Friday, June 30, 2006

today was NCC day AND NCC day i got so freaked out ok.ahhhhh...haha.then ROD so sad..none of us really cried(part As) but we all felt really really sad inside,ESPECIALLY NAT(right????i correct hor).encik so nice,give us each a necklace written:

encik so nice!thank you encik!yaye,see we part As so nice,haha,give 1sg and staff prezzies also even though they are not our platoon NCOs.haha.we only pltn that gave lol.

2007 Part As: 2sg abigail
assistants: 2sg joella and 2sg tasmana
2007 Part Bs(that's us.yours truly!): 2sg yvonne
assistants: 2sg samantha, 2sg angela, 2sg stacey and 2sg mayee
2007 Part Cs: 2sg ann
assistants: 2sg cheryl and 2sg georgina
2007 "head" NCOs: 2sg cherie and 2sg stacey

haha.yaye.NEXT WEEK FRIDAY school end at after that,me,zeshan,esther,josie and joanne.MUST ASK YOUR PARENT OKAYY!12 to 6.see go where first lah hor.ok.let's NOT GO ESTHER'S HOUSE!we shall rebel.yaye!haha.ok..lots of people on MSN to talk to right now.ALOYSIUS JUST SIGNED IN! i am gonna kill him.then just now i on my way back he at home mah, then he call to me,ask is it got some guy call me and what he said.i tell him is sms,and if he want to know,he ask himself,anyway,he WAS on the phone with that some guy called glenn.haha.ok.teasing esther.i think she dao-ing me le... so mean.oh yes,BELLE,COME BACK TO SCHOOL!WE NEED YOU FOR CHINESE TALENTIME!esther's new nickname:
esthiie westiie funny bunny rabbit wormy epiii elephant dachangjinniii

haha... she added in the "iii" herself,too make it "rhyme".haha.joylynn is "firsygirst-joy" and yujie is "yule".hahah.

8:11 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

argh.kewei and yujie so evil.yujie says bmss bball team rawks and kewei say we bribe them and that they were primary school team!SO EVIL!then kewei annoying me like crazy basketball win by strength..NOT bribing or anything else.if primary school,they cant even score a goal lah!evilers.then aloysius give my hp number to his classmate.argh!so gonna kill him when i see him again.he is so gonna do his evil laughter if i am not wrong.he ALWAYS does it!boys are exceptions!(dun give me that look and ask me what about HIM.HE INCLUDED!)especially that nicholson yeo!and aloysius.the two evil ones.always tease me bad.haha.ok..NO.3 UNIFORM AT STAKE!BYE BYE!

8:30 PM

Never coming home. happy.good work basketball c div!AND our talented nazirah from sec 1!she is the only sec one in c div!the rest ALL sec 2s!her freethrow rocks!both all get in!then mr teo and coach were like standing up and clap(according to khoon ting cause i didn't see,i was watching nazi and her excellent freethrow).whee.then when the boys from bukit merah saw us they were like criticizing us lor.say dunno what "scgs girls can shoot meh?","they are acgs(act cute/cool girls' school)","they want win,they compare studies lah!".haha.let's see who got the last laugh.US!DUH!we beat them by a HUGE margin.i mean really huge okayy.guess.1st quarter,we got 20points,they got zer0.i mean really happy.i think it was 2nd quarter or third quarter then they began to score.but not a lot.this defeat was really really REALLY bad.we got 86 points(yaye) and they got...9 points.BLEHH!!!woot!we were like HAHA to the boys!yaye.their coach was like soooo pissed.haha.bad defeat.we won them by 77 points.haha.yaye.happy happy.oh yes,then during the match,the coach keep calling them stupid girls in chinese.SO MEAN!evil.and there was the girl(supposedly called avanthi as that was what zeshan heard) "crushed" her darling sarah.she was like "OMG"!cause sarah got hurt during training yesterday.then after that mr teo asked us go first,but then we wanted to cheer for seniors.then we walk towards the bus-stop,halfway or so,we suddenly thought,we should wait for nazi,she is one of us,so we all turn back..AND we haven thank coach yet.then they just happen about to dismiss we thank coach,call for nazi,and said three cheers to seniors,and they were all so shocked okayy.haha.then along the way,we were cheering on for nazi.we also said the three cheers for her.yaye.nazi rawks at bball!especially her freethrows.hardly anyone can get both freethrows in!but she did!yaye.then annabell and zeshan walk so fast,then khoon ting and huiying(1SY not 1CO) wanted to catch up with them,so they started to do long distance shouting.if i was not wrong,it went like this:

khoon ting+huiying:TAN ZESHAN!
annabell+zeshan:WHAT(in hokkien)!
khoon ting+huiying:GUO LAI YA(come lah)!
annabell(not very loudly but we could hear):xiao arh(crazy arh)!
annabell+zeshan:MAI YOU KONG(no time)!
khoon ting(not very loudly,but they could hear):ka pui arh!

then me,huiying and cheryl were laughing like crazyy lor.haha.then after that they ran to them instead.haha.SO FUNNY!i could not stop laughing.haha.then today in class during literature,i was not really when miss pang introduced this word:bildungsroman.i heard it as "a bull's first dung romance" offence to the person who created the word.haha.then meritocracy become "marry to crazy".hahahahaha...,khoon ting,nazi,nadiah and lisa trained awhile after school.i got in 20 freethrows,with 2 consecutive freethrows 3 times.yaye.i should aim for 3 consecutive next time.I CANT DO 3-POINTER STILL!argh.i suck at it.blehh.okk,i want go do my no.3 uniform le.TOMORROW IS NCC DAY!YAYE.oh shit.i got loads of homework to do because i didn't go school.nevermind.i shall do it while i am watching lu guang sen lin tonight,OWEN'S GONNA ASK SOPHIE TO BECOME HIS GIRLFRIEND!yaye!owen look so kawaii yesterday.he risk his hand to stop shiyu from spreading rumours about sophie.and he plays the violin!and he had a recital the next day!awwww...i don't care if it is not for real,i wanna be sophie!so lucky lor she.not fair.i want take her acting role!i won't care what the director says,i will choose owen!haha...whee...
[[esthiie.westiie.funny.bunny.wormy.epiii]] [[firsygirst.joylynn]]
haha..i am CRAZY! you can see.=))))

