Thursday, November 30, 2006

went out with peiyi &josie yesterday.
tansy was supposed to go. but she got band camp
est? hah. she dunwan go. always like that de lah.
in the morning we were still deciding whre to go.
cos initially want to go bugis de.
then bugis not showing stepup. golden village oso.
only everysingle shaw theatre but bugis &the cathay &cine
so dumb lor. so end up we meet @bishan mrt at 11
then we take mrt go cine. yesyes again cine. =/
reach there abt 11.30 then walk to cine
haha. then we had to take a detour there. cos got construction works
reach that time first stop. buy movie tickets
there was only one show for step up. 1.05pm show. so ohkay lor.
haha. then after that we went to take neos.
take 3times. haha. then cos i pay xtra $2.
so i told them. "you each owe me one buck"
then josie heard as "you bitch owe me one buck"
hahhahaha. seems like that day she had a hearing prob.
and she misunderstood some other words for the rest of the day
take finish we go buy snacks for movie.
then cos the theatre not ready yet. so we wait outside.
haha finish like quarter of the popcorn. XD
then go in &watch. haha so nice step up<3
haha jenna dewan is pro siah.
during the movie my body kept twitching lah. =/
everytime when i hear music that can dance to, i twitch
especially when i am sitting or stationary. =/
if standing still ohkay, cos can move. sitting down in a theatre? no way.
got one of the pose that channing did reminds me of some other actor
forgot who liao ... XD haha
peiyi says that it was nice. josie says it was ohkay.
she always like that de. that time she said that JTMD was boring.
haha to me it was ohkay lah. hahah. she always like that.
she prefers horror flicks. tsk. so after that we went arcade.
peiyi didnt feel like playing. me &josie raced twice.
once she won, second i win(x then after that we go more than words.
bought the cutecute star lollies. <3 then go buy icecream. yumyum.
but dunno why how come doublescoop is plastic container =/
last time is nicenice cup what.. we went down to foodcourt to eat
anyway josie eat until so full then she dunwan finish it up.
cos i got extra spoon so i put in her cup since she dunwan liao
then she started taking both spoons and mix the icecream =/
mix until peiyi see her greentea icecream dunwan to eat.
hahah. i finished my mint &triple choc icecream.
i am going to grow fat...!! =/ then after that we took one more round of neos
then go home peiyi took mrt home. me &josie took 162 home.
then i reach home, jas &mum abt to go out they want to go tp. so ohkay lor.
i just go with them mum went ntuc. me &jas went popular.
bought some files ;pens ;notebooks &assessments for nxt yr.
oso buy two new manga. voices of a distant star &love for venus.
love for venus already come out finish liao. until bk12
voices of a distant star is one book only.
i dun really get voices of a distant star.
rather vague then love for venus is so cute.
haha. is abt this girl, suzuna ashihara gets her own apartment
then her nxt door is this cute guy called eichi.
when she goes to uni, eichi's good friend called fukami is supercute
haha then she falls in love with him. then suzuna's friend,
hinaka, is a good friend of eichi too. haha. then eichi is gay!
he likes fukami...! then suzuna like fukami too.
wahah so dumb. ohkay i shall post the neos now.. (x

say cheese!

relax(x ...!

ahhh! it's josie! coming out of the tv!

whees~! swing me higher!




teacup world~

whees~! we can flyyy!
the moon is cool~

rawkers' world.

stinky rubbish dump.
there are flies!!!!


let's make peace
(josie just had to put the weirdo flowers
so big for me &peiyi somemore)

nice bathtub. relaxation(x

pow! kabush! you're dead XD

looks can kill...

we are flyingg!!! ..again

we are sitting on the aeroplane!


kyute girls(x

being all princessy... NOT.

is this the sauna? XD

josie &the pussycats! mreow. XD

the last few we didnt get to decorate properly
cos not enuff time. awww..

ahah &i wun forget the movie stub!
i am so lame XD
haha seeya ard. gtg eat lunch XD
p.s i dreamt of youknowwho last nite.
that i went his house. <333 <>he is so cute!

