Saturday, April 29, 2006

veryy xiian larhxx... m0ndae g0t basketball practiice s0o ii'm g0iing... 9am-1pm... actualliie me and tansyy and vii0let made plans t0 g0 0ut 0n that daee liike tw0 weekx ag0 t0 watch aquamariine, but n0w ii dun feel liike g0iin wiif them... anyywae, vii0let's n0t g0iin... s0o ii g0iin t0 plae basketball iinstead l0l... yar... g0nna plae @ bukit bat0k there... =D ii <33333333333333333333>

ediittiin miie wiind0wxx mediia player liibrariie n0w... feel liike g0iin t0 plae basketball n0w but carnt... g0nna raiin s0on larhx... but wh0 carex... ii liike watchiing raiin but ii hate gettiing caught iin the raiin... well, unless iit iis a mere driizle then 0kayy l0lxx...

1:30 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, April 28, 2006

ii am sh0 sad... h0w c0me everiib0diie get sh0 go0d resultXx??? unfaiir... ii studiie my heart f0r everiithiing but... ii stiill get sh0 l0w... unfaiir...
t0dae NCC sho fun but diidnt seem fun for PT... ii'm n0t surpriised... t0dae sec 1x went t0 SAFRA f0r sh0otiing... n0t real gun pluxx real bulletxx larhxx... iis computer generated type dexx... vry fun... ii s0 wannae sh0ot agaiin! =D my sh0otiing wasnt tt bad... =D we went wiif mdm leong, encik, corporal samantha & corporal tasmana... yepx.. PT we were iin tiime f0r push-upx and siit-upx... i realliie dun lyk them... then we diid 4-count jumpiin jackx and 8-c0unt jumpiin jackx... ran round the track ii thiink 10 tiimex but s0me sae iish 2.4km... ii dunn0... seemed liike 2km t0 miie... argh, all thx to runniiin plux push-upx, ii thiink ii stretched the back 0f my back... riight siide... sh0 paiinful... carnt walk + siit properly... neiither can ii bend... oWwWwWw... t0dae g0t new siir... ---mr joharii... s0 n0w we leave that tiime hafta sae "thank y0u siir bye siir, thank y0u ma'm bye ma'm, thank y0u NCOx bye NCOs...." argh... hard tiime when ii becum I.C. s0on iit wiill biie miie...
kiinda 0f miixed feeliingx yesterdae when shaniice, tansy quiit the scgs superstar team... kiinda angrii and diisappoiinted... ii even saiid the "f" w0rd c0z ii was s0o piissed... viiolet + joylynn quiit ii thiink thhe dae bef0re 0r s0... 4 pple g0ne, leaviin miie, zeshan, eugeniie, and j0anne... but belle help us fiind new memberx... s0 we g0t niicole chua ( the new leader ), esther, josiie and eiither belle 0r jediidah... c0z belle mebbiie cann0t due t0 her iinjuriie... but she saexx she promiise t0 help us wiif the chorographiin 0f the dance stepXx... three cheerx f0r belle! hahax...
miiss chiia was @ basketball c0urt wiif us duriin recess plaeiin wiif us... sh0 fun! =) then we haf match... cheryl, annabell, kh0on tiing ( iiziit c0rrect spelliing??? ) VS miie, zeshan & miiss chiia... we l0st t0 the 3 0f them... miiss chiia sh0 go0d can sh0ot 3 p0iinter!!! c0z at fiirst we practiisiing 0urselvex... iiz liike 11.00 then we start "match" c0z ouR recess iis 10.30--11.10... when we practiisiing, miiss chiia ask us we practiise f0r wat... then they sae ab0ut the f0lder teotato made up... then zeshan was like " mr teo " t0 miiss chiia... then miiss chiia came 0ver t0 miie and was liike " hazel! mr teo! " argh!!! ii dun liike mr te0!!! naughtiie miiss chiia... and ii was jux ab0ut t0 sh0ot s0mem0re... make miie l0se c0ncentratii0n... haha, ii impr0ve fr0m yesterdae... ii diid 6 freethrowzz iinstead 0f 2... haha... ii sark @ freethr0w larhx... ii diidnt d0 2 poiinter t0dae c0z ii wanted t0 practiise free thr0w... and ii 0nliie diid 6... b0o h0o... yesterdae ii diid 20 2-poiinter + 2 free thr0wxx... =D hawhaw... =P

haiix... miie resultx t0talliie sark... =( stiill depressed... aniiwae, h0pe miiss chiia can plae bball wiif us m0re 0ften! =) sh0 sad... miss ch0ng, miiss chiia g0iin lerhx... mr je0w... mebbiie onliie... T.T and wiish us scgs superstar partiiciipantx t0 wiin, kaexx???