5:35 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

sitting in front of the computer and sniffing, blehh. just took my medicine. i hate medicine, they taste so..argh.friday is NCC day.have to get ready no.3.blehh.mine is so not ready for anything.violet told me about the geog project thing.apparently i am stuck with...dun wanna say it.blehh.and kristal just came in with a black permanent marker.DANGER.haha.they say they got back their lit papers today.hope that it is one saw it cause apparently miss pang kept it to herself.selfish.haha.joking.keep me in suspense.blehh.kathleen also didn't go school.wheee..wonder if belle went to school,cause if she did,esther would be figuratively "dead" now.haha.cause no one other than me and esther knows the steps for the talentime,and we didnt teach them,and the talentime is like,next week,..I THINK.ahahaha.gotta ask laoshi.wheeee.hope can go school tomorrow.better not have a PILE of homework waiting for me lol.if i was in school now,i think i would be practice mah.haha.but i think today should be lax lah.cause got the party.blehh.and i just had to miss it.
yesterday i buy a magazine.inside got ethan ruan the picture.wahaha.he put side fringe.NOT NICE.i like him the way he is in green forest my home,so kawaii.haha.then i show michelle lol.when i go TLL that time,the library there they showing football so nicholas tan stop to watch.he stay there so i go in first without him.he came later to put down his bag then go out again.not surprised.haha.nicholas the brother also got flu.missed school on tuesday and wednesday.blehh.i want go school boring at the day pass by so fast lol.dunno why.haha.maybe because i wake up late.only been awake for like 6hours.haha.then teacher ask us how was last week the replacement teacher.then she ask is it very nice,then everybody start clearing their throats.haha.during class my phone paiseh.i forgot to put to silent mode.lucky teacher never hear,or maybe she did,but didnt care.then cedric thought it is his phone.haha.then finish class that time at the taxi stand waiting for my dad to pick me and nicholas tan up,cedric say i rude cause i never say hi.-.-" weird.whatever.wheee.nothing much le ba.i think.1SY had their summary test already.mrs tan say it is next weird.evil big bad wolf must have purposely forward it for them.haha.
like yuky's blog..haha.wheee.ok.i go le.byebye.

4:27 PM

Never coming home.

hahahahah, this is the hundredth post in my blog. and i got 300 unread messages in my inbox. haha..wheeeeee... still having flu... really bad case.. blehh.. can't stop sneezing since this morning. i think i am allergic to something around here, or am i? hahahaha. didnt go school again. blehh. today got marching practice during 2nd recess/lunch break and some basketball party. i missed them both. blehh... i all stuck at home. and i haven prepared my no.3 for friday yet. shit.. blehh. so xian. oh shit, mum calling me, byeeee..

10:12 AM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

everything here in blogger suddenly seems bigger, or is it just my flu? dunno lah. so weird. me stay at home today cause of the stupid flu virus, otherwise i will be in school teasing EWFBWE. ahahahaha. it stands for "Esthiie Westiie Funny Bunny Wormy Epiii" she thought of the Epiii herself. aahahhaahha. she said she was going to bonk me in school for calling her that on msn yesterday. ahhahahaha. i heard 3rd language change teacher. yeah. three cheers. yesterday i never go mah. ya.. ahhahaha... so bored. kristal hit me two times on my face this morning. so painful. cause i was sleeping, then she wanted to wake me up. you never want to try that, especially if your heart is weak. ahahahah. so true. i practically died of fright. wahahahha.. next time i should just wait for her to get out of the room before i falll asleep again. and jasmine still does not know i did not go to school. dad went to pick up 2SG abigail and her sister as per normal though i didnt go. today was his turn to pick them up mah.. then he left just when jasmine went down to get ready. ahhaha. how i know? cause i was awake at that time. then i was like on my bed and she entered the room a few times, and on the light once. SO BRIGHT. she cant see me, cause i sleep on the top bunk. ahahhahaha. TOO BAD! wheeee. if she know i never go school, she also dun wan go school and will fake sick. lol.. very lame hor. wheeeeeee... so bored. doing english now. since teacher want us pass up tomorrow. ok lol.. i want go do le... bye bye

11:10 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, June 26, 2006

yes i know, many of you would go boo. ahahahha.. like so obvious. me down with flu.. blehh. new teacher for 1CO. miss dora ong was replaced by mrs clarissa tan. miss hing is now our official form teacher. mrs tan is co-ed. ahahahha. yeah. then the principal was like scolding us during assembly today for the online survey. blehh. ahahhahaha. yeah. but she didnt directly point who did it. but she knows which class only, then she was like keep staring at us. so freaky. i swear i wrote absolute truth. =)))) zeshan lurves some guy from acs i. she say he so cute. gonna see later. she telling me his frendster. ahahhaha... =))) SO BORED. doing english hw now. I LURVE ART! ahahahahha. but i hate the preparation room. so stuffy and dusty. triggering my nose to sneeze. i hate flu.. and excema. blehh... hahah. ok.. i go do my work liao... talk later. =)))

