Sunday, December 31, 2006

hello(: so xian so long no use com
my house com spoilt.. so i use the shared laptop.
dad just bought it to replace another com
cos it not working properly. so lucky lor
ohk. so lemme tell ya what happened
on thurs i had to go back to school for ncc
secone cca orientation preparation
then i ask vi go earlier. cos my dad want to bring me thre
but he dropping me early. supposed to be forty min early
then he bring me go eat breakfast then delay twenty min
so paiseh make vi wait for me lor.
for the secone cca thingy, i kana put on advertisin team
-.- me no ideas de. haha me same as sj, hy and carolyn
after the whole thing finish, i go with vi to the petrol station
to buy snacks. then after that we walk back take bus home
then i supposed to meet mum &jas at j8 cos got dental appointment
so take 57 there cos 156 take so longg.
end up the appointment next day but dentist free so ok lor
haha lol. friday still need to go back to school again
then have to continue think for ideas.
settled on some. haha. then est lin keep coming then vi kana
... after finish liao, cos supposed to go out with vi
then est lin come, vi scold her. haha. aftr tat go est lin's hse change
est lin mum dun allow her go out so ok lor, me and vi only
then vi mum dun allow her go oso cos of est lin.. (some details in b/w)
so go vi house. then vi try trickk her mum let her go out but cannot
then we go down eat lunch, then we sneak to bpp. haha
go arcade blahh. at first racing beating vi, then aftr tat swop with her place
then loose): looks like her seat was my bad luck. >.<
go comic connection buy manga. so wanna buy spiral
it finish at bk15. haha. then aftr tat shop awhile more then go home
yesterday met with sj, carolyn and hy to prepare for the materials
went bras basah to get the spray paint ,pencils &ice cream sticks
after that went to hans and eat then go sj's house to do.
on the way there turn on fone mp3. then so loud
everyone keep staring at us. lol. haha but we dun care.. XD
she have the john tucker must die vid, but dunno put whre.. -.-
haha lor. then we start to make the rubberband shooting guns
then after that spray paint it and the pencils blackk. so cool lor
and nice. we gonna spray paint it in camo color tomorrow. the pencils
then after that do liao, then me &carolyn need to go.
so we take 153 back to school. then halfway through i find out i can take 163
cos like that shorter journey. cos serangoon near my hse lar.
so i got off the bus and change to 163.reach home brian want go out for movie
aunt come fetch us for the 7pm night at the museum show.
me &jas larh. nicholson (shall nickname him nick) dun wan go
reason, he want to play com. haix. he always like that de. lol.
then brian look so act cool. got jacket &cap. haha.
i shouldnt have wear my platforms. my leg so pain now...
aunt drop us off at great world city, then she go do her nails....
haha then we got buy tickets first then go arcade
house of the dead 4 is more fun then house of the dead 3.
haha we play then my score better than him(:
jas so scared of all those monsters then she started to bite..
into brian's card. haha. then after that play racing
jas dunno how to play so she watch. wah liao at first win him de
then i crashed then he take ovr. >:( sheesh
after that we go buy popcorn and drinks. then go in
wah kao the cinema damn bigg siah. nice
meanie brian dun let us take the popcorn. he say i eat to much XD
then he himself go eat. haha then we started to call him 'boyboyboy'
haha but he dun care. he just say 'shut up lah'. so funny man the movie
then during the starting he take my phone bluetooth songs to him...
lol. after that come out then we go back to arcade. brian go play bball
he challenge me. then got that stupid low celling cannot shoot properly
then he beat me lor. then he continue to playplayplay use my $
got this weirdo guy lah, keep staring at me. perv.
just happen turn to face him, then he smile at me. give me creeps siah
then after that met aunt at guardian. she bring us go buy some food.
haha brian go accidentally step on some lady's toe. tsk
then i keep calling him bra-ther. his nickname is bra.
yesyes i know it is kinda sick but brian u shortform to 1syllabus is bra. XD
then he keep calling me sis-ter. nothing wrong with it
but he meant as in sissy. -.- lol. but i not guy. so i cant be sissy.
after that go sakae buy sushi. XD yumyum
so nice siah. after that we go home
then today nothing much lorr. parents went out to hard rock cafe
for some countdown dinner party. she started preparing 2hr early
lol. i prepare for party need less than half hr lor.. -.-
haha anyway i gotta go. laptop goin out of batt liao. idiot lah
so little time to use de. anyway cya(:

7:03 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

today the damned msn was down
until now. XD yaye
and milky came back to his cage<3
muacks. miss him so much lor.
then today the class outing postpone to sat
lol. and sickk right now
not mentally but physically.
stupid flu and coughh. >.<
tomorrow and fri need go back to sch
for ncc. cos must prepare for sec1 cca orientation'07
lol. anyway gtg. dad want use com
bb. post more nxt time(:

9:18 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

merry xmas everybody(:
xmas is the same blah thing every year
so it doesnt really mean much to me
xmas eve went dad's side to celebrate blahh.
then it's the same old darn thing then happens
megan ;my cousin's daughter ; was thre
so cute lar she. then she keep ask me stay with her
haha. then v cute lor. haha. v cheeky oso.
my cousin ;megan's mum's bro ;keep calling her crazy girl
ahah. &she has an obsession for barney.. -.-
yes the weirded purple dinosaur. lol.
wadaya expect. she's a kid.
so for the whole aftrnn, barney was playing on the tv..
then aftr that go home blahblah.
xmas day. nothing much. saw fahrenheit &sweetyon tv
wu zun is so darn blur. and so cute(: he looks so blur lor.
he stand there blurblur one. jiro so talkative
cos it's some game. u have to act &avoid the taboo words
then jiro keep saying then kana hit on the head with ice
sweety they all oso. so damn farni lah.
caught a few pics of jiro &wu zun.
but i didnt manage to catch wu zun's performance with fire
so cool lor he. haha. (: wu zun so cute(: and jiro too.
then aftr that go out to marina. come back
nicholson &brian came ovr. watched evolution with them
so damn cute the little aliens(: jas was so freakedd. not kris
and the whole damned thing is a advertistment (sp?)
lol. whatever lahh. then aftr that went swimming
kris can now willingly go into the water with float only
the last time she needed one of us to hold her hands
haha. and she can slowly move liao. haha so cute
then go home that time found out that got two baby hammies(:
so the shopkeeper lied. he said both girls.
nah they are so not homos. -.- he just lied.
then seperated milky frm miri &the babies
today down with stupid flu ;stomache ;headache
v flu prone eh me.. lol. then go check hammies
milky missing!!!! ): so sad. dunno he go whre le.
so sad... poorpoor darlingg milky. he so cute lah):
miss him so much. ))))))):

btw. does anybody have mp3 format of these few songs>
- promiscuous ;nelly furtado feat. timbaland
- anybody ;jesse mccartney
- right where you want me ;jesse mccartney
- tell her ;jesse mccartney
- just go ;jesse mccartney
- rumours ;lindsay lohan
- me against the world ;simple plan
- perfect ;simple plan
- (when you gonna) give it up to me ;sean paul feat. keyshia cole
- believe me ;fort minor
- move along ;all american rejects
- overprocted ;britney spears
- year 3000 ;busted
- that's what i go to school for ;busted
- cinderella ;tata young
- chao xi huan ni ;fahrenheit
- when it all falls apart ;the veronicas
- i dont wanna be a stupid girl ;pink
- i still ;bsb
- poster girl ;bsb
- the one ;bsb
- dont want you back ;bsb
- dont wanna lose you now ;bsb
- drowning ;bsb
- no sleep tonight ;the faders
- cry me river ;justin timberlake
- (leave) get out ;jojo
- let it rain ;jojo
- worthless ;greg raposo
- take me home ;greg raposo
- instigator ;kaci brown
- unbelievable ;kaci brown
- u make me wanna ;blue
- if you come back ;blue
- here i am ;marion raven

if have pls send me k? tyty(:

5:27 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, December 22, 2006

hey getting busier this few days
supposed to be at a replacement class now
but mum told me not to go. so ok lor
oso supposed to go out with vi today.
but end up cannot): so sad.
haix just now went orchard. shop(:
bought mags. and some cute stuff
yaye more jesse posters(: two more<3
so cute lor he. haha. and some vids. (:
had eye checkup just now. kris totally cute
ohyes dad gave her broccoli(sp?) to eat
then she say "i'm eating trees!" haha so cute
anyway rather bz with 6a class outing stuff
haix. still not planned properly and to the fullest yet):
sighh. saw chrno crusade the anime series
but mum say dunwan buy):
saw tfkc &green forest my home oso(:
whee~ yaye. but i didnt buy. sheesh
bought xinpingguoleyuan. watched a bit of it on youtube b4
quite nice. so ohkay lor. wanna watch(:
found my mvp qingren partone oso(: now find parttwo(:
not buy. found. as in i already have. but sort of 'lost'
haha. i wanna watch movie(:
i wanna watch - accepted ;night at the museum ;
curse of the golden flower ;stranger than fiction ;
deathnote 2. got one more i cant rmb the name
some come out liao some haven. XD
haha gtg now. wanna watch youtube -
hua yang shao nian shao nv(: haha the manga so cute(:

9:10 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

yesterday went out with peiyi &tansy
so sad josie never come. cos she goin overseas
but she promise get prezzies for us!(:
haha. so met tansy at bishan mrt
that stupid girl go wear heels. make me feel short):
sheesh. then we take mrt to woodlands mid peiyi
reach liao tansy blurblur de. peiyi just thre she cannot see
tsktsk. haha. then we go cwp. first thing we look for is food.
we hungryy no eat lunch. only peiyi not cos she eat liao.
so we went orange julius eat hotdogs(:
eat liao tansy see so much to shopp. so aftr buy tickets for
'the holiday' then we go shopshop. whees~
went minitoons. peiyi bought tansy bdae prez
was a cute punkish one-earring voodoo doll
haha so cute. then we buy sweets for the movie.
me go comics connection buy huayangshaonianshaonv the manga
book3 &4. yaye. finally... dun need go kino. but more ex than kino):
aftr that walk ard then go watch the movie.
lasted 2h &30min. longg but nice. a bit draggy the first hr.
but aftr that nice. v funny oso. tansy goin nuts lor.
aftr the movie go take neos. same booth me ;peiyi &josie always take
then we go shoppingg(x bought tansy's bdae prez. yesyes belated
a cookie earrings. make me so hungryy lor.
when she first show to me i tot real one. haha.
then after go walkwalk. then went icelemontea
tansy bought another earrings, blue dangly ones
then she oso buy red hairband, peiyi buy pink one
i buy blue ;orange &green(: cos theirs is those thick de
me dun like those kind. so i buy thin de. 3 for 5bucks
theirs i forgot how much liao. XD after that walkwalk ard
tansy no money but she want drink something.
so have to buy for her coke. she owes me moneyyy XD
then after that take mrt with tansy go home.
i reach mrt liao mum call say i go straight tll
wahh waste me 45cents cos i can take straight to novena
sheesh then must go in again. reach thre liao still early lor
then go the comic shop buy spiral bk8 &9. XD
waited so long to go buy lor. then go foodcourt.
ee the spaghetti the tomato not nice de.
me should have buy chicken rice or something else lor..
then after that suddenly rmb. 19th dec. nat's bdae!!!!
wahh so must quick sms her wish her happy bdae XD
so after that eat liao go up. then classrm not open yet so must wait
then michelle take so longg to come lah! sheesh
nxt wk she not coming cos got concert. ): leave me alone. >.<
after tuition car pass by far east flora. wahh flood man
so cool lah! water up to headlights like that lor. wah siao
kristal so cute. she was talking something abt the flood. XD
then aftr that go home time to sleep that time
i hold blanket want put nicenice. sis go grab other end i turn she fall
like that oso cry. sheesh. then she go crazy
go throw my bag down the stairs. wah kao i damn pissed lah
then dad think i want to fight. o.O like i so wu liao. sheesh stupid idiot
v pissed at her still. wah lao my precious manga inside lah
hua yang shao nian shao nv bk 1 ;3 &4 and spiral bk 8 &9
plus my green file. lucky i take out my hp.
vry idiotic lah she. today nvr speak to her. cos damn pissed.
ignore her. sheesh. only when parents ard then talk.
you might think v childish but what else to do
i cant scold her or anything lah. sheesh. at most silent treatment lor
ohkayy gtg. cyas

