Wednesday, December 26, 2007

apparently some people here didn't see the teenyweeny RELINK thing. don't know why i can't enlarge it though, so annoying lawl. haha, hazel has
big enough?(: should be haha!

XINYUAN; miss you too!♥
ANON; you know what? i think you do too(:
AMANDAGOH; relink too! :D
VIOLET; haha whatever! you and your lip piercing tsk! what's with that "123" thing anyway LOL
JASMINEGOH; get lost la whatever! haha
EVA; i think i roughly remember! (: haha relink anyway(: keep in touch anyway haha.

♥ i'm a house of cards in a hurricane, a reckless ride in the pouring rain

1:57 AM

Never coming home.

Friday, December 14, 2007

No we’re not gonna waste another moment in this town
We wont come back, the world its calling out
Leave the past in the past gonna find the future
And misery loves company
Well so long
You’ll miss me when I’m gone
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone


1:26 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Maybe if my heart stops beating
It won't hurt this much
And never will I have to answer
Again to anyone
Please don't get me wrong
Because I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

9:53 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, December 10, 2007

i, am so bored. seriously.

Kristal is like walking around the room, giving me random stuff she can find. first she gave me some coins she found:D then, she found keychains blah. and then more coins :D before that she was throwing the stuff on my bed all over the place. and beforebefore that we were all walking to esso in the drizzle haha. and she was like "i'm gonna win ya Hazel!" LOL. okay now she opened the windows when the aircon is on. i just told her the aircon is on and she turned off the fan -.- tsk. she just took my last oreo waferstick): now i have to go get more sheesh. i got a freaking ulcer (yes Lauren, i spelt it correctly -.- ) next to my gum. and it seriously hurts. sheesh. i wanna get rid of it:(

Genting trip was fun, just that my mum complained alot. and i got like three new green tees<3 and i bought a new cap(: but i still want a new one heh. :D Kristal was damn cute throughout the entire trip. and so coincidental! Alger was on the same coach as me on the way there and back! haha. and on the way back, at the Singapore Customs, cause he was in front of me. then the Singapore Customs guy asked me if he was my dad! HAHAHA. oh Alger, Alger, since when did you become so old(: and for all the three nights i had to get up and off the tv, cause Jasmine fell asleep before i did. rawr.

went to aunt's house don't know when haha. swam and played computer. Brian finally figured out to play Audition and he was trying to play haha. and he still dare call me noob when he himself can't master it properly (neither can i though). we wanted to go play basketball at the courts, but my mum said no, cause it wasn't anyway near. sad. then for dinner we ate crab♥ my addiction haha. yes finally(: the last time i ate it was when Calvin (cousin, not Cheng) was going back to the States. the other crab that they ordered was so eggy, but it was bigger:D Nicholson's sucha pigggg. and we got some funny vids of him(: i left one of my fbts and my SC blue tee at their house:( i want 'em baaaaack. haha.

going to Vivo on friday with Kelly was fun. we camwhored, splashed water at each other (THANKS ALOT KELLY, i had no extra clothes, unlike YOU), arcade-ed (haven't arcade-ed in a veryvery long time), window shopped, shopped, and petshopped:D HAHA I PWN KELLY AT DAYTONA:D:D (she told me not to blog this but oh well). and yes you pwn me at the table hockey or whatever it's called, for the first round(: the second round, it was a TIE(: HEH. and the monster buggy game, haha so funny. Kelly was like shrieking and shrieking>:) wonders how she will be like at House of the Dead(: (BRIAN, if you ever read this, when are we going arcade again:D wanna go wanna go! House of the Dead, it's ON.)

i bought this new tee from fox. it's prettypretty. on tuesday i bought a shirt from Pull&Bear:\ HAZELLLL, SAVE MONEYY! cause i wore my Pull&Bear shirt to the Vivo trip, then my mum asked me where i got the shirt from. HEH. then i just gave some lame excuse "you got it from me longlong time ago, and i didn't wear it. just found it recently" but she didn't really believe. oh and the oh so adorable HAMSTERS<3 they are damnnnn cute. we bought four(: actually Kelly wanted to buy two, but i insisted that it would be so sad to break the four of them up, so i made her buy four, by forking out money for two of them. she called them Kezel, Hally, Hakel, Kehal. i told her not to call them Hakel or Kehal, but she went ahead anyway -.- all four of them are with her, cause my mum will totally kill me if i come back with hamsters. so Kelly, when i come over, i want to see them four! with your other hamham&your CHEWCHILLA:D:D and i'm still waiting for the photos, send me soooooon(:

then saturday, was my estate's Kampong Night. there was nothing much but eat. so i invited Sean over, cause i really damn bored, and he practically the only friend i know will bother to come down, who stays in the estate. i don't know Eleanor's number, and i know Aloysius won't come (duh.) the rest haha, just didn't really bother. at least have someone can already. Jasmine and her friend was kept on irritating me. sheesh. then when Sean went back, i just played with Jasmine and friends in the playground haha. this boy was like trying to push down the seesaw with his own weight against around five people on the other side. i swear the seesaw looked like it was about to break. poor lil' thing(:

yesterday Nicholas Low was like around Thomson area so he pulled me out (literally) of my house to go Esso -.- he was like "you're so short" thanks alot kid, thanks alot. then he was commenting that he hasn't seen me in ages, and that my voice sounded lower. yeah right, whatever. but the mean streak in me hasn't changed. :D cause there was one point in time he tried to strangle me and i just simply scratched him. HAHA LOSER:D and i really hate his memory. it's damn power, and he remembers the stupidest stuff. since primary one, like HELLO, who remembers stuff from primary one. we were like teeny tots walking around blurblur. not for him obviously. got a good mind to kick him when i see him around. my mum saw him, but i chased him away before i reached home. my mum asked me why i didn't invite him in. no thanks man, haha no thanks :D

tomorrow i'm supposed to go out with Lauren, but i haven't asked my mum yet :D she was in one of her freaking bad moods yesterday night. sheesh, damn annoyed. studystudystudy, that's all the hell she ever thinks of. i'm not the study sort(: i want to get out tomorrrrow. but i have to restrict myself from spending. Hazel, stop spending, seriously. since you want that Sony DSC-T2 so much, SAVE UP. stop spending. and Cedric, go die, you get to watch MCR concert and i don't. don't like you HAH.

Hazel wants to switch to, but seriously can't figure out how do you do the skins and stuff:\ someone help me. :D i'm taking up Xanga's space haha. i like Xanga's smileys, they are so adorable(: and my stupid MSN is not opening, i have to restart rawr

; blahblahblah, who's the one who has dance for this entire week(: and last week.(:
; haha really? yaye then i'll see you around! :D
EMELINE; haha yup limegreen♥ prettypretty haha. loveya too!(:
JIAHAO; what puffy! tsk haha since when were you a girl? hah
CHLOE; haha no he isn't.(: Jesse, Max and Jason's hotter. HEH.
JIAHAO; haha i sense sarcasm! :D
KEVIN; haha okay, already loosened :D
AMANDAGOH; youyouyou, stop changing urls. tsk
RACHAEL; haha really? thanks alot for the compliment anyway(:
ETHEL; haha i think we will(: we're practically next door anyway.
JIAHAO; cooled down, loosened up, haha whatever.
VIOLET; haha can't tell who you're talking to :D but the second tag can tell haha.
PASSERBY; NJ's National Junior College(:
PASSBY; haha okaaaaaay.

♥ 'Cause I'm feeling lost when I'm in your arms

6:45 PM

Never coming home.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

fuck man, my mum's on a super bad pms mood. she thinks she can get a hold of me. yeah right in her dreams. she wants me to go on bloody intensive for the holidays. why can't she just get it. it's the HOLIDAYS for god's sake, not eoys period. whole day nagnagnag. she nag anymore i swear my ears are just gonna die off.

okay maybe they are for my own good, but seriously, can she just cut me some slack. i got into NJ, yeah okay, but that doesn't give her the excuse to make me go on intensive. if she keeps using NJ as an excuse, she's making me feel that i shouldn't have bloody got in, and stayed in SC. scream at me whole day long like nobody's business. and she keeps saying that if i don't do what she says, i can't go Genting. big deal, stay at home, and do whatever i want, whenever i want. hur, seriously big deal. she can threaten for all the hella she wants, i don't care lah. i'm damn annoyed lah. stupidddddddddddd :\ fuck i don't wanna care anymore.

to keep things on a lighter mood, JASON DOHRING♥

i think he somewhat looks like Shia LaBeouf, but Lauren strongly disagrees. haha. and Lauren Lam, i'm not a husband stealer:) hell i'm not a slut. you're obsessing over Patrick Dempsey anyway, like Chloe. haha. yaye Jason Jason♥ i've decided to watch TAAHM before i watch VM.(: then i can obsess all the hell i want over Jason. plus i found a website with VM pictures, a Jason fansite. there are alotalotalot of pictures of Jason:D WHEEE. Kelly says Dohring sounds like doughnut -.- at least it seems so lol. and Dohtah, Otah. hahah LOL. :D she's like hoping 98.7FM will pick her (or maybe me) for the Simple Plan private viewing thing. we both smsed. haha. i wanna watch Simple Plan! but freaking hell, it's next tuesday, when i'm overseas. so she says, sell the tickets at around $50-100 each. HAHAH. then we get the money. whooo.

