Monday, February 26, 2007

not posted since fri
too lazy
was too lazy to post today too
but cos i'm even more lazy
to do my essays
[lit, geog, tuition]
as well as pack bag
for adventure camp
it's on wed.
&the essays are due tomorrow
i want chocchocchoc
just finished mine
i want moreee.
;p i feel like some pig
anw. fri got sports day heats
dunwanna talk abt it
i still feel damn bad.
then didnt go ncc
cos i was sick anw.
nt like i so bad girl
go pon ncc.
i'm guai k..
then waited for mum at lobby
anw cos she jus pick kris
so she sunbian come
then go j8 buy stuff first.
SIGH. kris cute<3
haha then oso bring kailin
go j8. cos she goin cousin hse
then kris <3s kailin
but nt violet
cos kris saw violet in sch
then aftr that go homee.
kailin came for awhile
ltr i pass virus to her ;x
since anw her cous gt tuition
then ltr she wan go already
her cous say cannt go
so she go homee
wasted trip
dun blame me if u sick k ;D
btw we got our class tees!
but the pink is so wrong
it's supposed to be
&was darn pissed at someone
sheesh her.
then sat so sian
go tuition ..
i was late for sci ;x
the class at 9 i wake up 9
then i reach 9.30
haha. this time
i brought $!
so can buy bubble tea.
but green apple &pearls
haha ..
love milo &pearls
it rawks.
&makes me FULL.
then bought currypuff too
nice. shall buy it more often
sorethroat worst ;x
but i heck already
then aftr that gt bc.
cheryl didnt go
then ros complain
say cheryl nvr go so we lose
cos always gt competition
HUR. so kao her.
but actually quite true. ;x
then didnt go for han &function
so stay @home and slack
then aftr that cheryl's bdae
not tuition de. cousin
i knw lot cheryls la
;x hur.
then go sheraton towers.
saw stupid nick &brian
losers man them
then they keep teasin me
abt my voice
cos i sound like a guy ..
then they say i sound like
gorilla. WHATEVER
they sound worst.
met parents &sistas thre
cos i didnt go for function
then makanmakan
brian keep takin my phone
lucky nick didnt get my phone
he gt some nokia one
then i accident
go drop brian's phone
into the olive oil
but too bad for him lor
haha it's so oilyy .. ;DD
then the cake was CHOC.
couldnt eat. cos mum thre
then dun allow
but i took abit of nick's
while nobody was looking
but he saw la..
then he was like "oei!!"
but he action so slow
anw a bit only ma
so complain for what
stupid guy
then sun didnt go tuition
jewel complain i ditch her
;DD sorry lor.
nextweek nextweek
haha. then mum invited
those liondancers
rawr. so boliao
ohwell. but gt good thing
i saw him
cute<33. loves
he looked so blur.
mouth openopen de.
then nick keep hitting me
cos he thre oso ma
stupid guy
smack him back
anw he scared tickle
so gt thing lor
then the 'lions'
siao one.
go throw lettuce &orange peels
into the hse
then we were like
"zao zao zao!"
haha. nick especially la
then kris so cute
she keep cover her ear
cos she find too loud<3
haha i AGREE.
then today sch
wear class tee to sch
"feel the MAGIC with hazel"
i got m
it's damn big.
it expands sideways
NOT longer.
i was hoping longer
baggybaggy shirt ;D
hur. valen asked xl
stupid woman
then so BIGG.
haha ...
then tests were shitty
i'm so gonna fail
all the more retain
then nicola washed her shirt
the gold came off...!
not fairr. rawr.
i dunwan to wash my shirt liao
jk. so stinky if dun wash ;x
some kind of material man!
anw then recess rush the chi speech
me &valen &xifan &amelia
so ma fan siah
then didnt finish
chi valen forgot to bring the other half
then cheong dunallow go take
super scary when givin the speech
rawr. anyhow blab.
it was so retarded.
then his, teo &hee swap periods
cos apparently teo had to go somewhre
but anw no his
cos settle those admin stuff blah
&the captains ball..
i think the class is gonna hate me
cos the grpings were screwed
seriously screwed.
then 2co the goalkeeper
so tall ..
hard to defend ;x
lost to 2co ..
then 2pe so .. ;x
we won then they say tie
aiya. sore la sore losers.
dunwan quarrel oredi
then now i bet they hate us
still gt another game
agst 2co &2pe.
jiayou ok? <3
i think need to do some
cos its screwed apparently
ohwell. jiayou 2gr<3
hazel <3s you guys!
be honoured man!
now so sian at home
then tomolo goin out with kat
go buy stuff for adcamp
i need to pack &do essays now
sigh. lazy man.
i hate my wireless.
keep disconnecting
frien sending song
then disconnect
now must restart lor.
so siao one ..
retarded la.
ohwell. gtg.
must go quickquick rush essays

4:26 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, February 23, 2007


sorry. i no mood to type more
depressed &pissed.