4:13 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

hey, brian's at my bouse now. apparently he didnt want to go shopping with his mum and nicholson but he actually would be much better off if he did go. ahahahah. he is being tortured by my baby sister. she just punched him in the stomach with a head butt. ahahhahaha... and now she is pretending to cry, and brian is being all goody goody and trying to make her happy. ahahaha.. so funny. and my sister asked him to stop farting. ahahahha... i could die laughing right now. and he is killing me for what i am writing but it is all so true. ahahahah... he just got hit again, at his private. ahahhahaha.. all i have to say, a girl isn't just barbie dolls and blah, they are tough too, so keep away from my sister if you want to be safe. EWWW gross. brian just burped. and he just got poked at his back. and he is acting so drama, slow-mo falling to the floor and kristal is being all so mummy and asking him to sit down and drink his water. ahahahahah.. oh boy, she is being shouted at by brian, and she takes revenge, by poking him with something in the stomach. tug of war going on now. too bad jasmine is out with yumin, she is totally missing out the action. kristal just left the room, saying "boo hoo, i die already" ahhahhaah..she is fake cry now to get brian's attention. and brian is dragging her across the floor. now the both of them are banging their heads against the cupboard. whew, they left. brian's instant noodle is ready. now i can get down to proper blogging..
yesterday so fun. went to suntec in the morning. i totally missed chinese tuition. three cheers. ahahah.. then we actually planned to take the duck tours. (ahaha, zeshan!! evil duckie) but the next ride was like 5pm, so we were like forget it lah. ahahahah. so we went round the place. i so didnt know suntec had a times. and the books there rawk totally. ahahahhah... then kristal got a orange balloon for herself. then blah blah blah. then we went to sentosa later after that cox it was really getting boring at suntec. so we headed there. we went straight to the luge. pretty crowded i can say. then we were riding when it started to drizzle. blah blah blah. when we reached the other side, it poured. we were like what the heck. then wait wait wait. i saw this really cute sky blue visor, really really nice, but i didnt buy it, cause my parents said no. then we saw this guy, his face was like totally wet, so he took one of the t-shirts on sale and wiped his face. ahahahhaah. i was like trying to control my laughter lol. VERY HARD. then when the rain stopped, we took the chairlift back. halfway through, it began to rain, not drizzle.. IT POURED. like some hundreds of buckets splashing on you. then we were like.. argh. SO FREAKING COLD! then me and jasmine were like bending over. kristal and parents were on another chairlift so i had no idea what was going on. i was too bz protecting my handphone and the digi cam in my pocket. they are the victims.. NOT. ahahahhaha. then when we got off me and jasmine dashed for the nearest shelter. we were soaking wet, what did you expect. even if i didnt rush, i would have caught a flu anyway. so when the rain went down for good, we went for another round. ahaahahahhaha. we were back for more. then we were like zooming our way down when mum's one couldn't move. she probably forgot how to control it.. so i had to run all the way back to her, cause she was right at the back and help her. blehh. haha.. then we were off again. the racers. ahahahha. she races her might and zoom, she reaches the finish line first, in such a remarkable time, the best luge racer of the year, hazel! ahahahhaha. you wish! but i did finish first. ahaahha. what do you expect. no competition when you are with the family, unless like the previous time, two rascals, the duo brothers, brian and nicholson. ahahahhaha.. then we took the chairlift back up again. fun fun... I LOVE THE SCENERY FROM THE CHAIRLIFT (IF it does not rain) ahahahah. and i got my 1 lollipop and 1 ice cream that day. wheeeeee.. ahahha. anyway, then we were like heading back home soon. so tired. ahahahha.
today arh.. went to marina, opposite suntec. the same place, yeah i know. aahahahahah. nothing much lah. bought a few cute cute shirts. mum wanted to buy a bare back for kristal, but she didnt like it. i got a new skirt! wheeeeee... ahahahha. but i could really use a new pair of jeans... AND shoes AND pencilcase. ahahahaha. come on, my pencilcase is like all so dirty. and my jeans, it tore a little. the other is like too big for me. shoes, i only got like two sports/school shoes, and one pair of slippers. miserable. ahahahahah. anyway, i found out mum bought this cute black shirt for me sometime back, i have no idea when, but it is oh-so-cute. ahahahhaha. and jasmine is out with that GIRL again. her bestie, low yumin. blehh. WHATEVER. ahahahhaah. she's coming over to watch high school musical later cause her home no disney channel. blehh. brian's not looking forward to it either. ahahhahahaha.
mum suggested i transfer school. dunno her lah, suddenly ask me. ahahahhaha. i was like see first lol.. =)))) she want me go mix. ahahahhahaa. i was like anything lol...

i hear pain shouts and things going on down there between the two. i gotta go down have a look, to see what the heck are they doing and get a really good laugh. ahhahahahaha...


3:03 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, June 23, 2006
GO SEE!!! especially michelle teo! and people who lurve lu guang sen lin or ethan ruan jing tian. lu guang sen lin's song "san ge zi" by him and qiao qiao. =)))))

10:03 PM

Never coming home.

I AM SO HAPPY! hahah...just came back from orchard country club(OCC) and guess what i bought...
1 icecream plus 2 lollipops.
actually i bought 4. but eating my 2nd one now. the other two leave for tomorrow. or maybe for the bad days. SUPER HAPPY!!! uber happiness. hahahahaha.. wheeeeeeee!
me so long no eat lollys le. ahahahah. okk..

8:55 PM

Never coming home.

hey. yesterday trainfire was FUN!!
ahahahahhaah... then we were with yishun and woodlands sec. blah blah. ahahhaha. then we were handling M16 rifles. then we had to learn how to dis-assemble [ they call it "strip" for short form. ahahahahahahahaahahahhahahaahha] and assemble it back. then we learn proper IA and how to shoot holding your breath and loading unloading bullets. what else... can't really remember. but it was fun fun.. supposed to reach school at 4pm, by 4pm we were still at HQ NCC. haha. then we finished over there like at 4.45pm like that. I WAS STARVED. hahhaha... so pathetic lol, our total strength then was 11, cause 6 people[violet, kailin, grace, esther, nicole and carolyn] didn't turn up.
so tired.yesterday i was awaken at 3am lol. so early. all thanks to kristal. she was crying like dunno what lah. then she climbed up to my bed [my is top bunk mah..] at about 4am. then i need to look after her, then she fell asleep on my bed. so little space. SO TIRED. so i miss out about 2hours of sleep all thanks to that little rascal. ahahahahaha. good thing she did not wake me up today. or i will be so tired. actually she did. at 7am.. at least not like yesterday.. 3AM lol. blahh.. ahahahahahah. so tired.. so little people online. so bad. too bad. hafta go offline soon. me got tuition lah.. hahahahahah. too bad. okie, better end here. bye bye