10:22 AM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

hey. so long nvr post liao XD
here's what happen>>>

saturday. 251106
went to aunt &cousins to occ.
they arrived like 2-3plus like that
then brian went off with aunt &maria
nicholson sat our car. haha
kristal was practically "torturing" him
haha so funny siah.
then that meanie poop at first dunwan gimme sweet de
hah. but i got 2in the end(x
not by force somemore XD
then at occ, we plae com. like duh! (:
though our original plan is go swimming.
but then raining. so nvm lor. besides we didnt feel like (x
but we play 40min only. cos not fun one.
so xianxian go plae okidsport with kris.
haha. then so funn. we plae hide&seek
with this pinkshirtgirl. haha. then the pinkshirtgirl pro pro eh.
(shall nickname her pinkshirtgirl. or else confused XD )
so fast find everyone. haha but she cannot find me in oneround
cos i hide in ballpit there. haha...
at first we couldnt find nicholson
cos that weirdo go hide in the little house.
and according to him. a GIRL let him in
and the same GIRL chased brian away when he wanted to see inside
hahahah. nicholson &the GIRL. hahah. so funny.
you can bet he got teased. a lot
so after playing awhile more. aunt came
with dinner. haha nicenice. then pinkshirtgirl came with us.
then after that we went bowling. i suck at it man >.<>.< color="#ffcccc">pinkshirt girl oso pretty pro. but not as pro as nicholson
jas refused to play. dunno why. -.-
then aunt want to teach us how to play properly
end up not once strike. haha so funny
then once brian take the bowlingball then when about to letgo
it went backwards. hahah. so dumb. i oso once =/
haha lost balance somemore =/
after bowling went home. then xianxian watch tv.
no more boilingpoint malaysia edition on mtv 8.30
dunno why =/ haha.
i not stupid2 so funny XD

sunday. 261106
lazed ard for practically the first half of the day.
went tp for awhile. then aftr that went aunt's house
this time not mum side de. but dad's side de.
debbie &amanda were there XD
so we talktalktalk. went down to the exercise area there.
aftr that we went to the mrt there buy a bit for dinner.
then there was this cutecute bag that mum bought for me in the end XD
it's so cute. haha. piggy. black &white. (x
aftr dinner stay awhile more then go home liao.

monday. 271106
boring day.
kris had this new class at julia gabriel.
the place there is near botanic gardens. no shops ard.
so i was pretty bored waiting for her. for 2 &a half hour =/
and i was hungryy. so in the end i got 3sympathy biscuits frm mum
haha. cos they had snack time.
aftr that as i was still starving went tp. went kfc &got some food
kris was superduper cute<3 haha.
aftr that went home. then nothing to do liao. but laze ard XD

tuesday. 281106
the same old start. followed kris to her class at jb.
waited outside again. but i came prepared this time.
with books, my sudoku thingy, &food
like duh! or else want me to die arh? haha
kris cried twice. cos she couldnt see mum.
nxt year nursery dunno how liao. ltr she become 2nd jas then die
aftr that straight home. then i need hurry do my tll work.
then halfway went tp. bought sushi &chocolate churros<3
haha so nicehh(x i got the whole churros cos jas didnt want it(x
aftr that went home to finish up work. see i so guai(x hahahh.
go tuition that time must pick up nicholastan first mah
then he move hse. nicehh. prettahprettah. haha.
stupid jas use her slipper hit me dunno how many time on the head.
painpain =/ then she pinch me. sheesh.
stupid girl. stupid speech. luckylucky mine is nxt wk. XD
so dun need to rush. i haven prepare finish lol!
haha cos of the sudden put of robert &gerald in front so pushed back
XD haha then they will waste time de. mwahah.
but i'm the 2nd nxt wk. hope mrslin re-draw the whole thing
mwahah. then go home stupid jas was there again
stupid girl bluff me mum got a guitar.
i should have known with dad ard, mum cant buy those stuff.
hah. then nicholas &jas were fighting to get my ezlink.
so i say he show me his then i show him
then he dunwan. so ohkaye lor. i dun show him XD
toobad (x then cos of jas some of my coins drop
cannot reach. we 3 tried then cannot get.
hopehope that there were no $1 coins involved. XD
then go home dunno do what.
hungry so eat instant noodles (x so nicehh
then couldnt sleep until today morning 2am.
so now my hp battery flat liao cos i use so much yesterday night
XD haha.