10:16 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

haha i'm bored
i just realised that
arron has this ubercute smile(:
[michelleteo, shutup]
&wuzun cant dance):
i'm so sad.
but he got super good looks
jiro too. ;DD
jiro looks damn paikia la
but heck
paikias are cute ;x
he looks damn shuai la
wuzun is blurblur look
then arron is cutesmile
[shutup abt the rub eye thing
this post is for fahrenheit<3
but not for calvin ;x
calvin looks GAY
as in fahrenheit calvin.
serious lor.
he looks goddamn gay ;x

(: joanne says:
(: joanne says:
he can be girl ah
(: joanne says:
mayb he looks nicer as a girl

calvin no looks ;x
the interview ;x
sheesh! i haven do
dun do zero upon seventy
byee i need to go do ler.

8:58 PM

Never coming home.

hello again(:
i'm pretty bored
i've been youtube-ing like mad
yesterday &today ;DD
mvs, shows.. BLAH
haha hana kimi yesterday so cute
i want that kiss, wuzun ;x
haha ..
mum was just tellin me sat stuff
i've got ONEtuition replacement
TWOusual tuitions
ONEfunction [dad's company]
&ONEbirthday dinner
sheesh. that makes up FIVEstuff
but might not have to go for the function
but i wanna go for the bdae dinner(x
cousin cheryl's bdae.
i think 21st bdae?
ahh. forgot >.<
then brian would be usin my fone again.
ahbleh keeps looking for songs
sheesh him
i need a new memory card SOON
left with 294mb.
not enough not enough
finally got +44's
when your heart stops beating <3
yaye .. ! haha.
i want cliffdiving too !
the song
not the actual activity ;x
you wanna cliffdive? ;DD
haha after youuu ^^
azlyrics is rather sucky
no +44 lyrics
it doesnt have mcr's either
sheesh it
"i'll be there when your heart stops beating
i'll be there when your last breath's taken away
in the dark where there's no one listening
in times where we both get carried away"
niceh .
haha but not as nice as jesse's lyrics.
haha JESSE<3>.<
haha ;DD
not that i actually went to stare at it
but when you have photos of him
&you look at it a few times
you WILL realise it
i'm super bored
just now brought kris to sch
nursery ;p
then the kids are SO CUTE<3
hah then this boy was cryin
cos another girl pushed him
alamak boy
stand up for yourself la
but dun bully the girl ;DD
mm i shall continue to youtube

1:29 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i'm super boredd
haha youtube-ing now ;DD
watch ^ ;DD
dream street<3
i think greg was havin throat prob
he seemed to have difficulty ;x
then jesse's voice BROKE
but i loved his squeaky voice
haha ..
i miss his squeaky voice.
me having sore throat..
hate it man
fever's gone down though
yet the cny goodies looks so..
i want some.
sheesh myself

5:49 PM

Never coming home.

sian siah.
having fever now ;X
too much cny goodies ..
haha yesterday
was the last day of the cny hols
then mum say gt frien come
end up nvr -.-
then she dun allow me go out
cos kat they all ask ma..
bad society outing<3 s
but then in the aftrnn
go to northpoint watch movie ;DD
the jack neo one
just follow law.
funny la. but overall . soso only
but fann's acting got better.
not like i fan of her or anything
jasmine didnt go
cos she didnt wan to -.-
so me &parents
felt damn extra-ded la.
then after that go hm.
fever started in the evenin
but i only told them today ;DD
though yesterday was higherr.
wasnt planning to tell them
then today lazy to get up
so tell lor. ;DD
lazy go sch. hur.
throat hurts >.<
so sian now
kris i think oso not goin sch
i so hate my wireless
one moment working
one moment not.
plus friendster is down for maintenance
supposed to go see doctor
but mum bz chatting on the phone -.-
so i decided to come post instead
while waiting
i got a feeling it's gonna be quite awhile ;DD
i'm bored.. sigh
fri got my 800m.. >.<
hope i get well by then ;p
if not must find replacement
&i doubt got pple want to do lor.
sheesh myself.
i haven finish my geog essay ..
it's due today
but i got more time to work on it
cos i didnt go sch ;DD
one gd thing abt not goin to sch
longer time to finish hw.
&i got the FORTYvocab words
just because i didnt do my compre
supposed to be TWENTY
but teo go x2 to it
but not only me lar.
mm my mum finally put the phone down
&now she is asking me wat she shld wear
she's claimin she gt v little clothes
if she gt v little clothes
then mine is superDUPER little..
-.- hur.
ohwell. seeya pple (:

11:19 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, February 19, 2007

heyaa (:
happy cny to everybody<3
been getting hongbaos eh?
$$ ^^
haha i saw him
in white collared long sleeve
&long dark blue pants yesterday
>.< so cute <33
haha but a bit weird
with his spiked up hair
then yesterday go aunt hse
kris so scared of weiyi HAH.
dunno why
then we keep pushing deb to weiyi
damn funny lar
then his sistas started teasin him too
even weizhen's husband. HAH
they two so paiseh ;p
poke weixing ^^
aftr tat go greatgranduncle hse
nicholson yeo is a big fat ass ;p
stupid guy hah
brian got same hp as rice!
hahaha. ask him go get 5300
dunwan listen
then nick say wan get same hp as me
same colour somemore
wah liao eh so many pple get same hp
i was like pleading him NOT to get
even if he want get go get black der.
dun take white
sheesh him
then today go uncle's hse so comfy<3
their cat soooo cute
yuki<3 haha
but so naughty want to bite pple de
go bite kris.
then she see the cat
she run away HAH.
damn funny ^^
but yuki so cute lor<3
haha then go home tat time
yuki pee in the lift tsktsk. HAHA.
then reach home sleep
*yawn* damn tired la
wake up tat time neighbours came.
aloy they all.
my hair so messy >.<
haha then watch channel5 show
forgot wat the show name
but damn funny lor
i think it is still on ya. 8.30
then finish ahblehh.
i come use com ;D

just to see you smile, i dont mind doing anything for you(:

8:09 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

hah. now i shall post more
abt yesterday..
*trying to rmb*
haha. oh ya.
one point we were tokin abt curley's wife
HAH. then vi was his wife
... ;D
then we say she like some
gang leader the wife. ;D
wear til liddat
then some people tot she in hk
2gr<3 ^^
came back frm us/novena
bought 3 new shirts.
2brown &1orangee.
i saw the green nike bottle
it costs $14.90
shall save $$. ;D
soon aftr . i saw a guy carrying it
had this urge to snatch out of his hands
;D it's so prettayee.
feeling so sleepy now..
shall rest my fingers.
byeee ;D

3:51 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, February 16, 2007

today was sch's cny celebration
wore this white skirt &pink;white shirt
plus my usual hairband
&my brown shoes<3
mum said i look v lian...
MY FOOT LA. liddat oso can
then in sch gather in class
so sad nvr take class fotos
our class girls are so prettayee<3
haha the performances were cutee.
mrs cha said our class v united
then took fotos.
bad society<3
&lots moree.
then aftr that go cine
went thre with vi;jed &estlin
then kat;kailin;abi &liz lien came
hah. wasnt expecting liz... -.-
then we were at ljs.
yesyes AGAIN.
hah. then we go take neos
prettayeprettaye ladies
go arcade aftr tat
didnt play cos i was BROKE
then aftr tat met with
one bigg grp gather
hahaha. then took lotsa neos
didnt take with amelia though
then soon everyone leaves
leaving me;valen;xifan;vi &kailin
then just abt to take one more neo
mum call then i gtg.
wah liao. then i got to mid her @cp
then i rushed thre
ahblehh. leg so tired man
yea. then bought new baggie<3
it's so cute k...
then aftr tat go home.
hahaha. so here i am now ;D
this is the SUPER EDITED post
abt today. ;D
cos i am WAY TOO lazy to post more
hah.. okies. bb

