Thursday, February 23, 2006

today got the workshop thingy... mr smith and mrs smith... zat movie!!! mwahaha... that gossipgirl is really pissing pple off... i am SO NOT SURPRISED... tok later... gotta go out...

7:35 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

argh...wat is with that 'gossipgirl'? she gossip a lot and she knows a lot... weird... she knows wat exactly is going on and what... like tansy's song on***** >ah-hem< tansy-jie only sang it to jed-jie, miie, joylynn-mummy, shanice-mei... who else... oh yesh... jesslyn heard it... violet oso... i think there were 2-3 more but i cant remember who... this is TOTALLY freakin me out lol...TOTALLY
plus...she takes us like... i dunno...she knows about the rat-in-the-toilet-bowl... not surprising... every one knows... HOWEVER...she knows about girls-training-for captains'-ball-match-in-amphi-and-what-happened... that means SHE was there!!! who was there? i dunno... but i TOTALLY agree with her about the clip on the 'memoirs of a geisha' that mr.jeow showed us... "this story is about ...(i forgot...)... but this time, it is a >10sec pause<> haha... it's GEISHA!!! moronic and funny...
and hello...tell miie who DOESNT like shawn and joshua [other than those out-dated de...]? they are xtremely cute & shuai[obviously]... and how does she really know that we went other than a very small number... SHE mux be one that converses quite a bit wif us OR hears everything we say...that means the person is sitting around us... this is so SPOOKY!!!
yeoch... i sprained 2 of my right-hand-fingers today during basketball... quite painful but it numbed itself quite a bit thankx to the HUGE ice-pack... plus... my right leg was swollen coz i was walking back to the queue to do 4-pple-thingy-2-defend-2-attack thing... so i hit the bench and it was like... OWWWW.... but the ice-pack numbed it ONCE AGAIN... and the place was water water... haha... but i wasnt the only one that sprained my fingers... 'ze-ze-jie-jie', esther, who else arh... not sure lehx... then the seniorx all cum and ask us "what happened","are u okay" blah blah blah... u noe u noe...
oh well... i go do work le... byex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [GOT CLASS T-SHIRT LE!!!]

8:15 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i so long no post... haha... coz i cant be less bothered mah... anyway... malacca trip is like comin so soon so i'm like so HAPPY!!! fun fun fun... next wed to fri... LET'S KICK UP THE BEAT!!!
don't you feel the beat?
do any of u pple noe who is slanderin our class pple and totally gossip... it's like jux so freaky lol...
and tat person now then noe i like raymond... haix... not very updated... of coz! raymond's smile is so nice!!! d-u-h... but that gossipgirl is so weird... WHOEVER YOU ARE... watevr... it's like she's tokin about the galx in CO. however, i can say that she is a brave one to write all these but a coward not to tell us who she is... it's the truth ok... i'm not really mad at whoever she is but it is bex that she reveal herself...

5:32 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

hiie pple!
ok... i changed moi blogskin! isnt joshua and shawn ever so cute? i agree. they are so cute! and adorable[ not adorable like babiex lah] and so shuai!!! too bad some pple dun appreciate them!!! awww... pink panther so farni! u pple shld go watch it!!! i lurve moviex and neoprintx!!! okie... i gtg... bb

2:40 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

hii hii!!! tomolo gawd HOLIDAY! three cheers and three cheers for 2005 sec4s!!! hip hip, hooray! hip hip, hooray! hip hip, hooray!!! haha... and tomolo got japanese... 2 see raymond wang... =D not as crazy as last time ovr him... but hiis smiile reallly nice... chels will probably go OMG at this coz chels no like raymond... awwww... but he vry poor thing leh... dun u pity poor lil' him? haha... i am nutx...
CO- once a coconut, ALWAYX a coconut!!!

haha... todae bb so fun fun!!! i lurve defence not attackin man! natasha show us how 2 do the 4-pple-butterfly thing wif shoex & take the ball as a small stick! then one senior wear sock low low. coz natasha prefect mah... so the senior was like "will you book me?" then she reply "yeah" then make her pull her sock higher. say like tat not farniie. u see urself veriie farniie man.

7:36 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, February 13, 2006

kyaah!!! raymond so cute! seriously lol, his smile so nice! --melt away--
we got holidaew on thursday. we got holidaew on thursday. haha. coz GCE'O' resultx miss heng happie happie. so okae lol... yay!!! sportx heatx on thursdaew. so cheer 1CO on!!! haha... aniiwae... after tat go 2 smiley's hse thre do the mascot thingy... aww, cant go watch moo-vie. sho sad. then later gawd JAPANESE! aww... but joshua&shawn cuter! DUH! moii depriived of cute boiix too much bax that ii crazii le! =D
so sad... i no nice nice picture of joshua! the one i haf is he cryin... >sniff sniff<
tomolo is VALENTIME'S DAEW! haha. nigel's bdae oso. happie bdae! haha... i got prezzie 4 miie mortal le jux tat haven wrapped yet! so excited to know hu iish miie angel!
okie dokie! sayoonara!

7:07 PM

Never coming home.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

hiiya!!! studyiin 4 geog test on mon... mon oso gawd chiinese test 2... haiix. but used 2 it coz everii mon got test so prettii ok wiif moii...
ii'm addiicted 2 miie blog song... haha...