10:13 AM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

haha.. finishing up my lit homework right now. it is so much easier now since lynnie has helped me a lot. THANKS LYNNIE!!! ahhahaha. so bored lol/ yesterday go to tuition so farni. cox kristal was in the car. so was nicholas tan. ahahhahaha. then she call him "boy boy". he call her "girl girl" wahahahahahha. then she said that she herself was a coconut tree.. there are some more things she said that was the funniest, but i'm not gonna be so evil and embarrass him. ahhahahhahahah. i nearly died laughing. hahahahaha. then yesterday was replacement teacher. BLEHH/ hhahahahaha. and then it was on interviews, how to face an interview.. blah. then she got to this question, "who is your idol? why?" ahhahahahhaha. i told michelle teo. "owen. cause he is so cute!" ahahahhahahaha.. i printed pictures of owen. so so so so cute. gonna put it in my file when school reopens. ahahhaha/ TOMORROW GOT TRAINFIRE.. gotta starch my no.4. blehh... ahahahahahahhaha.. ok. me and sj flooded the ____ blog. ahahhahaha. so fun... wheeeeeeeee... so dead mah the blog... but class blog worst/ ahahahhah. hyper
ODEEPS-we go deep.
ahahahahhaahah. nat's brand. after she turned sj's speedo cap inverted. ahahahhahaha. laughing like crazyy maniacs on the way to kayaking on friday. LAST friday. tomorrow i wonder if it will be the same. ahahahahah. then ma'am leong will come and say "stop! stop!" in her funny tone of voice and we will start laughing again. ahahahhhhahahahaaha. ok lah. i go back to my work le... bye bye

9:00 AM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

cute pics that i found so i decided to upload it.. as you can see, i am in a picture mood. last 2 ones also pictures, neoprints and owen... wheeeee...
^^ laughing fool ^^
speckky cat. so adorable
drunkard fool
O.o duuur
obsessed... with will pan's songs now...
oh boy.. someone's here.
and that's my sista's fwen..
bye yar

3:28 PM

Never coming home.

i am like so bored so i decided to post again. 4th time today. ahahah// just got back awhile ago from fetching me sis.. ahhhh, my baby sis friend coming later to play and guess who is the baby sitter... me. DUH. so obvious. heeh.. AT LEAST GOT SOMETHING TO DO. freaking bored.

let me doze off and sleep/// CRAPPING.. zzzzzzzzz``
gawd... my baby sister is bothering me.. she want me to get off the chair. blah.. blehh... here i am, back again.. she left. three cheers. ahahahahah.
just went to shanice(sim)'s blog. HER DOG IS FREAKING CUTE!!! kawaii!!! haha. the 2 shanice that i know both have dogs. i want one...!!! ahahahahah... so cute... too bad mum dun allow. awwww...nevermind, neighbourhood got lots of dogs... skipper is sooo cute.. my darling... ``` jas likes bambi. she used to like jojo.. brian likes max (a.k.a maxie boy to him). hahah. nicholson, heck him lah.. ahahahahha.
oh boy, sister's friend coming soon. waaahhh. jas went to friend's bdae party... LUCKILY... ahahahha. okiie, see ya. buai buai. be back for more updates...

2:52 PM

Never coming home.

^^^sophie and owen. kawaii!!!

pictures of owen.. so cute!!!
so kawaii horr.. michelle teo also like him. tung also. HE IS SO CUTE...

1:52 PM

Never coming home.

some pictures that i took with nat and sj at bugis quite some time back during our cip hours. there is more, but scanner got problem.. ahahaha/ wheeee.. i know i look sucky.. hahaha/ if ya dunno, then one with the black shirt is sj and the other is nat. ahahah. wheeee

1:10 PM

Never coming home.

yo people. i realised like.. yesterday.. when talking to esther... that we HAVE NOT REHEARSE FOR THE WHOLE HOLIDAY!!! belle's gonna kill us. somemore the steps are pretty complicated. but chorus. ahahahhahahaa, we were bouncing up and down. ahahahahhaha. so far only me and esther know the steps. the rest.. BLUR. utter zilch. ahahahah. ahhhh, who cares lah... i'm sick of that song!!! ahahahahah. keep hearing it lol.. blehh/// ahahha.and i am like so bored lol... haix. school starting soon le... boo... wheeeeeee...
imagine 30 days of holiday, yet we haven rehearsed once. ahahahahhaha. so toot. tomorrow is wednesday. yeah!!! got lu guang sen lin. ahahahaha. owen so cute!!! KAWAII!!! i am so going crazyy. william so toot. so yuck... blehh/// ahahahhaha. lol... laff out loud. listening to music again. today no construction workers cause they are finally gone. wheeeeee. i am so happy. going crazyy. i really cant imagine the five of us bouncing up and down on the stage.. with nicole and eugenie singing. ahahha. we will seem so.... hehe. weird? i guess so. wheeee. hardly anybody online now. wake up early people. see the morning sun[ though evening sun is way nicer.. duh ] i wish i was still at the chalet leh.. so fun.. ahahah. whole night at DOA3. shouting and screaming. wheeeee/ ahahahahah// we sounded like crazy people. ahahahahhaha...
argh.. still got so much hw/ bye bye.. i go do le.. lit poems.. WHERE AM I SUPPOSE TO FIND A LIVING POET? MOST OF THEM ARE DEAD... ahahahahha. no offence. argh.. this is going to be so hard.. blehh

9:40 AM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

heyya, can't believe 3rd aunt actually watches lu guang sen lin. wheee. hahahah. she got the disc but dad dun lemme borrow cause he think i will watch it like crazy. so evil. he say want borrow end of year then borrow. whatever. by then i watch finish whole thing liao lol.. hahaha. yesterday after i logged off we went to east coast beach. CAN YOU BELIEVE JASMINE IS ALLERGIC TO THE SALTY WATER AT THE BEACH?? gawd. when she knew it, she was so happy cause i could not drag her into the sea anymore. lol. then i was like swimming there like dunno what lah. then kristal also so scared of the salty water. so xian. then i was the only one swimming... -.- today went aunt's house then saw that cousins weiyi and weixing were there, as per normal, reading some magazine. too bad debbie and amanda never go. then mum say weiyi hair like lion mane like that. hahhahahahahha. so toot. i see is ok ok lah. not really until lion mane like that. so funny, ahahahha. then weixing just sit down there read magazine xian xian one. so good!!! 4th aunt go USA lol. bet she go see calvin. next month then she come back. maybe calvin will come back with her or something like that lah. snore... xian lah. school starting soon le. then jasmine and dad just headed to bishan swimming there. i dun want go. dun ask. bought the windsinger the bk2 and 3. book 2 so nice! ahahahaaha. finished it le... going on to bk 3... later. ahahhaa. sj says me, grace, her and nat are the odeeps. hahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaha. mum just came in and asked what i thought of aloysius and i was like.. eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww.. that idiot lah he... dunno why she suddenly ask me that question.. so weird... aloysius.. erm erm.. eeeeewwwwwww... seriously, WHY DID SHE ASK ME THAT??!!!
ok.. nevermind. whatever... see ya... go do some other stuff le...