4:04 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

hello(: so long nvr post liao
cos dad took leave then cannot use com liao lor...
last wk nvr go out. so xian at home
then siti went back for the weekend.
and got constant naggings still. these few days it gets worst
argh. cant stand it lor. so irritating.
want to watch tv oso cannot lah. dun feel like posting today leh
XD haha later going out with tansy &peiyi
then i go tuition after that. sighh XP
haha addicted to fahrenheit &hysnsn thanks to mich lor.
they are so cute lor. XD
haha gtg. cyas

9:59 AM

Never coming home.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

yo. haha
were more details regarding yesterday
when me &sis &cousins &aunt walk past cafe cartel
this weirdo guy came out to aunt and say
"hi miss, you haven pay your bill yet"
lol! we didnt even go there! haha. there was freaking weird siah
hahah. then today went for tuition
so boring i was falling asleep lor
then stupid violet smsing me abt food
i so hungry lor. haix. meanie poop. my stomach was grumbling lor
she still need tell me abt she eating nicenice food at seoul garden):
haha then after that went wheelock place
wah siao the manga damn ex lor. might as well go kino siah
well i do plan to. there is like manga heaven lor
i want go there buy manga. punch is nice
so is hua yang shao nian shao nv (manga &show)
haha. got addicted to hysnsn thanks to michelle lor
then after that go home then brian &nicholson come
brian keep using my fone &send songs over to his
i only had 9damn songs that actually could play
out of the sixty plus that i downloaded
so sad jojo &jesse cannot. ): sighh
then downloaded pics, like jiro, jesse, ethan, wu zun, blah
haha. so kyute. downloaded some neos too
we go plae heartattack (hand de)
wahhahah so dumb. then brian always kana by nicholson
so farni. then i always so blur lor. my turn oso dunno
sighh. haha. i gotta cure this blur-ness of mine XD
haha violet got a new fone too.
but tomolo then can get the student plan
so tomolo we can have video conve. haha.
ohkayy gtg. cyas

8:52 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

yo! so long no blog.
hands itching for the com(x haha
wed &thurs nothing much happened so heck
friday jas went out with her friends
and i had to be the person-looking-after-them
the way they acted, it seemed like
i was a tour guide on a trip to j8... -.-
then jas &her friens take neos. i wait outside with siti &kris
she finish liao go macs buy food.
after that say byebye to her friens then me, jas &kris go take
wahh kris so cute lor. XD then after that christofori (sp?)
got sale. then guitar supersuper cheap. $66! wahh
so mum say ohkay lor. since whre got bargain in spore de.
and YAYE. we got a guitar. accoustic.
mum is sending jas for guitar courses sometime soon
me no get. ): cos she say dunwan. go study instead. ):
after that i go for tuition then finish liao go home
then mum say her contract expire wan see new hp
so ohkay lor. then go choose with her.
then i saw the phone i reallyreally like. sony ericsson w850i
i ask her can or not. then she see got offer
cos if new number pay $99 only. so she say ohkay lor.
then she ask the shop no stock liao .. ):
but oso dun have the phone she like so go other one
then got the third shop. have the phone she like AND
the one i want. (x YAYE. so i got a new phone<33
my old one give jas. mwahah got crack de. but buy new cover lor
mwahah i so happy. (x haha
then today go out with debbie,amanda &aunt.
we go watch open season. so cute lor! haha
the bear say something like
"we are gonna fight against them!"
then the porcupine say. "f word....?"
haha he was actually meaning the word fight
so cute lor. i like the porcupine. XD
before the movie we took neos &ate at long john silver
nicenice. then aunt pay for all lor! wahhh. thankyou siah
then after movie take another neo. so altogether 3times
she pay again. then after that go taka meet other aunts
then go kino. she offer buy books for us lor! wahh
so nice lor. so end up we only pay like for our dinner eh!
cool siah. then got enough money nxt time go out. XD
whee~ i buy manga the hua yang shao nian shao nv
i watch a bit the show. acted out by ella, jiro &one more guy
wahh nice lor. somemore the guys damn cute de =x
hah. yaye. then just now take bus back. then so dark
so ask siti come out walk us in. so scary if walk in alone lor.
haha. ohkay done blogging. haha see you guys ard!