5:25 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, February 10, 2006

haha! i changed MuSiC to ashlee simpson's 'L.O.V.E'. 1CO galx shld noe as we wanted to put this as class cheer remember? but obviously no boyfwen part. then cancel coz it's like copy copy. and not allowed...
yo pple!!! hu saw raymond???!!! you shld see him when he smiles. now tat's really cute. tansy, he may not be as cute as you expected, but he really is quite cute, the cutest in class. obviously if got cuter ones, then you noe lah!
qatched 'i not stupid too' wif shanice ker, jedidah and violet today. so nice!!! joshua so cute lolx!!! poor thing leh he... we all cry coz so touching!!! if raymond went, he probably will cry too!!! aww... joshua and shawn, so cute lol!!! so shuai!!! the show so farni and touching... we go cine watch. too bad joylynn, you got tennis if not you go wif us le... tansy oso!!! after the movie, it is natural to take NEOPRINTX!!! we were laughin in the booth and while decorating the picx... [jed, shanice & violet, i pass to u the neoprintx on mon!!! shanice, u oso mux remember to cut!!!]
in skool yuanxiu was like... keep starin angrily at violet... i dunnoe bout miie lah... she is like so freaky. then she was oso badmouthin us [DUH!] i'm so not surprised. anywae, i dun even care. she thinkx she got all the leadership positionx... think again. she alwayx think she is so good lol. then for the captain's ball she say she wif lousy pple. plx lol. she think she so great or wat. tansy is gd at runnin. she can run fast. the otherx i dunnoe though[no offence!]. watever lah she... i know i shld not be badmouthin her, but it's true!!! i cant like keep in within me rite?! duh...

7:35 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

hiie!!! jap class todae so fun lehx!!! jed took 2 videos of raymond so u pple will get to c him finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially peer leader coz she so wanna see him after she keep tokin about him so much... he was like so unwillingly so is tou tou one... tansy, who knows you will like him after head prefect and natasha... => wat so gd about prefects actually? [but you get to book pple which is gonna be fun fun!!! =>]
so durin jap raymond was like " no i dun wanna go to the movies!!! " when asked again he said "no no no no no no" dunnoe say until how long lah but then... so he dun wan lolx. and then he scold us f***. at first he no wan sae... until i say he no COURAGE then he sae. 1COurage rawkx!!! haha... but he didnt get too irritated by us... after class coz i wait same place as him mah... so he was like askin miie "are you hazel?" i was like "duh" then he said "then that girl what name? u noe the crazy girl[jed]" haha... we keep callin jed's name he still dunnoe. stupid lah he! so i say lol... he say he noe her nickname is jed, but dunnoe real name... whatevr... then he ask how we got his number... coz in class jed sae we look in the yellow pages so he ask me izit true so i jux cooked up a lie and said "yeah... we call every person whose name is WANG in the yellow pages and ask for you" and HE ACTUALLY BELIEVE MIIE!!! omg! he is soooooo dumb... obviously i not so free rite... then this hwachong guy which he dunnoe suddenly stand under his umbrella... then he was like "whoah". i suggested that they were gayz and raymond keep protestin say "i dun even noe him!!!" so i was ok lah whatever... then miie mum came soon after lol... kk... i gtg...

8:32 PM

Never coming home.

valentime's day is comin!!! mwahaha... not like gonna celebrate or something... anywae, the angel and mortal thing, i totally dunnoe what to give ... i can't tell or i'll get forfeit. but the first drawing, every one told someone, me included!!! haha. if onliie this time you all include miss chia then fun lehx. which are the teacherx that are included other than miss,miss ng and mrs goh? dun tell miie mr jeow is included!!! coz if he is, i really hope he doesn't draw my name!!! =P =D i'm addicted to s.h.e. dunnoe why... jed is even more addicted to raymond than i am... teacher ask her wat is gd or watever miss ong said, she said raymond... and the look on chels' face appeared again. but, chels, he isnt so bad lehx... other than hot-tempered lah... but not very hot-tempered lehx... but his fwen from rv is soooooooooo nerdy. no offence lah... =D
haix... tomolo got NCC. but less tirin than basketball lah. yesterdae basketball was less strenuous than last wk but more heat, coz sec 1s were in the sun practising the watevr thing lah. i dunnoe what the heck it is called... but i sark at it. duh. i not pro okayx... haha... i dunoe lah...
ok lah... i nid 2 go le lahx...

2:58 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

hiie! so fun so fun the past few daex! now everybody[well practucally] knows who is raymond but haven't seen his face. [chels, u probably go omg at this...] . the peer leader wants to see his photo le and me and jed competing to see who can get him to go with us on fridae!!!
anyway... i found out that smily was actually same k2 class as miie! no wonder she so familiar!!! k2-3 1999 rawkx [other than that stupid yanseng and that freak fwen of his... haha... k2-3 is slowly comin back together... =P => but i dunnoe where the heck daphne went to!!! ahh!!!
claudia and josephine... those two craziie idiotx... gay man, really gay... gif themselvex girl namex... lol... lame lah! but jed, dun irritate them like what you did to raymond and dun draw him on a balloon again and hugging it... or ur handx will be stained all over again... and how the heck are u gonna take photo pf him??? haha
ok... i gtg... sayoonara... watashiwa iie baka, anata baka... jkjk!!!

6:00 PM

Never coming home.

Friday, February 03, 2006

haix... cant stay 4 long... aniiwae... TSUBASA rawkx... haha... jux bein craziie...

8:13 PM

Never coming home.

yo pple!!! in com lab now!!! so xian. do watever dream weaver thingy. heck lah! xian lolx. somemore so cold here lehx... I NID A JACKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tansy n jed watching happy tree fwenzz... haha. tansy jux shrieked coz it was soooooooooooooo gross. i agree...
help!!! i dun understand wat the heck is the teacher tokin about lolx. wat she toks is totally alien to miie lehx... blah blah blah.. later got NCC... hafta go late coz of hydroponicz... idiot lahx... xian like hell lehx... awwx...
leg so pain... aww... sniff sniff... bb so tiring...

8:48 AM

Never coming home.