5:07 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

i wrote this LONGG post yesterday
then it is GONEE.
cos my stupid com hanged
argh. so retarded
haha . tues me;kat;vi &valen
went out. ;D
go cine. ate @ljs.. AGAIN.
haha. vi's pronounciation got prob lor
;D hahaha.
we were laughin like crazy idiots
then aftr tat we go take neos<3
haha. yayeee ^^
then we wrote on the screen
the weird drawing board thing
while waitin for the neos to print
"feel the LOVE for the BAD SOCIETY<3"
it's my hp backgrd
haha. then go buy mrsfields<3
it rawks. haha YUMMY
then aftr tat go homeee
oh ya. then mon i cut my hair.. sort of
i cut my fringe &cut my hair.. A BIT
haha. my ponytail's so cutee.
now they say i look more like a hamsterr
with my new hairstyle...
RIGHT. haha.
then yesterday was vday<3
hahaha. <3
she got sooo much prezzies.
then cheong was scoldin her
say she too much friens.. -.-
WHATEVER. liddat oso can
THKS to the pple who gave me prezzies<3
thks vi &jed for the cute balloons
thks aleena for the TICKLISH &cute drawin..
on my hand. HAH
thks xifan for the cute flowerr
thks the rest who gave me sweets &cookies<3
i owe lots of u vday prez.. :/
haha i am BROKE.
so u guys have to wait. ;/
the bad society has expanded<3
haha lemme intro ^^
ALEENA seductress
DWI bellydancer
ESTHERLIN chi go pek
GLADYS rapist
HAZEL flasher
JOANNE murderer
KATRINA molester
LINGLI stripper
VIOLET stalker
XIFAN peeping tom

haha. so funnyy.
then teo knows abt it
HUR. cos speech
then it was lingli's turn
we were like "go stripperr!"
haha. then cos me &aleena turn ard
talkin to xifan &kat
then he was like
"seductress &flasher
turn ard"
we were like WHATEVER.
hur. wel.
haha yayee.
today we are promoted
FINALLY to lcp rank
we got the rank ^^
somethin to put on our uni
other than our nametag
HURR. haha
good for us<3 !
800m next fri.. ;/
die. i dun wan to run for sports day
i confirm cannot do derr.
rawr.. ;/
stupid retarded msn not working
then ebuddy take sooooo long
dunno wat to wear tomolo to sch
&too lazy to go back ats.
most prob goin out
dunno i shld go with
vi &abi or tans;py &jo
haha. see first.
okie cyaa

7:08 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

wtf.. two more i get parents letter
&this is like.. the 2nd mth?
i think by end of yr
i probably detention dunno how many time
then ltr ncc affect my rank how...?
sucks man.
stupid prefects
pls la prefects
lax a bit leh.
be nicee to this poor girl here ^^
today was as usual boring
but thre was sports heat 1
valen ;dwi ;aisha &sarah
haha. got 800m nxt wk
gyaah. must cheer for moi ;D
okiee. i gtg do hw
i am like WAY BEHIND.
lag la. ;p simply put, LAZY

10:05 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, February 12, 2007

i love my com
only when it is working
but i hate it like shit
when the internet doesnt work
just came back frm swimming
tired siah
then me ; violet &lauren went to eat PRATA
yummmm ^^
harh. so delicious
had french &strawberry &normal
the longan spin was SUPERR diluted
eeks. i miss the old one ;D <3
i feel like a pig now exercise mann!
800m next wk :/ diee.
today during pe practise
cos mrs lee didnt come argh.
cannot ta han
i think i gonna end up last man hur.
i think i am goin to fail chi geog still..
my chi the zao ju sucks k
frm a word tat meant a lot of pple buy
or something liddat
i changed the meaning to tired.
argh. i am like.. dead hah
BUT.. my sci rawked man
i got 25/30 SO HAPPYYY.
i tot i was goin to fail man
cos i like seriously crap through
hur. yaye man
meishaan so smart
she got 28. haha.
so happy man. first time
my sci get so high. first time
serious lar.. hur.
i suddenly crave.. for more prata
hazel, dun be such a pigg! ;p
this sucks man
tomorrow is sports day heats one
jiayou to valen;dwi;aisha &sarah k?
shot put &100m
yeah man...
mine is heats two
dunwanna go. ;p
next fri. hur. miss ncc... -.-
yaye. speaking abt ncc
we are getting our ranks ^^
afterr.. a longlong time
a lot of schs got liao lor.
haha our whole pltn
getting promoted together
FIRST TIME. so funn
stayin back on thurs to get it
dunno man. if i can
argh. hur...
might be, i say might only
getting my hair cut more tomorrow
layer more &cut my fringe
by like... 1inch? i dunno
kat says i clip my fringe
to the back v cute.. -.-
shuddup abt the hamster part.
hur. whatever lar.
got tuition tomolo
lazy to do the hw mann.
argh. haha
stupid man. recess jus now
then prefect come and book me
stupidd kat &vi see prefect come
then they zao. wtf?
wah liao eh. why i so suay
book me dun book THEM?
wah liao eh
3 more then kana parents letter liao
i already got verbal warnin
last wk. cos 4 liao ma
hur.. suay man
so irritatingggggggggggggggggg...!