5:20 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

just got this quiz from jiawen.. just do it anyway.. since i am so bored...

1. what time did you get up this morning?
no idea... 9 plus i think.. i dun look at the clock when i get up...
2. diamonds or pearls?
diamonds... -.-
3. what was the last film you saw at the cinema?
aquamarine... haven been to the cinema recently
4. what's your favourite tv show?
mvp qing ren,wang zi bian qing wa,lu guang sen lin... blah..
5. what did you have for breakfast?
i dun eat breakfast dummyy...
6. what is your middle name?
erm erm erm... i have no idea... LOL!
7. fave cuisine?
western? japanese? no idea...
8. what foods you dislike?
9. your favourite potato chip?
lays? ruffles? i dun know. they're all eatable and nice anyway..
10. favourite cd at the moment?
erm erm.. i love a lot man... BUT NOT HILARY DUFF!
11. what kind of car do you drive?
are you an idiot or what. i don't even have a driving license!
12. favourite sandwich?
egg and ham
13. what characteristics to you despise?
backstabbers! hypocrites!
14. favourite item of clothing?
my jeans and my skirts! ahahahah
15. if you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
i dunno.. anywhere in the world. i only went to 4 places in the world before. pathetic
16. what colour is your bathroom?
17. fave brand of clothing?
i have no idea. i love so many!
18. where do you want to retire to?
as in???!!! dun geddit..
19. favourite time of the day?
20. where were you born?
singapore. duh. where else
21. what is your favourite sport to watch?
22. who do you least expect to send this back?
i didn't even send that email out.
23. first person you expect to send it back
LOL! i said i didn't even send it out!
24. what laundry detergent do you use?
i have no idea. i'm not the one doing it anyway..
25. coke or pepsi?
26. are you a morning person or night owl?
definitely not morning person! night owl.. erm erm erm.. sort of
27. what shoe size do you wear?
i don't know. i don't remember such things unless i am buying shoes. LOL!
28. do you have a pet?
yeah. 1 hamster, 2 turtles and my dad's fishies
29. any exciting news to share with everyone?
apparently... no
30. what did you want to be when you was little?
i was too busy playing when i was little, so you think i thought of such things?
31. favourite candy bar?
nope. they are all nice.
32. best childhood memory?
yeah, lots. all the times with kelly, rachel, daniel, benson and nicky
33. what different jobs have you had in your life?
i didn't have any. i am schooling dummy
34. what colour underwear are you wearing now?
SICK! (gawd, the person who set this is SICK!)
35. nicknames?
36. piercing?
37. eye colour?
i dunno... can't tell
38. ever been to africa?
my dad, not me
39. ever been toilet papering?
40. love someone so much that it made you cry?
dunno. think so. can't remember.
41A. been in a car accident?
are you cursing me?
41B. anything traumatic happened?
i broke a nail. jkjk. nope
42. croutons or bacon bits?
43. favourite days of the week?
44. favourite restaurant?
a lot! =)))
45. favourite flower?
dun know. none caught my attention yet
46. favourite ice cream?
place or flavours? flavours: durian, coffee, chocolate, mint. place: ben & jerry's
47. disney or warner brothers?
dun know.
48. fave fast food restaurant?
i have no idea... they are all so nice!
49. what colour is your bedroom carpet?
it's a flying one. dummy, i dun have one!
50. how many times did you fail your driving test?
none. cox i haven taken it dummy!
51. before this one, from whom did you get this email?
52. what do you do when you are bored?
read a book, television, msn, blog
53. bedtime?
never earlier than 11.30pm
54. who are you most curious about their response to this questionaire?
i didn't send it out and i don't plan to
55. last person you went dinner with?
dad, mum, sis
56. what are you listening to now?
the construcion worker hammering something,the typing of the computer keyboard and someone shouting.
57. favourite colour?
blue and green of any shade
58. lake, ocean or river?
all, unless as contaminated as the one we kayaked in
59. how many tattoos do you have?
none. i dun like tattoos unless it's a henna.
60. which came first, the chicken or the egg?
i have no idea...
61. how many people are you sending this to?
nobody, unless i suddenly feel like it
62. who sent this to you?
63. time you finished the quiz?

LOL. the quiz was lame but ok. i like the one in princess diaries. that one is fun. gotta go dig it up liao. buai buai

2:03 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, June 16, 2006

yo!!! so tired..
had kayaking today lol. and yesterday as well. then yesterday i was late cox i did not get the message... SOMEHOW that we had to meet at 8 not 9. so toot right. anyway, it was fun. i still feel like i am on the sea, still floating, still drifting.. hahah. today was totally freaky cox of the capsize drill+rescue. gawd, then the water is so deep and got fish swim past you.. SO FREAKY!!! then is like you are trying to hold on, but your feet can't touch the ground, making the whole process.. uber weird. gawd, my email inbox got like two hundred over messages and i SO CANT BE BOTHER TO OPEN IT UP. kayaking was fun.. so tiring budden. and so pain. can see the tan difference on my leg. SO WEIRD! cause of the skool shorts that we were wearing. alamak.. SO WEIRD... and to swim in the freakingly saltly sea with a life jacket that is sooooo poofy, is sooo tiring. my back totally hurts ok.. and apparently the l3st3r news has spreaded to siewQI, grace and nat. i shall be mean. ewwww. stop calling me that freaking name which totally sucks and... i am so not a lollipop.. lol. back hurts. AND I SAW YUANXIU WITH SHORTS! eewwww. gross. totally d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g. it was not really short but eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww. on her??!!! no offence lah, but heehx, yeah, CAN YOU IMAGINE IT!!! so gross right.... hahahhaha. so tired. so good, nicholson and brian going overseas tomorrow! i wanna go!!! not fair. evils... hahahhaha. i am so nuts. and my body aches so. I STILL FEEL THAT I AM ON THE SEA! with the kayak going up and down. AND I HATE THAT DANCER! the red ones. they are like sooooooooooo hard to control. lucky miie, i got a yellow one for the last 2 strokes today. the instructor gave it to me. hahahahha. yesterday was in doubles [not your kind of double-up, nat...] today was in singles/doubles. so hard singles! and i saw a lot of fishies splashing out of the water. AND THE WATER IS SOOOO CONTAMINATED! eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww. and my knees are sunburnt. owwww. i got the fibre thing on my hand. so pain. yesterday also. then cannot sleep lah, so pain. nat's odeeps. was so freaking funny lol. we were on our way to the SAF yatch club then nat put her speedo cap inverted and said it was odeeps. wahahaha. then they all wore 2/3 caps at once. so farnii. ahhahahahaha. skool starting le. OMG, I HAVEN REVISE THE HOME ECONS!!!
i am so dead!!! aaaahhhh. and i haven starch the number 4 yet!!! so ma fan!!! then boots no need polish right??? unlike number3. nat and siewjia one are SO FREAKING SHINY. mine looks like shit lah...
okiiie, gotta go liao. buai buai..