6:28 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

thiird tiime ii p0sted t0daeee...

miie faveXx claSs ( acc0rdiingly )

1) 4J (0f c0xxx... iisnt iit liike realliie realliie obvii0us?? heartXx aNd s0ul iish deRe )

2) 6A ( hahaXx... "2nD mem0riiex" aRe dEre wiif the class... )

3) 1C0 ( unf0rtunately last... c0zh ii havent realliie know y0u galXx yet and iit's a liittle b0riing, ii realiise, without b0iix... i mean... seriiousliie, after all, b0iiXx makE ze claSs liiveliieR... erm... of c0zzh, dere aRe exceptii0nxX... n0 0ffenciie... )

n0w leave miie al0ne iin peace & harm0niie-----

7:20 PM

Never coming home.

posting again coz i have nothing to do ( not exactly though... )

- d r a t x -
me is havin stomach ache now... mux be becoz of the jelly i jux ate... MUX be... yeah... more thingx to add to my misery...

- h a p p i n e s s f o r t h e w e e k -
i got like 4 As and 2 Bs for NAPFA... i got a gold... three cheerx... if only i can get those kind of results in exam... jux that exams are only limited to A1 or A2...

- m o r e d r a t i n e s s -
everything is so not going all right... resultx are miserably finkishly irritatingly N O T G O O D. history 3 testx... i got A1 for two, failed one.. pulled my score all the way to B3... =( T.T let's so not mention about science... it's worst...

- e v e n m o r e d r a t i n e s s -
i have back achex because of yesterday's gym tumbles...
i have neck aches because of yesterday's gym tumbles...
i have knee aches because of yesterday's gym tumbles...
we should just cancel the tumbles...

- f u n n y -
while tumbling, i tumbled into the instructor... hahaxx...

- s a d n e s s -
i'm alone in my world... no fwenxx at all...

6:30 PM

Never coming home.

heyx... too depressed to change the font...
changed my blogskin again anyway...suitx my mood now... and my mood that was when i first came into this depressing world that hates me... scgs giirlx[sec 1s] may have especially heard of the song that is playin coz we did that for music class...unless you didnt pay attention or mrs goh didnt teach you...
extreme depression plays by my side... nobody picks me up, i just stay in the depths of despair... if you ever look down, you may see the sign that says "down here lies a depressed giirl of kylarie". it's just so like the whole world is against me... it seems like nothing can help... the only way out now is to let me play basketball. that's the only way i can feel happy... but if you want to make me happier, let me be with 4J... really really wish there was an ats secondary... i dun care about the principal... i just want my friends in 4J... basketball, i take out my hatred and shoot. NCC cant really help at this point but today the lance corporals were really funny so that cheered me up quite a bit...yepx...well... sometimes i wonder why didnt i put basketball as first choice...
haunted by miseries... there isnt anything i can really be happy aboout... wat everybody always sees is the happy me... but it's all a fake cover. but what 4J girls saw were true feelings... i need nothing, just some silence, where people would just leave me alone and stop teasing me... just get a life would thse people out there? like they got nothing better to do... =(
6A and 1CO peepx, i carnt say i dun lurve you guyx, but i lurve 4J like crazy... <3


i s o c a n n o t c h i l l

i just feel that i am always the left out one... except in 4J [ 'cuse me... but i lurve 4J too much that's why i mention it too much ]

oh well... i'll just go now...
leave this world i never could... leave this planet i never could... but leave myself, i never would...