8:16 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

haha i am so bored siah!
listening to jojo's too little too late in spanish
haha. rather cute ya know.
painted quite a few paintings on paint
duh cos i was bored. lots with green. (x
really wanna go swimming. but stuck here at home
then seems like the renovation works not today leh.
-.- looks like some people cant make up their mind
kris looks so cute. she got a shirt on that says "love me"
haha. XD sheesh kris so loud. shrieking like crazy
my ears are deaf. well partially. haha
i am so boredd. =/ haiz.

2:00 PM

Never coming home.

hey. sheesh i am so bored
mum says that the renovation works might start today
wth?! ohgod... =/ anyway last night at tuition
thre were 3replacement kids. 2boys 1girl ..
then got one boy super talkative lah. so extra.. XD
meanie michelle. (haha it rhymes! XD)
tried to cancel off the word "green" on my paper
cos we were doing on the topic 'cool' haha
the harajuku girls are so weird! i mean they
dress like clowns &go walking ard. not any parade or whatever
o.O haha. &had to do speech on IR.
i totally sucked. the replacement kid took my seat
then mrslin change my place. cos she doesnt want
robert to sit nxt to gerald. >.< ohgod..
cant find any black backgrd with green skins
sheesh... been searching for so longg. sheesh.

^did this cos i was so bored..
what can you expect frm a girl who aint talented with the com XP
haix. i am just bored.
white surfaces are just so tempting to draw on.. XD
ohkay see ya ard. shall look for stuff to do.
&perhaps find a good blogskin... XD

11:57 AM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

hello (x
so the renovation works were meant to start yesterday
&mum believes that since i am born in the year of the rooster
it isnt good for me to stay at home on the first day of it... -.-
so ohkay lor. then just happen lejing goin out with amandatan
then i follow lor. haha. mum drove me &lejing to bishan library 1st
cos i needed to return books. we were still rather early
as we meet to meet amanda at 1. so we went in &i borrow a bk
haha nice. first go buy movie tickets for deck the halls
then drop by comics connection. lele introduced this manga to me
so ohkay lor. i buy. besides only three books in the whole series
i buy first book. same person who did happy hustle high
but it's called punch. lele bought her own manga.
then after that we went to eat @long john silver
we shared the combo1 cos we wasnt too hungry
plus we still wanted to watch a movie when amanda came.
so by the we finished. we went up to buy food for the movie
then wait to get in. sheesh must nicenice 5min before
movie start then can enter... so go in then sit down rest.
ohkay so the movie line was basically no climax
it was funny, yeah. but half the time i didnt get the story
wth was it abt? XD i dunno. but mostly abt
neighbours trying to outdo each other something like that?
i dunno... =/ haha. but it was funny.
then after that we went to take neos.
haha. we anyhow take one. we were so spastic.
after that we went down to coffee bean. but so ex
then just happen lele take out icekimo card.
so ohkay we go icekimo. then amanda was like
hurrying us. cos so paiseh. nvr order anything
go in sit down, then go out XD hahahah
so we took bus to icekimo. i soooooooo long nvr go there liao.
last time go was last yr with yuky
we ordered sundae. strawberry ;nutella-hazelnut(: ;choc
plus oreo crumbs and 100s &1000s. nicenice
then the strawberry lele take. cos me &amanda found it sour.
haha. so after that leave icekimo. then go lele hse.
on the way in, i found out i leave the manga at icekimo
&one of the booths the neos was inside. sheesh
so lele call them. then put it under her name
cos she every two weeks go icekimo de. so good lor.
i stay nearer to icekimo. yet this whole yr nvr go. =/
haha then she got guitar...!! bought overseas for S$40.
cool right? haha &she bought lots of vcds frm overseas
&lent me new york minute, and mean girls.
yeahyeah i haven watched both yet. XD
but last nite i just watched nym. after that meet mum @tp
according to her, the constructors last min delay.
so nxt mon then come.. gawd. so nxt mon i must go out again?!
haha dunno lahh. but oso can. then buy jojo's cd the high road
listening to it now. nice(x yeah then aftr that go home lor.
haha. so bored. but i got tll speech to finish. gawd.
i dunwanna say ifo everybody!!! =/ diediedie. seeya