today. 291106
dunno why today wake up so early. haha.
then ltr i going out with peiyi &josie
tansy cant cos she got band camp. est dunwan go
she always like that de. again the 3 of us. -.-
hahah. so nxt wk thurs tansy coming with us
but still dunno go do what. haha.
another neo with the 3 of us.
that time we went crazy at j8 already lah! so many
that day spend like $60 altogether on neos.
&i think josie still owes me $. does she? cant rmb. ahhaha
still dunno go whre. cos very few place got step up still on
then cine we go so many times liao.
original plan is go bugis. but bugis no showing step up
haha. so now dunno go whre. whywhy
all the shaw theatres BUT bugis have step up.
sheesh. so dumb lah! -.-
ohkay fine. shall just decide where to go.
i have no idea. =/
whole of goldenvillage no more step up liao.
it's either any of shaw theatres BUT bugis
or the cathay or cine. =/ me got no idea...

8:26 AM

Never coming home.

Friday, November 24, 2006

wth ats this year highest is 280!
last year only 273 =/
wah kao. this yr damn pro siah
superduper high score lah.
spore highest is 281. =/
dunwanna post more abt today
f-ing pissed cos of some frigging person
sheesh. cyas

9:16 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

heya. changed blogskin liao
the best i could find. (x
mum bought jackfruits but i cant eat):
she say later fever higher siah. so cannot lor
but she let me eat a little fried chicken(x
ahah. listening to jessemccartney now
so nice<3 ahaha.

5:52 PM

Never coming home.

hey(x me havingg stupid fever &flu =/
but yet i get to laze in bed til like 2(x
which is goodddd. ahah i love my bed
&jas's new blanket. it's so comfyy!!!(:
ahah. tuesday was funny(x
but i had feverr before we went
though i didnt tell mum so she didnt know (x
nicktan was in our car to tll
then kris was there too.
they were mostly "arguing"
but rather farnie(x
sort of arguing that the other was cuter than himself/herself
then kris said
"i people. people cannot cute"
ahah so kyute siah<3
there was more. the two kept me laffing the whole way
especially kris. who said that he was cute. -.-
during tll, mrslin was telling us abt those scaryy movies =/
i get rather freaked by all those. =/
then on the way back. nicktan in our car again
this time jas was there
jas said that m.i3 was scary. nicktan said that it wasnt. -.-
conflicts. you get the point.
yesterday my feverr came back in the morning.
but heck. it was gone by aftrnn
&i got to eat 2lollipops<3
we went occ. kris went alongg to play.
me &jas wanted to play com. stupid maple cant play
so heck lah. so msn blah...
then we ate two plates of chips<3
i like occ chips. it is nice. &handcooked
not the packet ones. yeah. nicehh(x
so after that we got bored of the com
then we joined kris in the okids'sport.
aha. aftr that go eat icecream<3
after that we went fairprice buy stuff.
kris chose chocs &mini oreos.
&wun letgo until mum agreed to buy. ahah
got hazelnut mini.s icecream(x
ahah i love hazelnut icecreams. XD
in the evening stupid fever came on again =/
&this time i told mum. cos it was 38plus degrees
i got to laze in bed again(x
but i got the msg that our pltn got 4th in shooting comp.!
then today i couldnt go to the prize ceremony cos still sick):
so sadd. wanted to go. stupid fever lah
but i found my sudoku thingy to pass the timeXD
ahah. jas finally stopped using the com so now i can use(x
lala~ shall go now. cya

3:24 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

haiyo. michelle ask me come online then she not online...
sheesh. listening to jesse's "anybody"
i think i am addicted to that song.

