Friday, December 23, 2005

todae went to scgs lolx... hahaz... mii third language sucessful... => i onlii ats gal there but hu carez??? wah kaoz lolx... mii skool kana sandwiched b/w acsi n st. josephz... 2 freak boiz skool... then the principal so idiotic... she tok tok tok... n then when come to other teach. turn, she cum n sae... i 4got to introduce miiself... LOL!!! wad the... mii mum x-colleaguez daughterz in scgs!!! yeah... gawd fwenz!!! haha... juz bein plain retardid... lolx
then the skool uniform supplier... RUN OUT OF PE MATERIALZ!!! i wanted to bash them up... totallie idioticz... sighz... gtg liaoz... bb

6:15 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

hi hi!!! todae received the stuffie about which sec skool to go...
next yr i goin scgs... nobodii goin wif mii though =< jessica!!! y u never go wif mii!!! y u go rv!!!
haix... xian lahz... nothin to do one lehzz... sleep eat plae com watch tv... WAT ELSE CAN I DO!!! and stupid cousinz... i realli dread their arrival lolx... though they can bii fun but they are REALLY REALLY idiotic... [but i can change nicholson email password... hehe... coz tat time he sign into his email acc for msn, i click remember password. hahaz...]
tomorrow hafta go to the sec skool of our choice... really cannot bii less bothered lolx... but actuallie stay at home oso nothin to do...
thx huichen! for givin mii tsubasa bk 10! now i dun need buy liaoz!!! sakura ish so damn CUTE!!! haha, fye said "she looks so cute even in an embarrassin moment" agree agree!!!
ok liaoz... gtg...
signin offie...
though i will bii back to post more!!!

4:48 PM

Never coming home.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

hiiya pple... sho bored...
okay...the party is tomorrow[which ish gd newz coz i'm BORED TO DEATH!!!] then following day we know which skool we go to then next next daew we go to the skool we r posted to and the next next next dae MII FREAKISH COUSINZ R COMIN!!! hell...
mii holz r sho horrible... great... those impossible moronz... of all holidaez why muz they come thish holidae???!!! but at least got stuff to do... must find a way to get back at those looniez... those loserz... so freakin... but compared to aloysius chan... ermm... actually i cant make a accurate comparison... coz they SUX!!! freakish cousinz... freakish neighbour... cross mii fingerz and hope he doesnt get into st.joseph or else i have to go to skool wif tat loony... which obviously i dun wish to...
but he most probably will get in coz he was from the primary school, st. michaels... boo hoo... of all peepz, i get stuck wif him... how great... NOT!!! loony loser... horrible freak... ok ok lah... he sometimez can be ok but alwayz act clever one... haix... =P
signing offie! see yaz...

11:35 AM

Never coming home.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

hii... so xian now. but past two dayz got some thingz to do and some thingz to be angry over coz mii stupid idiotic cousinz came over to stay...
tuesdae/13 december 2005
the stupid moronz came over. so fed up with them.
they use mii hair and tangled up wif the freak comb. end up, cannot take out. so when mii parentz cum back which was like fifteen min later, they scolded the two boyz while trying to take the comb out. end up, mii dad juz simply broke the comb... and okay liaoz. but i was so mad at the boyz...
went to mount faber which was yawn. coz if euu go nite time nothing one. the second level closed. cannot go. unless take canble car. the two boiz wanted but i am so afraid of heightz. so freak. so it's like nite time so dark plus so ex. so forget it lolz. so spend about the next ten min tryin to stop kristal from running down the slope and fallin down. haix...
nite time brian[the younger one] sleep in our room. gd thing i sleep on the top bunk, unlyk jasmine. so they r practicalli bside each other.
then midnite they wan go plae com. so we set alarm. end up, we were all ready except that big fat pig nicholson... snoring usual...
wednesdae/14 dec 2005
ookae... we woke up at six[not all of us though]. brian woke up first. then he pestered mii to get out of bed... haix...i need mii beauty sleep one lolz. so i just lie in bed first. he ask mii get out of bed and go back the other two. i couldnt be less bothered. duh. so he plae his gameboi first. end up, he couldnt wait liao, so he woke up jasmine. then they go wake up the pig together but too bad... he sleeps like a log[just that this time he didnt hug his handphone...unlike last time.]. later on he wake up. so we went for mornin jog with mii dad along the pathway to the treetop walk. mii hse there gawd shortcut wadz...
walk for 5 min, more likely combination of running, jogging and walking, nicholson got tired liaoz... but the worse was yet to come... have to climb up the steep slope. one moment later ok liaoz... then another one... haix so tiring... so bcoz startin to drizzle so we took the main road back... running. along the way we spotted this realli big snail. so terrifyin. mii dad brought i back to show kristal. [unfortunately... she wasnt frightened by it... but i wasnt realli hopin to hear her scream coz it's terrible... WARNING!!! never stay near mii lil' sis, Kristal Goh XuanYi when she screamz... coz ur earz will go deaf!!!]
reach home,kristal still sleepin. so we fetched mii mum and go eat roti prata. nicholson took egg one, brian took mushroom one[GROSS!!!], jas took strawberri one[wah kaoz so sweet! and she ended up givin everii one a huge piece each. with so little left...she eat half then dun wan eat liaoz... haix. so give the big-eater nicholson lolz].
go home...kristal wake up liaoz. so we go sentosa. verii the long never go but gawd new thingz. first place we go is underwater world. xian. then we saw thish two sharkz mating...look like they fighting lehz. .lolz. so after tat we go sit thish thing called the 'luge'. so fun! we all racing there. kristal sit wif dad. she looked so cute!!! clutch onto the helmet[or watever euu call it]. then to get up muz take the chair lift lehz!!! so scarii. so scarii. so scarii!!! can die one lehz! so high up!!! above the treez somemore!!! i keep tellin miiself not to look down but i dunno how i ended up lookin down. nearlii screamed but cant coz kristal over there... so freaked out lolz... HELP!!! coz we take the 'luge' twice so muz take the chair lift twice... so scarii!!! jasmine suggested we jump down coz our car below. cute lil' kristal said "how to jump down?" goshz, she is pickin up thingz fast. pple sae she is five when she's onlii 2!!! guez she's pretti tall for her age! oh wellz... nothin much liaoz...
signin offie!!! =P =>