4:56 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

heyx... i am so pissed... i actually forgot both my email acc the password... shit larhx. argh...

finally, teotato remembered to tell miss leong about the thing that i went to the basketball outin the other day instead of ncc. FINALLY! and when i asked him, he was sucking a lollipop. then he told us (me, violet, tansy and joylynn ) the reason why they gave him a lollipop coz they wanted to tell him that he sucked. wahahaha... clever person who gave him the lolly.

the ncc outing was so fun.. there were 3 game station. one of them was to eat stuff that they made it totally sound like fear factor. we had to eat ribena (not mixed with water) mixed with apple shreds ...and... coffee powder and milo powder... (coffee more than milo) and we had to guess what was the ingerdients and finish it all up. another was captains' ball just that the "ball" was water balloons. so if you drop it, 5 jumpin jacks in the sea dude... another was to put a stockin over ur head and swing it around. at the end it had flour so u are suppose to hit your opponent with it... i played against lance corporal felicia and my eye hit her head... owwww... i was wearin glasses then lahx... so painful so game stop lol... then after that we were given a plate (company game) each, then flour plus detergent was added to it... we played "musical plates"... we had to sit on that gruesome combination. lucky me got out the second round. those who got out had flour over their backs but... WHO CARES MAN! and the people out got to sing and we tricked them like crazy... wahaha... adelia won in the end... three cheers for part as!!! haha.... then we part as hold hands jump into the sea blah... everybody that were sec 1s got wet from head to toe... ( hello... basketball outing we were not allowed to go so deep lah ) we were about to play ball games in the water with a coconut when mrs chia called us back... AWWWWWWWW!!! then we ate like crazy for dinner ( me so hungry ) then hannah chia, mrs chia's daughter ( she got same name plus surname as miss chia, history teacher!!! ) she is so cute! she gave a seashell to lance corporal wenxi coz her bdae todae and another to corporal tasmana and a few to violet coz the shells were purple... but violet forgot to bring them home...

I LOVE THE BEACH DUDE! DUH! haha... me is nutx kayx... me nid go lerhx... got the stupid fairytale to do... byeex

3:38 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

dun bother to change the font but wanna sae somethin quickly coz i gtg sOon... yar.. yesterdae, comin bak from ats, the car was alreadii in jupiter rd thre lah, and near jiamin hse thre le... i was lOokin outta the window and guess who i saw!!! lester walkin, and he was lOokin my way. so for that moment in time, i was starin at him and he at miie... KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... i'm so happiie lah... =] =] =]... up close for thiis yr... some more soooooo up close... gettin all jittery!!! haha... cya pple.

8:57 PM

Never coming home.

hey pple! we're here to rock the beat so come on everybody and move your feet, let's go CO... BLAH BLAH jux tot it sounded nice...

hehx... went bak to ats yesterdae and am goiin tomolo agaiin... coz of mdm ho's bdae... see we so kind, help her celebrate... ahahahaha... yar... so yar... ARGH watevr!!!

i am so lame lar... anywae, let me just officially announced [ hopefully ONCE AND FOR ALL ] i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE, INFINITY HATE TEOTAO SO STOP SAYING THAT I LIKE HIM!!! geddit??? you had better dude... now spread until mr jeow and miss chia AND basketabll sec2 senior, nicole... ARGH i really dun like him larh! serious!!! he tok to me got prob meh??? and harlo, i'm not only hyper in his class but other classes too [ except miss dong and miss ng class] YOU HAD BETTER KNOW NOW... I HATE TEOTATO! you had better geddit now...

7:28 PM

Never coming home.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

woo-pid haha... woo-pid!!! zeshan... remember WOO-PID [nobodii knowz wat i mean by woo-pid other than zeshan and miie!!! ] haha... woo-pid... go find out watx is woo-pid!!! wahaha... i am nutx...


11:41 AM

Never coming home.

who carex to change the font colour anywae...