She left me hangin' by a thread again
I stood there waiting like a fool for her
I never dreamed that I'd be in this place
But here I am all alone
It's not the first time that she's walked away
Changed all our plans within the blink of an eye
And looking back it's always been the same
But I refused to see it all for what it was

Has anybody ever felt this way
Has anybody been ripped apart
Anybody give everything to the one they love
Am I the only one left behind
Am I the only one who hates goodbyes
God I know this can't go on forever

I wonder if she ever thinks of me
And all the promises she swore to keep
Some nights I lay in bed just burning up
'Cause I know that she's out with someone else


I was the one who gave up everything for her
When no one would listen I heard every word, oh
It took me so long to see that maybe I am better off alone

[Chorus X2]

God I know this can't go on
All I wanna do is just move on
God I know this can't go on forever
Yeah I know this won't go on forever
God I know this can't go on forever

it's so nice(x love it<3
listening to "blow your mind" now
if theguyopposite ever sings that to me
i'll probably just as freaked out if he sang sp's "i'd do anything"
it's abt just as freakahhXP
not that it's bad or anything but yeah.
"daddy's little girl" is so cute!(x
the lyrics are very cute(x listen hard to the verses. ahah(x
so bored right now at home
ltr got tll. dunno how to do the hw =/
sophie say anyhow do XP
jesse's "right back in the water" is so nicehh(x
too bad i cant find any "anybody" on iwebmusic):
but there is "right back in the water"
maybe i should use that as my blog music(:
or maybe i should go check if they have "just go"
okok. maybe i should go look for a new blogskin
see you ltr! (x