6:39 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

haha lemme just tell ya wat happened..:

TUESDAY; 060207
aleena didnt come to sch
so kat sat beside moi
and now hee moved our places
so me &aleena sitting one seat behind
went out with valen ;kat &xifan
to cine. ^^
go eat @ longjohn
hah. then kat eat so lil' lah
tsk.. skinny girl
after eat liao go take neos
then go more than words
took some pics then went homee
after tat i had tll
haha saw gladys outside when class finish

aleena didnt come sch.. again
so kat sat beside me again
then had try outs for sports day
vi didnt come sch
left me to do all the work
but dwi &aisha helpedd! ^^
plus mrs lee was willing to give us the pe lesson
dang. runnin 800m for sports day
;/ dieee.
haha. then aftr tat
i think tat is all ba.
we hung out ard the track
then we talktalktalk
haha dwi said something v funny
but i forgot..

THURSDAY; 080207
me &valen &amp;amp;kat went out to coro
makanmakan. ;D
haha then aftr tat me go j8
top up card.
then go homee.
mum cancelled tuition
then aftr that whole day so BOREDD

FRIDAY; 090207
had to bring no3 &4
so bulky and fatttt >.<
then the part as mixed it up
rawr. so now my skirt
i dunno whether is mine or someone elses..
ncc ended late.
then we stay back toktoktok
haha then stay til 7plus
i 8 then reach homee. ;/

SATURDAY; 100207
tuitionn ;p
&jas bdae partaye.
alamak. so noisy man
couldnt study.. ):
her cake was damn big la
hhahaa. so nice choc ^^
dilys came to han
and she MIGHT transfer over

TODAY; 110207
kat asked me go kap study
but mum dun allow..
she dun believe is go study
bored now
didnt go tuition
haha poor jewel alonee
sorry! ;p
she downloaded more songs on her fone
wanna see ;D
haha next wk lor...
"studyin" for ct tomorrow
hah. okie.. cya pple ^^

11:05 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, February 05, 2007

wtf? i got four demerits now lar!
stupid prefects. three for socks
one for skirt. HAH..
my skirt tat time wasnt even MORE THAN SEVEN CM!!!
it never was. ;p i dun get my skirt THAT HIGH OK!!!
hah. four demerits. MORE THAN MY TOTAL LAST YR
last yr guai kia two only
this yr halfway thru the term i got 4liao
WOW. hah. anyway today got swimmin' course
then after tat, me ;vi ;laur &su went to eat prata
YEAH MAN so nice.
hah. &the total was like 27plus?
cos violet drank so much lar she. orange juice man
support longan spin ^^ so nice man
hah. lauren is officially my prata buddy
let's go eat moreeee prata ^^ YEAH .
then today assembly so.. -.-
no offence, but dun you think the name
normal? hmm. normal... *coughs*
hah. then estlin laugh so loud lor.
stupid kat today. hit me so many times
pain siah... ;/ hah. ok. lazy to blog anymoree

6:51 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

i'm bored. so i decided to blog
AGAIN. yes if you realised..
feeling a bit moody now.
can someone tell me ,
what exactly is their definition of fakers
apparently not everyone has the same meanin
not that i am directly referring to any1
but a common way is that
faker = someone who acts like she is happy with someone but actually isnt
hellooo... like EVERYONE does tat?
including me
i pretend to like pple i dun like
i would be RATHER SURPRISED if anyone doesnt do so as well
fakers to me. if you ask
they act as if they actually care for you when they dun
maybe fine, sometimes they are tryin to make you feel better
but acting concerned then bitching abt you?
to me that is SUPER FAKE.
again, i am not referring to anyone .
i just felt like blogging about fakers.
but it is really... like happening everywhre
pple pretending like they care, but they dun
i admit i do act like tat sometimes
but some pple do that TOO MUCH. that you really cant stand it.
&suck ups. they are more irritating than fakers
they suck up to pple &try to gain their fancy
i dun suck up, and i will never do that
cos it's just so.. argh
it's like doing things the wrong way
you wanna get something, earn it
dun suck up.. EVER. it is really.. ;p
&hypocrites.. actually it's everyone.
hah. we all pretend at times
but some do it too much.
we are all hypocrites at times.
come on, we are people after all.
we got to feel something.
everyone hates/likes someone right?
if you tell me no, i will be, well, shocked
[ ok.. i just got a ego sms frm jewel. HAH ]
but sometimes think back,
hypocrites, fakers, we might be referring to ourselves
just tat maybe sometimes you dun realise it
but then again, some people do it too much
that you really cant help but to hate them
suck ups? they are just trying to gain favour
in a stupid &irritating way. BLEH.
i cant stand suckups.. sorry ;p
they really sort of get on my nerves.
between everyone, there is hate &love
so anyway.. if you feel that i am crapping
ignore me &press the [x] above
i think was a bit contradictory.. ahh heck
i suck at all these chim stuff. ;/
oh btw.. while i am at this.
pls check what is the actual meaning for bimbos
so think before you actually use the word
especially at someone you hate
cos you are half praising her.. ;p