10:22 AM

Never coming home.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

so freakingly boredz...
everybodii agreeable to goin to KTV on 30dec? if not...suggestionz pls. then we change venue. [unless euu wanna go J8, which ish so boring, or sentosa which will take 1hr to reach] xian xian xian...

yesterdae go land with yuky and calv... then b4 go eat icekimo again... sho manii timez liaoz. alwayz eat the sundae onez... same three flavour, same two toppinz. alwayz the same...
really wish the party will cum soon. everii dae at home... can die one lehz. face the com screen... same colourz, same website, same thing...
nothin to do, nothin to say... maybe gawd something to sae lah... that THIS IS THE MOST BORIN HOLIDAY...EVER!!!

2:40 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

anyone of euu pple wanna plae bb anytime soon? coz i'm realli gonna die from all this boredom!!! or someone... juz hold a partii or whatsoever... so long no one feelz bored!

6:34 PM

Never coming home.

alwayz so little pple online. haix...leavin mii onlii... yo, can euu guyz go online more often? i am really... REALLY bored
sighz. i wish the day for our class party would hurry up and come... juz now 2pm go lele hse. until 4.45pm. coz she need to go back grandma hse... haix. if onlii can stay longer. we over there plae commie and watch MVPqing ren and wang zi bian qing wa. wad else to do?
xian xian xian xian xian xian... tell mii wad i can do to pass time... so xian...
haiz... no fair... cannot post stuffie in chinese. =<

really damn bored lolz. go internet xian liaoz. it's like nothing to do... mii radio spoil, cannot listen to cd. then some cd cannot play on commie. so sad. lucky this commie juz fix... if not i realli nothing to do. when this commie spoil, i sit on mii bed read book oso read till xian. all the bookz in mii hse i all read finish liaoz... go library the bookz not nice one... unless i stare at the mirror everydae and talk to mii self... then i go mental hospital... but got soemthin good lehz, got mental pple to tok to! haha. JK JK .

6:18 PM

Never coming home.

sorri pple. sho long no write... i am so xian lolz.
though class party comin up but then... IT"S SO LONG AWAY!!! 21 dec... haiz. then 22 we will know which skool we going to. hope everyone getz their first choicey! =>
hey, 30 dec wanna organise class outing go KTV??? at least it's somewhere lolz. plus... the other places in singapore oso go till xian liaoz. very xian
this whole holiday like for nothing. at home, sleep, eat, play com that's it! what's the freaking use anyway? might as well go skool and plae and have fun instead of staying at home and being freakingly bored? haiz...
wanna sleep but juz cant...
signin offie...

1:09 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

i am so so so freakingly bored...

lolz... can someone organise some outingz or party... really darn bored lolz... at home, the same old stuffie... play computer, watch tv, eat, sleep. that's it! yo, no fun stuffiez lolz

thankz to JiaYu for helping mi with mi bloggie!
nothing much going on,

6:50 PM

Never coming home.