8:36 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

heyyx, back to post more about my chalet trippie!!! wheee....

ok i was at the third day right...:
yeah, the samsung ride was so freaking scary lah. yuhan was screaming like crazy. [the downtown east we saw nigel sit a ride then he was screaming like... erm.. hahah. then yuhan freaked out totally. gawd that ride was pretty scary. it was totally like.. "OMG, I AM GOING TO DROP" that sort] then the river, you can hardly swim backwards lah.. OH YES.. for breakfast that time, we saw mr low!!! av de.. me and huich were like.. is that him???? and it was. and then at wild wild wet, we saw a tcs actor. the pizzahut commercial that guy. yar.. and we were like splashing each other like crazy lol. *cheese* then after that we were so tired and headed back to the chalet to get a nice bath. and it was nice. hahaha. lol. then it was huich's mum bdae. so there was cake. yummyy. ice-cream de. delicious. then we went to eat our dinner at some shop.. hahah. then on the way back, we saw this sour candy mixer thing, so we decided to give it a try. me and yuhan bought one 12 inch[we share mah, since her dad bring me hme.] then huich, 6inch. so niceyy!!! i lurve watermelon and fruit punch! so nice!! ahahah.yum yum. me and yuhan finish so fast. then huich barely halfway through. wahahahaha... then go home le lol... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... go home, tired like hell, fell asleep. but suddenly not used to my bed le... cox the chalet one so niceyy! hahahahhaa.

so xian now, holidays almost over le... toot lah.. then my mum now crazyy over wang zi bian qing wa. she find qiaoen in the show very funny. and that mingdao act cool de very funny also. then she every night watch until like dunno what lah she. hahahaha. and yesterday TLL that stupid gerald!!! toot him lah. he came my class for replacement then keep calling me hazelnut. idiot. he last year my class de lol. this year actually also. but i change class. hahhah. idiot gerald... and cedric knows him.. whatever.dun tell miie he in hci. gawd.. NO WAY baz...
okiie, gtg. see ya

9:42 AM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

heyyx everybody! i am back from the chalet stay! yesterday came back 9.30pm, too lazy to do anything, i fell asleep. so tired. ahahhah...

8 June 2006, Thursday: check-in
wheeee. we met in school side-gate(primary school..duh) and then huichen's dad brought us there. me was early.. cox they didnt tell me that they would be late. yuhan, when i boarded the car, she just happen to be running into the school side-gate. when she got into the car, she was panting like crazy. we all started laughing. cox it is so freaking funny lah. then, we were on our way! ahahah.
when we reached the place the boys were already there, yonghwee,kewei,nigel and zhijian, then we went to check-in. then the boys and us girls waited outside while the father checked in. then we went inside the room. dumb boys didnt realise it. wahahha. then later then they realise and came into the air con room. then when the father finished checking in, we went out, again the dumb boys didnt notice until later. we were outside waiting for them to notice. then they came out. that's obviously why they are dumbiies..ahahhaha. and then, we took our bags from the car, and headed to the chalet for a relaxation time.
boy we were shocked at how small the room was. and that the beds, were together. spend the night here with the boys? no way. since it was still pretty early, we played some games. like life and stress. then after that, we began to play xbox. the room had already provided us with it, and the boys, they just happen to bring we played the game "Dead or Alive 3"(DOA3) ahahah, the way we girls played it it was so damn freaking funny. to us, the boys in the game had short legs, the girls long legs. so when i played against huich, both of us were like going "ni zhe ge si chang jiao.. gei wo zhou kai!" ahahah. if you couldnt understand that, it was "you idiot long-legged, shoo off!"but when we played against the boys was "stupid chi-go-pek(or lao ah peh. or molester or pervert), shoo off!" it was so damn freaking funny lah. then at 5plus, we had bbq. yum yum. then yuhan wanted to butter it all. ahahha. then miie, was sort-of "allergic" to the heat so i started itching at the neck. then we went inside, to play some more xbox while the boys did the work. meanwhile, we staretd planning how would we sneak to the swimming pool. then we planned that we would pretend to go and bring yuhan home out to the entrance and then we would go buy more snacks for tomorrow. they actually believed us, but we told the plan to huich's dad. yar. so we went off, putting our clothes, swimsuit, towel all into yuhan's bag, and we went to swim. heehx. it was niceyy!!! the pool got one part there was glass panels so we look down below. there were people. so cool rite? ahahah. yeah. so we were like swimming for 1hour and a half, then we went back, changed back into normal clothes. when we reach back to the chalet, the boys were playing DOA3. then they saw us wet all over with the towel, then they started asking us if we went swimming. when we finally said we did, they wanted to go too. we were like, go then go lah! but zhijian's dad was coming, cox he was the only boy not staying. so the other 3 went, except him. yar.. so we arranged the beds at first it was side by side. something like . then we arranged until _ uh huh.... the lines just represent the beds ok.. yep. then soon later, zhijian had to go, so did yuhan. but zhijian didnt know the way out, so we had to show him. when we reached the exit, zhijian ran off to the swimming pool. which was nearby. cox the swimming pool was on top the exit. uh huh. so we brought yuhan out first. then while waiting, we sat at burger king, eating. yum yummy. then when yuhan's dad came, we took her to the entrance and left. cox her dad was waiting opposite. wheee. so we were went back, to play DOA3 somemore. later , huich's dad came again. then soon after, the boys came back, top half naked. i was like "for goodness sake, wear a shirt!" then they went to the toilet together while me and huich continued playing. then when the boys came out, we all battled each other. hahhahaha. soon, huich's dad left. then we went fighting fighting. then they started playing against the com. at the end, the strongest was the omega. we kept trying to fight it lah, but hardiie hardiie. we went on like that for the whole night and early morning, without sleeping. so fun. they nigel got tired at around 5 plus, so he slept. then there was one "porn" video on the game, cox if you defeat the omega, you get a short video to watch, then just happen is that one. hentai!!! ahahahaha. i borrowed yonghwee's MP3 then listen and listen, blasting it at full. still quite soft eh. heheh..