2:07 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, November 20, 2006

hello people! (x
so longg didnt post. didnt get to use com):
lemme see... what did i do on saturday?...
wait wait. i'm thinking. XP
oh yes we stayed at home. -.-
&mum went out &bought LOTSA bags
she went to far east. then ice lemon tee was having
moving out sale. great discount prices!
that settles my school bag for nxt year.
mum doesnt like me using the grey op bag
but i think it's beautiful(x
most prob jas will use it. >.<
mum bought some tanktops
i realised i got rather few tshirts. &most r black
jas got a lot tshirts. i got more tanktops.(x
and these few days i am more or less in a tshirt mood
so very little choices.
oh yes &i saw theguyopposite<3333
ahah. he is so kyute. cos me,jas &kris were outside
then he walked past<3 &he looked our way<3
yesterday went to tp. kris lost her jacket.
the cute unpattered white one.
couldnt find it the 2nd time we went back
nor the 3rd. 2nd time cos me &dad went to buy lunch
when we came back, dad's usual car slot was taken
guess who took it? my aunt. -.-
my 2boy cousins came ovr too... aunt brought a few bags
those that she didnt want. &gave to me &mum
my aunt has a younger taste in accessories &clothes
so i dun have to worry abt looking "auntie" in her stuff(x
&brian got jesse mccartney's new album!!!!<333
&he lent it to meeee!!!<333 yayeyaye.<3
now i dun have to buy it. saves some $
i LOVE the songs. especially
"right where you want me" &"anybody" &"just go"
i think i'm gonna love his songs just as much as i love bsb's songs<3
bsb are really talented<3 but their songs aint vulgar
but makes lotsa sense(x and jesse looks so hot in his new haircut<3
however jesse's 1st cd &2nd one are like totally different lah!
ahah. cos they bought the special edition so got bonus avcd
&they refuse to gimme the poster that came along with it):
it is supersuper nice &will look supersuper nice on my wall<3
stupid brian scared me with the monster mask that kris got
aunt tried to take a pic of nicholson. that expressionless kidXP
aftr that we went to cousins' hse &went swimming! <3
i love their house there the swimming pool<3
there's five of it. plus a hot spa.<3
kris is sooo kyute! mum didnt swim. she hasnt swam in a
longlonglonglong time. my dad accompanied kris
kris had a float. ahah. &refused to letgo of my dad.
there are 3 o.5m pool, 1 just-above-ankle-deep pool
&one 1.2m pool. mostly we spent time at the 1.2m pool
&the hot spa. nicholson &brian had their friens at the swimming pool
2guys &2girls. me &jas were saying one of them was brian's gf.
but not true lah. i think he have. but in his sch. he told me once. i tink
aha. in the hot spa. dad letgo of kris. kris was like "daddyyy!!!"
ahah. so farnie. she is so adorable. aftr hot spa jump into pool
is veryvery cold. and relaxingg. the hot spa is hot &relaxingg.
aftr swimming. we snagged the toilet with the bathtub.
mwahaha. we were competiting for it. but we got it first.
took a longlong soak. then aftr that is eat &watch
pirates of the caribbean, dead man's chest
pretty funny. gawd the guys are so damn toot.
snake scared until like dunno what. nicholson go plae com
maple again. ahhh. i so longg never plae liao lor.
my acc kana hacked. XP jas oso. kris lie down on aunt's bed
so cute &looks so relaxed. aunt showed us pics of her in other countries
her clients treat her one. my aunt does interior design
&that client is supersuper filthy rich. not just one country k. a few!
ahah. but their kid aint as spoilt as allamanda. she aint at all
that allamanda. my aunt's another client's daughter
super rich but argh. is horrible siah.
cos that time allamanda's bdae. then aunt ask us go with them
so ok lor. we never expected things to be so.. argh
at the end, we stuck with the boys &played maple. ahah
&locked them in the com rm a few times.
cos the com rm is lock frm outside. mwahah.
erm whre was i? oh yes.
we might be goin melaka with aunt &cousins.
aunt got a house there i think. probably a 3day trip if we do go(x
aftr that we left aunt's house. &went home for deep sleep(x
superduper tired.
just now we went to amk library. borrow bks. i borrow 3only
then went to opposite mcdonalds for lunch(x
eat finish liao go bishan library. (x i borrowed 7books
cos now the loan quota per card it 8. then i use dunno who's card
borrow xtra 2XP aha. then went cafe galilee.
jas bought strawberry smoothie &i bought mocha ice blended
jas loved my mocha so much she kept asking for a sip -.-
aftr that we go to j8 for awhile shopshop.
then kris rode on this movable thingy.
there were this 3girls standing in a line.
kris accidentally banged into the last one who knocked the 2nd
and who knocked the 1st. wahah. i laugh like shit lor! XP
superduper funny. then when kris went near again
one of the girls said "dun bang us arh" ahah...!
past by fila they were playing bep's shut up
instantly remind me of eng talentime(x
then past by giordano, they were playing bep's
dont phunk with my heart. past by bysi,
they were playing bep's shut up.
somehow every shop that i past by that had music
was playing bep... -.-
then went mcdonalds buy icecream<3
kris got 50cents vanilla one, jas got strawberry sundae
like she always does. &i got mocha flavour burst.
in a rather mocha mood today(x
then aftr that we took a taxi home first. cos mum sent car for
polishing, waxing, blah. so she stay thre wait for car finish
so we go home first. &here i am now. typing this longlong post.
(x ahah. i shall go now. i want to copy into com jesse's cd
so i can still listen when i return him(x
thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou brian!! for lending me the cd
if only u didnt go refund the mcr one. then i can listen tooXP
cya people!

4:54 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, November 17, 2006

hey pple(x
didnt bother to post yesterdayXP
ahah. yesterday dad came back frm overseas
he bought kris two cutecute shirts. ahah~
then i saw theguyopposite in the afternn<3
well, sort of aftrnn going on to evening.
omg. he is so cute. ahah.
today jas brought rice over. yeah her frien
that i nicknamed her frien "rice". (x
ahah. wun tell u why.
so bored today. online games to kill time
just now watch ph. my prince criedd):
lv so cute lah! <3
jas is at ats parents' nite now. so some peace
apparently rice's parents couldnt make it
so jas &another frien became rice's "parents"
no lah! cos her parents couldnt make it
so they use the tickets lor! dun go to waste.
haiz. kris is such a perfectionist
her colouring a bit go out she not happy.
then must help her erase. sheesh.
just a bit oso cannot. ahah. nvm
jas keep smsing me abt the parents' nite
she said tat wushu the music is jaychou's song
someone's gonna go crazehh. no, not jas.
ahah. so sians. godsistas say want to do cip
still haven arrange. haiz. nvm.
cya ltr.