10:12 AM

Never coming home.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

haha this is my 301 post. haha XD
yesterday went to the kampong night @my estate thre
then mum &dad went for wedding dinner
(supposedly. but end up was last sat.
so they went somewhere else instead... -.-)
me &jas went ahead first.
kris, siti &grandma came ltr.
wahhah. the food was cheap &nice. XD
kris was playing at the playgrd. haha
then the icecream dude was slow man
cos i guess only. haha but too bad
then i tell his frien two choc cones.
his frien told him, but he tot is the frien want one
so he scolded his frien. then the frien was like telling him
is i want one lah. then he got embarrassed. haha
then i saw this super cute caucasian
haha. but i didnt see him )x
i saw his parents, not him so sad.
haha. tomorrow my parents "chasing" me out of the hse
cos got renovations. so i dunno whre to go...
nobody is replyingg me. )x haix.
if tomolo i go out, thurs go out again, sat go out again
then nxt wk i go out 3times! cool man! (x
haha. thurs goin with peiyi, josie &tansy.
sat goin with debbie, amanda, jas &aunt
haha i dun mind my aunt, cos she is super nice.
so ohkay ohkay lor. haha gtg. cyas

4:12 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

hey superbored.
yesterday was watching mtv ,pop10.
then finally got to watch fergie's fergalicious
i dun see why they should only allow 18 &above to watch it
on youtube. so lame lah the whole mv. nothing bad for kids XD
haha. yeah. xian like shit lor. waiting for youtube video to load.
spent the whole morning watching mvs. haha.
now waiting for the faders's no sleep tonight to load.
i watch dunno how many times already. but bored so ohkay lor
just watch. haix. talk to debbie &amanda can die one
my cousins.. i ask them where they want go on sat
they say anything lor. ask them what they want to watch
they say up to you lor. ask them what time meet
they say sui bian ni lah. wahkao. can die lor.
but finally decided on open season, meet @11am @bishan j8
cos orchard too far for them. but might choose to go thre shop
j8 nothing much to shop liao. sian liao. then arcade not in complex
is either j8 or ps. but ps neos suck. so j8 lor.
cos aunt got 2free gv tickets. so ohkay lor. j8 lah
sheesh just now paint my nails until so yuck. gonna remove it ltr.
tonight got some kampong night event at my hse estate thre.
most prob to go. cos jas &mum wanna go .. yeah
who knows, he might be there. haha *cross fingers*
oohyeah. the vid loaded. seeyas.

12:45 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, December 01, 2006

went sentosa just now in the morning
cos of kris. her holiday progamme bring her go thre
so dad take half-day leave &bring me &jas thre
haha. then kris &mum follow the schoolbus.
then have to wake up so earlyy. *yawn*
on the way there dunno why kana motion sickness
felt like vomiting. haha but aftr that ohkay liao
vivo looks so nice on the outside. me want go XD
go siloso beach. i forgot to bring swimsuit. )x
so end up my clothes all wet. hahahah
then me &jas dug 2deep holes to see which can see water
hahaha. she blurblur one.
aftr that i saw this guy who look like youknowwho
haha but then different lah. &hair a bit dyed.
silly jas didnt bring extra clothes. but she heck care... O.o
then kris enjoyed the water so much cos it was clean duh!
haha, &she didnt mind us splashing water in her face.
cos if got water in her face, she will normally cry. haha
then she keep goin so deep. then we walkwalk see got tinytiny fish
so cute. &lotlot ants. black de lah! red i run farfar already man!
then after that go home i immediately rush to go bathe
got dead lizard squashed b/w the door. then i dun dare go in
cos it hanging frm the top. i scared it fall lah. then so much ants
veryvery scary man! then lucky dad take away.
then i can bathe in peace. haha. but really very scary siah
haha. so here i am now. bloggin &listening to jessemccartney<3
"you know that sun is shining we'll keep driving
doesnt matter where cos we got that open highway
leading our way as long as you are there
we can go anywhere"
haha his "we can go anywhere"
i think that he is so friggin' cute lah! <3
haha. &greg raposo too(x so cute
but u ask me choose, i obvious choose youknowwho
cos at least got chance mah! (x hahah.
cyas ard!

3:52 PM

Never coming home.