9 June 2006, Friday: Raining at Downtown East
so we were playing the whole night and the boys fell asleep at around 6am. so we went to buy breakfst, for ourselves... DUH. so we left the key in the room and went. we so didnt know that the boys were such heavy sleepers... so when we came back the door was closed. and the boys asleep. so we were like hammering, and it started to rain. call their handphones, those tooters also never answer de... wth lol. then we were like stuck, hammering like crazy, until they finally woke up, and open the door. wth lah they. so we let them sleep somemore, while me and huich continued playing DOA3. yeppie. soon they woke up, only nigel was still sleeping lol. and then he had a "date" at escape with beatrice and rachel. woot. ahhahhaha. it was at 10am. and he slept until then. ahahahha. then yonghwee woke him up, saying that he was about to miss his date. ahahahah. so funny. then he was like "oh shit". then he called the girls. then yonghwee said they were quarreling. then nigel went to the toilet. yonghwee said he was crying cox they broke up with him. ahaahahh.. then he went soon after. then we waited for yuhan to come, then we went after the rain stopped. we went to some of the rides, then it started to rain again, so we had our lunch. then we saw nigel and the two girls. ahhahaha. oh yes, before that, we saw them on the ride. then nigel was screaming like crazy lah. so funny. hahaha. then the boys brought us to the haunted house. yuhan ran out after the first scare. i was totally freaked ok.. stupid boys lah. then the last part, got something jumped out, i screamed, then huich screamed too. the boys were laughing like crazy lah. stupid idiot... then the rain began again. we went back to the chalet without the boys. too bad! then later they called yuhan to ask where were we, we said at the chalet. they came later. then when the rain stopped, they went back without us. while they were there, they called back to ask if we wanted to go, but we did not. cox amanda had already arrived, so we were playing. we played 4 people stress until very funny lol. we were like snatching when the game was over for the smallest pile. wahahahaha. so funny. then when the boys came back, we were still at it, then we had pillow fights and threw the cards at obne another. very giggly mode. then the boys weregoing home. we just continued. then we watched lu guang sen lin while eating cup noodles. then huichen's parents brought amanda home. me and huichen were so tired. we nearly fell asleep. so yuhan went out on her own lol. yah. then we were asleep lol. snoriiex.. ahahahaha. then we watched da chang jin with huich's mother and fell asleep soon after.

10 June 2006, Saturday: A Wet Day at Wild Wild Wet and I Go Home
we all woke up at 11am, woken up by the noise of people screaming at escape. lol... ahahah. then yuhan haven reach yet, so we went for breakfast first, then we painted some figurines as father's day prezzies. i took a cute little piggyy. wheeee. ahahah. then we went for lunch blah, and went to the wild wild wet at 3. we all had free tickets, to both escape and wild so we didnt need to pay lol. then we put our things into the locker and went! first we went to the river. forgot what it was called, about 3 times. 2nd and 3rd time the wave came. then we went to the wave pool. we managed to get to the furthest, over 1.8 after like 2 tries. whew, it was tiring. then this boy, he keep pushing us backwards lah! so stupid. then we started splashing him with water and vice versa. stupid.. so we were like pissed. then we went to ular ular. so fun!!! we were screaming like crazy. ahahahah. then we went to waterworks. butt pain. owww. ahahha. but fun fun. then we went to the samsung one. so scary. cox only 2 pple at a time, so we each went 2 times, each getting to sit at different sides. so freaky, if you seat frontwards. i rather sit backwards, not so scary. ahhahah. then we went the river another 3 times, one of the times, we swam without using the float. so tiring. better to use the float lol. yep yep. then finally, we went to ular lar again. ahahahah. so fun.

tel you more later, need to go out now. ahhaha.. there is still more!!!

9:59 AM

Never coming home.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

wheeeee, heyx people. so bored right now. haven finish packing my bag. haix. wheeeeee.
miie going to the chalet later. amandii coming with us, but she not gonna stay, so only me and huich for girls. and the boys. 4. yonghwee, kewei, zhijian and nigel. lol. wheeeee. ahahahaa. cant wait lah. need to go buy some snacks later. yah.. anyway, .. er.. what was i going to say.. ah... whatever lah. wheeeee. kyaaaaaaah, chobits so cute. ahahahah. chitose and chii were taken from there and put into tsubasa. but chitose was prettier. chii not so blur sotong. ahahhaha. chii:"hideki! pervert? hideki's a pervert!" wahahaahahah. it was so farni lah. then she was going around pointing at everything saying that it was all hideki. gawd, maybe i should remake my list of cute cute manga guys. hideki kinda cute too you know. ahahahahha. wheeeeeeeeeeeee.

8:46 AM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

heyy again
so bored right now.
just blogged in the pltn blog
(relax sj, they wun know anything lah...)
so bored so bored..
so happy so happy,
can go chalet with other 6A!
later got project meeting. offie...
miie mum bot miie breakfast.
cya later!

10:43 AM

Never coming home.

Monday, June 05, 2006

i am so happy. my mum finally allow me go chalet le. wheeeeeeee
but i only can stay until saturday, not sunday. waaah..
heehx. nevermind, i cna stay 3day 2 night can le. wheeeeee..
haha. watched 12 episodes of tsubasa today. watching17 now, waiting for 18 to load.
i am crazy!!!

8:24 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

heyyx. so bored. just came home from tp then aunt came with grandma. dunno what lah. then l3st3r's mum came over, asking if we knew how to fix the gas. sadly, none of us knew, otherwise, i gotten a chance to go over... T.T just now in tp the food court, the jukebox suddenly started playing liu guang. wahahahahaha. then the dance steps slowly played in my mind. wheeeeeeeeee... i bought i not stupid too le... dvd. unfortunately, not the black one. awwwxx. haahahah...

l3st3r <3333

kyaahh... ahahahaahah... so bored. nobody fun fun online. miie cousin's online, but he.. aiyah, hahahaa. wheee, jasmine at that girl's house again. alamak. went somewhere with her just now, heck lah. besides, i was too busy in tp. gyyyaaaah.. so bored... blahxx..