HUICHEN; haha okay. when i finally do my template:)

♥ Every night you cry yourself to sleep, thinking why does this happen to me

8:38 PM

Never coming home.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

move aside Kristen Bell, Hazel's taking over:D

i swear he's like one of the hottest shits. next to Jesse McCartney and Max Thieriot:) no Violet, imma not gonna let you have Max so easily. Jason looks damn cute in Veronica Mars:D:D:D better than that Teddy Dunn. obsession obsession obsession. aye, but Jesse's the cutest of 'em all haha. sheesh Lauren went offline, can't obsess to her ): Laurennnnnnn where are you.

i loaded like 1 VM and FOUR Two and A Half Men episodes yesterday, and had to [x] it cause of TLL. and i have to go for replacement later. ahh i want to watch VM and look at Jason(: so cute haha. but his surname damn funny. i mean like, dohhh :D oh well Jason, i still love you. HAHAH. TAHM is damn retarded and funny. heh. i finished two seasons of that in two days. coolios.

JASMINEGOH; aye whatever, just get the hella out of here.
JIAYU; haha okay, when i'm unlazy to do my template.

♥ Cause love is something you can't shake

5:37 PM

Never coming home.

Monday, November 19, 2007

imma here to blog:) lazy to blog all these times, but now that my Prison Break is still loading, i shall blog:D and tired of everytime come into my blog and see the Kelly post. haha aw no i'm not being mean.

Bad Society chalet was da bomb. (strive to get Aloha Loyang next year!)
Halloween night was tiring.
Kelly staying over was spastic.
Theodore's birthday was spastic as well.
sneaking out with Kelly and Kevin was scary.
going with Kailin to Suntec was funny. (someone fell into the Koi Pond xD )
Stardust with Lauren was retarded. (me want eat Pepper Lunch)
Amanda Chan's birthday was loud.
Nicholas Tan's house warming was tiring. (chasing Kristal up down up down)

and blah, lazy to blog. Prison Break load fasterrrrr ): i'm like stoning in front of the tv, while it plays America Music Awards. haha so funny, Joe Jonas fell while making their oh-so-dramatic appearance. he was like walkwalkwalkBOOM. :D retardd. i don't see Jesse anywhere ); where is he mannn. and Avril's dress sense was like... silver skirt and black shirt so don't go. and knee length skirt somemore. she looked better on yesterday's MTV Europe Music Awards. aye, now i don't feel like watching Prison Break but Boston Legal. tsk. and i wanna eat Pepper Lunch again. me and Lauren were like fighting over the corn bits. she STOLE some from me tsk. cause the corn was oh so lovely:D yaye.

i want to watch The Other Boleyn Girl. the book's damn nice:) i wonder how Lauren's book turn out though. we used our Borders voucher the day we went to watch Stardust. and she got some cute stick man picture on the front book. haha. if TOBG is NC16 or something, it'll be damn sad case luhh. rawr. haha.

i'm waiting for the damn show to load
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and getting hungry,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and hungrier,
and still waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting,
and my stomach's grumbling,
and grumbling,
and grumbling,
and grumbling,
and my fingers hurt.

KELLY; aw you really cried? you lovelovelove me :D
EUNICEGOH; haha yeah, imma going njc ip:\ but who knows, might still see you on the bus:)
KELLY; haha and my mum found out about us talking at night. tsk
ALLEN; go stone somewhere and start emo luhh
AZRY; haha orhokay. same here.
GABRIELLE; haha yeah:)
YENHUA; you cockeye lah you:D my font is okay what heh
=); who the hell are you. that sounds damn bloody wrong -.-
KELLY; yeah man. haha stayover!
MELVYN; you ain't the real one ain't you? hur.
KATRINA; you spastic-er person. tsktsk. you love me more than i love you! yaye. let's go sicc again someday:) and belly piercing next year! :D
KELLY; and you should have stayed for one more night:) haha.
VIOLET; that thing damn bullshit luh. real person your head lah you.
THEODORE; haha no prob. the cake you bring over my house gimme luhh:D you spell wrongly lah you.
XIFAN; haha you love me more than i love you! :D heh
VIOLET; yeah man MAX THIERIOT:) he's oh so cute luh. haha lovelove
LAUREN; lazy to change haha. besides this layout damn green me like:D
ZESHAN; haha yes i know you're damn honoured eh?:)
LAITING; haha cause green is a NICE COLOUR:D yaye love green and miss you too!
JASMINEGOH; i'm awake now luh, you woke up later than me today aw.

♥ Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending, than have to forget you for one whole minute

10:31 AM

Never coming home.