8:38 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

lala~ here are the neos frm yesterday
me &michelle. ahah.

sweet thirteen<3..!

ahah. the manymany emosXP

i dun get the chinese words..

wahah. the elephant must have a heavy burden!XP

ahah. this is so cute!

ahah the movie stub(x
i am so lameXP

6:32 PM

Never coming home.

so bored.. nothing to do lehh(x
just now had to drag myself out of bed
cos mum want to bring kris go see her kindergarden
kris nxt yr nursery liao mah..
mum register her for marymount kindergarden
near fef thre. so many hills. can die oneXP
leg so tired. then hafta pick jas up aftr that
so go to ats<3. ovr there we went to the condo
opposite ats<3 for awhile. lala~ i like the swimming pool!
so cooling and nicehh! funfun! '
mum say maybe she learn how to drive to cous's house
then we can go swimming there! yaye(:
cos got lotlot swimming pool &sauna<3
my flu is badd): then got abit of cough):
mum say want to change the fence cos not stable liao
so maybe have to rent hse if not too noisy
then say maybe mus ask see got pple can help
look aftr miri &milky for one wk or so.):
i dun want.. so cute lor those two<3
ee friday jas invite frien come in aftrnn
i dun want to stay at home liao
i want to get out of the hse lor. two somemore.
sheesh. sian siah. i shall go plae online games(:

1:58 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i am back from tuition &movie outing
wore my cargo pants &"army angel" tank top<3
left the house @ around 1plus to mrt.
then i took mrt down to somerset to meet michelle
sophie yesterday end up say she didnt feel like goin.
haiyo. so end up me and michelle.
so we went cineleisure. we went to buy the tickets first
aftr that we went arcade. play racing games first
whee~ i beat her. we played once.
haha. so we play crazy taxi after that. ahah. i suck at itXP
we only exchanged $2 each cos we aint rich kids..
aftr that we went to take neos!(:
yeahyeah the same booth i always take with peiyi &josie
ahah. ehh. it changed a little leh! then got some diff designs frm last time
we were siao people lah. shall post them tomolo(x
(wait.. did we take neos first or arcade?... cant rmb..XP)
after that we went to buy food and go watch movie
before the movie started we were sitting around outside
then we saw this movie ad for this movie. and it had jaychou
and he looked. ew gross. michelle took the photo of him
tomorrow she's gonna show zeshan. ahah.
i asked her to tell me what is her reaction(x
we watched material girls. okok lah
at first they were like some bimbo bitches. but after that
not so bad liao lor. ahah. got some funny parts lah
then after the movie we went to get something for michelle
haha. overdue for her bdae prez. XP
got her a shirt. that reads:
"ok i'm here. now what's your second wish?"
haha so cute lah. there was other cute ones too(:
she owes me bdae prez now. she says she gonna get it
when she goes overseas this coming weekend. yaye~
after that we took mrt to united square.
novena mrt is green!<3
haven seen any blue mrts yet>.< color="#ff9900">orange(:
we reached there like..6.00pm? i dunno.. around there lah.
cos she had to do her tll hw. i dun need. cos the replacement aint
until like.. 22dec.. -.-
then eat finish dinner, she started doing her work
i sit there suck lollipop &watch her do her work. *yawn*
ahah. but not like will fall asleep one lah.
after that around 7.00pm we went to put bags in class
then michelle and her sis went to buy hangten shirts
and we went to the gift shop. michelle bought a duckie for ze
ze's belated bdae prez. ahah. a fellow october-ianXP
i bought another lollipop and sucked it.(x
in class cos i haven finish. haha but teacher let me continue(:
yayeyaye~ two lollipops in one day<3
ahah. then unitedsquare now open op shop.
i am broke now.. i still owe michelle one buck...
haha. might be going out with fellow godsis nxt wk<3
yaye~ look forward to that! hope we five can go together
never go out five of us together before):
i want to watch step up<3
ohohoh! and there's this coming up movie
starring beyonce. ahah. dream girls or something..
then charlotte's web has been made into a movie
so cool! &there's another movie. dunno what's it called
i think it's "accepted" seems nice(:
okie. blog enough liao.XP
got a bad flu right now. sheesh.. gonna be hard to sleep..
cya fellow people