6:45 PM

Never coming home.

heya.. so bored right now
tomorrow got lit test :X
using laptop now. com got prob :/
just now went for sci tuition
then got one girl listen to ipod
teacher oso nvr see lor
hah. i didnt really see though too
until jewel told me.
&it was pretty obvious.. ;p
hah. then aftr tat take bus home
then i was locked out..-.-
cos whole family out
&my mum haven gimme a set of keys
lucky they came back in like 5mins
or i will be totally bored
but still i could have gone tp or j8 ^^
haha. but then saving $
to buy cds or like other stuff
lol. thankyou jewel..
bluetooth me so much songs (x
yayee. listening to my fone now
so bored lor. dun feel like studying ;p
chatting on msn with laur ;vi &py now
hais. yet i am still so bored.
lala~ wish for something interestin to happen
lol. whatever la. crapping.
ignore me if you wish.
or perhaps just click the red [x]
HAH. pfft. yesterday aunts came over
got this cutee skull necklace ^^
so cute man... haha wore it to tuition today
yayee. finee. shall go now. CYA PPLE
DUN MISS ME. but if u wanna, i dun mind ;p

4:46 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

hello. today was rather boring day
just tat had tuition &aunts came ovr..
suay la. tuition see nyh.. ;p
bloody pissed with somebody now.
sheesh. so irritating la..
btw. anybody got +44 songs in mp3?
gtg... studying for lit.
I SO GUAI HOR.. whatever la.

10:52 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, February 02, 2007

didcha miss me..? so long no post?
haha. jkjk. wed i did my speech :/
so freaky man. then valen, est.s did oso
one more person did.. but i forgot who..
OH CHARLOTTE! hahahaha....
then they both do on justin timberlake la
nicola sang "sexyback" SO FUNNYY
they shld get aleena to sing too.. aha
yesterday nothing much .. hah
oo. but i saw SOMEBODY (x
haha guess. ;D you will guess der.
if i am not wrong. ahah... ahah...
then today got om project again.
was pissed. hah. whateverr person
&i got booked.. ;p
during break. cos of my socks...
i got 3DEMERITS now.. wtf?
then after that got ncc.
juniors came in. my flu still on.
wtf? hah...
had to command &time.. ;p
aha. but it proves tat my sore throat
is getting BETTERR(x yeah man!
still got the stupid flu though
then went thru ifc notes.
all the hands signs..
then the turn ard der like loser sign
LOSER(: like violet always says..
hah. then after ncc got tuition
replacement class la. sheesh
then i rushh cos i tot michelle finish band liao
end up.. HAVEN ...
then i wait for her.. sheesh
all the band pple looking at me :/
aftr tat she go change clothes
then we go. her dad bring ;D
four mins reach liao. go eat macs.. again
she pay for the fries(x
cos everytime fries is i pay der lor..
then aftr that go up. but..
must first buy my drink(:
before class i always buy der.
then go to class. SO TIRED MANN.
;p yayee. ced lemme slamdunk ^^
slamdunk<3 rukawa<3
hahahaha. so long nvr read the bk liao.
cos i read mine til bored...
i want to buy hana kimi manga!
got til bk4 only. &tsubasa!
ohh. tansy still owes me my tsubasa..
wait v long for nxt installment.
tsubasa.. ;p then watched some mvs in class(x
yayee. aha. then after tat.. go home..
mum says i look like a tomboy..
cos of my hairr. when it is tied up -.-
do guys have girl hairstyles?
ok fine.. maybe a small minority.
but tat doesnt mean i look like a tomboy..
k finee. whatever.. hah..
suddenly feel tired. shall go sleep ..SOON(x

10:21 PM

Never coming home.