then we alliance with the other 2gr boat
go splash other boats ;D
then got one boat so whiner
we splash they whine
you sooner or later confirm
will get wet de ma
why not sooner ;D
then walk to kallang theatre makan
bag heavy like dunno what shit
bone break bone break
then makanmakan
joke somemore
then got some contests
zhao won for blackest teeth ;D
cos each grp send out one rep
then go compete
AHAH. zhao arh
hahah we teased her a lot
the guy trainers bathe soooo long
come out still got towel wrapped ard head
so gay looking lor
aftr that go back to sch!
haha then at amphi put bag
our class went to galleryTWO
talktalk joke somemore
to the left to the left
hahaha ..
haz really loves our sc cheer
haha lol.
aftr that go lt
got some pic slideshow
plus we have to do 300WORD essay
siaosiao one they all
so many essays
i still need redo my geog one la
then aftr that go home
sleeepppppp ;DD

2grace is bananas,


9:15 PM

Never coming home.