10:08 PM

Never coming home.

hello(x superduper bored right now
mum woke me up so early today.
now i cant get back to sleep. *yawns*
i am addicted to marion raven's "here i am"
whees~ so nicehhnicehh(:

I'll protect you, don't be scared
No matter what, I will be there
I'll be gentle, I'll be light
These are the words you whispered in the night

Here I am
Here I am

[Chorus :]
Now I'm standing in the cold
(Everything is said and done)
Atomic winter in my soul
(From the absence of the sun)
The only remedy I know
Is I gotta let you go

Here I am
Here I am

But where were you when I was scared
A broken promise left me here
A post-it note is what I've got
It says: "I'm sorry, but I know you're not"
Here I am yeah
Here I am


Here I am
Here I am

There will come a day when all of this is in my past
And there will come a day when you're out of my head at last
I'm trying not to fall
Damn it's such a long way down
But here I am

Yeah Yeah Yeah


And Now I'm standing in the cold
(Everything is said and done)

Yeah Yeah Yeah

(From the absence of the sun)
The only remedy I know
Is I gotta let you go

Here I am
Here I am

the song is soso nicehh<3
whees~ playing game with est.p online.
cya(: ltr going out(:

9:11 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, November 13, 2006

i am bored.
talking to shanice.s now(x
haha we are arguing abt princess hours
doing blogthings too..


People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
What Do People Envy About You?

haha RIGHT

You Are 24% Abnormal
You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.
You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.
How Abnormal Are You?

ehhhh -.-
this is lame siah

You Are a Drama Princess (or Prince)
You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.You know how to steal the spotlight...And how to act out to get your way.
People around you know that you're good for a laugh.But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone.Tone it down a tad, and you'll still be the center of attention.
Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?

ehhh... okay...

You Should Drive a Bentley Azure
You're all flash, and you love to show off to anyone who will watch.And you're such a high roller, this is just one car of many for you...
What 2007 Car Should You Drive?


You Should Be a Film Writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!
What Type of Writer Should You Be?

haha cool man! one day my stuff will be on da screens

You Are a Punk Rocker!
When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rulesYou know that rocking out is all about taking down the manYou've got an incredible stage presence and rock personaYou scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!
What Kind of Rocker Are You?

haha cool man<3

You Are Smokin' Hot
You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally.
Are You Hot?

anyway. shall stop now. having a flu coming my way

3:57 PM

Never coming home.

lala~ finally downloaded the pics from my cam after such a
longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong time(x
sheesh. blogger is taking so long to upload the pics.
at this rate it could take all day.

esplanade maths trial(:

the four godsistas<3 a.k.a grp B4(x
in a nicenice order somemore! haha

tansy,me &peiyi<3

peiyi,josie &tansy<3

josie,peiyi &me<3

josie,me &tansy<3

peiyi &josie in the bus<3

me &tansy in the bus<3

i "wrote" this on the sofa thingy<3

another thing that i "wrote"<3
the first letter of our names


last day of school

shanice &me(:


random pic of esther.p
with part-of-venessa in it

the sign outside our class<3

the car for missheng to drive for her farewell

the cutecute teddies in the front(:

i know i took superduper long to upload these pics
but heck, HERE THEY ARE(:

12:38 PM

Never coming home.