6:45 PM

Never coming home.

heyyx. i am so bored, so i decided to post again lolx. anyway, waiting for the youtube rave master video to load. watched one already. so niceyy! ahhhh, SIEGHART! *swoon* wahahhaa. gawd, liu guang shu lin so nice. makes me think of my childhood friends.

kelly goh- wahahah, we're still in contact. but how are you now? =))) miss ya lots. come over someday and i'll go over too! =))) hamstiiex!!!

rachel and rebecca ang- miss you two loads. mothers in contact not us. go back to woodlands someday and see you two and kelly. =))))

daniel ang- are you still in marsling? if you are, i guess i could still drop by. that time saw your parents at thomson plaza, with your bro's kids. heard you are into basketball now too. =))) so sorry about your 2nd bro. he was really nice. =))) especially that time at your bdae party remember? the 4 of us playing. me, you, benson and nicky... haven't seen you for 6 years plus le

benson- you too, 6 years plus haven see le. gawd i miss you guys so much!

nicky- have you migrated or what? gawd. pri3 mum told me you did, then say you came back. gawd, i'm confused boy. miss the times we used to hang out at your place, baking cute donuts! hahaha...

miss them loads man... 4J peepx and 6A peepx too. a lot.. T.T dun think i can go for the chalet eh, 6Aiians.. dunno.. see first lah... hahahhaah... maybe can go. i really wanna go lahx... =)))

YIPPEE! finally finish loading. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... bye bye ahahaah

1:11 PM

Never coming home.

so bored, so i decided to do this...:

cute manga guys top 20 on my list...
#1 sieghart [rave master]
#2 minghaipu [spiral]
#3 soshi [absolute boyfriend]
#4 kaede rukawa [slam dunk]
#5 syaoran [tsubasa]
#6 musica [rave master]
#7 ryo shirogane [tokyo mew mew]
#8 jegan [rave master]
#9 dylan yuki [mirmo zibang]
#10 brother kaz [.hack//the legend of the twighlight bracelet]
#11 shugo [tsubasa]
#12 shugo [.hack//the legend of the twilight bracelet]
#13 sumita [mirmo zibang]
#14 masaya aoyama [tokyo mew mew]
#15 negi magi [magister negi magi]
#16 kurogane [tsubasa]
#17 xiangjie [spiral]
#18 haru glory [rave master]
#19 fye [tsubasa]
#20 balmung of the azure blue sky [.hack//the legend of the twilight bracelet]

obviously there is still more, but just rank this few. hahahahaha. now the girls..

cute manga girls top 20 on my list
#1 sakura [tsubasa]
#2 jieqi [spiral]
#3 naru narusegawa [love hina]
#4 asuna kagurazaka [magister negi magi]
#5 zakuro fujiwara [tokyo mew mew]
#6 ichigo momomiya [tokyo mew mew]
#7 elie 3173 [rave master]
#8 reina [rave master]
#9 cattleya glory [rave master]
#10 sakura glory [rave master]
#11 konoka konoe [magister negi magi]
#12 katie [mirmo zibang]
#13 rena [.hack//the legend of the twilight bracelet]
#14 motoko aoyama [love hina]
#15 setsuna sakurazaki [magister negi magi]
#16 misa kakizaki [magister negi magi]
#17 kazumi a [magister negi magi]
#18 shinobu [love hina]
#19 nodoka miyazaki [magister negi magi]
#20 ~TIE~ makie sasaki [magister negi magi], ouka [.hack//the legend of the twilight bracelet]

no surprise about magister negi magi as the story is about a ten year old boy teacher teaching in a girls' school so there is a lot of girls you can imagine. haha. ouka's cute, but not as cute as the top 19. nodoka her fringe always covers her face, but she looks really pretty if you brush her fringe aside. looks like shinobu, but shinobu's cuter. hahah. love hina and magister negi magi are of the same person, so the drawings are about the same. like motoko looks like konoka and setsuna[if she lets her hair down], asuna looks like naru, and nodoka like shinobu. =)))
GAWD... now's it's over, so i'm bored. all over. byeeex.. going to watch rave master on youtube. LURVE SIEGHART, HARU, MUSICA, ELIE 3173!!! =)))

12:20 PM

Never coming home.

wheeeeee... so bored. i'm getting this computer for a week cause dad's overseas. so this computer's sort of mine now, until he comes back and sort of dominates it again. BLAH. wheeeee. haha. just completed the geography test a while back. practically was guessing my way through cause i couldn't find my textbook, until after the test. evil geography textbook. why never appear earlier. lol. geog is like one of my worst subjects. not surprised. class is so boring all thanks to that freaking monotone teacher. no offence, but yah. TRUE WHAT! sj, nat, don't tease ok... so freakingly irritated, sort of, anyway. jasmine keeps inviting the same friend over and it's the one who loves to spend lah. so it's like, spend money lol. wastage. scold her then she threatened to throw my beloved Tsubasa books. throw then throw lah! i throw all your freakingly childish RM books all away. and keep showing off that freaking tamagotchi(no offence huich, i know you have also). i find it's a waste of money unless you got all the time in the world to look after it. WHATEVER. jasmine plus her freaking friend give me irritating trouble. you wouldn't want to be here when she got friends around. whole week lah, with her freak friend. next week's my turn to irritate her BIG TIME. hahahaha. [[sucker]]waahahahaha. gawd, i am so darn bored lah. PEOPLE, for goodness sake, just wake up, use your fingers on the computer and make it work!!!! and then go on MSN. or else the others waiting for you online will get soooooo bored.bye bye. i'm seriously going off to do something. maybe re-emseble the model house mum bought for me yesterday. not boasting, but i'm pretty good and building stuff. NOT REAL HOUSES DOOFUS, model ones... guess i got that skill from my dad. he loves his model aeroplanes like crazy. so whenever mum wants me to build something grand out of the lego/duplo bricks for kristal, she asks me or dad. hahaha. bye bye.. gonna do something to that house. or maybe just make the other one that mum bought. that freaking hard maze thing. byeee....

9:53 AM

Never coming home.