THANKIE HUICHEN!!! for the cute lil' hammie!!! sistax wanna call it pepe... so weird... but since her sistax are mika and miko, we call it miki!!! haha... let 'em mid up some time, kiex??? cute lil' hammiex...

wahahaha... 2dae jesse mccartney's bdae... ignore me, but he's wayyyyyyyyy cute! haha... so crazy... but mux see look from wat angles, got one angle he look sarky, otherx... CUTE. haha... stupid tagboard got prob lah

anywae, tomorrow got history + mathx test... argh... die le... my history sarkx lah... haha, but for the history quix i got full markx!!! wahaha... i beat zeshan for once!!!
talkin about zeshan, i carnt help rememberin about fridae... when her mum met my mum... [u noe how mums' can be... they'll tok and tok... no offence dude...] then zeshan was thre. then zeshan's mum asked her if she knowx me[ obviously none of them know wahahaha] and zeshan said "yar, she sitx bside me in class" and they were like WHAT!!! haha... then i jux happened to went ovr then...

and for god's sake [this is to the whole 1CO] coz i think this is spreadin like wildfire... I HATE TEOTATO SO DUN COME AND BUGGIN ME ABOUT HIM and heck tat stupid tagboard. yar...

11:00 AM

Never coming home.

Friday, April 07, 2006

hihi!!! i so cant be less bothered to change the colour this time... so pissed. anyway, todae the basketball outing wux fun fun!!! haha... we sec 1s were horrible man!!! haha... we haf the gamex by sec1,2 and 3... ourx was killer... we gave them xtremely sour lemon juice[which i lurved... i dranked 3 cups... haha] which was worse than warheads... and they were to hold water with lotx of salt in the mouthx and put it in a bottle aprox 2m away... so farni... and to blow off flour in a bowl to retrieve the rubber bandx inside... wahahaha... we are torturers...mwahaha... the sec2 and 3 were incomparable... natascha was totally weird the way she sae "come" in chinese and then way her hand gestures were made... lol... for the sec3 game, i was in valerie's team and zeshan was in natascha's team... then valerie was keen on cheatin so when me and nadia didnt help her "cheat", she wanted to throw the stonex at us... haha... but in the name of fun... the bus driver so weird... we were supposed to go east coast, he brought us to west coast... the sec3 and 4 same bus, 1 and 2 same bus... so 2 buses...yar... food was yummy!!! oh yesh, yesterdae so farni, on the wae to 3rd language, me merissa and corporal joella share one umbrella to walk to 3rd language centre as it was raining like dunno wat... wahahaha... so farni. then me and merissa were eatin lollipopx lah... so we were all squished and walked so weirdly that ... hahahaha... carnt stop laughin now thinkin of it... it was a really farni situtaion... then after that, we went to dry ourselves in the toilet as we were 25 min early. yar... so farni... wahahaha... i crazy... somehow, ovr my seniorx... so nice... other than bball...sec3 and 4 well, u noe... the obese onex... they really vry... sarky... i gtg now... buai buai... be back for more! >cheese<

stoopid tagboard...

7:39 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ahhh!!! i am so pissed... dun ask why...

teotato has a face as red as a tomato and he jumpx like a staccato and his toes are as green as a avocado...

teotato sarkx... teotato sarkx... teotato sarkx...

there is obviously somethin wrong wif my tagboard... so pissed... i SO HAPPY... i didnt fail or JUST PASSED the hmt zi du cao cha test, i passed it!!! wahahahaha... and i didnt fail geography test 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesh!!!!!!!!!!! gimme a five... but i still hafta quit b-ball... NO WAY!!!!! my mum saex this comin bball outin may be my last time wif bball seniorx and frienz... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lurve bball[but i dun lurve the teacher in charge TEOTATO or some of the seniorx] yah... so... well. you know... teotato sarkx!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahahahahaha... so evil...

8:46 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

argh i so xian... nothin to do... if u are tokin about hw... LATER!!! i dun really gif a damn man...
went out wif encik yesterdae then 14 pple squeeze in one neoprint booth!!! wahahahaha... natalie was soooooo... happy... =P =D wahahahaha... i m NUTX... obviously...
yesh!!! i'm going for bball outin!!! I DUN CARE!!! i am going not matter what it takex... and... MR JOHN TEO SARKX LIKE CRAZY!!! puh-lease... i absolutely hate him f.y.i.tansy and violet...
i hate mr teo i hate mr teo i hate mr teo i hate mr teo i hate mr teo

geddit???!!! u had better...

4:40 PM

Never coming home.